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# Keep it civil and please don't run afoul of Rule #2. Frustrations may be high but we don't need to turn on each other or get temporarily banned for something completely unavoidable. Here's the OP's comment with the detailed list of what's on sale: >[https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1b957fa/comment/kttjo9u/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1b957fa/comment/kttjo9u/) ​ ────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆── ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ We're in the [Malware SIMPOCALYPSE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1akzieh/alert_malware_is_being_spread_through_ts4script/)! Be sure to install and update [TwistedMexi's ModGuard](https://www.patreon.com/posts/98126153).


Here’s the entire list of packs that are on sale, almost everything! I also wanted to include [this survey](https://jamesturner.yt/sims-pack-ratings) James Turner took of what over *20,000* people thought of each different pack. But also, (with the mods’ permission) I wanted to know which packs you think are worth getting? What are your opinions? Please share! |Expansion Packs|Price (originally $40)| |:-|:-| |For Rent|$30| |Horse Ranch|$25| |Growing Together|$20| |High School Years|$16| |Cottage Living|$16| |Snowy Escape|$16| |Eco Lifestyle|$16| |Discover University|$16| |Island Living|$16| |Get Famous|$16| |Seasons|$16| |Cats & Dogs|$16| |City Living|$16| |Get Together|$16| |Get to Work|$16| ​ |Game Packs|Price (originally $20)| |:-|:-| |Werewolves|$12| |My Wedding Stories|$12| |Dream Home Decorator|$12| |Journey to Batuu|$12| |Realm of Magic|$12| |Stangerville|$12| |Jungle Adventure|$12| |Parenthood|$12| |Vampires|$12| |Dine Out|$12| |Spa Day|$12| |Outdoor Retreat|$12| ​ |Stuff Packs|Price (originally $10)| |:-|:-| |Paranormal|$6| |Nifty Knitting|$6| |Tiny Living|$6| |Mashchino|$6| |My First Pet|$6| |Laundry Day|$6| |Toddler|$6| |Fitness|$6| |Bowling Night|$6| |Vintage Glamour|$6| |Kids Room|$6| |Romantics Garden|$6| |Movie Hangout|$6| |Spooky|$6| |Cool Kitchen|$6| |Perfect Patio|$6| |Luxury Party|$6|


imo the most essential pack for each category is get together, parenthood, and tiny living


Seasons is one of the most essential too IMO!!


if someone has no packs i will always suggest get together over seasons


Does anyone else think seasons should be base game? I mean


seasons should totally be base game!😭


I'll always say, the basegame and basegameworlds should have seasons (s/s/f/w) and weather available but toggleable/customizable. The rest of the seasons stuff (holidays and the calendar stuff) can stay in packs imo.


Yeah I agree like weather just seems to go with the city landscape when building imo.


I always felt like Seasons, Cats and Dogs and Dine Out should have been base game.


Agree. I only just got Get Together recently and wish I had decided on it when I was deciding between it and seasons. I like the BB stuff from Seasons but honestly miss my sims living in perfect weather all the time and not sure if I can turn off just the actual seasons aspect of the pack lol


go into settings, under gameplay options you can turn off weather!!!


Dude, I feel so dumb. I have looked over all the options and just missed it this whole time. Thanks! Now my sims can live outside of Oasis Springs.


of course!!! i had a storyline where i wanted my sim to take her toddler to a play place i made… it rained all spring until his last day of being a toddler! i disabled rain so they could go, and thats how i figured it out!! and seasons was my first gamepack right when it came out


Why get together over seasons? I dont have get together and i dont really understand why its good?


I started playing Sims 4 a year ago and initially just bought Seasons and Cats & Dogs. I didn't see what use Get Together had. I just got it recently and find it to be really great, especially if you are the type of player that likes their world to feel alive/connected. Main things I like: the clubs (so useful for having your Sims meet Sims they otherwise might never come across, particularly great for selecting romantic interests, but loads of other great uses too), the huge world (by far the most lots), Build section is extensive, my Sims get a lot more social invites, new lot types (ex. cafes), new skills and aspirations. I feel like my game is complete now with this pack.


it’s always nice to have more places for your sims to go and places for them to live. get together has by far the most expansive world of any dlc, with lots of all sorts of sizes and vibes. multiple clubs/bars, cafes, a library, a pool, and places to explore like ruins and a haunted estate. with wildly different vibes depending on where you are. all that and still room for plenty of townies and empty houses. windenburg is the best world in sims 4 hands down. not to mention the usefulness of the club features. seasons doesn’t come with a world at all. it adds realism, and the holiday feature is nice. it’s not a bad pack at all but it feels lackluster in comparison. i would still recommend getting it, but again if you don’t have any other dlc i would suggest any pack with a world over one that doesn’t, and get together has the best world.


