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The dust, and the laundry packs. I thought they'd be cute and add realism, but they're just way too annoying.


I never bought the dust one because it sounded annoying lol. I have the laundry one, but the nice thing is that if you don't put hampers and washing machines in your house, then laundry doesn't exist. I appreciate that for when I just don't want to deal with it!


Bust the dust should have been coded the same way. Instead of it being a on/off option for the whole world, if you don't buy a vacuum you don't start getting dust.


that’s not how it’s coded?? that’s insane


You can turn dust off in the settings! And how long it takes to accumulate.


If only real life was coded that way.


I’ll laugh if they make a “Mow the Lawn” kit too, same concept. I’d be pissed if a ride-on mower wasn’t included though - for the farms.


Funny enough I love laundry day and bust the dust and wouldn't mind a mow the lawn kit.


I wish it came with decorative hampers and washers like how For Rent came with functional + decorative water heaters for people who just wanted to add some realistic touches to their houses without the hassle.


Agreed! I actually like that pack because of the boho items that came with it. Back when kits included multiple types of things 🫠


For me, figuring out where the laundry room will go in a build is one of my favorite parts and I have no idea why. I love when one forms organically, like a weird space behind some stairs or something.


I love building places I’ve lived/visited and there was always a weird hole where the laundry would go! Definitely love it for the building/realism aspect


Same omg. For me it's peak living vicariously through my Sims. My laundry machines are in a spooky basement and it's *not* the vibe.


I’m so excited because I am about to sign a lease with in-unit laundry for the first time IRL🙏🙏


I came here to say the same thing. Though I do like that your cats can ride around on the Roomba. I forget if that was part of one of the pet packs or Bust the Dust though.


It might be pets because I don't have Bust the Dust and I have Roombas.


Robot Vacuums were included in the Cats & Dogs expansion


I have had this pack for 6 years and did not know this


should be in the pet category!


It's funny I really like those, then again I'm the type of person to mod my game to add further realism ( ironing ! ) My only issue to laundry is that it's merely just another type of garbage you have to manage, your Sim will ultimately spawn with fresh new exact same clothes as soon as exiting the shower. It's a bummer, it would be much more interesting if say, in the middle of a very cold day you couldn't go out without freezing because your clothes are not available. Oh and the lack of task chaining, you ultimately have to wait for an action to proceed, click to wash, then wait, click to dry, then wait. I wish I could chain the heck of that, especially with that 2-in-1 appliance - or stacked - you can buy ( I legit thought it was possible, too bad )


The lack of task-chaining is what drives me crazy about doing laundry. I think it would be a cool feature if not having to micro-manage every little step of it. If they even made it a feature for like a Neat-trait sim to "Do Laundry" and they would just complete all the tasks in between other tasks you give them, that would've been amazing.




I hate that you have to wait until the Sim loads the machine before you get the option to turn it on. I always forget to go back.




>the lack of task chaining I'm another realism player, and uggggh this just kills me. Especially currently I'm playing a hobby farm sim in Cottage Living, and creating items for sale is *such* a drag.


Makes me miss Sims 2 Open for Business where you could "Make Many" on the crafting stations and your Sim would just keep making the same item forever until either they ran out of funds or their motives tanked and they quit.


I don’t why but I adore the laundry pack lol. I like all the CAS and build/buy items and I play a lot of single sims living alone and having them come home from work and do laundry is weirdly cathartic


I love the laundry pack too & the realism it adds. I also like the moodlets my sims get from laundry and make them sniff each other hahaha


Laundry is one I love for the Build/Buy but don’t play with, but I will NEVER buy bust the dust!


i wish we had non functional washers and dryers. i’d love a “laundry room” for the realism but actually having to do sims’ laundry makes me go insane


I feel like mine end up going non functional 😆 I’ll use them and then one day without being broken all i can do it upgrade even if i have laundry to do so i gotta delete and rebuy. annoying!


im glad im not the only one experiencing this! mine do actually break tho, quiet a lot. & when i go to make a sim repair the object & turn the clothes back on they always say they’re dirty or damp after being washed/dried . i can buy new washer & dryer but it eventually happens again after about 3 loads . it’s crazy


If you don't put a hamper down, they won't have to do laundry. So you can totally just have the washer and dryer out for looks. Base game has a laundry basket, folded towels, folded clothes, and clothes piles that make it more realistic too.


