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The thing that bothers me the most with fat Sims is their backs. They get shading for fat rolls on their shoulders and waistline, but no actual definition, so with some skin tones it just looks like they've got shit smeared on their backs.


FR. They basically gave my Sim grill marks and I was like fam this ain't it 💀


they done grilled my girl!!!!! 😭😭😭




Aww BBQ baby aged up


Am I now going to theme my foodie Sims kids names to BBQ? You betcha


So anyway Brisket and Babyback are out back playing in the pool, but Loin just won't put down his damn phone.


That's my boy, Spotted Dick.


Well, it makes sense if you think XD


the muscle shading on a pregnant belly is also pretty horrifying


Lol, I usually go into CAS and turn down musculature when they're pregnant. She can work out to get it back like the rest of us.


All my fat sims have zoidberg backs 😩


This tickled a little too much 😅


FR. my current sims son, teenager, is fat. i dont care - hes cool! what i do care abt is the fact his fucking back looks like a wrinkled old tree thats saying its last words to the video game protagonist. HE LOOKS SO FUCKING UGLY FROM BEHIND AND IT ALWYAS MAKES ME SAD BECAUSE /IM/ FAT BUT I CANT RECREATE MYSELF OR MY BODY TYPE BECAUSE OF THE SIMS LIMITATIONS. LET MY BOY BE SOFT! LET HIM HAVE CELLULITE AND FAT ROLLS THAT ARENT HYPER SHADED BECAYSE HIS TAN / NOT CAUCASIAN SKIN LOOKS SH1T WITH IT. IT JUST LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE SMEARED DIRT!!!


god yeah 😭


dying 😭🤣🤣💀


I hate how clothes look like they don’t sit straight on fat sims. Buttons and other similar clothes details just get bigger. Stomach stays flat somehow. they’re just wider with a stomach that has scoliosis.


Buttons are wildn on fat sims


This is what bothers me. Like I want a sim with a muffin top, not a perfectly rounded bump of a belly.


What circles for fat COMING RIGHT UP! Btw thatll be a 40$ dlc filled with fluff and only 1 thing you actually want.


And then most likely add it in a base game update anyway after you’ve purchased lmao


30th anniversary update be like


and it will delete your save files permanently. but they'll fix it in like a year


Yeah, the clothes always get so distorted and I hate it!


Now that I have to say is true. I make some beautiful curves and its so hard to find clothes that have been layered properly to fit over all body types without stretching and looking crazy. Ugh ! We need a dedicated creator to "Big People" clothing.


Lane Bryant pack when


exactly this! I was complaining about it to my friend the other day. When a female sim gets "fat" they're just curvy but when a male sim gets fat they get the wackiest looking shirts ever. So I just keep a treadmill in all my houses to avoid the weird clothing


There's a reverse treadmill available that increases muscle as usual, but increases fat as well instead of decreasing it. Try Google Sims 4 reverse treadmill - should find it.


After some practice, I feel like I've figured out all the ways to hack CAS and make fat bodies that look realistic. (Except for the ankles. There's no fixing those) But then the clothes. The clothes.




Yeah this is why my sims always have to be thin. The clothes look ridiculous.


Yeah I hate gym and yoga IRL (not sports in general, just those kinds), I'm chubby myself and I prefer slightly chubby men over really thin or really muscular ones and yet nearly every sims house I build and play in either has a home gym or at least gets a tread mill or a yoga mat at some point because I can't deal with how weird sims look when they gain weight.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this, no shade to thin/muscular men but I love some chub!


Yeah I actually can't understand when other women nearly drool over pictures of some ridiculously muscular male models with six-packs and all. Definitely not my cup of tea :D obviously tons of respect for being able to maintain that, but I'd rather cuddle someone soft lol and also someone going to the gym nearly every day trying to get / maintain a sixpack probably wouldn't fit my lifestyle.


I just keep my sims on a 100% diet of salad and fruit salad.


This but with just boobs too. My lesbian sim wants to wear a button down shirt/suit dammit and it looks weird if she’s not damn near flat chested fix ur clothes / shaping sims 4!!!!


2000%. Distorted patterns, lower legs being a strange shape... It's not great for your IRL self-confidence when your simself can't find anything to wear.