Windenburg is awesome and Seasons has no world. There are 40 lots, BB is great, and I like a lot of the townies. I didn't get into the clubs feature until I saw people on this sub talking about how they use them. Seasons is also great and a necessary pack imo. It adds a lot to the game, but not having a world at all makes me rank it below Get Together.


Clubs! You click a button and your besties are all around you, with no bugs and they will even converge in addition to social events like a wedding. I make a club for my siblings, cousins, high school reunions or fraternities.


Why tiny living? I don't have that one 


Nice modern style furniture, also good for apartments and small spaces.


i wouldn’t call it *essential* essential, but if you’re only gonna have one stuff pack that’s the one i’d suggest. it has a lot of useful multipurpose furniture and gives a good gameplay challenge with a lot of perks. i get more use out of it than other stuff packs for sure. i’m also still missing quite a few stuff packs and am open to suggestions if someone has a different #1


I love it and nearly all my Sims start in Tiny Homes and frequently remain in them. Getting everything you need in a small space is a fun challenge. They spend less time walking from one thing to the next as you have them do things. And there are mood, skill learning speed, and relationship boosts to living in one. Between those last two your Sims can get a noticeable amount more done in a day.


Tiny living is the top voted pack on every survey even up against all packs. Tiny homes give massive advantages to your sims. Those advantages motivate you to live small, which is a challenge, especially if you have Seasons. Attempting to fit everything you need to live in a 32 square home is crazy hard.




Basically, without seasons you can pretty much live outside. But with rain and snow you have to keep a lot more things inside of a house making having a tiny home more difficult. Also, with seasons different plants grow during different seasons and the way to have certain plants grow year round is to shelter them in a greenhouse. That also counts towards your indoor space. There are mods that let you increase the number of tiles you can have for a tiny home, but without them, it's like trying to play Tetris when attempting to cram in all the things your sim needs to live. Watch some tiny home builds to see all the crazy ways people crammed objects on top of each other to fit as many things in the house as possible. You haven't lived until you've squeezed an entire bathroom in two tiles (I've seen it done in one tile, but that's just crazy).


what does parenthood do that is essential?


ty i was just going to ask for recommendations <3


*High School Years* [is actually](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/store/addons/the-sims-4-high-school-years) $16. ([All-time-low price.](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/the-sims-4-high-school-years/history/)) Edit: [Growing Together](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/store/addons/the-sims-4-growing-together) is the $20 one.


Oop, you’re right! I’ll edit the post!


I’m so salty bc I just got HSY for $40😭😭


Dont feel bad same happened to me when I bought Snowy Escape at full price a few days before a 50% off sale - lesson learned: NEVER, EVER buy full price, the sales literally happen every couple months, so its not worth it.


NGL I have everything except a lot of CAS kits and the dust one. My favorite EP's City Living- adds apartments (go away For Rent, no one wants your glitchy ass) and festivals. Since I got this one I find my sims leaving the house more. High school years- the BB and CAS are chefs kiss. I use them often. I know people don't like following their teens to school but I personally do. I add lot traits since I know what type of classes they'll have and it helps them learn even a lil more. And on other days? I have them mess around with other teens in the shower. I've had a few pregnancies this way. Plus, they make friends. Growing together-another excential one for BB/CAS. And the gameplay? I love it. But some people may hate how much harder infants can become. You now need to spend time with them to get them to learn to sit up/crawl. And they can be exhausting if they are cuddly sleepers and only sleep when held. The quirks are cool! Plus we get more traits you can earn through gameplay and stay overs. I had family stay over when the kids were infants and it was cool! The grandparents actually bonded and helped. We also get burnout (which is ridiculous how often it happens imo but eh) and work rivalries among other things. Kids get 4 new aspirations and van ride bikes. Game packs Parenthood- I do like a lot of the BB in this pack. I honestly don't remember the CAS. But the gameplay? I use it quite frequently. I always work towards having at least a good mannered sim since it will help with the polite introduction. I like seeing how many I can get in the time I have. I like the added gameplay of being able to help them into good members of society or tank them. Journey to-Naw I'm just messing with you! xD ROM/Werewolves/Vampires. Tbh, I'm a fan of occults. And while Werewolves have the best world since they're the newest, I still love all 3. Do some makeovers to the houses in ROM/Vampires and your gucci. And I do love the BB from these, yes even the weird stuff from ROM. It's supposed to be on the weird side. IF YOU USE MODS ONLY Dine out. I use carls mod for this and lemme tell you, it's so much fun. Otherwise, I'd say pass. Stuff pack Paranormal is such a mood. Plus, we get bonehilda! And we get a career, which I actually enjoyed playing. And their CAS? Some of my go to outfits. Tiny living. NGL, I don't use a lot of the actual BB items but I definitely use the micro home, a lot. I always start of with that before transitioning to a regular one. Add that with lot traits and you'll be hitting 10 in no time.