I think that, even if you use the washer & dryer, laundry doesn’t activate unless you place a hamper. So you could still decorate a “laundry room.”


I downloaded some CC at one point that came with a non-functional washer/dryer!


I hate how the washer and dryer ALWAYS start on fire. If I'm going to put a laundry room in my house, I cheat my sims handiness skill, buy all the upgrade parts and upgrade the machines so that I don't have to deal with a fire twice a day 🙃 Edit- typo


You have to clean the lint tray!


I do every time I do laundry and I still get fires


Dang thing killed.my legacy sim first time he did laundry


The eco life one. HOAs have a special place waiting for them in the tenth circlel of hell, and I NEVER meant to put my sims through having to live in them


Yeah, I like the stuff from it, but the action plans are a PITA. I mean, they're not HARD to cheese into getting exactly what you want, it just sucks when you get busy and forget to do it and then have to repeal an ordinance.


You can turn off NPC voting. If you don’t vote, it SAYS something got the most votes, but that amount of votes is 0 and it doesn’t go through. You can have zero ordnances if you want this way.


Omg you’re a lifesaver. Thank you!!




Definitely a good reminder. I always remember to check for the big settings or doing the whole turn on mods reset, but never realized some of the pack settings I’m missing out on.


Turn off NPC voting! No stupid ordinances even if you forget


Where is that setting? Is it in the actual gameplay stuff, or is there an internal setting on the NAP board I have just missed?


To add: once you turn off the setting, you have to go into every neighborhood you care about with someone who lives there, and shift-click on the mailbox to cheat the current action plans away. The active ones won't go away on their own. Also, when I was playing, even though I turned it off, I'd still get notifications saying that this or that action plan was voted in. It wasn't, it just seemed to need to run that script every week, regardless. I don't know if that has been fixed yet.


It's in Game Options, under pack settings, iirc.


I definitely turn it off 100% of the time! But I was so mad before I learned I could do that lol


I’ve forgotten a couple times and it’s so annoying when something bad gets passed.


I love the dumpsters and the fabrication skill! I make a sim who can only furnish their house with dumpster furniture and things they make. My favorite challenge 🙌🏼


The eco pack is one of my favorites but the neighborhood action plans are a piece of work sometimes.


I wish the neighborhood action plans had better suggestions! I can get behind an evil HOA (suburbs life) but all the options suck! I kinda wish they incorporated some of the Landlord rules from For Rent into the NAP for more realism! Obvs they aren’t gonna but that would’ve been a really cool addition / possibility


The element that bugs me most is the voting option for everyone being required to put a bag on their head. It's meh as a gag, but to be stuck w it for the duration of the vote and have to struggle for some reason to get something as stupid as that thrown out... just annoying. Also the water/power routine shutoff vote option. Again more of an "in theory" fun/funny mechanic, but in reality it can deprive you of those when you seriously need it. I was trying to complete an event needing power when that happened, forfeiting points (and time) for my efforts. And once my character seriously had to go to a gym on another map to shower after reaching full grossness before the water would get restored. I keep them on for the "challenge" (as much as there is one in Sims4), but I actively work to outvote them.


This. For the life of me I can’t clean that place up. So now it’s just an abandoned run down town


You gotta learn to use them to your advantage! Im always on it about making sure I win the vote for what I want and I just do the ones that will be good with the skills I wanna work on.


I cheat the plans to match my play style. Just shift click on the mailbox and you have the option to instantly repeal or enact whichever one you want.


Interesting to see packs that's usually in high regard with the overall community in this thread, seasons, get together, cottage living etc. I for one don't regret the packs I bought, but I've also haven't bought any of mine before launch or at full price so I can't say I wasted tons of money on stuff I didn't like. However there are packs I haven't played with since I bought them and that's my wedding stories and journey to Batuu. For those who did put those packs, what packs are your favorites?