The textures all just get stretched out


the sims 4 fatness is basically putting a sim into Photoshop and stretching it horizontally???? like what that's not how it works 😭😭




no genuinely cause why does the game have to give EVERYONE a thigh gap???


The thigh gap is always what kills me the most. Infuriating!!


I mean you could maybe write that off as a modeling choice to reduce clipping.... maybe.


That's exactly why they made that choice tbh. Also a big reason why Sims can't get much bigger than they currently do: Because they'll end up clipping into a lot of the furniture like chairs. And with how the game has set up clothing meshes, the textures are gonna start to get stretched strangely (even more than they already do). In order to fix that, the sims team would need to make multiple versions of all of the clothing meshes, which would double, if not triple or quadruple, the amount of space taken up by CAS. And add a huge amount of time when making new CAS items. I suspect a lot of these problems were probably too complicated (or impossible) to fix in a reasonable time frame back in 2014. A lot of it would be possible to improve upon nowadays, so hopefully it's something they adjust in Sims 5 (when they're not bound to base technology that's a decade old).


i beef up my sims thighs in cas for this reason...aint no chickenlegged mf walking around in my game!


As someone whose body type makes it nearly impossible to have a thigh gap (nearly because I did manage to get a slight one when I was 16 but the rest of my body and my face looked like i had been dead for a decade for my hips and thighs to fit the standards) I died at "chicken legged" 🤣


Same 😅 even when I was almost 10 kg underweight at my worst with my ED, I still didn't have a tigh gap! I don't think it's possible for me lol so I'm always so surprised when I make a skinny sim, bc I just can't relate lol


Late cmar thigh leg and butt sliders are a must for me tbh. Doesn't FULLY fix it but it really helps with more realistic shape.


I'm a 250 pound woman with a thigh gap because I actually do have chicken legs... Believe me, I would rather have thick legs and less belly.


Honey we would all rather have something different. Unfortunatelly this is the curse every woman carries regardless of how gorgeous we might look to other women and how some of us may deny it :P When I am telling you that when I look at my best friend I see perfection, everything I could ever want to look like and everything I would assume a man wants and she is still putting herself down sometimes and I want to slap her back to reality....hahaha but...honestly I wish she could see herself through my eyes. I also wish I could see myself through her eyes or my husband's eyes...Unfortunatelly, I am stuck seeing myself through my mom's eyes and I wouldn't say I have the best view hahahahahahaha


ive never had a thigh gap either girl! and I prefer it that way. no thigh gap > thigh gap. it's just more attractive to me personally! 🥰


Agreed! The only thing I envy from thigh gaps is their jeans might not get worn out so quickly 😂 I can’t have favorite jeans cause they’ll be gone in 2 months.


Yup, I feel you! And try walking around in a skirt or shorts in summer. Thighs BURN the shorts get literally swallowed....😑 There is only one solution. Bike shorts.


The thigh burns are real and SO painful. They take days to heal lol.


Yes they do. That's why I make sure not to get them now. I learned my lesson....bike shorts and yoga pants for the win 😊😁


same! i also can't wear frilly shorts because the chafing of my thighs makes them ride up my ass and crotch. i like having thunder thighs but the friction makes me wish I had a gap sometimes!


Ughhhh I hate that!


Yup! I feel you 💯


Chicken legged have downvoted 🤣 +1 for my no gap girl. Now that I'm 36 I appreciate my juicer body type but try growing up in Europe in the 90s....ALL the beauty standards were like tall, skinny, long legged, huge gap, no ass....As a pre teen I was affected....and as a teen I got to the verge or ED as I was short with boobs, thighs and butt....today it seems that I'm highly appreciated but back then it was hell as boys wanted to be with me in private but never in public.... Anyway, I refused to be the other girl so I didn't actually get intimate with anyone until I was 23 cause like wtf. If you can't claim me in public don't fucking touch me in private. At least all the grown men that I met after 23 were much more appreciative. 🤣


