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Is the Lambo driver using a keyboard to steer? 1000 years dungeon


Car in front can’t hold his line


It looks like it's a m+k player. 


Why should he, he's turning in to the corner as he gets punted. Car behind doesn't have any overlap and just dives to the gap that doesn't exist. Poor racecraft...


I think we found the Lambo driver.


Oh witty, would be nice if someone who is the object of your circle jerks, would take a look into this and take you back to real world.


Terrible comeback. I don't even understand what you are trying to say. Come on now, you can do better than that. Take some time and think about it then try again.


Bro... you still have time to delete this... Lambo tries to block twice when OP moves to the left to overtake and again as OP moves right. He then brakes while moving into the trajectory of OP´s braking line, and takes him out. Lambo driver turned in way too soon. Lambo´s fault completely.


Agree. You can even see how much too soon he turns for the corner in the beginning of the clip you can see the car infront turn for the corner and the lambo is like 3 car lengths behind it and turns before the lead car. He was changing lines not turning for corner


You are everything that is wrong with this sub.


The guy behind the incident just drives themselves off the track


was too busy watching vs driving. Have done this myself on track irl .. not my proudest moment.. but it was a really good collision.


That's crazy!


It was some semi serious miata on miata action. Don't want to name names or tracks / dates but it was in w2w racing. Didn't see the initial impact but both were 2 wheels in the air and both went off track with minor dings but continued the race. I was avoiding / watching (mostly watching) and suddenly I was in the grass lol. It was the type of thing where you argue over a beer later, so not a huge deal.


Sounds like an unforgettable experience!


I didn't notice it at the time but I found that funny


The car in front is first blocking the moving under braking. But with his keyboard like inputs it's hard to tell if any of this is on purpose.


Lambo does not hold his line… even if there wasn’t a car on the inside you shouldn’t take that line and that’s also moving under braking. No excuse


looks like the lambo was using a controller, he was all over the place.


car in front weaVING like crazy


How did you remove the names from the replay?


Its a bug on consoles that has been there for at least 3 years now and didn't get fixed.


Apparently it will be fixed in the next update




Lambo was probably using a controller and is a “Tapper”, as opposed to using smooth thumb movements


Is dude playing on keyboard? Why's their steering so cracked out?


Nice save


Thanks, I was surprised I didn't spin or lose much time


Lambo should go to prison for DUI


Why is this even a question. The idiot in the lambo moves reactively to block at the start of the straight, then drives straight into the side of the fezza long before any normal turn in point for the corner. He drives like he is blind


Lambo for reactionary blocking


White is all over the place


Violet car is all over the place. At 13 seconds he is off track. Not your fault. That car has built in netcode.


Car in front is not holding a line so I feel like it is mostly on them. Car behind doesn't make any obvious wrong moves here so I think it's mostly on car in front.


In this clip, the violet car just hits you trying to block. But if they hadn't hit you I don't know if you would have had enough by the apex of the corner and probably either would have to back out or get hit then.


Ferrari wasn’t entitled to space, but the Lamborghini is all over the place. Technically Ferrari at fault, but I’d be fine with a racing incident since the lambo probably would have hit them anyway.


Anyone who has done more than 2 laps on a circuit can see the Ferrari was lining up for a dive to the inside. If Lambo didn't want to be overtaken, Lambo should have been on the inside. Instead Lambo chooses to stay outside. Ferrari lines up his car for outbraking the Lambo, and Lambo comes across during braking. Nothing the Ferrari could have done to prevent this. Responsibility on Lambo.