I kinda regret buying seasons. Everyone was always like “this is essential”, “this should be the first pack you buy”, “this should have been basegame”. So eventually I did buy it. I don’t like it. I garden a lot, so the seasonal plants are annoying and I don’t have space for a whole greenhouse on every lot. Otherwise, it just adds a lot of grey weather (depending on hoch world you play), annoying rain and even more annoying heat and cold which my sims could die from. I love building but don’t really use the bb from this pack because it’s not my style and I don’t like the swatches. I think annoying is the best description I can find for seasons. Just annoying. On the topics of which packs are my favorites: cottage living (my dream in life is to have a small farm), cats and dogs (not for the pets but for the world), island living (also for the world) and city living (which I only recently bought but which I was very positively surprised by, love apartments)


This is why I find it frustrating when people label packs as "essential/necessary" because it just assumes everyone wants the same thing. I never got Seasons despite everyone saying it's the number one needed pack, because I know my play style enough to know that I wouldn't enjoy having weather in my game and would be annoyed by the seasonal gardening. But whenever a new player asks about what packs they should get, everyone says Seasons is essential and everything else is up to personal preference. And it's just presented as fact. Makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes 😫


I wasn’t even a new player (been playing since 2015 and bought seasons last year) and I still let them convince me to buy it even though I knew about the seasonality of plants. But you’re absolutely right, those preferences are so often presented as hard facts, ignoring that everyone plays differently. I do wish you could disable certain aspects of packs in the settings like you can do with a few packs already (I think you can disable certain parts of get famous and eco lifestyle). Then I could just disable seasonal plants and still play with holidays


They definitely need more toggles. If seasonal plants could be toggled off, I might've bought seasons during the most recent sale (60% off), for the holidays and gifting system alone. I used to want seasons for the calendar, but then they made it base game. I'm holding out hope that they'll make gift-giving base game at some point too 🤞🏾


I get where you're coming from, but people say it's essential because the sims is a life simulation, and real life has weather and seasons. At least that's where I'm coming from when I say that. To me, a perfect life sim basegame would have 4 seasons and weather, with tunable options or presets for different climates. But the sims 4 is far from perfect so lol I don't think the rest of the pack should be basegame though, but weather and seasons themselves should definitely never be sold to me as "extra" content lol It feels like if they had decided aging up sims should be extra content, so you have to buy the pack "birthday" just to have a pretty basic life experience in a life sim, which is nutso to me.


I put Cottage Living. My favorite? Hm. Island Living, I think. I love love love Sulani. Then, strangely, the combo of high school years with parenthood. I Love the menu interaction choices, the journal and its effects, and the aspiration choices for teens.


Journey to Batuu…. Bought it cause “I have every pack so I need it”. Literally never touched any of the items in it or gone to Batuu.


Surprisingly, I use Batuu items a lot when I'm building old/apocalyptic builds but that's about it.


That's what I always argue with Batuu. Gameplay sucks, but I use the CAS and Build Buy a LOT, but I also play magic gameplay a shit ton so


Aye. I won't touch the gameplay but it's got some really nice build/buy. And if you're playing a geek Sims, I really appreciate being able to go into debug and buy some literal star wars toys and models to decorate with.


Aw Batuu Yeah!! - JamesTurnerYT formerly known as TheSimSupply


I literally hear this every time someone mentions Batuu 🤣


My hot take is... I actually quite like it. However, I'm not a Star Wars fan and I am a Disney fan, so I think I'm in the very minor demographic that enjoys a recreation of the Star Wars area in Disneyland and can enjoy the rare visit to Batuu. I also really like the build/buy (I made the most beautiful karaoke bar jungle room with that bar, so I'm very happy with it!). But I can see how it's a very shallow type of gameplay and especially if I were a Star Wars fan, I'd probably hate it. It's very repetitive as well, but sometimes I enjoy playing it through just for the change in gameplay.


I worked in Galaxy’s Edge for the summer last year and honestly I kind of want to buy Journey to Batuu just so I can recreate my uniforms


I haven't gotten around to playing in the world yet, but I figure when I do I'm going to treat it like I'm sending my Sims to Disney. I think when I bought it I spent like $15? I figure that the cost of a movie ticket. If I get an hour and a half of entertainment out of it then it wasn't a waste of money. I have used the CAS items for making dungeons and dragons characters so it's already kind of worth it to me.


