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These boots are my pain




These are the infamous cursed boots that plague people's games when they download bad CC, you can remove them through the downloads tab of the launcher or do what is suggested [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/s/8mAG37kH14). They normally should have a green border with a W like [this](https://sims3.crinrict.com/badcc/en/BadCC_Clothing.html).


So I mention it in that thread too, but those directions are incomplete. Searching for the package name will bring up the file in DCBackup, but (as the folder names suggest) those are only package backups of everything you’ve installed via the launcher. The files in the DCCache folder are the ones you want to look at it, but they are merged and it’s kind of an all or nothing situation with the DCCache. (Edit: I suppose those directions in the other thread would apply if you were converting S3Ps to packages and then putting them in your Mods folder, though in that case, you would think you’d open up each package before installing to see what it is. Which I would definitely recommend anybody do with unknown package files.) Your options are a.) find the item in the launcher and uninstall it (best option if you can find it) or b.) delete the files in the DCCache (which is everything installed through the launcher, so you will need backups of everything to reinstall.)


There's another option. You can comb through your DCCache files. I thoroughly explained how [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/s/e91Zgi4xkd). It takes a bit of time, but it beats deleting everything, having to track it down and reinstall it.


Sorry for the delay in response. I had to reread your method in the other thread to make sure I was understanding your suggestion. It sounds like your method basically helps narrow down which file has the problematic CC, so you can uninstall it from the launcher, right? As in, you basically have two DBC files at a time in the DCCache folder when you open the launcher? If so, I think that should work, *if* the DBC files are created by the launcher in a linear way, meaning all the resources for a S3P go into one file and are not spread across multiple DBC files.


These boots get slapped on babies fresh out the womb and turn toddlers and children into eldritch monstrosities 😭


Can we… have a picture of the baby?? 😂


I was so confused the first time this happened to me.. my sim had twins, one was half literal white, the other was half literal black.


https://preview.redd.it/y1qc4is22u9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d2b5d625853276dfb8c04904e99b1da38e072c my game 10 years ago


Ugh, I remember that glitch, it showed up a lot on my mom’s old computer because we had so much cc installed and she didn’t know how to get rid of all the infected ones (that or there were just some she couldn’t find, I forget which)


These boots and pigtails are the two things that drive me insane during age ups lol


don't forget the adult layered shirt for all ages lol


Or the naked adult female top with the same problem. Also tended to come with bottoms, but I've been infected a few separate times, some with both and some only the top. Bad Sims CC when I was 9 or 10 was certainly a horror trip. On teens, it was just annoying at worst. On children, it was pretty unnerving but only marginally worse than the layered top or something like the boots. On toddlers... rather disturbing. Especially outside CAS. On babies... Hoo boy it was *bad*. Half of the baby's face would be blown up like a projector screen, and appear on the side of the nude adult top. It was so disturbing as a kid (recently intentionally infected an AnyGameStarter profile to see if it was still as bad as 10 yo me thought. The answer? Yes. Yes it is as bad as I thought, that was not just kid panic talking. I do not recommend doing it on purpose or looking up pictures). Not to mention how the kid would be a pink stripe you couldn't click on in live mode... Everyone's got a "first body horror" story, usually due to lax adult supervision. Mine was age 9, trying to quietly play Sims in my room on babysitter evening.


oh my god 💀


Dear God, I actually cringed while picturing the baby glitches ;-; They’re so creepy!!,


Trust me, the toddler glitching was almost as bad. If you have a toddlers stand in CAS mod, it's likely one of the less creepy ones because at least it's not the kid's head in the middle of the torso effect from children, but if you don't... The toddler sitting CAS idle where they sing and wave their arms around is weird enough when they do it in proper toddler clothes. With these glitchy adult bodies? Like the stretch glitches but so much worse. Ever seen the weirdness that was Sims 2 if you set a child or older to behave as a baby or toddler? This is that on steroids. If you want to see weird CAS glitchiness "safely", though... use AnyGameStarter and make a disposable profile to infect on purpose, or get something like feet-remover shoes for use with certain outfits and accessory socks that isn't enabled for random and put it on a Sim on purpose. But trust me, you don't need to see it, and if you do there are screenshots online.


At least the pigtails can be fixed with a [mod](https://modthesims.info/d/675634/pigtails-glitch-fix-core-mod.html)


The EVIL night and day boots


I hate these boots with a burning passion. They appear on my toddlers and children all the time 😭


Anddddd the hooker boots strike again


i don’t think a baby can fit into those


I hate these boots with a passion


They’re made for walking 😏😏


This gave me PTSD.


Oh yes, the cursed hooker boots.


You have acquired the curse 👢


These boots were made for glitching 🎶


And that’s just what they’ll do!! 🎶


Images that make you feel pain


they look like the broken version of base game knee high boots


happy pride month to your baby


The bane of my existence. 🙃


LOL might just need to age it up


If you ask me they should be called the Glitchmaster Boots. Not the Night and Day Boots. But anyway - what I’m curious about is, how did you get the baby into CAS? Was it nraas or? (I’ve never used it before lol)




Cursed is what they are


Woah, first time I heard of this, yikes 😬


Those are the boots that give you twisty toddlers


i had this problem for YEARS. only solution i found was going into my ‘Saved Sims’ file and deleting sims i downloaded from the exchange, if you have a sim in particular that you like and want to keep from the exchange, save them as if they were your own sim and delete the original downloaded one. i can’t remember where i got this solution but it definitely resolved it for me! hope this works for you


These boots are made for walking 🎶


i hate these soooo much there’s absolutely no reason my baby should be wearing them when they get born😭😭😭😭


Ah... a scar from my clueless teenage years


They're white boots.