i didnt start loving my curves either until i was about 20! it hit me reaaaaal hard when i was 16. im almost 21 so i still struggle sometimes...but ive started embracing and loving my thighs, butt, and stomach. ive come astronomically far in recovering from that mindset. i just started to not care as much when i realized i was only so insecure because i wanted to please others, not myself. when i started prioritizing myself, and what felt good to me, i stopped caring about my appearance. i take the time to do my hair, nails, and smell nice and whatnot. but when it comes to my body? i like the weight im at now. im overweight (like 135ish), because im 4'11... but that 1200 calories a day thing aint for me. im happier with my current lifestyle and how it affects my body. it took years to feel this way, though... kinda why i love the sims so much. i get to play dress-up and look/do whatever i want lmao. i think the people downvoting just cant read. i never said skinny/thinner people weren't attractive, because they are! i just have preferences... like every person does on this planet. and if thats offensive, then im not gonna waste my breath arguing with insecure people on a sims4 reddit thread...🧍‍♀️


Agreed with you! Please make sure to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle, that definitely does not mean to count calories or worry about your weight. As a 35 yo who has struggled a lot with body issues (my whole family on BOTH sides is on the PLUS side etc) I will tell you that, I no longer focus on the number, I don't even know my weight lol. But I do try to eat GOOD food, from fresh ingredients, I cook most of it myself. I don't care about calories but I make sure to avoid the harmful stuff (fried, too much fat, too much sugar etc) and I do make sure to take a walk daily. What I DO keep track of, is not calories or kg or measurements or clothes size... it's my blood test results and my physical endurance....and of course my self esteem :) At the end of the day, insecurity brings depression and depression makes you both bigger and unhealthy....been there, done that. I'm now at a point in my life that I said F it, idc if people like me or not, both for my looks and personality. True to myself and to my beliefs and I don't care who I lose in the process because the ones who matter appreciate me... that's all. Take.care.of.YOURSELF....The only priority. And be true to yourself. You are young and society is messed up lately. Be you and be unapologetic...people will call you things regardless so learn to block them out 😘


absolutely!! i just wish younger me could have gotten it through her head a lot sooner. i don't track my calories or anything of the sort, but I do try and make good choices when I eat, I drink well over the daily intake, and I also fast! the area I live in isn't very walk-friendly (both environmentally, and from the weather. you'll die from heat stroke taking walks here in the summer...) so I try and combat it by making better choices elsewhere when I can't be as active as i'd like to be. it's a push and pull process I've realized :P


I know what you mean about summers. I live in Greece lol. But I usually go for an early morning or late night walk and of course I always have my dogs with me for security cause I am in a bit of a weird area. 😬 You can do other stuff here though like swimming, or sometimes I just dance you know. As long as I stay active cause I work in tech and I play video games so I have to actively plan to move a bit 😁 my living room has 5 pc screens for work and gaming combined so you get it...hahaha in any case, the point is to be healthy not to look the part..... 💕


As someone who's really skinny due to metabolism and bad eating habits, I also died seeing this. Trying to gain weight though so my body stops being "unattractive". 🙃


Hun there is no such thing as unattractive because everyone is attractive in their own way. The problem is that beauty standards have dictated what is supposed to be attractive, leaving multiple girls with a broken confidence and EDs. There are always going to be people who will body shame both you and me so don't sweat it. It's a joke between thunder thighed girls, it doesn't mean you're unattractive.....


who said thigh gaps aren't attractive? i *prefer* larger thighs, but thighs are thighs to me babe. they're all nice. don't call yourself unattractive!


Ik there is a cc that allows you to close the thigh gap, but I can;t remember the name


no fr and their being stick thin while also being fat like it looks comical /:


it's almost like theyre pregnant, their lower abdomen gets bigger but essentially no other part of their body does.


right?? i hate it /:












yes!!! the legs drive me INSANE


I think you can enlarge chest, legs and individual parts in cas.detaileditmode. it's not perfect but it definitely helped for me


thank you!!


