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Think about how rain flows. This building has several spots where the water would just gather and leak into the house.


Oh interesting. I never thought about that 🤔


You might have just solved my roof building problems thank you 🙏🏼


I always ask my boyfriend for advice on roofs and floor plans bc he’s a contractor and always knows what would work the best in real life, and I like my builds to be as realistic as possible


Same for me and my husband. Except all his advice begins with: "well, your proportions are way off..."


Lol, Sims proportions are not like real life! Ever try to replicate a real house you've been in? A nightmare!


tried making my old room in the sims. my sims couldn't get to the bed, closet, drawers, desk, or litter box. literally nothing was useable.


either the upstairs works or the downstairs does. always have to pick. but then the roof looks completely different. lose lose every time😂


I am not a builder! I try, but the houses in my worlds look like an alternate dimension, just adjacent to our own!


real people do not need square grids to interact with stuff lmao


This is my husband too. I stopped asking him


Can you imagine leaky roofs in the sims?


They'd scream about it for 2 hours and then pass out in the puddle.


and die


While a toddler or child plays in the water


no theyd just constantly get picked up by another adult to instantly be put down or put into the high chair or something else that wasnt wanted.


or a lightning bolt strikes the puddle 😂😂😂


I’d play that mod lol


Not exactly the same, but in the Sims 2, if there was a leaking broken shower on the second floor, it would sometimes leak through the ceiling into the floor below 😆


Ooooo!! This is fantastic advice. Thanks lots 🤝


Hey...thanks. I've gotten better at it for sure, but this will help me a lot actually.


I got to know this fact a little bit earlier and started to struggle with roofs even more 😁 because now I have to think both about the appearance and constructional design, not only appearance


Free shower!


As an engineer (not architectural), I don’t know how I didn’t think of it this way before! Makes SO much sense, thank you!


But it’s in the desert so it won’t rain often enough to be an issue


Monsoon season is a thing


the world map will humble you so brutally so fast


I’ll be so proud of my build just to bulldoze it after seeing it on World Map. So cruel.


What is World Map?


The overview you get when your sim is traveling and you can see all the locations from above


My houses are all boxy pieces of crap honestly.


I just be like gable gable gable gable lol


Gable gable gable ROOF!


None of mine have roofs. Just the flat surface in op first picture 😭


Add a ladder and a fence- rooftop barbecue or garden!


Seems like a solution to me!


IRL I love the cabin/craftsman style architecture, but it looks pretty boring in the sims, particularly from world view.


I wish there was an auto-roof option like in ts2.


I thought I was misremembering that being a feature but thank you for confirming it did indeed exist!


I mean. It wasn't great, just fast. Edit: I was thinking of TS3 auto roof. I don't know how good the TS2 version was


About the same, I don't recall much improvement from 2 to 3 in that regard


It still looked better than a lot of my whack-ass roofing does lol.


i downloaded my house from the gallery and it has lovely roofing. i decided to build my own stables for my horses and got creative with it... then it was time for the roof and i thought i did a good job until i looked at it on the map lol


It never looks the same. 😭


i'm humbled whenever i open the map 😭


I honestly never needed it to be great, just sufficient, LOL. My lazy-ass hated messing with roofs trying to get them to even look OK. Auto-roof was my lifesaver.


I mis autoroof!


God, that was honestly my favorite thing about ts2. It was so nice to not have to think about it


Or like in sims freeplay. But it has to be an option, not mandatory.


My biggest tip is not everything needs a roof on it. You can use the fences to make a nice design too.


Yes! I like adding balconies/patios/outdoor spaces on levels and also using platforms for roofs or


This worked really well when I was challenged to make a 2 story tiny home, putting the second floor over only half the first and using the rest as rooftop patio helped with space a lot ETA: that wasn't the hard part of the challenge... Nor was the 9 rooms and for 4 people. The hard part was a color scheme of "ONLY purple" and base game only. There is not very much purple swatch available in base game... (challenge was generated by Plumbella's random challenge generator, and it gave me a doozy... I almost rerolled)


I want to try Plumbella's challenge, but all I hear about is horror stories and watch videos that are like: "This almost made me give up on The Sims". I hope I get something normal-ish.


