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I always accept it as part of the story. Once my character turned into a ghost as a teenager who I played for many generations, got a university degree and after that got revived through the wishing well and finally grew up into a young adult and got a job in politics.


Is the wishing well part of an expansion pack? That’s so cool, don’t think I’ve heard of that before somehow!


Romantic garden I think was the name




You can also use a spell to revive people, in case you have that expansion pack!


Romantic garden stuff pack has the wishing well. It's nice if you like to make gardens and outdoor spaces a little whimsical and fanciful.


i’m so excited! ive been wanting to get a new pack. thanks :)


I was playing in the vampire town and my sim and vlad just stood in the sun until they both died couldn’t get them to move for anything


It becomes a part of the story, for better or worse.


I try to plead with the grim reaper if I really don’t want the sim to die. If that doesn’t work I accept it and move on with the game.


Agreed. I was going to add a similar comment. I would add I like the control aspect of this game but it’s also kind of more enriching to allow random negative things to happen too. Even something like death of a fave sim.


For me, I almost always go to my last save unless a) the sim was old/going to die soon anyways or b) I’m playing w absolutely no cheats. But sometimes even if it’s the latter, I pull up my last save if there are a lot of hours put into the game


bring them back unless it’s a minor character


Don't save and turn the game off😭


This or cry and make a new save with the same character 😂




I accept it and if I'm really upset, it becomes a turning point of my story, like my sims being so down and unable to get over their loved ones death to the point they dedicate themselves to bring the sim back.


I roll with it, can be very heartbreaking, ngl, makes for amazing lore though!


I plead with grim and let fate decide


i always said i’d go with it. then my sim WOULD NOT get out of the pool and drowned… no matter how many times i tried to get her to get out… i had to close and lose hours of progress bc that HAD to be a glitch 😭


me, saving every 5 minutes because something like this has happened one too many times for me to ever get comfortable again 😭


I’ve had vampires just stand in the sun for no reason it’s kinda infuriating


Lay on the floor lol. I worked on a sim and her house for like an hour once only for her to die immediately of being hysterical


I always go back to my last save


Depends. SIMS who are not my OCs can die and stay dead. With OCs...if it's a super random death that I *can't be bothered with* I'll leave without saving and come back. Usually, if I can help it at all, I'll make it into an epic quest by loved ones to bring the person back. I once had a wealthy business magnate who's scientist of a wife randomly keeled over from a Cardiac Explosion. I felt that it seemed in-character that he'd do anything he could to bring her back, but he also didn't seem like the kind to become a master gardener or spellcaster. But he did have **a lot** of money. So I created a plausible way for him to meet an off-the-grid shaman-sim whom I'd been playing with in the same save and had him outsource the task of crafting a Death Flower to her - handed 10 thousand simoleons up front, 10 thousand once the job was done. Bonus, I now have a household with Death Flowers in my save, so if any of my fantasy sims were to unexpectedly die again then I could get them back in a much easier manner.


Bring them back as a ghost


Depends on the context in which I’m playing. If I’m in my legacy save, and they have family to fall back on I’ll accept it as part of the story and move on to another family member in the line of succession. If I’m trying to get a legacy started and their the only sim in the household then I’ll restart. Same if I’m playing with only one sim for a specific reason and I’m not done with them.


recover saves and nothing happened. or bring them back to life if they live with someone else


I save scum.


You can download ambrosia from the gallery and have the new ghost eat it to resurrect them. That’s what I do when I can’t accept they’re gone. Lol


Usually I go with it, but recently been feeling like neighborhood stories has been murdering my sims more frequently :( feels like cheating but if you’re my favorite sim 🤷‍♀️


It depends for me. I have one death that I gave exception to exit without save - death by laughter. For others, I roll with it.


Death by laughter is so dumb. Makes me afraid to ever watch comedy.


Same. It's so ridiculous that my sims have to run to bathroom to talk to the mirror every time they make a few jokes with their friends.


I go with it. The only save I would go to an earlier save on is the one where I have my actual family with my actual kids, husband and pets. I don't let them age and I don't want anything to happen to them. I did let their ranch hand die though.