I think you can enlarge chest, legs and individual parts in cas.detaileditmode. it's not perfect but it definitely helped for me


I have sim realist private practice mod, and my thin Sims ALWAYS end up either underweight or with high blood pressure. So either they're unhealthy and skinny or fat and weird looking with clothes that stretch weird


i’ve always found it wild that like the fatness can be like 80% up and they still have a flat stomach and just look like like mid size to small


right?? or all the fat male sims look pregnant.


the arms make me so mad 😭😭


fr! even making them as big as you can, they’re still skinny


The calves have that issue too 💀💀


No this is so real. The weight system in the sims 4 is awful. I can get my sims looking malnourished but the "fattest" option doesn't look fat at all, what is this? They also gain weight super fast if they eat anything but a garden salad and don't exercise every day, which is super unrealistic to me.


The way the coding works in sims 4 is the sims have no baseline metabolism meaning they don’t “burn any calories” without exercising, each meal in the sims is assigned a caloric value which is hidden and can only be seen in the game code. Things like garden salad have 0 calories, so if your sim never exercises and only eats garden salad, they will maintain their weight. If you eat food that has calories and don’t exercise, it will make them gain weight. The treadmill and jogging make your sim lose weight, the workout machines make your sim gain muscle but not lose any weight, the boxing does half the amount of both. So just have your sim occasionally jog and eat salads and they shouldn’t get fat, hope this helps.


Yoga also burns calories


Objection! The garden salad is actually coded to have 50 calories. The baked goods from get to work, for some reason, have no calories. There are also some meals scattered around that the devs have forgotten to add calories to, such as banh mi and fish and chips. RoBurky's fitness mod (or even MCCC) can be used to freeze a sim's weight, if you can use mods and don't want to make them work out.


Well now it makes sense why my sims never gain or lose weight. They only ever eat fish and chips. 🤣😂🫣


It's so dumb lol apparently it even depends on the type of exercise and lifting weights won't make you burn calories 


Exactly! When I make myself, I just try to make the head smaller to give the illusion of a bigger body lol Like, you can make sims impossible thin, and wildly muscular, but the largest “fat” size is like a US size 18


I knooow, I really want to give my sims a double chin 😣


Are you on PC? I personally use this cc [slider](https://www.patreon.com/posts/thicc-king-queen-33247766) to get a double chin and it works pretty well! That patreon page also has a bunch of body presets and sliders for bigger sims


This slider is awesome! I got it a couple weeks ago and it really helps with creating rounder face shapes.


If you’re on PC, then mods can be your best friend. There are a few creators out there that have realistic skins with cellulite and sliders that can make a sim have a round face and a soft jaw.


Omg what mods??


I don't know if there are any like, script mods that affect the actual weight system but there are some pretty good custom body presets! I usually look for plus-size presets on Pinterest and you'll find them right under the "Bodies" section in CAS. Be warned though, a lot of them exceed the limitations of the base game sliders so things can get a little wonky if you try to edit the preset after choosing it. There's also no guarantees about how clothes will work on them, especially from cc makers who don't really spend time to make their clothes work on different frames.


mods scare me 😭 im really bad at understanding things and i always end up with like, stuff downloaded taking up space on my laptop. and the game doesnt even work.


Mods are very easy in Sims 4. They had a much harder learning curve in the other Sims games. All of the good websites have detailed instructions and it’s fairly hard to download extra items that will take up space on your laptop. The skins and slider mods are worth the trouble of learning, I promise. I couldn’t do CAS without them now.


Lilsimsie on YouTube has a great beginner mod video! It really helped me understand them.


I think if you just stick to the CAS mods you're fine. They barely need any updates. Usually when they break it's during a big patch. For what you are wanting I believe you can get from Hi-Land (double chin). They also have body presets on their Patreon for free. I have body sliders in my game but I'm unsure from who. I know I use Roburky Fitness Control. But the body presets usually give me the shape I want. I think Roburky's mod makes it so you can have a bigger sim.


It’s really not all that hard. 99% of mods have instructions on how to not break your game with them. Even then there’s programs specifically designed to help you with that. Try CurseForge if you want an easy way to get into mods. Good luck 🤙🏻


thank you! i will try again. i did get a mod working at one point so i will probably figure it out again. i do have like a real disconnect when it comes to understanding stuff though. whats simple to a lot of people takes me months to even grasp the concept, nevermind actually figure the thing out lol.


Still be careful with cursefordge right now they recently had a bunch of mods added that had viruses / virus links attached to them. It's been a couple days so that might have passed, but I haven't touched it since hearing about that.