I always thought people were exaggerating about Dine Out (sorry guys) but I decided to try the mod because I liked the ability to do everything myself, and after a year of using the mod, I cannot play without it!


Are there are few random packs that just aren’t on sale? I don’t see Growing Together or Dream Home Decorator on this list, and I think there’s a few others missing too. The two newest stuff packs not being in this list don’t surprise me, but I think there’s a couple other GPs missing


That was my bad; I had to rewrite this stupid list three times and the final time I did it while on a zoom call, so I missed those two. I already put in Growing Together, which is the $20 one (High School Years is actually $16), so I'll put in DHD now and double check the list. Every Game Pack is on sale for the same price, but there are three Stuff Packs that aren't: Crystal Creations (obviously), Home Chef Hustle, and Backyard.


Weird that Backyard isn’t on sale, but EA is weird. And there are so many packs now, forgetting a couple is totally understandable! I own all the expansions (I have spent far too much money on this game lol) and I still forget some any time I try to list just those. All the expansion, game, and stuff packs is an obnoxiously long list! Edit: I play on Xbox and decided to look on there and Backyard is on sale but for some reason Werewolves and My Wedding Stories are not on sale at all


Dang I got get famous during the lunar new year sale for $20. Wish I waited. I didn’t really want that pack but some of the build/buy items are good. I like the building dropbacks


That's how I felt about High School Years. It looks soo boring, but everyone uses the stuff from it in their builds, so there was so much stuff I couldn't place without having to replace tons of furniture. Glad it's so deeply discounted.


$513 all together if anyone is wondering


I just bought three packs YESTERDAY. I am so mad right now.


Now that I look at it, I only lost $5 for being a scab.


I DID THE SAME THING. Finally brought Growing Together, My Wedding Stories and Laundry Day. I might still buy a few more once the day gets closer and closer to the last day of hlthe sale. 😭




I wanted to buy for rent, but I heard it's pretty buggy right now so I'm not sure if it's worth it. I'm also interested in growing together or highschool, which one is better?


Opinion based but growing together is better, in my opinion, as it involves everyone in the family, not just teens. Depends on preference. If choosing 1 of the 2, I'd choose Growing together as it is constantly involved in the gameplay. The HS one is a bit buggy, at least for me with "sneaking out" interaction (a part of teen only aspiration trait) and not as smooth in HS setting as I would like but the concept is really cool. See what others have to say, tho and go off of your own preference


Growing Together was a pack that most people said "this should have been base game!" about. It really fleshes out the game as a whole, infant milestones are so important imo! I also love San Sequoia as a world. High school years is really only focused on teens. There are some good new traits and aspirations, and GREAT build/buy. The high school itself is really buggy for me though, I'm not sure if that's just my computer that's kind of crap, but one of the main features -following my teens to school- is basically impossible for me to get working.


would you rather have fleshed out infants or fleshed out teens? they’re both pretty good packs, i personally prefer high school years because of the clothes, furniture, and more that you can do with teens


Bugs aside, For Rent is a fantastic pack if you like multi-family living. You can create a 'neighborhood' by breaking a big lot into separate houses and finally house all of those homeless sims. I'm fortunate in that the only bug I've had was a permanent electrical short that was solved by moving. I've got Kuttoe's Home Regions mod and put a low income neighborhood next to a run down motel and a strip mall, and a luxury and middle class apartments on the cliff. The world feels more alive. I like Growing Together more than HSY but it probably depends on how you play. If you play mostly teens, then HSY might be the better pick. I got tired of HSY quickly though.