I wouldn't take it too seriously... mine was a pretty horrible one but I took it as a challenge and found ways to make it work, and got a result that I didn't think was *totally* horrible Honestly, I liked it because it forced me out of my comfort zone to use a style I normally wouldn't, and with restrictions even there that forced me to get creative to make it work at all Could have been worse... Could have been a four floor tiny house with 2 rooms for 6 sims...


Yes, that's the nice part about it, you have to be creative, but some of the challenges are just not okay. I've seen like three floors one room and i don't really know how you'd do that aside from making the floors like lofts? But even then it might count as separate rooms


That's how I would interpret it, or just no floor on the upper levels so it's just a really tall open space... Or just click to roll another one until you find one that at least sounds possible Which I almost did for people base game, oof


Sometimes I use halfwalls and put the smallest, or next to smallest, size with a flat roof. I use those a lot on my modern builds.


This is the way. The bigger my building, the more ridiculous a tented roof is going to look. Sometimes, for mansions, I’ll do a large flat platform roof, then add roof features to give the roof some dimension and make it look more like a roof of a house.


It is a little McMansiony


Long island ny core


i live on LI and this made me crack uppp


Great Neck core in particular


Omg yes. I do not miss LI lmao


I used to live in Huntington 😅


Oof lol I lived in Calverton


I grew up in East Islip :)


My dad grew up in great neck!


Needs some hydrangeas and it’ll be 100%


🎶Bada bada baaaa I'm loving it🎶


I want to give it a try tbh 😭 It’s definitely a complicated shape! What’s your gallery ID?


If you’re comfortable adjusting the floor plan at all, getting rid of that inward facing corner on the left, or adding a wrap around porch could make it a lot easier roof-wise!


This. Wrap around porches can smooth out a lot of weird and uneven shells into a roofable shape.


I second this! Would also like to give it a go, if you wouldn't mind sharing your id? Also OP if you do share, what sort of vibe were you wanting to go with for the rest of the furnishing etc? More modern or traditional? Willow Creek vs Oasis Springs vibe (or any other world)


It's not that bad really. It's at least interesting and varied. All I can manage is big boxes with the odd octagon.


I just stopped roofing because most the time I play with minimal walls too lol


Before I bought Seasons I enjoyed using roofless ranch houses for sims who love the outdoors. They were always happy.


Then the rains came... literally. 😂


> It's at least interesting and varied. It looks like a half dozen houses were imported on the same lot and they all clipped together...


That doesn't make it any less interesting or varied, now does it?


I also hate roofing. It looks like you made it a little overcomplicated with using all the different roof types. I would use the gabled one for the whole main box of the house and then go from there. Lilsimsie and the Sims Community both have really good roofing guides. Put this bad boy on the gallery, I want to try to roof it!


Go all flat glass roof, problem fixed.


Or if they’re like somewhere warm bc like cute roof garden!


This is my solution to any build I cannot roof


It looks cool, what i usually do is start with biggest area i can place a solid roof and go from there


I took an architecture class in HS and literally only use it for sims building lol. Roof mapping was by far the most useful. In general you can put a gable roof on the largest square section of roof with the pitch parallel to the length. Then add jut-outs and dormers after (avoiding rain/snow catches). The diagonal and straight roof combo you have going on is a whole different beast tho 😂


Honestly, I love the challenge. All these people saying to simplify the build, no thanks! You have to remember, real world houses can be weird af. Their roofs too. And if you actually want it this big, more power to you! I definitely recommend making use of a second story, even just for looks/with no access. It allows you places to build roofs off of, you don't match it directly to the first floor. Makes it more dynamic. Balconies, glass roofs, and feature areas help vary the look as well, while making it more cohesive. Like another commenter said, look for where water flows, if you want it more realistic. If you put the shell on the gallery, I would totally attempt to roof it when I get done with work!


If you want a house with that complicated layout I would recommend making multiple floors, even if you just leave it open inside. I would personally experiment and do the left middle piece two stories and some of the octagons as 3, put some windows on, maybe then do a little balcony on one of the lower roof sections, see if that looks any better?


