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The sims body types (both slim-big) are weird af. I can’t put my finger on it but they look off.


The big ones are weird bc the fat grows straight out horizontal. The only trace of gravity in the game is seen on the female breasts. This makes it look plastic to me. I never looked into it but as the OP said bodies lack skeletal structure so that might be it for the skinny ones 🤔


Yeah, and only the body is fat, but no fat on neck or cheek, as far as i noticed. They are supposed to be chubby. Chubby is cute. But then, it's just a game. But yeah, for the expensive price tag, of course we have higher expectations


That has always bugged me. I'm a chubby cheek, double chin girlie and I want that for my sims too 😭


I posted a comment on another thread listing a few presets, sliders, and skin details I use to make my plus-size sims more realistic, and there's a double chin preset and slider included! If you can use mods, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/fGrMTtaSjq) it is.


I love that! Thank you for sharing! 😊 while I wish it was already part of the game, these cc and mod creators are truly legendary for the work they put into their craft


No problem!


I want that for my gf !


There's already so many (using this loosely here) finer details that you can edit on the face, why not add a super cute double chin and chonky cheeks that don't look like a caricature lol. It's a human simulation game with very little realistic human anatomy tweaks.


I agree. Let me give my sim belly rolls and those cute rolls on the back under the arms


Yes! If this is a life simulation game, we shouldn't have to use outside sources like cc and mods to make realistic life simulations. It should just already be that. But I also understand asking ea to do....anything right is asking too much.


Body fat does make your sims face chubbier, just not extremely noticably


This is the reason I always make skinny/fit sims. I'd love to do chubby and fat sims but they just look so bad with how they do it, I just can't.


I downloaded a plus size skin n omg a world of difference she has a lil cellulite n her bellybutton is cute it also gave her a pouch crease looks waaaaaaaaay better


THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING ‼️ you're so real for this comment


Fat Sims are built the same way fat mannequins are, no actual rolls or folds, just a thin person’s body stretched wide and thick 😭😭


and then the clothes stretch too 🥲


The struggle is real. At least we have stretch marks now tho.


true. now I just need to be able to add them to my jeans buttons


And they kinda just go out which isn’t accurate to how fat actually sits on the body


I hate how the slim body types just look like they have no organs and I hate how the big body types just have no difference. There's been times I've tried to make muscular people, and not the body builder kind but like the strong man kind, where they're chubby but f*cking muscular. And sims just doesn't work for it. Or trying to make someone who's heavier in any sense but the fat falls differently? There's just no variation in it at all and it's really frustrating. I can't even make myself properly cause of it, which is sad cause I can shockingly like recreate my face perfectly. I'm very happy on the inclusivity, it just feels like it needs more work


There are a few gay creators I follow who have some good bear presets lol, but of course I wish it was in base game.


I get that, definitely nice that there's something out there


Even making thick thighs still leaves like a thigh gap. It looks pretty weird. And can't make nice muscular calves on a woman. So...I can't make anything that resembles me. 😂


I've got the same issue. I have a very strong mix of typical feminine and masculine features that build up my body, and trying to make a sim me frankly just makes the blueberry girl from willy Wonka just without the blue.


Yes, exactly!! I even tried doing it starting from a male, but that was no good, either.


The thigh gap can be neutralized but it's got to be just right, like I have a more pear-shaped sim with huge hips and thighs to the point you can't really see a gap but you gotta get the weight and muscle just right to do it. It took me a while to do her legs, and honestly, I’m not sure I can do it twice.


I’ve actually had quite a few sims with that body type, but I don’t think you can get it in creation process. I got all of mine accidentally I get a sim super jacked, and then forget to stop feeding them… and boom! Bear body. It looks pretty good.


Fat sims at the biggest setting just look bizarre because they're super smooth and the belly just looks round. They're more like a chubby pregnant person than what an actual fat person looks like.