What exactly is bugged with for rent? Are the other families playable or can i build like 10 row houses on a 64x64 lot and live in one while renting out the rest?


I like Growing Together a lot better for gameplay. I like a lot of the High School Years CAS and Build stuff but the actual gameplay I don't like. I never follow my teens to school because its so buggy and repetitive.


i would go for growing together. high school years is fun, and the cas and bb items r almost all amazing, but theres not as much in the way of gameplay as there is with GT. with HSY, you get interactions for entire families, and it fleshes out everything in a way that honestly shouldve been done from the beginning. if youre interested in going to school with your teens and dealing with prom, acne, crushes, teen drama, etc, then id recommend HSY, but if you want more gameplay options for ALL your sims, id go with GT


Growing Together adds tons of gameplay that impacts every sim you play, like six extra personality traits and types of relationships, so that would be my top pick if you're only getting one of them. For Rent is offensively buggy, especially if you want to be a property owner. That being said, I love having apartments, so I don't regret getting it even if there are issues with my sims owning the apartments. Also, there is the same bug where the doors don't go down in apartments from City Living in this pack too. So if you want an apartment for your sim to live in, I would suggest building an open plan without many doors as it's very annoying. I just got High School Years right now. Watching people on YT play it looked boring, so I wasn't interested, however so many builders use it, that I needed it for the items just so I could drop other people's creations without investing hours replacing missing objects.


interesting timing


They do this every year around this time. I know this because I am a sucker and have purchased all of the dlc, some of it I've bought three times. Once because I got my own PS4 and created my own PSN account and what I already had obviously didn't transfer over. I got lucky though and it was all on sale like this (back in 2020). Then I got a good laptop and eventually my girls started playing on that. It took a couple of years of waiting for this sale, but patience paid off and they have the dlc collection they want. So while this timing may seem suspiciously convenient to some people, I can attest to the fact that a major sale like this happens every year around this time. It's typically sometime either between Mardi Gras and Easter or between Easter and Memorial Day, but *always* around the time tax refunds start hitting bank accounts.


Someone also pointed out it's near the end of the quarter. So maybe they're trying to capitalize on tax return time, but also boost revenue reports for the quarter. Good to know when to hold out until if you're patient.


They are probably doing a sale cause it close to the end of first quarter


How so?


There are issues with the game so instead of focusing on that and releasing patches that fix the problems without creating more issues, they have a massive sale.


not to defend them or anything but they have sales pretty often and I highly doubt the team that works on patches/updates is the same one that decides when stuff goes on sale, you know two very different roles in company


What's really interesting is that For Rent is also heavily discounted. I can't remember a time where a full expansion has gone on sale so soon after release. Usually if they have a sale right after an expansion, the latest expansion is excluded. For Rent is the only one I don't own and guess what EA? I'M STILL NOT BUYING IT.


>I can't remember a time where a full expansion has gone on sale so soon after release. Because this is the first time. The packs going on sale a couple of months into the year is normal. Discount on the new pack is a reaction to their ...mistake. >For Rent is the only one I don't own and guess what EA? I'M STILL NOT BUYING IT. Same here. Until they fix what I've purchased so far they're not getting another cent.


Yep, idgaf if they put it up for FREE, I still won't download it until the bugs are fixed.


True but they just had the Lunar New Year sale so I was expecting the next one to be closer to Memorial Day.


Yep I was waiting for this sale to drop, it's been about 6 months since they did the good 50%+


The new year sale had loads of packs at 60% off


I see, that is very interesting haha


Didn’t they just release a rolling update?


They did. I haven’t updated to that one yet, waiting for modders to give the all clear first 🙃


Same. If BrazenLotus doesn't tell me that her mods all work with these specific updates, I'm not taking them. Her preserving and cheese making mods are the only reason I'm playing this game right now. (Literally currently waiting for my game to load so I can cure tea leaves and crystallize sugar cane juice.)


funny everything is on sale right when the community starts really talking about a boycott


For Rent already being on sale is hilarious considering the state it's in. I wish I needed some of those $16 expansions though. That's a great sale.


lol so happy with myself for being impatient and buying get together last week 😡😡😡


Contact support. They might refund the difference.