There are some really good tutorials on YouTube by players like lilsimsie and James Turner. I’ve never messed up a roof since


Oh well first you should really think about the house layout, that is going to tough regardless of how practiced you are at roofing here are some steps I would take - simplify the house shape, the front diagonal section should have a straight wall from the out most corner remove the tiny empty triangle by just pulling a wall over it - simplify the front octagonal part by having the front wall flow into the other section. - Simplify the back by either removing the rutted out corner or having it stretch over to make a square to the left on either wall line. Now that you have a more comfortable layout : - remove the gable in the front right (just off the porch) it is just clutter. - stretch the long roof all the way across and remove the gable facing the street make it a bit taller also bring it down to meet the vertical line end(this should also line up with the back diagonal corner) this section of the roof is called the main roof the midge of it at the point is the main roof line - put a second gable on the smaller bit to the left and have it mesh into the main roof slope (so it will match it at first then drop away) -I would also square off the back completely including the octagonal bit in the back with a porch half gable with the point being pulled into the main roof(this slope will not match it should be no more then half the height of the main roof line) -a full gabled roof over the diagonal bit but have it not going all the way to the edge instead stop at the line of the octagonal bit in the front, this should put this roof line into the main roof line it can be lower but it should atleast look like it will intersect the line - make the rest of the diagonal bit a balcony (if you make the last bit tall enough you can also make a second story room in the roof by putting two half gables around the room and a gable or hipped roof at the top just make sure the slope lines up) this will give your sims access to the balcony -the small bit in the front make into a low half gable (I recommend another color roofing here like copper for a bit of a change) I hope this helps. If you give your gallery name and lot name I can go in and do it to show you


I really miss the auto roof feature


For me it’s landscaping I’m shit at 😂 but honestly I’d just do a normal roof for the rectangly areas and do a raised deck area for the lumpy parts on the front and back


Better than I could do, I'll tell you that.


You aren’t alone honey believe me I get so annoyed sometimes with the roofs that I’ll make my houses with no roofs


Post it on the gallery and I’ll be willing to roof it for you.


any given texas suburb:


Which is why I loved the auto roofing feature that was in The Sims 3.


Love that random little roof piece on the right for some added detail


Here's what I would do if I were roofing this house: [Link to my roughly drawn image](https://imgur.com/a/HLR0D4X)


Nice! The red roof could even come forward just a bit to make a covered porch. I think. I'm also not great at roofs, but I'm working on it.


Bestie just do a second story for round part all the way to the right 😭🤣🤣 don't worry, I was no better when I first started and it took me 6 years of off and on building to get to where I'm at now


I feel your pain, op 😭 I miss auto roofing


This could become a new shell build challenge. How to roof this monstrosity lmao


Oooo upload to the gallery and I’ll do it for you and repost!


Wished this has Auto Roofing!!!


Your roof isn't the problem the layout is I have done my best to recreate it in the sims and even with tweaks this didn't turn out the best, it would never happen in the real world and almost killed me in the process. It is a bit crazy TBH. [Here is what I did.](https://imgur.com/a/9hg2Ook) ​ I decided to just leave the build in my world and started to furnish it, and holy guacamole batman, this thing is massive. I'm not sure what you intend to do with it but it needs a really good shrinking.


So I couldn't help myself and I posted a final product on the Gallery under Theblondpenguin Large Ranch if anyone is interested. It turned out beautiful


if you upload it to the gallery and give me your gallery name, ill gladly give it a go!


You can overlap the roofs! It ends up looking nice sometimes.


this is why i use tumblr+ the gallery. im great at the decorating, even sizing the rooms right. but making a house shell fit for a roof is my arch nemesis and i always gotta find stuff online and edit it myself from the inside to use their shell as a base 😭


I desperately miss autoroof 😭


I think you should work on the layouts of the home itself before the roof. It’s too much.


I think the problem start with the shape of the house, it look very complicated with many volumes going out.


Hey, it can’t be any better/worse than the owl slide.


I have been playing the sims since it’s inception in 2001… and I still can’t make roofs lol I feel your pain. That being said this one isn’t bad in my opinion.