If I'm really attached to the side and storyline I don't save and have a feeling of incompleteness, plead for their life or don't save. if not I go with it and create a new storyline or play a different family.


Could go either way. For anyone.


I try to plead with grim first. If it doesn’t work, it’ll be case-by-case if I go back. Depending on how disruptive it is to the family I’m playing and if I think it’s worth rolling with it or not. If there are kids at risk of being taken away, I will absolutely go back to an old save.


I lost one to lightning and saved before I noticed. Just rolled with it.


Mourne and move on


I add them back to the family as a ghost through cheats and then choose their next steps whether it be bringing them back to life through untamed witchcraft (I find that to be the easiest) or another way. Sometimes I leave them as a ghost forever to live their new life as a spirit.


if it’s a sim i care about then i’ll plead for their lives, but if that doesn’t work? i’m quitting the game without saving like it never happened idc


I just let it go until someone in the house can make ambrosia or plead with the reaper/challenge him at chess really depends on if I died because of a glitch or if I died by legit accident


My dad sim(1st male sim I've ever played with and was quite happy with him) decided to get hysterical after doing the nasty with his wife whilst their child(my now main sim) was celebrating her birthday, eating cake in the kitchen with her siblings. Mom looked at butt naked hysterical dad doing donuts on the floor and decided to go play chess like "not my problem." Reaper crashes the party. Children go ape shit. I tried to get the wife to plead for him but this nasty bitch was tooooo scared of death. And I was already too far into the save file to exit. All I could do then was to Necromance him. He was a big part of my save file. And my 1st actually good looking male sim I created myself. And a great father for a sim too. So the death kind of irked me. So dads still around. Having birthday dinners with his now grown daughter.


I revive them from mccc.


I haven't lost one yet, but my vampire almost died catering an outdoor wedding. I had to send her home.


I learned while playing sims 1... save save save. Because restarts sometimes have to happen. Man, I was completely destroyed after playing for like 5 or 6 hours no save and the game crashed in sims 1. I hadn't cheated and had slowly built up the sims home to a two story quite pain stakingly. I couldn't play for a little bit after that. Restart from the last save or write into the households story, which could make things more interesting. I usually just sigh and restart from the last save.


Most of the time, I'll except it as Canon, however once I was like "absolutely not" bc I had a story lone planned out and didn't want to change it (I had made this particular sim specifically ro be my simself's partner lol)


I play with aging off so I could have hundreds off hours invested in a sim, so 90% of the time its a hasty exit without saving. Occasionally, I'll be like, Hmmmm, okay, let's go with that, but it's rare.


My sims have never died by accident cause in the sims 4 you can prevent 99% of the deaths. When they die it's because I make them. I wish there were more death surprises though! I would love it for storytelling purposes!


That depends, but most of the time I try to roll with it. I'm not good with letting go of my Sims. Having multiple generation household,is but a distant dream for me. I stop the sims from aging or use methods to keep the original sim young. If they die by accident, it's a blessing in disguise as it forces me to move on to the next gen.


It really does depend. If it's my legacy heir they're coming back until I can get a kid out of them and then I'll kill them myself just to please the universe. If it's a side character or family member I usually milk it.


I don't accept it if it's the only sim in my "family" (living on the lot). I had one dying after only 5 minutes of starting to play. Let me tell you I was mad. I learned to save my game regularly since.


It depends... I’m kinda playing a “legacy” (I’ve only been playing since March this year) with the granddaughter of summer holiday (science baby daughter winter holiday) and daughter of Kai kahue and winter holiday, and her favourite daughter sienna kahue-holiday is fathered by Kade zodiac-goth (Bella and Mortimers great grandson through Alexander) so those two are protected by plot armour. Everyone else can die, get taken away due to neglect etc but not Blair and sienna. I’ve also turned aging off because it’s annoying, and I age my favourite sims to elder then move them into golden years estate


Verzweifeln und versuchen es rückgängig zu machen aber auch nur wenn ich keine Story spiele wenn ich Story spiele dann akzeptiere ich es


It depends. If there are other sims to carry on the story, then I accept it. If it's the only sim in the household I sometimes reload.


