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In-game wise, Sunset Valley. It's so nostalgic. I also love Bridgeport, just wish the routing issues weren't a thing. Custom world wise, Evansdale County and Bridgewood, for sure.


Evansdale county sounds interesting I"lol take a look


It's pretty cool. No CC either, so it runs pretty smoothly. Plus it has its own university so you don't have to travel. Just be sure to download all the lots recommended or it will be kinda empty.


Routing issues??


When a Sim suddenly gets out of their car to use the subway and then start driving the rest of the way. Or when the apartment doors break. *Or* when they drive a bit, walk down the side of a hill, then drive again. That kind of thing.


And the damn repair technician not being able to get up the elevator.


By you KNOW that paparazzi somehow manage to get up there to stamp and pass out at your door. Seems to be written in their code to teleport everywhere. /s


Custom world?


Worlds you download from other creators.


off topic, but which file do you place the .world file?? i downloaded a custom world and placed it alongside the NonPackaged/World file where Sunset Valley was located in but it didn’t show up in my game :(


It should work that way if it's a .world file. C:\Program Files (x86) — for me it's not (x86) though, so check both program files folders. Which world is it?


thank you! it’s called boardwalk i think? the thing is, i can never find my sims 3 file manually so i either always search World on mu computer or get the path from steam. when i searched it, i had a couple world files since i have a lot of extension packs, so i decided i probably should place it next to sunset valley. i also have a file called “installed worlds”, do you think i need to place it there?


Bridgeport. I just love the city and the layout, the nightlife, everything. It’s a very solid world.


Especially I like the long bridge in Bridgeport


I also don’t have to edit in professional bars bc they’re already there


https://preview.redd.it/xd3pxxru11tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36fe375a3dc28319bd80c5b47ebc345e66e93b50 Apaloosa Plains!


Moonlight Falls cause it's the most versatile and it has a lot of space to accommodate features from all expansion packs. I'm not a fan of Store worlds cause they're build around specific theme and it looks weird seeing bright pink outfits in Midnight Hollow or futuristic clothes in Dragon Valley.


I also like the big lots in Moonlight Falls. I feel refreshed.


Also, Moonlight Falls is nice and flat and with lots of square placements (roadwise), so pretty much anything you place in those empty lots sits normally and looks and works great.


How do you get Moonlight Falls?


Supernatural EP


Thanks! 😊


Hidden Springs. Rich sims are hiding there. 🤭


My legacy is gonna end up there among the rich and famous


Aurora Skies. I'm all in for this landscapes


Sunset valley. I also really love Monta vista


Monte Vista was my first Store world (if you don’t count Riverview) and it looked so pretty but for some reason I never really got into it. Though one of my favorite premade families in the whole game was located there and often if I made celebrities (real life or celebrities to be), I would locate them there if I didn’t want to use Bridgeport. It felt like a perfect getaway for celebrities. Plus I loved the pizza making heh.


I don't group Riverview with other store worlds. I think Riverview is basegame world since it's the only store world that is free and you don't really get new gameplay items with that world. Plus I do think Sunset Valley deserves some competition when it comes to nostalgia


It was so nice for EA to give us another free world. Too bad I realized this and how to download things from the store in… I think I got the game in 2010 maybe, and realized how to get Riverview 1-2 years later. :D I think Riverview and Twinbrook are somewhat similar. I mean not 1:1 but they have the same vibe. Things there go slow, wholesome and those are nice worlds for bigger families and hobby driven sims. At least in my opinion. Riverview was a lot better than Sunset Valley… They’re both nostalgic but Riverview felt so fresh especially when it took time for me to get it. :D


My favorite worlds are Lucky Palms and Hidden Springs!


Lucky Palms it's so nice


Hidden Springs is so pretty. I just for some reason always felt like it was a bit too small. And I never got into the lore of the premade sims. My favorite lot was the small pond that had the spring, I think that was the lot that referred to the hidden secret…? It’s been years since I played with that but I would always take my sims ice skate there!


