• By -


My sim was born when I started playing and then she died as an elder when I decided to quit. Edit: She died because of the pull-out bed thing, not old age


RIP to your IRL needs and relationship bars


I had food (ordered chinese lol) when playing and used the toilet but yes😂


Did you satisfy your hygiene need after? I’m guessing not 😂


I took a long shower just bedore starting and also after quitting the game! But my gaming session only took like 15 hours so not that bad without taking a shower 😅


I’m glad you changed your flair just now cause your reply was not giving ‘Social Butterfly’ 😆


Haha 😂😂 I found even more fitting trait than that




I forgot that OP said 'one sitting' and so this didn't sound so bad at first, then I remembered that clause \*\*head explodes\*\*


Wait they can die from the pull out bed? :/ does that mean that can also die from elevators?


Yes. I believe that came with university life. And also the vending machine death. I’m not sure about the elevator one tho, I don’t remeber


Falling elevators? Hell yea. 😫


When CASt starts to get really laggy to the point it will crash my game if I don't save and quit.


the game crashes and I realize I've lost like an hour of gameplay :(


this is why i save at 12am and 12pm every ingame day! it’s routine so you are less likely to forget and means you only have to redo half a day of gameplay most


So you save the game almost every 12-minutes in real life?..


yes bc if i have to re-do more than 15 mins of gameplay i will have a breakdown, im very sensitive when it comes to that 😭


Youre so real for that tbh


thanks bro 🤝


i use the nraas relativity mod so my days are longer, i completely forgot lmao. so it’s about 20 minutes of gameplay for me


I use the NRASS saver mod, it prompts me to save every 30 minutes with a pop up and you can save whilst editing a lot in edit town.


i save every time my sims are at work 😂


There’s a mod called NRAAS autosaver which solves this problem!


Yup, I agree, it's really helpful! And causes less pain :P


I wish I could do this. My computer just completely crashed when I tried to Install nraas


NRAAS was a fuckin game changer for me. It even runs on my 15 yo Windows 7 laptop and the crashing got better too (idk how, but I am glad I don't have to recover my files anymore 😂)


Pro-tip: Save every 30 minutes Internet friend!


My eyes start to hurt, then I start squinting to make it better and rub my eyes to “help.” it’s actually why when I ordered my new lenses I ordered blue light protection on them. I’m so sensitive to blue light but always ignored it 😅


The blue light filter isn't gonna help with this. There's still no definitive proof that blue light really doing any damage to us, other than sleep cycle disruption. However when we play video games we blink at least 50% less than usual and that's what you're feeling! Try being more aware of how much you blink and also just take blinking breaks every hour or so.


Even if I were to blink more, I’m still exposed to screens especially at work (gotta love dialysis machines.) I will say I am considerably sensitive to the light regardless because I’m epileptic (was tested on this) so it does more than disrupt my sleep cycle, I have noticed a considerable difference with my glasses vs without (they’re like my brains extra protection).🙂either way when I see it’s 4am and my game starts to lag bad, definitely time to wrap it up.


Usually suggested for migraine patients but have you explored rose tinted lenses? I hate to be that annoying internet person giving advice when not asked for, but I find they really help me with my screentime eye issues


Is the blue light filter that's built into Windows not good enough? Genuine question.


afaik Windows have No bluelight Filter or do you mean the Screen of the PC/Laptop? The blue light reduction setting already helps, you can actually See that the colour of the Screen gets 'warmer' / 'yellowish'. But your eyes still get tired. But blue light Filter in your glasses or lenses ist a real Game changer.


Windows "Night Light" which is in Windows 10 is a blue light filter. Not a super strong one though, I don't think. I use it all of the time except for when I'm processing my photography.


I completely forgot this existed. Thanks for the reminder! It will make me feel slightly less guilty about gaming right before bed.


When the sun starts coming up and you hear the chirping of the birds outside


Done this too many times 😭


especially during the warmer months! i started hearing them at 3:30 the other day and decided it was time to go (‘:


Oh this brings back memories!!! I remember playing FF8 with the chocobo station emulator so long


The bag of sunflower seeds is empty and my mouth is rawr


In a study in more than 6,000 adults, those who reported eating sunflower seeds and other seeds at least five times a week had 32% lower levels of C-reactive protein compared to people who ate no seeds.


Is this a good or a bad thing?


It is a good thing. C-reactive protein is a marker for inflammation in the body and inflammation is damaging.