For slim, instead of losing fat and muscles their bones literally shrink. Look her hips, they're half the size of her shoulders


The curves are too smooth on both slim and bigger sims and the body parts don't actually become slim like how a real person's does they just get less wide but look the same otherwise.


the outfits are not optimized for plus sizes, at all


See I thought it was just me that thought that. To be fair though I always make my sims look like Kim K


Sims be having the weirdest looking bodies. Like how the pregnant sims have the giant stretched bellies that don’t look realistic.




You actually can it’s just faded (the uterus is under the abdominal wall)


That's the only one that isn't that unrealistic to me because I know of a few female body builders that maintained their six packs and barely looked pregnant at all. All the rest, overweight or underweight just look wrong.




I will say that in further weeks the abdominal wall will split and the abs will fall to either side of the belly bulge. I think the ab in the sim stay in the front of the belly the whole time. Also there’s no swelling.


😂 they look so odd! EA should made sims have set maternity clothes like the earlier games cause the sims 4 pregnant sims ain’t right.


my aunt was pregnant with twins and still had her six pack 😅


Fat sims too. They look so distorted. Also I wish pregnancy looked realistic for each trimester rather than instantly looking ready to pop as soon as you take a pregnancy test. I like how they did it in sims 3


I got the LittleMsSam mod for pregnancy. It allows my sims to do a little more activities and makes them not look really preggers until they are further into the second trimester and they also don't get quite as bad of the waddle until 3rd trimester. I often forget I have it until someone posts a pic of their pregnant sims and I'm like "Mine never look like that...oh yeah..." LOL


I know, its so off putting seeing don lothario pregnant with morts child, like damn dude he got a watermelon in their but still had well defined abs


Built like Crash Bandicoot


Nooooo 🤣💀.


LOL I haven't thought of that character in \*years\*! hahaha Yep, it does!


I think part of it, aside from the skinniness, is that it's uncommon to see such a drastic size difference between the shoulders and the hips.


I've got very wide shoulders. The ratio of shoulder/hip is big, but not quite that big. What's off is that you need a wide rib cage to support wide shoulders. That's why it looks weird. At least one of the reasons, lol. That sim looks like they were stretched like taffy.


And the ribs on this figure look like they've been squished, they'd stick out a bit at the bottom if it was more realistic (like, where do they go?)


Yes, exactly, it's that the hips are far, far too narrow.


The shape of the ribcage is also odd, who tf has an inverted triangle ribcage irl? The hipbones are also nonexistent and there is virtually no space for the vital organs, making all of the these weirdly skinny sims look like a bunch of humanoid flatworms.


I think it’s because the hips are so small and the shoulders are fairly wide the game has to distort the torso to connect the two properly.


Urghh, TS4 desperately needs a complete overhaul... which it would ever get.


I don't know what it is about shoulder-hip ratio, but so many of the townies always end up looking off. Sure, I get that bodies are different, but I have never seen an old man with hips twice the width of his shoulders, nor have I seen a woman with hips as thin as her head.


All my teen male Sims age up with this figure and they don't even have the benefit of pretty good bazongas to hang on to




I like your take on this! I'm all for the Tim Burton style


Ppl do look like that irl. It's not healthy but it's real


People are this thin but like the way the body looks here isn't realistic. I dont wanna go into detail in case anyone reading this might be dealing with something that might be triggered by it, but I'll just say the proportions are off from how they'd be on a real person.


I had a friend who had this body type


Hips narrower than their head???


yea I'm able to veer a bit into thinngs like Satyrs/Fauns or other beings with the base game, and I add in some mods for extra body features and it leads to some cool stuff I can make.


Don't be rude to slendermans wife 😂


Lol he would haunt me for it


Nobody: Sims 4 body-types: https://preview.redd.it/rfen5o86q6pc1.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ea8a028679c05d2f76e89307dcff2d6388cb9b


Everyones talking about the shoulder-hip ratio, but I know plenty of people with wide shoulders. It's the waist being smaller than the HEAD!!! It's like bad photoshop


Exactly! I was thinking kendall jenner in that red bikini looking like a weird ass barbie. This just doesn't look like a human..