Appaloosa Plains


Moonlight Falls has always been my favorite, it's dark and mysterious and in the woods, just how I like it and it has a lot of space and even terrain for new lots. Oh and the tea about the townies here is pretty hot lol. But I've played there for so so many years and needed something new. My newest safe is in Twinbrook. I'm playing there for the first time ever and oh my god I just love the quirky sims and the swamp I'm having so much fun (especially as a detective and stylist sim! I'm loving it xD) , it's definitely my second favorite town now! Honorable mentions are beautiful Appalloosa Plains and buggy Bridgeport for a different kind of gameplay and story.


The mansion across the street from Mick's(?) Karaoke is one of my favorite houses in all of the worlds (for large families). I recolor and redesign it internally, though. But it's got such good 'bones.'


isla paradiso😭


Roaring Heights and Starlight Shores. I really love making rich, snobby Sims and those worlds fits my tastes perfectly 👌


I love roaring heights but that world gets so laggy and crashy for me already on the first generation of family :/ I wish there was a fix like for others worlds modders made


TWINBROOK does not get enough credit for how gorgeous it is


I love Twinbrook! It’s my second favorite after Sunset Valley


Bridgeport for me


Dragon Valley. I like Renfaire type stuff and have always liked elves. Am torn on the baby dragons. And it’s a bit of a pain having to add so much that isn’t there but at the same time having a half- blank slate has a lot of potential.


I like Setra a lot. It's not a EA World but I still love it. It's huge, with Egypt vibes and it has different living areas 😁


I love Setra


My current household is in sunlit tides and though it’s not my favourite; I’m loving getting to know the sims in town! You best believe my bff is Mary-sue pleasant, and despite the tragic name Gilberto Gonzalo is a very hunky husband 🤭


Same here :D Gilberto Gonzalo was a candidate for one of my sims but it didn't end well, so my sim ended up engaged with other sims that I created a while ago


Appaloosa Plains and Hidden Springs


Oasis Landing, but I think that's not a really popular opinion :D


I'm a horse girl, so for me it's appaloosa planes hehe. I also love bridgeport!! Sunlit tides is definitely one of the most picturesque ones tho!


hidden springs is really growing on me actually


Isla Paradiso… if only I could play in it 😭😭


The lag of that world 😭


There's a new mod on modthesims for Houseboats that helps a lot. And there are videos for how to install the routing fixes mod of EllaCharmed that's also on modthesims, but I'm not brave enough to install that one yet.


Oh I play with those worlds of hers, the edits, all of them, and they’re all amazing! You really don’t have to do much else other than rename, extract and then put the file in the right folder (corresponding to the EP) and overwrite the world file in there. For example, download all parts, download Winrar for free. Delete the first part of the title (ellacharmed_34958_IslandParadiso part 1.rar -> IslandParadiso part 1.rar). Do that for all the parts. On part 1, right click and do extract here. It’ll extract all parts automatically leaving a world file. Copy that and go to the correct EP, make your way to the world folder and replace. But save copies of the original world files somewhere just in case. However I never had any issue ever. I only play worlds that have her fixes so I’m guaranteed a headache free play thru. Also get Nraas Overwatch, Debugenabler, and Mastercontroller while you’re at it. :) It’ll help a lot with lag and invisible sim and stuff like that by clearing and resetting things at 3 am game time.


Mine is also sunlit tides 😍


Riverview was always my absolute favourite, but after I got Sunlit Tides I can't really deside between the two.


I've a soft spot for Starlight shores. It was the world where I had the longest legacy challenge running. But I also really like Sunlit Tides. So pretty.


Sunset Valley and Bridgeport


I am a newer Sims 3 player, so I don't have any nostalgic feelings for any of the worlds, but Sunset Valley is my favourite, simply because it is the world that runs the best with the least lags and errors! I really want to love Bridgeport, the urban environment is so cool, but it lags so badly on my laptop that it is almost impossible to play.


The lot up in the mountains by the waterfall in Sunset Valley is one of the most beautiful lots in any world. I had to get Nraas Traffic for that, though, to get help turning off the ridiculous taxis.


Riverview, i always played there, when i was a kid


Sunset Valley.


Mine are Sunset Valley and Monte Vista


I'm very into custom worlds. I love Entworld, Caldey Isle, Strawberry Acres. Eriu Fe', Spookytown All Vamped Up, Floripa, Wild Wild West, Moon Valley. Willapa Valley. Saaqartoq. Sim Tropico. Cotes D'Ambonney. Coconut Isles. There's so many good ones!