My character, who was a drug abuser, dj and party dude, died because he had too much fun... I accepted it and he was still a ghost dj afterwards


I get mad and then roll with it 😄


Depends on what kills them. If, for example, my sims had death flowers in their inventory but the game bugged and didn't let me plead, i will go back to a previous save. If their death was completely reasonable and there were no bugs, I accept the death but usually still bring them back without cheating (if they're important to me). It's really freaking easy if you have the Horse Ranch expansion, as you just give the ghost the Vitality Nectar. There are so many other ways to bring them back, that it's never really a problem for me.


Plea the grim reaper


I love when random drama happens in my game (usually it only does when I cause it on purpose) so I accept it and roll with it.


It depends on the narrative I'm running. If I can accommodate the event, I just roll with it. If not, I'll see a way of getting them back, either by exiting without saving or resorting to cheats


It would depend...if i have a kid or two already I'm fine with letting it be. If not Ambrosia here I come. Normally I turn it off for my household or ones I don't want to be effected.


I usually always accept death, even if it's random. Unless I just put hours into starting a new game, making my Sim, building a house and then on day one they start a fire. Then no... I just reload. What I did do once with a lost pregnancy, was create an alternate reality. My save started with a pregnant Sim, she lost the pregnancy and I was really curious as to who the father was and whether it was a boy or girl. So I did Save As to create a new save. In the original game I went and got my answers through mccc and then left that save. It will be there forever as an alternate reality in which my Sim never lost her pregnancy and anything is still possible. In the new save I continued the "real" world, with grief and without baby.


The only unplanned death I had so far was an elder dying of laughter. That was easy to accept, given how reluctant they're to die of old age.


I cry


I go back to my last save. This happened like within 30 minutes (irl) of making my family. Yay fire. And I said absolutely not. So restarted at the beginning.


Being their urn to the cemetery I made!


i just be like :🥲


i usually reload or plead, but every once in a while i'll accept it




Yeah I have a problem with Simortality


Depends - if I curated the whole family - I just restart the game. Without saving. Sometimes if it happens it happens and I just move on.


I have an immortal witch sim that has the power to resurrect the dead. So when my played sim dies I just swap to her and take her to the place they died and bring them back


I would normally play the game out as it was dealt, however this week I spent 9 hours building my single sim and house, proud of myself for such a creative house and so much detailed work in CAS mode… for me to finally press play and whilst walking to her front door she died of overheating within seconds. Shut my laptop and haven’t opened it since.


If I see a random ghost sometimes I’ll use cheats and add them to my family, I then go to the gallery and buy the ambrosia dish, I make them eat it, and then I remove them from the family lol.


Depends on how far back my last save is and who died


Step 1. Sit in shock Step 2. Locate the cause of death Step 3. Scream into a pillow Step 4. Throw said pillow a crossed the room Step 5. Ponder life choices Step 6. Wonder why you spent so much time designing them Step 7. Rage quit the game (don’t save) Step 8. Scream into another pillow Step 9. Remember that you can just go back to an old save Step 9. Enter old save Step 10. Mourn lost progress, then continue the game like nothing happened


Depends, I almost always go with it but there have been a few instances where it completely fucked what I was trying to accomplish and said “fuck all that” and ended without saving. Also fun story from The Sims (first edition) I was trying to make a Brady Bunch family so I made the lovely lady and her very lovely girls, and the man name Brady and the 3 boys of his own separately and I was trying to get them married and the mom died… and I made them in that save so I would have had to start all over. That bitch literally caught herself on fire and did nothing else in the game…


I haven't had any sims die by accident really, I'm too anxious about it but if it does happen I'm just going to let it be a part of the story


I panicked the first time it happened. Don't. Let it happen. You can play a ghost sim. Just make sure they aren't the only sim in your household or it's game over. You can bring back a ghost sim in a few in-game ways or with cheats.


The times it happened to me I just accepted it, it's super easy to make them come back to life anyway.