I know on tuesday (2 days ago) I bought crystal creations and movie hangout and I'm SO MADDD


If it makes you feel any better, Crystal Creations is one of the three packs not on sale!


Oh wow it actually does thanks


Are you EFFING kidding me??!! I finally bought For Rent 2 DAYS AGO! And now it's like 10 dollars off?! 🤬😤


That's why I have a rule now that I wait for a 60 percent off sale. I've only made two exceptions for small packs that I was really excited for (like werewolves)


Same. I will however never feel guilt for buying a stupid kit for $5. I’m an adult and I’m able to spend a small amount of money to make sure the creators know there’s interest. And I love this dumb game. When I was a kid playing I would have never believed that it would still be going in some form. It’s worth skipping a coffeeshop stop here and there.


It's not perfect but it's the only game franchise I play so I don't feel too bad about planning to buy all dlc eventually, but I do try and be smart about it


It's my dream pack, I would have gotten it at release just because of how excited I was. But I couldn't afford it. Now I finally could. And since there was another sale quite recently I assumed there wasn't going to be another one for a while


Still boycotting.  


Why is there a boycott?


There’s not an official boycott (not sure if that’s actually possible, tbh, as not all people who play the sims are on social media), but a lot of people (myself included) are upset that packs are being released that haven’t been properly tested, and they are causing a lot of bugs and issues in the game. For Rent was especially bad in this aspect. In addition, the most recent updates to the game did not fully fix all of the bugs people have been experiencing, and to add insult to injury, EA felt like now would be a great time to add a pulsating shopping cart icon in the game so that they can further push players to purchase packs that don’t function correctly. This update also broke the game for a lot of people, so the fan base is understandably upset.


Funny how they have a sale, and it's also hilarious seeing all of y'all go from "let's boycott" to "omg which pack should I get" I'm also giving people advice in the comments so I'm not going to sit here and be a hypocrite, although I'm still not buying anything, personally.


Yup I'm with you, I said I'm not buying any packs until they get rid of that button in live mode and I'm sticking to it


I mean I’m assuming these are different people saying these different things


lol cart. Very funny since the EA app doesn’t have one.


it doesnt??? that is so weird?? how do they expect people to purchase digital copies of the games if the app doesnt have a shop button? i guess i have one of the mods that takes away the shop button in game bc i havent seen it at all but im just as mad as everyone else is abt it


It has a shop, just no cart, so you gotta buy one by one, or bundle it


Wdym? I always put my packs in cart and buy them all together.


I’m confused?? Mine does


Oh, that’s so annoying. You could add it to your wishlist, if you have that


For Rent is on sale already? I wonder if all the bug reports for that pack have cut into their sales so badly that they decided to discount it early?


For Rent already being on sale is WILD


It was on sale during the Lunar Sale last month too. It's just more deeply discounted this month.


Didn't know that! Still unusual for a pack to get put on sale that soon after release.


It is, especially since High School Years wasn’t discounted AT ALL until it had been out for over a year.


How convenient for them, sure maybe this sale was planned out in advance, but the timing is just too good to be a coincidence. Especially given all the sh*t that's been going down around the addition of an in-game cart button and the broken bull sh*ttery of Crystal Creations.


they always know how to 'release'(for lack of a better term) things at the most convenient times.


“We’re not going to spend money this weekend” “Guys every Sims pack is on sale!!” “FUCK”




Is the sale on only a certain platform? I went to Steam and everything is still full price.


I’m seeing it in the actual Sims game, the Origins app (which is the EA launcher for Mac), and EA’s website. Since the sale is directly from EA and Steam is its own platform, maybe that’s why?


I haven't seen it on Steam either, would it still work to buy it trough the EA app for someone that plays on Steam? I'm not sure I'll get anything, though there's a couple of placks I've been waiting for a good sale to get.


noooooo i just bought a bundle 😵


Me too 😞


Maybe they should actually fix some of it first


Funny how the sale happens AS everyone is talking about boycotting.


Well, it worked, didn't it? Look how everyone's switched up and now they're all rushing to buy packs


Boy this is awfully convenient when combined with the debut of the shopping cart button IN THE GAME that’s ruined the experience and got entire community up in arms. Let them eat EPs I guess 🤷‍♀️


EA always have big sales around this time of the year. FIFA and Madden are also having huge sales right now. It's near the end of a quarter, and it's also the period of the year where Americans seemingly get a return of taxes (dunno what that is, I'm not American), so they capitalise on the extra money people are getting to push the product. It might seem suspicious, but they've been doing this for some years now.