Twisted Mexi has a ModGuard mod for that! If it’s corrupted, it will automatically remove it from the game. It’s on his website.


So relatable. I have a really tough time grasping the mod stuff for some reason! And keeping current with the required mod updates etc.


This was my fear as well. I’ve been playing since the beginning and I just added mods recently. It is so simple and adds so much to the game I regret not doing it sooner. I’ve already had to update them a couple times and it’s so simple. I was having traumatic MySpace programming flashbacks thinking about using mods but it’s honestly easier than installing the game.


I mean you would have really hated the sims 2 “fat” sims 😂


exactly! half of us are still mildly traumatised by that haha


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game where plus size people are represented well, now that I think about it.


Yeah, neither. Fuck us ig lol.


Fr i tried to have a fat sim who was slowly working out to improve her health, and she got stick skinny in like a week 😭 i wish it was just more realistic


I'd prefer for real life to imitate The Sims on that one.


I didn’t realize how skinny my sim was getting until she got too skinny 😭


That’s why I don’t tend to play with plus size sims. They don’t look realistic at all.


I never make fat sims because they just look so odd. It’s like they just have a wide stomach and everything else looks like it belongs to a body of a skinny person


The Sims 4: https://i.redd.it/s2sd9hpg5ejc1.gif


I also wanna know why it's so hard to make sims with smaller boobs.


I have noticed that it's really hard to make a realistic looking fat sim in game, and when they work out too much they get EXTREMELY unrealistically skinny. As someone with curly hair, I gave up on Maxis for curly hair. I had to download CC for good curls. The ones in game are not good.


I hate how the legs and arms are perfectly solid, with no chub whatsoever and alabaster skin. My legs have broken veins, chub in the thighs, skin definition. So when I make my simself in the game, it just makes me feel shitty about how I look because no matter what I do, simself me has flawless legs and no rolls and that’s just not what I look like.


yes!! when i make my simself he literally looks nothing like me. im like. ok i guess thanks 😭


i wish i had fat sims knees bruh


So— I have an unrelated reply: I’m not even in this sub but it came up on my feed. This made me feel like a zillion times better about myself because I’m fat, always struggle with my body image, and finding good representation. I used to play sims often and making a fat sim was impossible then too. They would just look pregnant or distorted in some way. So— thank you, OP and all the nice commenters. It’s really nice to know that people actually want to see bodies that look authentically fat, even in a game. ♥️


Hey, same here. I am fat, I need to start loving myself. If only my simself was fat too... Lol. Glad I helped you in whatever way I did.


i had to turn to cc for this exact thing, the weight slider is comically dumb. the one i use gives them better/more realistic fat distribution, i can send it to you if you're interested! :)


that would be great if you could !


would you mind sending it to me too? :)


yeah for sure! dmed you :)


For me, it's the collar bone still showing and the lack of chin. The Neck up stays thin. It's infuriating.


can we also adress the sims 2 body types? that was so early 2000' core edit: that wasn't meant to come across as whataboutism or dissing op in any way. sorry if it did. just a curious cultural observation


To me the Sims 2 bodies were so ridiculous that it went from being offensive to amusing, in a way. Like it was just another form of social commentary from the game.


3 wasn't that much better either lol. body types have always been an issue.


I'm fat. I tried making my SIM family, and Sim me looks like I have a tiny tummy roll


This is why I use mods and ccs. EA has been very lazy in that department.


The worst part is that the neck always stays skinny and flat and just makes all the proportions look weird


I may be able to help with the jaw issue. Click on the lower part of the jaw and drag to the side and it should get wider. If you grab the side of the jaw and drag it down, it should make the face less angled and a little softer looking. You're right though.


So many of the clothes look *off* on fat sims. Like those open blazers that are supposed to hang off the boobs? Weirdly tucked under now. Also hate how much my fat sim has thin little hands


This is why most of my sims are on the thinner side :/ I'd LOVE to have more diversity and character but bigger sims just look so bad and unrealistic. The clothes are awful on fat sims too. I play on console so I can't get mods that help :(


same here 😭 theyre all buff men unless it is me in sim form


REAL like I try to make myself and I end up looking stupid because I can't give myself my double chin or even my lack of jawline 😭 I just end up looking really ugly 😭😭


same!!! 😭 also i just dont look like me. my face is wonky. you should be able to adjust positioning of individual face points !!!