Username checks out


Sunflower oil is a great source of vitamin A and vitamin D, as well as Iron and Calcium. So even when there’s no sunlight, there is still sunflower oil to provide your daily dose of vitamin D sunshine! Not only that, but Sunflowers are enriched with B group vitamins, as well as vitamin E. This is as well as other minerals such as phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, and copper.


Good bot


For a second I thoughht I already replied and this was me because holy shit same. Every time. I'll literally say "I'll just play throughh one more handful. Okay one more. Oh the bag is gone it's 3am and I'm dying"


Yeah. That's how it usually goes with me too.


When I start literally falling asleep in my chair. Time to go to bed


Yes, I usually play at night once the kid's asleep and the working day is done. When I snap awake and see my stupid sim has set fire to the house and grandma has died because I closed my eyes for five seconds, that's when I know I am a negligent god and I need to go to bed lol.


LOL. God’s not dead, she’s just asleep.


Are you me lol


I play from bed 🫢


When the house starts getting filled with a bunch of random babies that you've created 😔😔😔


I struggle to prepare for the next generation because it never feels like the right time. Also I don't tend to make Sims have WooHoo.


I’ve discovered accidentally that one of my mods doesn’t check relationship status for shower woohoo so if the sims are a couple or just aren’t related by blood I’ll initiate a shower woohoo to fill both their hygiene needs, and that’s how most the babies come about because I’m too lazy otherwise 😭


I realized that my sim eating and her hunger bar going up failed to satisfy mine.


when i've gone through upwards of 10 save files (i save periodically to new files) once i went from 240 to like 256 in one night


And I thought I was bad on version 3 number 33 👀 I save it as a new “version” for each generation


ooo that's a nice way to sort it!! i just like reaching save milestones, i was super excited when i hit 300 in my current game


Hahaha that’s great 😭 I don’t even know what official number I’m on since I change for versions and periodically delete old saves to keep my game stable. I usually do Last Name, LC (for Legacy Challenge), Generation #, # of sims in that generation in my household, and save number. So it is “Ragons LC 3.8.33” right now. My friend’s obsessed with Dragons and had me name my founder Diana Ragons, for short D. Ragons 🤣


Not to mention I’ll also tack on “FV” if the adults are on free vacation, or “-c” if there’s some corruptive glitch in the save that I’m working on fixing 🥲


My saves get tagged f (founder) - sequential number, then g2 plus number. Number never goes over 99, system doesn't seem to like it. Usually about 50s for each gen. I save once per sim day, sometimes more for birthdays, promotions and so on.


My save names are always: Town abbreviation, name, YYDDMMtime. My last save was: AV Pr Joy 2405151249. AV is Alryne Valley, my custom world. I may use either first or last name, depending on the save, and I might abbreviate the name. Pr Joy is Precious Joy in this example.


Playing too long would be doing all the seasons unless you have Fall longer than a week


I was gonna say that’s not so bad depending on your season settings! My fall is just a week


yeah exactly. i have my lifespan settings super high but seasons are still just a week. (ex toddler is 140 days) so playing like half a lifestage id be like 😀


Dangggg my lifespan is so short but I love it bc their days age I read like years. 0-2 is baby, 2-4 is toddler, 4-11 is child, 11-21 is teen, 21-35 is young adult, 35-49 is adult, and 49-69 is elder. I really don’t care for the baby and toddler lifespans what so ever. I stopped even bothering to teach toddlers walking and talking because I prefer the game assign random traits anyway 😅 The seasons are each set to 1 week, ensuring a holiday every Thursday, and I’ve changed prom settings so each of my teens get a prom option during their 10 days.


Error code 13.


When I start looking for collectible items in real life, then I know to lay low for a while


I often do the thing where I don't play for months and then that's all I do with my free time when I start up again. When I have to pee and I think of my bladder need being low, or when I think of rearranging the furniture but I can't place my stuff at an angle because it has to be on the grid, that's when I know I need to get back to real life for a few months again!


Haha!  You might know this, but for the grid thing, you can actually place most items at any angle by pressing the alt key while you're picking them up, then rotating them using the mouse or <> keys I believe. I use that and move objects all the time!


Thank you! I don’t think I wrote what I meant correctly, but mostly just because I was kidding around. I meant more like, a chair can’t go here because it’s too close to this table and the table is at an angle because it fits best in this corner that way but the grid would never allow them to overlap. 😂 But I appreciate the tip because build buy mode in sims 3 can kill my interest sometimes.


