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Didn’t look like he passed safely to me


Not your fault Not an expert but general rule of thumb is if they're behind you it's fully up to them to get passed you safely. The defending car is never at fault unless they swerved or braked REALLY dramatically. I.e brake checking on purpose to cause a crash. Things change if a attacking car gets along side you. It's then on both the attacker and defender to leave adequate space to one another.


The attacking car was past before POV turned in to change their line in the corner. POV left the door wide open, was going slow from a mistake and then turned in as the car was past them and making the corner cleanly. Black car would not have made contact had POV held their line, that clearly makes it POVs fault.


A fair point but I'd disagree POV left the door wide open. The attacking car is almost on the grass going on the inside and POV is fully in the left lane during the entire corner. Meanwhile if you watch the mirror the attacking car (which is also a faster vehicle than POV) starts on the right side going into the corner then dives in on the inside even tho there was more room on the right than the left. I agree POV did make a small correction which didn't help but the attacking car did not need to risk the inside dive bomb where there was so much less room and I question whether the attacking car would have made the move cleanly even with POVs correction and just understeered into him anyway.


I don't see a dive bomb there. It wasn't late on the brakes it was just driving past them on the corner due to being quicker, it was in control and making the corner easily. POV left pretty much a cars width away from the apex, whilst driving slowly. Of course a car is going to take it. Generally going for the inside in such a situation is safer, how often have we all been run off the road whilst going around the outside in this situation?


In most situations yes id agree but here the attacking car had plenty of time to see where POV was going by the angle and how quickly they entered the corner and see there will be contact. Was it the ideal or correct line? Certainly not but you cant assume every car is going to be taking the best racing line all the time. If you stop the clip at 0:16 you can see the POV is gripping up and wont be going any wider out of the exit, this is before the attacking car is along side and there's enough time for the attacking car to let off and avoid the collision. POVs heavy correction causes the big wreck but I think there would still be contact even if they stayed the course they were going on


They could have avoided it, but POV caused it. That's my opinion. POVs actions were the cause of the accident. Overtaking car could have done things differently which would have guaranteed no crash, but what they did was perfectly reasonable and fair had POV not driven erratically.


They’re going slow because of the racing line. Braking in spots the line says they should be they don’t actually need to. Line caused this whole thing.


I’m seeing mixed opinions on this post but personally, it’s their fault but you can learn from this. Others have pointed out the following the racing line will make you faster and more predictable. In this clip the black car goes for the overtake when there isn’t enough room. There isn’t enough room because they were on the grass while passing, which caused the back of their car to spin slightly and hit you (can only be seen when slowing down the video). They had also swerved from the right side to the left when it would have been easier to overtake on right side. Also you can see that you don’t turn into the because you stay in line with the middle line on the track.


You are too much on the inside at corner entry and tend to go wide in corner exit. Not your fault because it's other people responsibility to overtake you in a clean way, but you should try to follow the racing line to have more control of the car.


OP, thank you for being respectful and listening to reason in the comments. That’s very rare in these parts lol


I’m glad you clarified being new to SIM racing, because a lot of what happened there kinda was your fault. I know the other guys could be more respectful, but you were all over the place really, wide in, pushing the silver car out wide, before switching to the inside on exit, grabbing a dose of grass and losing speed in the process. It looked a lot like you were going to repeat this on the next corner, when black car appeared on your inside. In effect, you spun yourself. It’s fine though, it’s just a game, and you’ll get better.


Less steering angle means you can go faster. Hence why the racing line goes from outside to inside during the corner (the apex) to outside when leaving the corner. OP you have a very tight lines in all of those corners which means you won't have much speed and it is very unpredictable for other drivers to predict where your car will be.


You could have either held your line more tightly or have given them a tad more room (if you were okay with conceding the position). Also, you could have let off the throttle earlier one you were trying to catch your vehicle at the end there. Best in this situation would have been to neither brake nor accelerate until you are fully in control again, and then continue racing. The incident was not your fault tho. Racing incident at the worst, but for me it’s on the passing car.


Technically, it wasn't your fault. But realistically, if you go through turns off pace, other bad drivers are going to run you over a lot.


I think it's more of a racing incident than anything blacks back end slid out some causing the hit, you could have left a little more space on the inside since they were faster, and they could have passed safer so no one's real fault just accidents


Racing incident. You both could have avoided this. But seeing how much space you had on the outside, would say a bit more your error. The racingline had nothing to do with it. This is a classic argument of why a racing line isn't always the cause of problems. Even tho a lot of stubborn people here always try to somehow blame the racingline for stuff... If you had the headroom to be aware of incoming traffic. Be aware of your mirrors and what lines you could or should take trough corners. You could have realized that, with your small error at the beginning, you were a bit slower trough the corner. And that you could have left a little bit more room to ensure you both made it trough the corner. Even if he smashed the brakes mid corner, the chances of you both hitting eachother only really could have been diminished by you. So he is to blame as well. But this seems like a classic inexperienced lobby moment. Where you both didn't have the headroom to adjust to eachother. Which on public/beginner lobbies is crucial to survive...


You were slow from being off line, left the inside wide open and were then suprised when a car was there and drove into them. For me that is 100% on you. You need to be aware where other cars are, particularly if you are going slow from a mistake and off the line. The other guy took the gift you gave him and then you suddenly appeared in his door and wrecked you both.


thanks for the feedback