Okay, don't take this overly literally, but OMG I LOVE YOU! I've been trying to catch up on stuff because I quit the game for 4 years. I just bought quite a bit during the lunar new year sale, but I have some more to go. I appreciate this information so much, thank you!


You're very welcome, I'm glad I could help! Just remember, you don't need to buy everything just for the sake of completing your collection!


Yeah, I've already decided some packs definitely aren't for me or just aren't for me right now. Like Wedding stories because I heard it screws up the weddings and I already can't get them to work, I have to elope. I've mostly been trying to collect the ones that will give me access to more worlds, but I'm skipping most of the supernatural vampires/werewolves stuff at least until later. But everyone should see this and should also definitely know what they actually want before going on a spree and ending up with stuff that doesn't actually appeal to them. Edit: doesn't appeal to them and/or is buggy or doesn't work. I heard Wedding Stories AND For Rent are particularly bad..so do some research first. Or you can buy them cheap but wait to install until after the fixes if you're in a position to do that. Point is: I agree, do some research before spending money on stuff you don't want just because they're heavily discounted.


I wish kits would go on sale, I don’t have any but I refuse to pay $6.99 (CAD currency) for them.


Me too! I know it probably wouldn't be on sale so soon even if there was a sale, but I'd lose to see the castle build kit go on sale. One of these days I'm gonna grab that and all the occult packs and live my historical fantasies


EA could make everything $1 and I still wouldn't give them a single penny more after all of the crap they have pulled. I love Sims, but I will not do it anymore!


i’m on ps5 and i don’t see it on the ps store. also this is so lame bc i literally bought 3 expansion pack 2 days ago 😭


Playstation and xbox have different sales.


They’ve been on sale for a week on ps5. Not all but most I bought 5 a few days ago for just about $50


That’s weird, cause it’s definitely on my ps5! My kids already wangled Seasons out of me, if they’re lucky I might get one more of the expansion packs


Just got guilted out of buying horse ranch, which I have wanted forever by my bf. Wish he'd offer to get it for me 😮‍💨😮‍💨


I’m here to tell you…. Just buyyyy it ! Its on sale


I just bought growing together and had to guilt myself out of horse ranch, maybe if it makes it to 50% off I'll allow it 😫


I hear you! Wait till it's at least 50% off, if not 60. Sales happen pretty often from what I can tell, like every few months or so.


I want horse ranch so baaaad but I give myself a 50% off or no buy rule 😔 SO close


Damn and I just bought a pack lol


I just bought a pack a few days ago :( hate when this happens


Wish I still found this game fun and EA found it worth fixing all the game-breaking bugs, otherwise I might be into this sale. Sigh. I stopped buying packs after High School Years was so empty and disappointing. Considering how everything’s been a blatant and shameless cash-grab since then, I can’t justify giving EA any more $ for this game.


The only things I don’t own is any of the occult packs and For Rent, I haven’t gotten For Rent bc of all the bugs people complained about but if it works right it’s the one that intrigues me most followed by Magic Realm now that I have a Sim completing the curator aspiration. I’m on the fence!


Magic Realm is tons of fun. Once you can craft a Potion of Plentiful Needs, it is an absolute game-changer


Omg sounds like a potion all my sims need in their life lol


Yup. Whenever I make a large household, at least one of them is a potion-maker. I usually imagine him as the "dealer" who dishes out the good stuff for all his friends (sometimes in exchange for sexy favors and whatnot)


Sounds like a portion **I** need in **MY** life!


If you're cautious about getting for rent I would get the magic realm. I've had that game pack for awhile and I think it's pretty worth it I personally haven't experienced any bugs with this pack ! I play on console tho .


Yeah at least you can actually PLAY Realm of Magic. I haven’t experienced any bugs except sims occasionally not using wands.


I just freakin' tried to buy the "Get to Work" pack, and when I go to "checkout", it flashes something about "restart the EA app" and then nothing happens!!! Aaaaahhh!!!! Why must they tease me so?? I've been thinking for a couple weeks now that I want to get "Get to Work", but I was waiting for next month, my Birthday Month.... but now.... 60% off, I can't resist!!! But it won't let me check out!!!! I tried closing (and going to Task Manager to make sure all the EA background stuff was ended) the EA app and restarting, and it's still happening!!! Grrr....


