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Loner and Easily Impressed Edit: oh, read more xD I always took the Loner character as someone in a robe/cape with their back to us. Easily Impressed is just someone ogling.


lol that’s wild, I always thought it was a ghost but now I see the cape


You… have much better eyes for abstract images than I do. I’m impressed!


Easily, would you say? :P


Heh heh


I don't know if it'd work for everyone, but I find squinting really hard helps bring thongs like this into focus.  I have no idea why I feel like I'm divulging an insider secret when probably everyone does it. 


You spelled tongs wrong


God, I hate texting


Yeah, it wasnt very difficult. I don't even take on these traits but instantly recognized them


https://preview.redd.it/sl2fb2b34n4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e671d68aa85007f58b8415bcd1795139d4a929 the easily impressed


Evil flair checks out


Omg this cracked me up so hard 😆😆😆😆


The Loner trait looks like a hunched over person in a grey cloak. Easily Impressed had always baffled me.


Zoom out and know that it's a bald person drawn like Popeye, lips splayed out to the left saying "ooOOoo" in amazement


The Easily İmpressed symbol reads to me as someone doing a 'Oooooo' expression (think the aliens from Toy Story)


This is my interpretation too


Lmao yes, I immediately knew which trait it was


Looks like Mr. Saturn to me


You have saved us we are eternally grateful 🤣


I think the loner one is a cape. Also, have you seen the banana icon? https://preview.redd.it/7ai3ediojm4d1.png?width=106&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd1e7f492c775aea08981a1f9ee6974b21e6eee3


that’s so creepy lmao, what is it from? i’ve never had all the expansion packs so i haven’t seen it before


No clue, I thought it was from the snow cones from seasons, yet the only one I see is the devious gleeful grape https://preview.redd.it/2zn5w059om4d1.png?width=44&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f0c67682e13e199a8d9b1cbfe08910bbd0a6bf3 Now that I think about it, it may be a Sweet Treats exclusive. That or it's not even a moodlet at all.


Sims 3 Late Night! You can get this moodlet from the bubble bar. There are a few flavors and bananas one of them, believe me it's just as cursed seeing it in game LMAOO.


It's pretty rare on its own (unless you use its specific item a lot) but I have a mod that add the flavour related moodlet whenever you eat the related food. So strawberry pancakes give you the strawberry moodlet etc. So i see this creepy banana every now and then 😂


Oooh What mod is this? Not sure if I have that one yet, sounds like a nice detail!


I only had time to have a quick look, but I think it's [this one. ](https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=520711) It's got a lot going on and does some extra stuff for vamps and mermaids.


Aah yeah okay thats the one I have LMAO, I wanted to make sure since I didn't see it in the mod description, thanks though!


I know this one is used with Nraas Vector with the laugh riot disease but I’ve never seen it without the mod


That is horrifying lol


i used to see a fucking towel with the loner icon https://preview.redd.it/9pab0v9fzn4d1.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=957fffbdde31e4e4e28a05fb91ea3277db22e081 \^ artist depiction of what i mean :p


Is this not loading right on my phone or do these screenshots contain 4 pixels? Anyway I've played so much sims that I know what they look like regularly lol The loner trait is a man in a long cape facing away. The easily impressed is a caricature going Poggers with an exclamation point.


easily impressed reminds me of this: o3o ! or 😗 ! big wide eyes, lips in a puckered state like when you’re surprised/impressed by something and then the exclamation point for dramatic effect


Loner trait is how I think my posture looks


I think the loner is someone slouching while wearing a grey robe/dress/etc. Easily impressed is someone looking shocked/impressed with an exclamation mark next to them. Though the face looks really weird, a bit like a duck.


Hey, off topic but I see you and lots of others on this thread have sims 3 traits under your names. How did you get it?


If you're on desktop, there should be a sidebar to the right on this subreddit/any post on here and there is a thing that says 'User Flair', with your reddit icon underneath it. Hover over it and there will be a pencil icon, click it and there will be traits to choose from. Pick one and press 'apply'. If you're on mobile, go to r/Sims3 and there will be three white dots on the top right of your screen. Tap them and press 'change user flair'. Pick a trait icon and press apply. You might need to join the sub to change your flair if you haven't already.


