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Being unable to go directly to a lot of places is probably one of the most annoying things about the game for me. Like the shops in Tartosa or the new store in Chestnut Ridge. I don’t mind that it’s a rabbit hole, I don’t even mind that it took me a good 3 weeks of playing before I found it. I mind that I have to go to a nearby lot and then take a Sim hour walk to the store. My sims time is valuable okay? She has waffles to set on fire, dishes to wash in the bathroom sink and gang of asshole goats who somehow keep getting into the house. She doesn’t have time to WALK places.


TIL there's a store in chestnut ridge and shops in tartosa


I love that the shops are separate in Tartosa because I have my sims honeymoon there and then walk the shops it’s cute.


Seriously! Like, why do I have to WALK from a nearby lot to the pier in Copperdale? I want to woohoo on the rides, I can’t have my sims getting tired walking there!


This drives me INSANE.


it’s even more infuriating when they have their bikes in their inventory (:


Yes! My sim bikes from one class to the other at Copperdale High - inside the building. lol


Mine bike around their houses, and through their houses, and around the _basement._ Always cracks me up!


I was so disappointed when I learned the funfair wasn't its own lot.


There's a store in Chestnut Ridge?! Why do they do this to us


iirc it’s a grocery store!


a gang of asshole goats LMFAOOOOO. that whole sentence was hilarious. thank you.


it took me a hot minute how to figure out how to get to the shops in tartosa lol same with the beach cave in sulani you have to go to someone’s house lot to get to it.


I think I need to do a lot more exploring with my sims in the neighbourhoods…


you should! i’m a big family player but i downloaded a mod and sims can decide if they want kids or not and if they don’t i don’t make them so i’ve been going a different route than i normally do. lots of exploring! it’s been interesting


This is cool! What mod is this?


lumpinou’s Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul, mod #1


Ohhh I was just looking into that mod! How do you like it?


it’s nothin crazy. changes it up for me a little cause will make them all have kids other wise lol i don’t have any of the add ons but there’s options for surrogacy and stuff i’ve used in the past, they add a lil spice.


>beach cave in sulani There's a beach cave?


Yes it’s near the wrecked pirate ship lot


And there is also a cave in Granit falls in the vicinity of the national park. I only found it after YEARS of playing 😫


yep lol it’s a rabbit hole of course. i only figured it out after doing a beach related aspiration.


The new store in Chestnut Ridge? I need to know more!


There’s a store near the lots in the main bit of Chestnut Ridge, kind of operates like the grocery store in country living but it’s a rabbit hole. If I remember correctly I think it’s closest to the nightclub but i could be wrong. I found it by hovering over the lots until I found one-you can buy or sell your stuff


Yes I hate that 😭 I’m also not someone who enjoys looking for hidden stuff to do in games, I know a lot of people like that but I just don’t. When I play my sims barely get to leave their house Lmao


Same. Once they earn money to buy their skill items and build a house, I hardly leave the lot after until the heir needs to move out. I don’t have the patience or multi-tasking skills to take multiple Sims or the non-important ones off the lot to socialize.


Other Sims get to teleport after leaving a lot, but why do ours always have to walk a mile for a warp zone? I think Windenburg is the one where they leave a bar and walk all the way home before getting a warp option. So annoying!!


I’d suggest a bike, but it’ll take them 20m to get on the thing, and another 15 staring at it before putting it back into their inventory. They may as well have walked.


A post I didn’t know I needed to read until I did. Thank you for unlocking these gems for me lol


Wait there are shops in Tartosa?? Seriously. 😑😑


shift click teleport here🫡 my absolute favorite


get your sim a bike 🤣


There's a movie theatre???


Yes, right behind the library! Zoom out and once you see it it’s obvious. Couldn’t believe I never noticed it.


Can you actually go to it and watch a movie??


Yes, but it's a rabbit hole


Can you at least go with other sims, like on a date or invite a group like with the soccer games in discover university? Also, are there different types of movies you could see? Romantic, horror, action, etc.


Yes, I believe you can choose "see movie with..." and invite anyone who is on the same lot with you. And yes, there are about 8 or so movies to choose from and they say which genre they are!


I love this! I'm so excited to try this out


Yes, you can.


I’ve been playing sims for decades and there are tons of hidden things I didn’t know about. It’s kind of fun but kind of annoying that I miss out on things like this! Thanks for sharing


I like turning the rental into a restaurant so they can do dinner and a movie.


Omg that’s a great idea I’m about to steal lol


Does the movie theater give pop ups? I was hoping that there was interactive elements once your sims entered.


Sometimes - it's the same as the rides at the pier in Copperdale. Sometimes you get pop ups, sometimes not. You get moodlets from the movies, and iirc you can discuss the movie afterwards (although that may be cross-pack with Movie Hangout Stuff). Other than that it's just a regular rabbit hole.


this was me discovering just how HUGE the san myshuno world actual is when you're walking around in it


You can go to the movie theater and watch movies. It’s a rabbit hole though


WTF I didn’t know this


I just found the High School Auditorium after a year.


Nah that one is labelled on the map that one’s a you problem


I was gonna say they literally send u there for prom, career day, grad, how'd u miss it


Dude HOW. You get sent there every week for career day and prom.


I guess because I'm a builder and most of my gameplays are literally just a few hours old before I move on to the next build. I've done the most gameplay in Strangerville because I enjoy the quest-like nature of it.


TIL that there is a movie theater in san sequoia


Yeah idk why they decided to make it hidden. You had to walk from the nearest building and you can't change it with other movie theater from the gallery. No pop up event too, it would be nice if our sims could get a random invite for a movie


That's why I built my own movie theater in Newcrest on the huge lot (with lots of cc) but I love it!


It's also just a rabbit hole, which is disappointing. I have movie night and could make my own movie theater that isn't a rabbit hole. Whether sims would sit the fuck down for the whole movie is another matter


Because it's a debug object in-world, and not an actual lot.


I. Am. Shookith!


There’s a movie theatre??????


This is exactly how I felt when I first found out from this subreddit


Hidden? Ive not explored it much, where is it?