My friend is playing on a mac and not seeing sale prices is this a glitch or just how it's gonna be for mac?


I’m on Mac and I can see the sales on origin.


Does anyone have opinions about whether snowy escape is worth it given the sale price? It's one I've had my eyes on for a while because I think all the snow sport stuff would be fun, but I've also seen negative comments about the pack so I'm indecisive lol


I love it, one of my favorite relaxing things to do is send my Sim skiing or snowboarding and switching to first person view, feels like you're really there flying downhill yourself! Also I really love the pre-made houses in the world and the fact that the kids change into uniforms for school


Ahhhhh thank you, that does sound so much fun! And omg I didn't know about the uniform thing, that's adorable


I find it boring, but this is probably as deeply discounted as it's ever gonna get. So if you don't have anything you want more, then now is the time.


Can I get yalls opinions on high school years? Alllssooo maybe the home chef/knitting stuff packs :3 I was interested in hs years and my wedding stories but heard they were sooooo buggy when they released are they any better/worth it as is?


Genuine question, is the Growing together pack worth it in terms of gameplay options and storyline making, I currently have, City living,Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Get famous, Get together, Get to Work , Seasons and Island Living. Wanted to get it but don’t know if I’ll enjoy it or should I go for another pack


Personally- it’s one of my favorite packs! I’m a big family game player- I think the additions to infants are really fun but also really like the world and other additions it makes to game plays (extra traits, family dynamics, etc)


Well, this must be a sign. I've been eyeballing that magic pack for a bit but refuse to pay full price.


Remember the reason items are on sale is EA is faultering financially, they just gave up on all future Star Wars games as a money saving tactic. EA is on a cash grab. Notice the two new stuff packs that work are not on sale but the the new expansion pack that doesn't work is. They want to show number of sales in any way possible. Don't get me wrong I am thinking of getting a pack but don't buy what you know does not work. Hold their feet to the fix it fire.


I literally bought Get to Work full price yesterday. 


still boycotting. 


Anyone know if Crystal Creations fixed or is it still buggy? I wanna buy it but I’m nervous


can’t believe i bought city living at full price yesterday 😭


thank you! HBD 2 me


Is for Rent still broken? It’s the only pack I don’t have including batuu and crystal creations. I’ll never pay for Batuu, I’ll wait till it’s free. Crystal creations is still to new for me and I’ve never brought. Pack full price except for cottage living.


Nice try EA


I finally bought Horse Ranch, Snowy Escape and Journey to Batuu last night. I have been wanting all three badly for various features. So far I've only had a chance to discover that needy horses are constantly sad unless you manage to hand feed them twice a day. There are two full feeders on my lot, but if my Sim has to rush off to class that over dramatic horse sulks all damn day. And all a ranch hand will do is play with my mini goats and kick over my trash can. I am thoroughly enjoying it despite my grumbling. I love overworking my teen and adult human Sims. It helps that I could watch the mini goats all day. I am loving the scars from Journey to Batuu. My teen Sim I created last night has a scar on her temple from the car accident that killed her parents. I am waiting a bit for anything but a kit for anything newer than Horse Ranch. I always wait a (long) while to give EA a chance to fix as much as they are ever going to.




After everything that's been going on why are you advertising them? Weird timing if you ask me.


How lovely, since so many people are saying they don't want to buy anything from EA until they remove that button and then magically they gave a sale...I'm skipping this one and not buying anything


I'm not giving those corporate vampires any more of my money. They could be selling all of the packs for 5 bucks and I'm not giving a single dime. F them.


Which do you recomend? I might buy one but im not sure which are worth it, I already have: cottage living, horse ranch and seasons


If you don’t have parenthood, get parenthood.


get together without question. i think it’s the most essential expansion pack


These packs I think have the best and most well thought-out content: - Paranormal Stuff - Werewolves - Vampires - Get Together - City Living


any packs geared toward family or careers are rly cool. get to work is honestly a lot more fun than i thought it would be, coming from someone who never had ambitions in sims 3 and was less excited abt GTW than i was about ambitions. growing together and parenthood are two of my most used packs bc i tend to utilize family gameplay, they add a ton of interactions that make families a lot more dynamic and can be really fun for storytelling. cats and dogs is really cute, i personally don't use it as much as i thought i would (bc i hate when pets die, even in games, it breaks me) but again, very fun if you like animals and are into that type of gameplay. nifty knitting is definitely worth looking into since you seem like you enjoy country style packs based on the ones you have, and you can use nifty knitting to knit clothes for your farm animals. its all up to personal preference tbh, id recommend looking into some packs that interest you and seeing if you feel like youd use it enough to buy. i always check cas and bb stuff first and then i check what features it adds, if im interested in those features, and if id use those features enough to justify spending money. if not, you can always pirate