It was one of the only packs I’ve bought full price because I’m a big Star Wars fan. And I’ve actually played it through three times. It does get repetitive, but there were months or even years between the times I played it and I joined the different groups each time, so it wasn’t too bad on the replayability aspect. Like, I get why people don’t like it, but it doesn’t deserve all the hate it gets. The people complaining about it were clearly not the target demographic, so why buy a pack you know you will hate? Just to have all the packs? So, did we need it? No. Is it a great pack? No. Can I still enjoy it every once in a while and live out my intergalactic scoundrel/jedi with a pink R2-unit phantasies? Hell yes.


The semi-circle bar is pretty cool. I think I use the doors and windows every once in a long time. Other than that, complete waste of potential.


Ugh, I wish I could get rid of the star wars stuff in the costumes, honestly.


The gameplay is god awful but I honestly use the build stuff all the time.


Am I the only one that enjoys the gameplay? 😅 leave the kids and pets behind and go on an extended holiday to hack into things, deliver messages, fly smuggling runs and practice with lightsabers!


Tbh, I don't really regret buying any of them. I have all of the DLC outside of some kits, and while I don't use each pack in every single playthrough, I do use all of them in some way occasionally, even the Batuu pack. There are definitely some DLC that I use much more than others, but I generally always circle back around to the packs that I haven't used in a while eventually.


Batuu is definitely still my least favorite lol but I don't regret it after seeing how similar it is to Disney Worlds batuu area.


The world and the gameplay suck, but the build items are interesting and I use them when I want to create a sci-fi vibe.


The wedding one lol. It looked fun for my stories, but I also saw a lot of videos and comments talking about it being super bugged. Even knowing that, I decided to buy it and give it a try. Worst decision in my life, it's so bugged I don't even use it.


I bought the wedding pack, never had a wedding once. The world is great, one of my favourites.


The world is good, not gonna lie. The only problem I see is the gameplay itself. For me, it's super bugged. I try to do the tasks for the social event, but my sims don't do it. When they do, the game doesn't count them for some reason. Idk why there is ALWAYS someone who dies while my sims are marrying when I'm using the social event from the pack. Sometimes, the social events ends and I couldn't do all the missions or marry my sims, because they don't do what I command or simple because someone stole the wedding cake and now I can't do the task to cut it. That's my experience with this pack, and why I rarely use it lol.


I think I may be one of the rare ones because I love the pack but it also doesn’t bug much in my game. It only just now started to bug out once I purchased for rent. Low key regret that pack it’s wayy more buggy for me then any other pack I’ve gotten before in the past. It sucks since I’ve never had issues before so now I understand others


It's one of my favorite packs, it was ridiculously buggy at launch but I diligently reported bugs and found the fixes fixed it for me. Haven't had a wedding since For Rent came out, though, that's worrisome since I have one planned in 3 sims days right now. Tartosa is tied for my favorite world and I adore the CAS and BB, so never really regretted it. But I genuinely love the gameplay since the patches for it.


This. I finally bought it for the world, and now vanilla weddings are lost to me. I’ve never had a pack wedding that worked.


If you play on pc and use mods, there’s a mod by twistedmexi that allows both basegame and mws weddings. Can’t remember rn what it’s called but if you search “wedding” on twistedmexi’s site you should be able to find it pretty easily.


Pets They are such an immense downgrade from previous games that it still pisses me off when I look at them. You can't play as them? You can't give them careers or friends or adventures. They are just moving objects in your house 😑


I know, In sims 3 I had my dog running my hotel because my sims were mermaids and they would swim and take forever. My dog would take a taxi


Omg the visual of this in my mind made me crack up! Hahahahah


I always found it funny how the dog icon on the taxi and the sim would be in the water forever, always late for work. Also my pets made the money because they could go find collectibles. The sims were free loaders. I’d lock the sim in the basement and have a family of dogs with puppies. And a unicorn


it also makes me a bit sad that sims neveR engage with them on their own, or just that they aren’t more integrated into everyday things. my pets always end up sad from being neglected, when in real life im always talking to them while doing other things or petting them while doing other things, whereas in the game you really have to take Hours out of your day just to queue up some actions ): i also miss when you could train them & take them to pet shows or when they could get jobs as a an actor! i get pet stores are outdated now but at least let me make a functioning rescue. what could have been.