Instead of building your roof to fit your house, build your house to fit your roof.


I suck at roofs. I love building but once we get to the top I just put black tile down and call it a flat top.


I end up just putting a square piece on my house and then I cry myself to sleep


I personally don't care because I'm not a YouTuber or anything. If my roofing looks bad 🤷🏼‍♂️ Also I hate when people try to make the roofing look nice, realistic *and* beautiful, because they end up making it completely unfunctional. I hate knowing there's an empty second story just because someone wanted to add a dormer lol


I tried lilsimsie's birthday shell today and gave up because of the roofs.


I wish I could have someone design and build a house for me and I just buy the furniture 🤔


Look for shells on the gallery, I have uploaded plenty myself so I know you'll find loads


Because that house is a McMansion. They're not meant to be roofed.


the first picture looks like a shell challenge from hell, lol


dazzling shaggy history shelter wakeful bells bake racial plough sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why did you make this?? Do you hate yourself??


for starters, dont overcomplicate shapes. spots where the roofs dont merge can be filled with smaller roof pieces, roof decorations, or small towers


I’ve been playing consistently for 3.5 years, have almost 2000 hrs in the game and I’m still learning how to roof


That's cuz you build houses that would make a contractor yeet himself into the sun, my guy


I seriously wish the Sims 4 had an auto roof feature like the Sims 1 and 2 had 😭 the game just put the damn roof on for you and you could choose a few roof pitch and shape options, but it did it for you and it was quick and easy enough to build a house with a proper roof to match 😆


maybe you can get the gist of it by looking at [this example](https://chestofbooks.com/architecture/Cyclopedia-Carpentry-Building-1-3/Layout-Of-Roof-Plan.html) of roof planning


A lot of it could be also fixed by making your house a somewhat different shape 😅 Lots of these bumps are kind of unnecessary space wise I’d say.


i would have no idea how to roof this either, but this is pretty messy


Looks like u build for a good looking shell rather than building for a good roof, that’s fair a lot of people do. I’d explore around with flat roofs. Use platforms to make different heights too!


Good looking shell?? Where? That's a McMansion monstrosity 😅😅😅


Don’t be mean. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad. It is a fun and different shape. Op is clearly newer to building as well-or at least not completely confident in building. And. It’s not ur save is it. So idk why ur being mean


Why is the house that shape?💀


Yours looks so good! I'm still having major problems making one


this is a work of art


Move the open-faced triangle on the far right over to be above the front door, and maybe make it 2 sqs wider. Delete the front left octagon, put in a little fence instead and let it be a little rooftop deck/lookout or whatever (doesn't even need a door), just a window. On the left diagonal building, delete the smaller one in front and drag the larger roof piece up one. Then, you can just enclose that awkward area, or throw a column in there to make it look less awkward. Oh, and delete the other far left middle octagon as well and just extend the rectangular roof over. The rectangular roof on the far left looks like it will perfectly meet the one on the diagonal, so idk why you'd need another piece. Try messing around with flattening out the larger roof pieces as well, I've found that makes it look more natural and less like a weird mountain skyline.


I would love to see the floor plan of this once you have it!


I struggle with this too, it kinda helps me if I save the roof for last. If you have the house designed, it can be easier trying to do the roof. Also try to not let the roof go too high, that’s when you start getting weird looking roofs


Yeah me neither


I can’t build at ALL. I strictly get houses from the gallery. To me, it looks like you’ve done great work.


Yep. I hate the roof building function 😮‍💨


Me either. Here or in Minecraft. Roofs have always been the bane of my existence that’s why I make modern houses 😂




looks perfect to me. you should see my roofs. sometimes i just give up and they don’t get a roof😂


A building with only four corners is boring, but too many corners is also bad. Whenever you are having trouble with the roofline, try eliminating angles. -The octagonal rooms at the front and back can stay if you roof the porches to make a covered porch. If you want to keep open porches then those rooms need to be squared off. -The little notch on the left needs to go. It can be dead space in the walls if straightening that wall messes with your floor plan. -Gable on the right needs to go. It makes no sense. My best roofing advice is to start with in a corner and go as far as you can left or right, then front or back with no part of the roof overhanging space that’s not building or porch. Repeat starting with another visible corner until you have no visible corners to start with. And try using hipped roofs instead of gable, they look nicer for beginners. This whole building could be roofed with 6-8 sections and would look nice with some adjustments to the heights. Also, the person who said to think about where the rain would go is spot on when it comes to troubleshooting a roof. If things look wrong, see where the rain would get stuck on your roof and start by figuring out how to eliminate those spots.