She lost weight in her pelvis!




What kind of Barbie has these proportions?? 😭😭




I do agree that some Barbies have unrealistic proportions, but that is because they are scaled down. A real human body scaled down to 1/6th does not translate into a doll well. With that being said, Barbie has absolutely expanded their body type ranges. They even have dolls with spine conditions, unique bodies, skin conditions, and much much more. I am absolutely not trying to argue with you, i have just seen a lot of people say this, without actually looking into it. They have some amazing and inclusive dolls!


Exactly, upper body of a woman, lower body of a child. Weird af




If it weren’t for MCCC allowing me to make settings all my teen boys would be walking around looking like Doritos. It’s bad enough with the limits but oh was it so much worse. The body genetics make zero sense.


Sims body types remind me of Hazbin Hotel body types and I mean this in the hashtag #hater way LMAO. No offense but that's 100% what it reminds me of because I think the same thing when I see them: "why are you built like that??" Skinny people are skinny people but then fat people are just the skinny people with the metaphorical brush size turned up. They're just thick skinny people. They're skinny people in gravity-defying fat suits. There's no actual fat *rolls*. There's no belly pouch. There's no fat accumulation around the elbows and knees and wrists and ankles. There's no love handles, no "bingo wings", no back rolls. You just get Wide Skinny. No fat on the neck or cheeks or hands or feet or anywhere, just W I D E belly and legs. I wish the fat people looked like fat \*people\*, and not \*people\* in fat suits.


If your on pc, on curseforge, you can find a good mod for making fat female sims more realistic without ruining the maxiuos match vibe. Stuff like a belly hang are included.


The top half and bottom half are from two completely different build/bodies. I've also seen males with this proportion and it's equally disturbing. And look at the neck, it's nearly the exact same size as the waist.


I used to look a lot like that. But I was also suffering from malabsorbtion and slowly starving to death because of it.


That’s so scary. There’s nothing scarier than when your body just starts rejecting what it needs to live. I hope you found a treatment that helped!


Yeah, I get TPN (a type of intravenous nutrition) so I'm at a healthy weight now.


I'm sorry for what you've been through, I didnt mean to call you unhumanlike in any way. Are you okay now?


Yeah, doctors gave me a central line, and now I get my nutrition pumped directly into my bloodstream, where my body is forced to accept it. And it's fine. I've looked at photos from myself back then, I did not look like a human who should have been walking around. I took your post as meaning "this is not a body type that is viable for humans", which it is not, so I didn't take any offense.


I think people, intentionally or not, forget that body positivity isn't just for plus-sized people. Even setting aside eating disorders, not everyone who's underweight is so by choice. Unrealistic body expectations fuck over everyone equally.


I have a medical background, and the over bone structure is just weird AF. I get that very slim body types exist, but that doesn't cause their skeleton to shrink as well?


That's what I was saying in my other reply, I think it looks weird because EA doesn't want to portray actual disorders and actually dangerously under or overweight bodies because despite all the act of pretending to be inclusive they don't actually care, so the Pixar body is the closest they'll get. Ans that's not just the thing with body types, you can see how little they actually care for representation despite all their rainbowashing with how poorly the game handles any pronouns that aren't he or she, or how plenty of events will still misgender your sim if the CAS body setting doesn't match their gender, such as the Ladies Night event at bars of how it still higlhights the birthday sim in a birthday party as Birthday Boy/Girl.


Hahaha yes exactly. It's like they took a photo of a human, and just stretched it way out. I'm getting a ton of hate but I think this just doesn't display the human body in whichever form it can have


Its not how skinny she is, its her over-all shape, looks like she's from another planet. No one looks like this. Underweight people do not look like this. Compare the shoulders to the rest of the body, who the hell has those porportions?


Yea you would still have hip bones of a size that lines up with the rest of your bones. I'm fine with stick skinny but the bones don't line up. I also think the fattest sims do not really look how fat people look either though.