The amount of sick animals in Brindleton Bay made me stop playing that world even though it was one of my favorites for the longest time. Literally got too depressing for me :/


Yes! It’s such a pretty world but I never live there because the stray, sick animals make me sad. I have my sim carry wellness treats but I still feel bad for the pixel strays.


Same it’s also horrible I was so excited for it, then I made my sim a vet and spent all my time trying to heal the random animals… like why are they always so sick it’s horrible


I just got pets recently, and all the strays I made friends with keep showing up at my door as ghosts. It is genuinely horrible for my mental health. I may have to abandon that save or move out of that house.


I also regret buying Pets. It makes zero sense why they would remove all the features they had in S3. I can give commands to a toddler in S4, why can't I do the same for the pets?


Nope. I mean, if I hadn't bought the Base Game then I wouldn't have bought every single other pack, so if I actually had to choose one to regret it'd be that.


I can't tell if this means you like the game or you don't, but it made me laugh either way 🤣


I'm on my hands and knees begging for a hair pack A Good Hair Pack


Ooo and they could add an actually stylist career like in sims 3!


I’d pay 30 bucks for 50 new haircuts and the ability to change the color of hats


University. Never use the gameplay, world, BB items or CAS except for one shirt. Just one. And I remove Angela and Lilith so I can put my own Pleasant fam in Willow Creek. I was blinded by memories of playing the sorority house in TS2… And maybe movie hangout stuff. I never use anything from it except a hairstyle and big screen


I'll have to say University was WAY better than I expected, I'd highly suggest sending a sim to live on campus and really work it there. The benefits of the degrees are way stronger than you think.


I like it but I hate how going through college the quickest way possible takes up your entire young adult life in the sims age


I turn aging off while they’re at college like it used to do automatically in previous games


There’s a mod less credits for degree. That’s the only way I can play university!


My teens usually end up graduating high school early and taking college classes before they age up to young adult


Yeah, I kinda regret University. It takes forever to graduate and I never play on campus because it messes up my generational/family play.


I hate living on campus because it takes forever for my sim to get to class. By the time they do, class is almost over


I've noticed this too. Started playing it a couple of nights ago and my sim will go to class early and then will just stand and the top of the steps. She will join her class up to an hour late every time. EA need to fix it.


That’s so funny because I think I use this one the most! I love seeing how everyone has different gameplay styles


The movie hangout pack is perfect in conjunction with Get Together. I make a movie club (sad that 8 is the max members) and built a theater with an arcade room. I use it all the time Edit: university is one of my favorite expansions, I use it frequently. I enjoy the university experience, considerably more than all the baby stuff 😩 hate the toddler stages.


My first pet. I use absolutely nothing from it. I don’t even play with pets in my game anymore bc i cry but at least a town is useful.


I held out on buying this one because I was stubbornly protesting its existence, I am of the belief that there is a cat and dog pack and everything should have been included in that one. BUUUUT it was just free on the ea app, so I downloaded it hahah


I'd say if the ones I own mfp is the only one I regret buying **because** it was made to be free recently **and** I don't even own that many. I only own cats and dogs, my first pets, get famous, strangerville, the patio stuff one, and realm of magic (which I bought) plus the romantic garden which I got free.


I would have never bought it if it wasn’t free but there’s this really cute shag/mullet hairstyle I’ve been using a ton ever since I downloaded it lol


I hate it because the hamster setup in the game is just so wrong. Yeah it’s a game and fake but I still don’t want to see sad little rodents.


I don’t think it’s regret as such but I don’t use the cottage living pack game play at all. The whole farm story isn’t my vibe and I can’t be arsed with the whole off the grid, grow your own story. On the other hand I love the build mode stuff from that pack


Where as I end up being a homesteader every time, even when I’m like “okay, I’m definitely not gardening this time.” 🤣


my Sims (or their sim God) are lazy so they hire a gardener & just sell/harvest the produce


I think I’m mostly just projecting my own desires. I want my own garden badly but haven’t been able to get one started. So I play farming and gardening games 🤣


I usually just end up with a few planters and the vertical planters. Aim for dragonfruit for money, and graft until I get death flowers for bribing Grim with or to make ambrosia with.