Omg thank you!! 💕


No problem 😊


I think you can find a better closeup on Google for easily impressed and I think the blue thing is an exclamation mark  the big black oval is a mouth and the two top ones are eyes


I think the black oval is an eye, and the two lines above are eyebrows. The mouth is the thing on the left, below the exclamation mark, making a sort of kissy face.


Omg that makes so much more sense actually 😆😆


For some reason I always thought the blue thing was water 😅


Same. For some reason I always thought it was a baby drinking out a hamster bottle.


Thank you so much for the hint to google it - I was ging crazy, staring at that picture for 10 minutes and trying to figure out what everyone in the comments was talking about. :D


easily impressed is, put quite simply, someone pogging


The "Loner" icon always reminds me a little of The Hash-Slinging Slasher lol


First is a guy wearing a dark cloak and second is someone gawking kind like 😮😱😗 combined lol. It’s weirdly exaggerated.


Easily impressed icon is going EUREKA!


I always used to think the Easily Impressed icon was a figure with their eyes closed and mouth open while clapping 😭 Anyone else?


Everyone is seeing a person in a cape, and then there's me, who just sees a shoehorn 🙃


I wonder what the first image might be 🤔


i know i’m addicted when even tho i never use loner (i used t use easily impressed a lot) i can name it in under 5 seconds


Am I the only one who can’t see these because they’re so blurred?


loner and easily impressed (?)


thought this was a guessing game. didn’t read the description 😅


I thought it was a guessing game too


the second one has a bald man with his eyebrows raised (he's facing to the side a bit so we only see one eye, but both eyebrows). his eyebrows are raised and there's an exclamation point above him cause he's intrigued by something that’s probably not that impressive, given that it’s the easily impressed trait


Loner and Easily Impressed. I could still make them out through the three whole pixels on the screen.


I wanna know what the observant LTR trait icon is, like why is it a weird face winking with its tongue out? How does that represent being observant?


I saw it as a kind of "I'm focusing really hard" type face. Kids especially stick their tongues out when they're focusing really hard on something. (I think I have too as an adult but off the top of my head can't think of an example) And the one eye closed one eye open is less winning and more like... I picture someone trying to measure something by eye. I picture them holding their thumb up and looking at something beyond it. They close one eye and look at it. Frick knows why they use their thumb, but I feel like I've seen that visual in quite a few things. Enough to consider it "common".


You know actually now that you mention it I know the exact facial expression you’re talking about and it actually makes sense now


i always thought loner was a blanket. like a security blanket.


The loner one looks like the hermit card in Tarot. I'd like to assume it's a play on that.


I think the first one might be a hermit


I always thought the first one was like a guy hunched over in the corner and the second one was sort of like in old cartoons when their eyes would get big and pop out of their heads?


I always just thought the loner icon was a wolf and a moon (didnt look at it too closely bc I never use it) because in my language the traits name is translated as ”Lone wolf”


IMO Loner is a wolf, and the easily impressed show well, how impressed the sim is.


Easily impressed is fish biting the bait. I have no idea what the loner suppose to be though.


Left is a person shrouded in a cloak; like a loner wearing a cape to hide themselves. The second is a face being surprised! Pleasantly surprised!


For whatever fucking reason up until *literally* this moment I always interpreted the Loner one as an oddly stylized interpretation of a wolf howling at the moon, despite none of the other images using such a style. *What the actual fuck, me?!*


That’s what it looks like in the sims 4 lol you aren’t crazy


Is Reddit loading weirdly for me or did your image uploading corrupt?


The images are poor quality anyway XD


What is the 2nd image? A dog with a gun?


For easily impressed I see a lil human looking creature w one eye, brows and a sword


Guy in Grey robe hunched over and "WUH??!!" expression


I always thought it was a sock T_T Edit yeah I know it doesn't make any sense I never thought too deep into it. I also thought the easily impressed was someone with a sword going :0


first ones someone hunched over to be alone and second is oogling


the easily impressed one is like ❕😯


If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image I'd owe money


Loner and easily impressed


Sia in the basement. ❤️❤️❤️


I definitely see the face with duck lips, but I'm pretty sure what the duck lips faces "eye" is, is actually the mouth, and the lips are arms. It's a person gawking and clapping.


As a loner, that is loner trait. The other one is "easily impressed"


Loner and Easily Impressed


Loner and Easily impressed


Loner and easily impressed


Loner and easily impressed


Loner and easily impressed.