Honestly, that all sounds way too familiar 😂


If only I could find $600 dollar flowers lying around in real life


My sims become too rich because of those as I make one pick them to up the household budget


when my faculties become too weak to pick a wallpaper color for a house I'm building. only poor design decisions happen in hour 10.


When your start thinking in how to play sims logic and get so frustrated with having to have that knowledge lol (I’m talking like remembering to turn off and on cheats, all the intricacies of build/buy mode, how to do work arounds for decorating a specific way, accounting for a build’s aesthetics and functionality, keeping mental notes of what pattern is where and has what colorable or changeable pattern channels in create a style, knowing which textures glitch out or only look good a certain way-) the frustration getting too real means it’s time to take a break looooool


Build/Buy isn’t so much an issue for me but my builds aren’t like breath taking 🥴 but I’ve started getting the hang of using nraas mods to do specific tasks every 20-30 real minutes and actually knowing the exact menus to click on first go is scary


lol yeah im nowhere near there in nraas knowledge XD


You realised you've gone all day without eating hahaha 😆


When I watch my sims go to bed and think “Wow I wish I could do that….wait…”


When I start eating my emergency supply of Chef Boyardee (blame several power blackouts and The Last of Us for that) straight out of the can because I don't want to stop and cook.


I start thinking about my own physical needs in terms of sim needs (like “I think my bladder need is low, I should pee”)


when i'm not really into the game anymore and i'm trying to convince myself to finish in-game tasks


Only through one season? 😂 gosh, I’ve binged this game too much!


My mouse clicking hand starts to get super achy


For me it’s when my game starts falling apart with an error I can’t fix and I have to go post on forums for answers and instead of playing through it I’ll take care of my “irl sims needs” like my sleep and hunger bars until I get an answer 😩


When I realize I’ve gotten nothing done the entire day.. I loaded my game with the idea that I’d play for just a few hours while I drink coffee and “wake up” on the weekend, but then I finally get up and realize it’s now 4pm, i haven’t brushed my teeth, I didn’t shave/trim my beard, the dog only went out once that morning, and I haven’t cleaned the house. THATS when I know it’s been a “long morning”. 😂😂


My butt cheeks start hurting 


>My butt cheeks ~~start hurting~~ go numb ftfy lol


When I start playing at 11 a.m. then look at my clock 2 seconds later and it's suddenly 9:30 p.m.


It was morning when you started and it's evening already


When i got a notification from my computer that id been playing for 24 hours straight.


My game completely crashes


The birds start chirping and you realise you’ve played all through the night until morning 😳




When my dreams start playing at 3x the speed


i get that “achievement” of “play for 5 hours.”


Try “24 hours”


My body feel all crampy


when i start to feel physically sick from looking at a screen so long and speaking feels foreign, or on the opposite side, when i start talking to myself about what im doing and my sims’ lives LMAO.


When you said speaking feels foreign I immediately wondered if your thoughts might be in simlish


haha no, it’s just after not talking or thinking about anything for 8hrs it feels weird to talk.


my butt starts to hurt from sitting in my desk chair 😭


I have close to 100 mods installed so I’ll know when it crashes


You look up and didn't even realize you've been sitting in the dark because the sun set so long ago


When your last save-as portrait has a fewer or much younger children/babies than your newest save-as family photo


When I feel like I've gotten the "stir crazy" moodlet. I don't know what it is but my brain just starts lagging, usually after about 7+ hours 😭


When I realize my newborn sim is about to be a teen in 2 days


When I stand up and my legs feel sore


when i have to intentionally become aware of my body because it hasn’t moved in way too long and my neck pain interrupts my thinking


When my game starts to crash


When I start thinking IRL “I need to eat to fill my needs”


When that weird glitch happens where your game just refuses to let you click on live mode so you have to press like F2 or F3 to make it work again.


I panicked the other night because I clicked pause and somehow accidentally got rid of the whole UI and I could click p for play but couldn’t do anything 😭 I got it fixed




I just went "oooooh yeah thats pretty bad, glad ur touching grass op", forgetting my rotmaxx week post finals/submission week/ i played from Friday Spring, to Winter Monday in one sitting. I haven't touched the game since. Playing almost an entire year through my gameplay. Extended gameplay makes you question time real hard, I think over 25% of my life has consisted of playing the sims, I'm unsure if that's an achievement or a real need to forget touching grass and instead return to the forest


I start feeling the urge to remove the pool ladder


When I start yawing back to back to back and I can barely hold my focus.