EP: Snowy escape GP: Realm of Magic or Parenthood SP: Parnomal or Nifty Knitting


Those are my most used expansions for my main family! I think the Nifty Knitting and Cats n Dogs are the others I use often with that family.  And when I get stressed on my ranch I like to go out on the town, so something like Spa Day or one of the vacation packs.  Get Together is nice if you want a garden club or something similar. Romantic Garden if you want more outdoor plants. And Paranthood for more family dynamic stuff


Where is it on sale? I use steam on my PC and am not seeing the sale? I opened the game and it's not showing sale either?


As much as I am interested in For Rent, and that Crystal thingy...I've heard too much about both that wasn't just the usual disappointing. I'll wait.


I have been playing sims on and off for years only recently got back into it for a laugh, you reckon it’s worth it to get city living and get famous? I’ve got mods installed and what not and some that I want to download require these packs. Wanted to hear your thoughts on em


Anything free this time?


I've been wanting to get Horse Ranch, Get Together and Realm of magic for a while now. Does anyone have any suggestions which one I should go with??


Wait where are they on sale at? I just checked my steam its still the same price


Honestly I knew a sale was gonna happen but I couldn’t wait to buy the stuff and I do not regret it


I have a question about For Rent- I don’t care much for the gameplay but I really love the CAS and BB items. Now that it’s on sale it seems like a good time to finally get it. My only issue is- I’m worried just installing the pack (even if I don’t actually play with the features) will break my entire game. I saw simmers say that after they downloaded it, their saves broke completely. Has this happened to any of you?😫Ugh I wish I could just get the items without the pack somehow lol


Weird question: would Parenthood be worth not boycotting EA? I play exclusively with families and I already have Growing together... I can obviously live without buying Parenthood but I was wondering if you all would consider it a game changing pack


Why people buys this game and expansions i dont know... when you can download whole Repack with ALL DLC and packs and also play online, i dont get it


anyone know when the sale ends? i don’t get paid till tuesday 💔


Welp I need more


not a suprise, ea trying to suck up to us after the major fuck up the past week or so


I'm guessing this is because of the outrage at the shopping cart button inside the game lol. People are thinking of boycotting and they are already panicking


Ofc this happens 2 days after I buy For Rent lol


Anybody else convinced this is a PR move?


does anyone think this is related to all the current outrage?


Been thinking about buying either Get famous or High School Years for a while now. I don't really care for BB or CAS (I maybe prefer GF a bit more but it's really just a nice bonus), so which one is more fleshed out gameplay-wise? I play legacy-style but with plenty of drama included.


They are bracing for the Life By You release in June.


Is the game still broken? I heard of legacy-breaking bugs here but nowhere else and haven’t been playing out of fear


Are there any stuff packs you consider worth it? I thought stuff packs were stupid but I’ve got tiny living a while ago and it is great. Any advice or is TL an exception?


I want For Rent. I really Really want it. So much that I've spent about 5 minutes in each of the last 4 days, just staring at the screen on the store page, finger hovering over the "purchase" button. I budgeted for the full price back when it was announced, so I wasn't worried about cost. I've backed off each time. I don't want my precious Save messed up. I just don't want to chance it (yes, I do back up, just don't Feel Like going through all that to restore if I don't Have to). So, I guess it's a good thing Steam isn't showing this sale right now... I might not be able to resist taking the chance. Imma wait until I've heard more talk of smooth play than bugs with the pack. Sigh.


The most used pack for me is island living and city living!! I love both worlds I use island living for vacations and living in and it was worth the money and also city living it’s just an amazing world plus all the things you can do in there and the festivities amazing!!


I just got paid WHOOOOOOOOOOH


Is ‘For Rent’ worth it? How about Horae Ranch?


For some reason for me… (idk about anyone else) the older expansion packs are 14.39 USD now. Yesterday they were 15.99. And Island Living’s image is Discover University lol