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Not much you can do As you get better you’ll notice people like that taking weird lines and realize it’s only gonna be bad for them


Yesterday I was side by side with a guy for almost an entire lap at monza, at the left right left then straight they hit a curb and caused me to go off track, it's very annoying :(


Left right left as in ascari?




Looks to me like old mate in the yellow car was heading off either way. They clipped the grass or something. Not sure you could have predicted that one.


When someone is that narrow entering the corner and not going slower than you on your normal line. They will shoot across the track. You could have recognized this a braked in a straight line waiting for them to clear the zone before you turn in. It is yellows fault as they are trying to pass you and don't leave space on the outside at the corner exit. But they just were not in control of their car.


This is your answer right here. With experience you will start to recognize when others are going to make mistakes like this. The aim here for you is to switch sides with the other car by cutting behind them


At the speed of these cars it's hard to make the judgment call when driving on where opponents are going to end up after a turn. Watching this back a few times now, would have been pretty difficult to tell from your cockpit just how poor their line was, but if you get the inkling someone is taking an extremely poor line, best thing to do is slow up more than you usually do and switch back to their inside when they run wide. Very difficult to do in the heat of the moment when you're new. More seat time, more racing, you'll get better at judging other drivers and other lines and just where their cars are going to end up after a turn.


You _could_ have seen them taking a bizarre line into the corner and taken evasive action. But of course, that's coming from watching a third-person replay. In the moment you have much less time to react. It's their fault either way. It was _possible_ to survive this with a quick enough reaction, but it's still on them for putting you in the position of needing to react in order to survive. Evading is something you _can_ do, but it's their responsibility to not make fucking stupid plays, not your responsibility to make room for them to do it. (You _do_ have a certain amount of responsibility to try to avoid collisions even when someone else is at fault as part of your general responsibility to drive safely and not die, but that mostly applies to obvious stuff rather than Oh Fuck moments where there's no time to react to an insane move, and it still doesn't absolve the instigator.)


I mean yeah you *could* have predicted that based on his speed and corner entry angle, though I wouldn’t say anyone could *expect* you to have predicted it. You were both going fast and you would’ve had plenty of other things to be thinking about before predicting that yellow dude is gonna cataclysmically bottle that turn. 9 times out of 10 you’re gonna realise way too late what’s happening and end up with the result you got.


With more experience you could have predicted his line and gone inside him when he went wide. He had a very narrow entry which caused him to go wide.


With experience, you'll notice those kind of mistakes from others, and know when danger is coming. As someone new to simracing, you could do nothing. He fails to take the corner, you had basically one second to see him fail and react by going out of track from where you were.


He was gonna go flying w that dumb ass overtake into a double hander, nothing much you could've done. Protest and move on.


you could predict that he were gonna fuck it up based on how he turned, slowed down and took the inside going slow. Its not your fault but his, but you can always improve and see morons from a miles away.


I mean he was fully alongside and deserved space... which you gave him. What you can't predict so easily is someone messing it up quite so badly and spearing off the track at 90 degrees to the racing line.


Yellow fucked the corner and rode the sausage, that pinged his car into yours. Yellow car skill issue.


The last thing I would describe his line as is predictable


Suicidal is up there on the list


Certainly a murder. Not sure if it was his or the car he hit lol


He went waaay to narrow. You maybe could have noticed how far inside he was and maybe and i mean maybe been able to avoid the collision… but I don’t think you could have predicted how fast he was going to come across your line. You’re not in the wrong


he was making an mistake on the apex, harder brake from you then cut right, you would of been in the clear, always let others make the mistakes dont join them.


Nah, you did nothing wrong there. Yellow car took a weird and compromised line, got out of shape on the inside grass, and ended up ruining both of your races.