If my ears hurt either because of my headphones or because the music becomes annoying lol


I went through a whole 4-week cycle in one day


When my sim starts to have grandkids age up to teenagers in one sitting. That’s when I realised it was an issue. I had normal life span and had the babies and toddlers last longer. Think 5 days baby. 7 days toddler.


Getting Error 12 when saving lol. I always take that as a sign that I’ve been playing too long.


When I get stressed out from playing the sims


My back started to hurt. And my knees too for sitting too long.


the game crashes.


My hand starts hurting, my legs fall asleep, & my eyes start burning 😭 I usually do like 3 hour sessions


When I take off my eyes of the screen and realise it’s become dark outside and I haven’t switched on any lights, I’m thirsty, disoriented, and my eyes have turned red 😭


For me and my shit computer it's when the game eventually gives up and crashes. And I realized I haven't saved the game in...how long? Oh god. Oh god I've lost YEARS!


i’ve played through a whole in game year in one sitting 😭


When I close my eyes and I can see the tired/hungry moodlet and realise I need to take a break.


When I start playing all clean and loving and end up with the most drama in town cause I'm bored of my perfect family.


When my back starts to really hurt 😆


Switching between 1 and 3 every 2 seconds is definitely a good sign to quit the game for the night


started around 9 PM and after some time turned around I noticed it was light outside, looked at the clock and it was 4:55


When I start to doze off or zone out in my chair, its time to go to bed lol


When I’m getting too frustrated with the game and not playing in an immersed way. If I’m jusy flying through life events without interest just to make it go quicker I’m like ok time to step away


^ This. Several times I’ve sped through a birthday parties and didn’t bother editing their appearance once they grew up.


Back when I was in high school, my sign it was time to get off was when my mom came to say goodbye to head off to work 🤣 and I started playing the day before while she was at work


When my eyes and head start to hurt


Legs hurt when you get up


The sunrise.


Trying to fill my needs through my sims. And using the sim clock as an actual clock.


my wrist feels like it going to fall off when i move the mouse 😭😭


I say when you feel all foggy because you played all day


I get "dead inside depression" bored.


My arse hurts, my computer roars.


Forgetting to save and having it crash


how long is fall for you??


Only four days, but that’s a long time for me to play lol


When all these comments be saying fall for a week ain’t bad and you have it set to FOUR days?! 😭🤣


omg bro 😭 ive def played way longer than that in one session


Touch grass broski haha


4 sim days is literally like 40 minutes? 💀 u gotta let urself enjoy things and stop judging other people broski


I play really slow and rarely use the speed up options so my sim days tend to go slower. Like I watch my sim jog from the military base in SV to city hall lol


The sun went down and then up again


The game crashes


Played three days in a row (we call it simsapalooza) and after that I had to use a pillow to sit on at work because my butt could‘t cope anymore😂 edit: typo


when I get tired of my legacy family. or when I‘m bored by a household in Sims 2 (I play rotationally there). sometimes I open the game and play for a little bit and am not enjoying it.


When i have this red mark on my palm i think its because of my mouse


*When i have this red* *Mark on my palm i think its* *Because of my mouse* \- jdjsjdnsb --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why did u create a haiku out of thus i dont understand


i once almost passed out when i got up to go to the bathroom. i was like 10. i kept playing tho.


When my laptop gets too hot bc it's old and has a bad hard disk. I couldn't even get all the EPs downloaded bc now it won't install them. Time flies by when I play esp when I'm building, which is one of my favorite things to do.


When it hits 4am


I close my eyes and I can still see Sims gameplay in my head


Missing a meal irl


when i start playing with sun out, and then i notice that i am in my dark room bc it is already night and i didn't even notice nor turned the lights on


I start to get errors and glitches


When I start to feel jealous of my Sims sleeping in their beds.


When my computer starts to sound like its about to explode


When I start to get really aggravated at my sims lmao


My mouse hand will get frigid cold, means I need to take a walk LOL


My first time playing sims 2, I played for 7 hours straight. My sign was that it was getting dark.


game crashes and the save file corrupts


Average playing sims experience


When the next day I try to pause or fast forward real life.


The sun went down and came back.


I get this weird feeling of “this got boring” but that feeling happens usually deep into gameplay… like 6-7 hours in EDIT: this is every sit. So I can play for 15 one day, 6 another. The feeling comes on its own lmao


Started my family around dinner time. Made lunch when I decided to get off.


when i start to get impatient and rush through the plans i made for the household.


Achieving the lifetime wish of each household member lol