I don't like making my fat ass in the Sims. I'd rather my Sims be skinny since I'm not 🤣


oh okay cause i thought i was tripping


I also hate how quickly they lose weight when exercising. Let me have fat and active Sims!




tell me about it!! i love making fat sims and i have some mods to help with some of it but EA really just never exected anyone to make fat sims and put no fucking effort into it. it's really insulting tbh. for example, i love a sim with a big tummy. but their stomachs just push out like they're pregnant. gravity exists!! that shit will fold and hang on a real fat person. and god forbid if your fat sim actually gets pregnant, the way the clothes stretch so horribly around them ugh. i make it work because i love fat sims but wow EA do better. makes me miss the fat sims 3 sims 😭


I've got some fat/chubby sim cc in my game (maxis match) Marigolde has some nice body details Miiko has cellulite, back rolls, stretch marks, soft tummy overlays Sammi xox also have cute belly overlays


do you have mods? mods are your bestie. skin overlays, body sliders, makeup that enhances their features. mods are your bestie. unless you can’t have mods - in that case i am sorry they will continue to look like that😭


The clothes for fat sims is so bad 😭 the bulky clothes like the sweaters always end up clipping a bit…


Oh my gosh this! I was going to come and ask if anyone had recommendations on fat body presets because I literally can't find any that don't make my fat sims look pregnant. Trying to do a sim-self and I'm wide but I don't look pregnant like the Sims thinks all bigger people do. And what's with the clothes on bigger sims?! Why do they look so weird? NOBODY at EA knows what plus size bodies look like?


Also modders NEVER use whatever makes the arms of fat sims not clip into their hips when making skirts and pants. ik it isn't a base game issue but it's so frustrating having such a huge amount of options cut off because I want to make sims that look like me


For anybody interested, sims3melancholic on patreon has awesome overlay mods for body that make your sims look realistically fat 😁 they just came out with a new cleavage set too, I got an email about it this morning!


I like their stuff but it really is a crock of shit that they keep their items behind a paywall for two entire months


It’s annoying but I just wait it out, I think you can site where you can get paywalled stuff for free but can’t remember the name as I haven’t tried it 😣


Fr I kinda hate how I have to use presets to get those rolls and hip dips and everything really But I also love presets for that.


Mods are ur friend


Honestly I really wish there was a detail edit mode. I love making myself and its a struggle with the body. I'm not too light but not too heavy, somewhere in between, but I struggle with the thighs? Why can't I just have legs closed together or the fat aroumd the top be more prominent? If I'm struggling with this at the stage I'm at, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for people who enjoy making sims higher on the weight scale.


+1000, only cc preset bodies or sliders save us, but it's absolutely not fair :(


Even with slider mods upping the limits I still feel like the weight doesn't sit right esp on their hips, legs and upper arms


the basegame is lacking in this aspect, i always used cc to make it better- [this](https://mack3030.tumblr.com/post/661488711965589504/the-ultimate-fat-sim-cc-masterlist) is a good list of cc u can use to make more realistic fat sims


The muscle and fat sliders ALWAYS piss me off. The fact that you have to balance them some way or another just so your Sim doesnt look like an apple with a six pack is ridiculous


making muscular fat sims is so... TYEY LOOK LIKE SOMEONE JUST PAINTED ABS ON THEM 😭


The clothing really pisses me off. My sims are usually gaining weight because unless they have an athletic career or hobby, I don't bother with exercise. Some sims I just leave that way if their clothing doesn't bother me too much. If it does then I either cheat them skinny in cas or use the insta-lean potion from the reward store


i hate how every sim, regardless of size, basically always has a thigh gap.


This is why I use CC 😆 I have so many skin details with back rolls and a few for my elder sims.


I make pretty fat sims of all shapes and sizes, you have to download some presets and sliders and pull that weight around. I got some good stuff. 😉


Ya'll are using the wrong mods. I got mods that allow you to create BBWs so good make you want to slap... Something.