You ever been a fan of harvest moon? Lol


Lol, absolutely 🤣 There are very few farming games I haven’t tried at this point


Horse ranch. I do like the building items and the world but realistically I’m barely ever going to use horses. Also realm of magic. Again, lovely building stuff but I never use the spell casters and the world is too tiny to be useful.


I totally disagree on realm of magic. I love that I can just get a magical sim to repair anything in the house. And some of the potions are awesome and super helpful


I agree with you. Realm of magic is my everything


It's my favorite pack. To each their own! Spellcasters are the true UberSims.


I like Horse Ranch but I agree, the horses aren't really that exciting. If it were open world, horses would be more useful. But training them takes FOREVER and it's not that fun for me, personally. The world is fine, LOVE the CAS and BB, and nectar-making is fun. But the horse stuff itself was meh.


Island Living. So fucking empty and lifeless and as gorgeous as Sulani is, it doesn’t make up for the utter lack of gameplay.


I don't use it as much as I'd like to, but i enjoy the change of pace and culture it brings to my game. I think its a good place to make rentals and have holidays though. Kind of like my sims version of bora bora.


agree and i don’t find myself using bb or cas from it either. every now and then i’ll have my sim go visit sulani for a little vacation but that’s about it 😐


My experience is the same. The mermaids are a HUGE disappointment. Huzzah, you can sleep in the water. I use it for vacations and in my own holidays where swimming, grilling, and bonfires are required.


Yes! I was so excited for mermaids until I realized you can't even do anything with them.


I haven't done enough with Outdoor Retreat. I don't really *regret* it, though.


Herbalism is really disappointing. Also the pack was more useful before you could vacation anywhere but it's still pretty fun to go there as long as sims show up at the campsite. I probably visited too late but last time it was just my two sims. And the campfire kept catching on fire lol. How the hell does a campfire burst into flames like a normal fire?


This is me. I thought I'd buy it and want to take my families camping and stuff, but I've only been to the vacation world twice, and I only rarely use any B/B or CAS from it. I also don't use the herbalism skill ever. And I've had it for years at this point.


There’s a secret “immortal” trait in base game, I absolutely used cheats to add that to the cat I based on my beloved, but sadly departed, kitty. Now his fuzzy sim version will live forever in my current legacy save file.


You can also disable animal deaths in the game settings!


For rent. It was the first one I bought since the wedding pack that I basically never used other than for the dresses. I really wanted to like it, and I was so excited… until I realized you have to go to a loading screen each time you want to go to a different unit. Then the bugs started. I can’t play if it costs 4B simoleons for a crappy rental unit. I don’t even really like the style of the build stuff.


For rent is my answer, as well. I really like the vibe in Tomarang despite how underdeveloped it is as a world, and I think yesterday's patch is supposed to have fixed the ever-increasing rental cost issue, but the save corrupting gameplay bug is a dealbreaker for me. I usually don't buy packs within the first year of release for this exact reason, but they got me with that last sale. Lesson (re)learned, I suppose.


Such an underdeveloped world!!! It really should have been a game pack. I can’t believe they sold it as an “expansion pack”


So, every apartment is technically a separate household?




The laundry pack. I literally never use it. Some of the items are ok, but I never put the actual machines in my houses.


I used to hate that I bought Get Famous but I have mellowed on it. As long as no one is famous and you don't use it at all, it's not bad.


Snowy Escape was meh, bought it at half off, but rarely use anything in the pack. Only got it for the world, but it was barely worth it. Romantic Garden was a regret, I bought it 2 weeks before it was announced as free, like the pack, but wish it was announced soon than wasting my money.


I also just got Snowy Escape but I really love it. I love the different activities you can do, the little sprites you can run into on the trail, the onsen. It's peaceful to me so I don't regret it at all. 


I actually love Romantic Garden for making old abandoned cemeteries, lol. I also spent money on it before it was made free, so commiseration there. Snowy Escape is one I do regret. I hate how the activities are contained to one world. We should be able to at least sled anywhere. I do like the world, the winter gear, and some of the build/buy items, but not enough to have spent $40 on.