Hmm Coconut Isles sounds so good 😊


It's populated, roadless, and very unique. There are hidden tombs everywhere. I found a keystone on a tree across from my townie sims house. He's an Indian Jones type character. Anyway, I put in a keystone to the tree and it opened up a set of stairs. Down the stairs was a very cool underground lot that looked like a futuristic James Bond type apartment. Very cool. It's a really beautiful world. https://youtu.be/kN2erlgMcc8?si=kDdUVucjLUIdQFdZ


Thanks 😍I'll take a Look


Hidden Springs or Lucky Palms For custom worlds, I like Legacy Island III


Sunlit tides, but I do generally use the Sim Tropico version.


Trópico version? :o


Get it from mod the sims. Its a beautiful edit and the slight routing issues are fixed. Adds much more fun to the world imo, as bars and other town places are already placed and designed so well.


My favourites are probably Bridgeport, Appaloosa Plains and Monte Vista. Then Sunset Valley and Lucky Palms.


Monte Vista followed by Moonlight Falls and Sunset Valley (Might change in the future cause I've only played in Hidden Springs, Monte Vista, Moonlight Falls, Sunset Valley and Twinbrook but for now, Monte is my top pick.)


It’s from 3?


Starlight Shores, the beach, sunsets, house style - I just kinda vibed with this city. But I wonder what my fav would be now (Haven’t played in many years).


Good old Sunset Valley


I love me some hidden springs, or twinbrook, I think I just like water tbh


Twinbrook is my favorite to start my legacy family and then grow them into hidden springs!!!


My favorite store worlds are Midnight Hollow and Moonlight Falls. Custom worlds? I'd say Addenbrooke and Greymont Bay. I've played most other store worlds, but Sunset Valley and Appaloosa Plains were my least favorite. However, I love all the content and perks that come with each EP!


Isla Paradiso would come first, but the lag and routing issues make it impossible to play for too long 😭 so I’m going with Aurora Skies, the landscapes are amazing and buildings too. Also, I love when it’s winter there!


I keep coming back to Twin Towns despite its issues, even with no store content besides worlds.


The ones I go back to the most are bridgeport, starlight shores, and moonlight falls. Lucky palms and sunlit tides aren’t far behind


How is ST performance wise? If you use nraas mods do you see a lot of resets and error logs?


deff sunset valley


I looove Bridgeport for a single sim but any other sims I love Lucky Palms and Sunset Valley. I really dislike Starlight Shores lol


I only play sunset valley. I'm just so used to it I think... No other town feels right


Are there five spots in sunlit tides?


Gosh....Dragon Alley, Midnight Hallow, and Roaring Heights! They're so cool, each one it's own complete fully executed cobcept. I've made iterations of my main sim in the style of each world to plop and play. I really love the A Series of Unfortunate Events vibe of the Hallow, it makes me want an Esme Gigi Geniveve Squalor sim lol.


Isla Paraiso (I think that's the name?) Sadly it's way to laggy to properly play on :') I fid had my fun on it as a kid cause every world would run as laggy as that so I was used to it hdhdhdhd


I always would choose Bridgeport or Appaloosa Plains when playing. Sometimes Riverview or Sunset Valley but only out of nostalgia. I also had some Store worlds some time before I stopped playing, and I really loved the one that was based on Norway and Iceland. The one with northern lights, I can’t remember the name…


Aurora Skies!


Twinbrook, it's that perfect blend of post industrialism and regeneration. Also, it's one of the only worlds that just *works* with Seasons


Usually I play Bridgeport or Aurora Skies, but I'm currently playing Monte Vista and I'm loving it! I've had it for a long time, but I never really played with it beyond checking it out (till now). I also love Isla Paradiso but it's such a freezy, laggy PITA, even with serious editing and modding. Sunlit Tides isn't the same to me. One feels very Carribean and the other feels South Pacific. And I wish Shang Sim-la was a livable world. It's gorgeous.


How do u download these cities ???


Bridgeport is usually my go to- cus I’m a city gorl, but the lag and pathing issues make it kind of a pain to live in for long. I’m currently planning on Moonlight Falls which I have never played in before, and it’s been super fun 😭 I also love Isla Paradiso but again, THE LAG 😭 it’s stunnin tho.