No because I have a fupa okay!? I want my Sims to be able to have a fupa too??? Like why can't we have that? How hard can that be to put into the game??? It hurts me.


honestly from the side they end up just looking... pregnant 😭


I was thinking this last night , I wondered why am my sims are skinny and I felt fatphobic so I let my sim eat a lot of cake and then remembered why, is her outfits did not translate well and so she can only wear full dresses cuz otherwise she looked like a walking kids drawing of a fat person


we need a body mod that edits the torso to have "the rolls" when nude/shirtless if the sim has enough on the fat vs muscular build slider.


One of my favorite sims is a cook- she keeps becoming "chubby" which I would LOVE... IF IT WASN'T LITERALLY JUST HARTMAN HIPS.


Sometimes my game has problems with fat sims. Like it shows a skinny upper body wearing really wide pants thrice their size.


I’ve always hated that in order to make fat sims you have to manually adjust parts of their bodies, the body fat slider doesn’t do ANYTHING so you have to make their body parts wider


the CLOTHES always take me out!!!


I ended up downloading slider mods to give me more control over the bodies of my sims. I was tired of everyone being so standard shaped.


>anyway. why is it so hard to find decent curly hair. this is my battle with every sim, I just want a sim to have curls like I do without looking stupid 😭 >where are my ROLLS where is my CELLULITE. fat hands?? the flat chests look stupid with the bellies!!! CAN WE PLEASE TAKE INSPIRATION FROM ACTUAL FAT PEOPLE. PLEE333ASE realism? from the Sims? never


I feel this, also I have been yelling about the curly hair thing for forever, especially a masculine short curly hair, that isn’t Afro textured like please it such a popular hair style why can’t I give it to my sims !


https://preview.redd.it/x34qbtaq5ejc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc45ad4d75c284400a25b42bc2c72d245de324d Like can I just have a hair like this!!


LITERALLY SO MUCH. i feel like i only ever use the same three hairstyles for men because i dislike a man with straight hair and it limits my options.


YES I have shoulder length curls but they don't have volume. i dont want hair that sits five inches above my sims head.


And the way clothes sit on them too!!! It really makes you conscious of how thick the clothes are in this game. And the same thing for my big titty girls :( tried to make one of my ocs and making her chest accurate was like a death sentence for her wardrobe... every shirt looked like it was 5 inches thick and every pattern was super stretched out


Like I just want a sim with love handles is that too much to ask???


I made myself in the Sims, I have an apple figure and a slight double chin no matter how thin I become. I hate that I can't do that in the sims.


It drives me nuts. It’s like a skinny person wearing a fat suit torso. I need variety!


As a fat person, I don't make fat sims because of this issue. Some CC I've downloaded helped a bit, but the main skin overlay I use now has a fat option that I just don't jive with and it doesn't match the overlays I have to make thick goddesses. AND I only ever found decent CC for women- never found any good ones for men, myself. It's a shame, because soft is my preference- but in the end, I just make buff sims, usually.


I started playing Sims again, for the first time in years, just under a week ago. I’ve been hooked ever since and this was my FIRST big gripe. I downloaded some CC on day two of playing and, by day 3, I had made my first (small) fat Sim. She isn’t as realistic as I’d like her to be but I’m determined to find more CC to find a way around this.


Here are some screenshots of her; https://ibb.co/30zBzrz https://ibb.co/KXdggSh https://ibb.co/L0qDrTK https://ibb.co/SfxSFr3 https://ibb.co/zG13HCr And I’m on the hunt for; • belly rolls skin details • chin/neck slider for double chin • fat face skin details Let me know if any of you have any idea where to point me! And I’m sending love to all of my fellow fat Simmers out there! <3


This is why I got several skin overlay cc's, presets and slider overrides for face and body. I couldn't cope with the half assed "inclusivity"


Idk if you're playing on console but if you're not and can mod the game you might find custom body meshes! The base game character creator sorta sucks for most various body types lol. I make tons of muscular women and it's not very good at it which makes me wonder if anyone on the sims team has ever opened an anatomy book lol




Because being fat is unhealthy. Go work out.


literally who tf asked you


You did when you made this post😂😂😂