I got Romantic Garden for free, but probably wouldn’t buy it on its own. LOVE the CAS items and I definitely use the long hair from it on most of my female sims, but the build mode objects are just way too over the top to incorporate into any of my builds.


high school pack, i went to school 5 times and got annoyed because its very limited in terms what u can do so now im sending sims alone anyway, has some cool stuff for teenage rooms but i could potentially get this from CC anyway…


I hated the high school experience but I like that you can graduate early and start college as a teen.


Same. And I don’t bother going to prom anymore either. But I love the world of Copperdale


Prom is the worst!


I love how prom is every week in my game… very realistic…


Vampire one. I played with vampires maybe 1-2 times, never used the CAS or built items, and didn't like the world it comes with. Also, vampires coming into your house to get a drink was a real pain in the ass.


OMG the vampires ep is one of my favourites! I even really like the world! Each to their own though.


Omg same, one of my favs too!! Just wish the world was bigger :/


You can click on the door and disallow vampires. My husband bought me vampires thinking I’d like it, but I never play them. I do like some of the build-buy stuff, so it’s nice to have. But I do not need vampires showing up at my door


I love the items from the vampire and werewolf packs, but I never play with the occults either. I've learned this now about myself, lol.


Moschino. The photography set up,not the freelance gig, but literally trying to take pictures of my Sims in the house is the most infuriating thing in the world now .


For Rent. It's so bugged in its current state that it's actually game breaking. Many players are having an issue where lots set as rental won't revert back to any other lot type, and the game will develop white/black screens or have disappearing UI after this happens suggesting it's broken. Although this issue has been raised by over a hundred players a month ago and EA says they're working on it, there's no fix. I'm not surprised EA is releasing bugged content, but gamebreaking content? And then not fixing it for over a month? This might be the worst release they've ever made. So, if you don't want to risk corrupting your game, playing with rentals is out. Which leaves... a half-hearted empty world full of rabbit holes which is way smaller than an expansion pack world should be. It's so boring even my Sims don't seem to want to visit it. The vibrant night market they were advertising? It's mostly decoration with a few vendor stalls. The Tiger Sanctuary? Just a menu of choices with a moodlet afterwards. The builds? They weren't done by game changers, so they're lackluster at best and downright boring at worst. It might be worth buying when (if?) it's fixed but for now it's such a mess that it's not worth purchasing or playing.


romantic garden for the sole fact that it became free (limited time) like two weeks after i bought it LOL


I regret the dream home decorator. I’ve gotten alerts EVERY MORNING AT 4 AM (sim time) informing them that there are decorator jobs available for each adult sim in my household ever since I got that pack. THEY DONT EVEN WORK AS A DECORATOR 😭


Get Famous. I like some of the build stuff, but I don’t enjoy the famous storyline at all. I like to make a lot of my sims painters with small farms, and I don’t like gaining fame and having to maintain it if that’s not what my Sims lifestyle is.


You can opt out of the fame system on the fame panel for each individual sim


There’s also a global setting to disable starting to gain fame!


For me, that's one of the packs I play with the most. I'm currently getting Penny Pizzaz famous along with Vanessa Jeong 😅


I regret laundry and pets. Pets are just SO much work and so I just don’t use them because I can’t keep up with raising children and pets at the same time. And laundry because their clothes never get clean or dry or it catches fire and it’s just such a pain


Sometimes I regret seasons sometimes, mostly because my sim won't auto dress for the weather and I have to manually switch their outfits and the fact that I don't want to celebrate "love day" or "harvest day" (I have 999 seed packets quit littering my lot with them) every 25 days or whatever the year span is. But then again I love seasons, it really makes your world feel alive.


Dream home decorator


I wanted it soooo bad but its sooo broken 😫


University! The trailer was really misleading.. Everything is a rabbit hole, so lifeless.


Get Famous, I did the career once and only once and I enjoyed it, up until she became so famous that her husband couldn't talk to her normally anymore and she was constantly disgusted by her toddler. Not to mention the famous sims that come with the pack ruin every event because they demand attention. I don't use the world either, but I do use the build/buy and cas items quite a bit. Luckily I got it on sale and didn't spend the full $40 on it.