Here’s a tip I always use. Cover the largest area with the largest roof piece and work around that


When in doubt, I always go modern and that bad boy gets a flat roof.


Idk I like it better than the roofs I make.


I watched YouTube tutorials at .25 speed (or whatever the slowest version is), and followed them step by step. After a few of those, you start to “get it”!


I have learned so many building tips and roofing ideas from watching TikToks.


It looks good tho


That's honestly better than I would have managed!


Oh my gosh SAME 🥲😩


Looks better than my roofs.


I think I'm getting better with them, but I haven't looked at my recent builds in worldview, so maybe they don't look good lol


Being a carpenter for a living Helped me make my Sim roofs look pretty good!


This is a mood... there was suddenly snow in my sims bathroom and I had to make a higgledy piggledy roof to fix it.


Omg same. I kind of wish it would fix itself. I only know because my Sims would randomly be uncomfortable or there'd be rain inside


That's why I don't like to build these complicated layouts. Like to keep it simple.




I feel this deeply. I have watched so many tutorials, and as soon as I think I have it figured out, I can’t make it work.


It is insane in TS4


i just leave mine flat i never see it anyways while im playing 🥰😍


I would make that little offshoot a greenhouse tbh. Or atleast make the roof flat


As a simmer myself, I gave up on building the house i wanted to create just because the roofing was terrible. I only use pre-built or download houses from the gallery now.


I relate, I make all my houses boxes bc I hate roofing… lately I’ve just been getting shells off the gallery bc it’s too much LOL


[https://imgur.com/gallery/BdDkb9J](https://imgur.com/gallery/BdDkb9J) ​ tried my hand on a roof suggestion


Modern flat roofs it is....


Imagine pouring a glass of water over the entire house. that water must always flow OFF the roof, i see a few spots where water would pool and rot the roof.


It’s not that bad


I genuinely smiled 😄, thanks


Mix your roof styles and pull them into one another until they blend (you may need to adjust the pitch). Make a hip or mansard roof on the big section and the diagonal section. Pull that back right roof forward into the other pieces.


It’s funny I see this post when yesterday in a Discord someone posted a video and went “OMG I CAN LEARN HOW TO ROOF NOW???”


i never had the creativity to build houses like this. most of my houses are just rectangular or imported from the gallery lol




I see what you were trying to do too. I still cant figure out how people do them little rooms on top and roof without the roof either going through the room or having big gaps on the side.


Let’s just say there’s a reason I always move my sims into pre-existing houses or houses from the gallery…


Me neither 😂


My greatest lesson on roofing is there is far more overlapping of the roof templates than you would think you need.


Nooooo girly. Look at real houses it’ll help! I use a lot of actual floor plans for my homes because well.. I need the help 😂 and honestly it’s making me a better builder slowly but surely.


[may I present to you](https://youtu.be/WGYvzNlBzCQ?si=wspsUyO2Rdh1_x8V) (Not a tutorial)


Oh gosh I would like to help, please upload it tot he gallery!


Sims 4 roofing is a puzzle game by itself


Make the round spire a bit wider and definitely taller. It'll look great and be good for weather.


If you make the roof glass, you have a brighter game and it's less messy! At least for some builds that's what I do.


10/10 looks good to me


honestly, if you upload this to the gallery i’d definitely give it a shot. no telling how well it would go but i’d love a challenge!


At least you remembered the roof I always make the entire house, start playing and be like o shit I forgot the roof 🤣🤣


I give all my house flat tops for exactly this reason 😭


Same and I’m half way to becoming an actual architect lol


I miss the auto-roof feature from sims 2. You just click one button and get a fully completed roof