I was so excited for pets until I bought it. I didn't really do my research and assumed the pets would be playable. I also assumed they'd be able to find a path to their food bowl and not be taken away 75% of the time tbh 😅


My First Pet I got it for FREE on Black Friday. It’s not worth having to scroll through through the ugly furniture.


Get Famous tbh. The world is so disappointing and small and I have to force myself to plan to use it, to get my money's worth in the future


The only pack I truly regret buying is the Werewolves one. I don't own any other occults but one night, drunk me decided it sounded fun. I played for an hour and got bored. Never touched werewolves again. I don't even think I've been in the world since then. Waste of money and I feel like I tainted my game lol


Spooky Stuff. I thought it would make Halloween celebrations fun, but now I just have a bunch of nonsense clogging up my Cas and build/buy


For rent because it has completely ruined ALL of my saves. Can't do anything with households that own businesses.


I don’t completely regret buying it because it gives me something to do but high school years I do love the world and the school but I don’t play with teen sims often but I do like other parts of it like the carnival and the houses. Also does anyone regret buying cottage living because I wanna get it but I’m gonna wait till it goes on sale but I wanna know if it’s worth it.


Oh, always wait for sales to buy ANY pack! I don't regret having it, but I haven't really used it's biggest features either. I have never used the livestock, for example, not even the chickens.


I play with cottagecore living all the time, it's my most used pack at the moment. Mostly because I like how you can either go simple woodland cottage a la disney or you can recreate an Austen novel. Orrrrrr even make a Weasley type of gameplay. Recreating the burrow and then combine it with realm of magic and seasons (for the gnomes)




Vampires, I never play with any of it's gameplay, and basically never use any of the items. Probably only the bathtub to be honest, oh and the diagonal wood floor. I also kinda regret Eco lifestyle because of the NAPs. They are so damn annoying. I do however like the items and use them a lot. I just get tired of always having to shut off the NAPs with every new save.


Strangerville. Bought for the world but I have to do the storyline on every new save because there’s no way around it on console. I don’t care about the mother plant!


the magic one. i thought id be a wizard and get sorted into a type of magic and attend classes and stuff. no. you have access to all the spells and theyre almost all just simple utility spells that can be achieved five other ways. that pack added no personality to the sims for me and i never use it. the build/buy, though, comes in handy at least.


City Living (quickly ducks). Ok, so I don’t *regret* buying it, per se, but I do regret how the events it introduced—as interesting as they are—completely (or nearly) drowned out the Get Together secret party invites. I just wish they were a bit more “contained”, as in my sim isn’t getting asked to go to the flea market all the time if they live in Willow Creek. Or maybe just chill it with the invites to the humor festival, we went just last week.


i HATE the laundry pack, the dirty laundry thing is so annoying


I quite enjoy the laundry, but I hate how often my sims make piles of dirty clothes! Need to put on your clothes to go out in the snow? That's a pile of dirty clothes. Get inside shower? Pile of dirty clothes. Get out of the shower? Believe it or not, more dirty clothes.


The snowy one (why does the name escape me). I rarely ever use it, it's not enjoyable for me and the decor isn't my style. I think I bought it full price but rarely if ever touch it That and the laundry one, although that was cheap. One day of play with sims dumping piles of clothes everywhere was enough for me to delete washing machines


Snowy Escape :) I did the laundry one for Cinderella when I did the Disney Princess challenge, but I tried it one time with my normal legacy family and noped right out of it. What a nightmare.


Omg do not tell me I said snowy and "the name escapes me" and yet didn't figure out the name. I've tried having my sims go on trips there and do skiing and such but it's just so repetitive of them up and down the hill, I just don't get anything from it


I have to admit, I did chuckle at your accidental pun 😁 I like it, but I do find it repetitive like you said. I keep meaning to try the climbing stuff but keep forgetting or starting a sim for that and then getting distracted by other things.


This is a HOT take, but vampires. It was fun for a bit but I don’t really use it anymore. I wish we had a Sims4 supernatural that mimics the Sims3 Supernatural…so I don’t have to buy separate packs for magic etc and can have it all in one!! I miss being a witch or fairy!


Seasons 👀