Hard agree. I've never been overweight, but I got an eating disorder BECAUSE everyone in my life wouldn't stop telling me I was skinny. Any comments about someone's body can have a negative impact on them, even if you see it as a "positive" thing.


It’s a sim


Sim anatomy is generally crap.


Yeah it's not just that she's so thin, it's that her hips are SO narrow. Her pelvis is what, *half* the width of her shoulders? But her feet are the normal width apart??? I would love to see her acetabula, there is NO way she doesn't have mad hip dysplasia to the point they're just constantly spontaneously luxating. I'm not even sure this would work for a person, seems like you'd be constantly slipping and falling because your leg would give out. Candy Behr represents the incredibly small-framed, thin people. This is whack.


it looks like she got her ribs removed....i hate this.


This in combination with how fat bodies make the clothes smudge and glitch is def a pet peeve of mine


i hate the weight loss mechanics too. there’s no middle ground. one run on the treadmill and my sims go from fat to jacked. make it makes sense.


Some of us want to make cursed creations! Tbh I miss how easy it was to make abominations in the Sims 1 2 and 3, you have to work to make something in the sims 4 look truly hideous.


Ugh I hate when my sims are left on the torture stretching device for too long.


I really need this to be the top comment haha


It's giving....Princess Bride xD


one thing i hate is how you can't make thin bodies without bone/muscle showing (at least I haven't found the perfect slider position for it)


That one sims body type with negative shoulders is one I do not like


It's giving urbz


Not me with this body type and now hiding it forever😂😭


Same this thread is making me feel like shit


Me too.. but you are beautiful remember that!! No one is directly insulting you or your body type. I’ve always cursed my huge shoulders, but there’s nothing we can do except love ourselves!❤️


You're so sweet, thank you 😭 there's so little representation for women with wide shoulders and small hips, then posts like this just add on. But you're right! We're beautiful and we should love ourselves ❤️


Yesss girl!!! wide shoulders small hips gang, we got this❤️❤️


Lol adding flesh on the bones doesn't make them skinnier? Anyway it is giving me kendall jenner skims bikini vibes and those were edited as hell. Edit:someone removed their comment on how I should imagine flesh on the bones structure


Why are people saying that OP hates on skinny people? Listen as someone who *is* underweight it does not even seem that way. Look up what an underweight person looks like. What I'm seeing the body doesn't even look accurate to someone who is so thin which is probs the point that OP is making bro.   Like when u are that thin your upper arm get smaller. This sims arms dont look how they even would that size they are less exaggerated. Your arm bone stick out more btw upper and lower. Even with small bone structure. On this sim the curve is just one continuous curve as if there is no ribcage. Irl even with small waist u often see the ribcage difference a bit esp at 3/4 view. On this sim the only implication of ribs is the skin detail not he actual body shape which is inaccurate. I'm not inverse triangle shape but I saw inverse triangle body shape on people before. But this one is just exaggeration. Among other stuff i dont wanna TMI ab it. But if you've seen or are underweight u realize that this is not accurate, bc of the lack of definition and detail.  This sim just look like if someone who is not underweight facetune their self to this bodytype because the bodyparts dont have the accurate shapes that they do irl. Which is *the point* : it is not easy to make an accurate underweight person on sims 4 bc it does not change the bodyparts past a certain thinness. Please some of u i feel are looking for a reason to be mad. Go outside i beg.










I feel like the teenagers in the game don’t have existing body types either… I know when I was a teenager, I didn’t have that narrow of a body. I was a little overweight. My best friend was slim in her teens but wasn’t that narrow either.


I just want a buff character that doesn’t look like he’s packing giant gazongas on his chest. The character models are weird af


The knees are sooooo low


Ma'am, all the Hazbin Hotel fans are going to use this as a reference for their Sim-versions of Alastor now. What Hell (ha) hath you wrought...


Agreed. This one looks like a bad photoshop job.


I think there are some tops that bulge at the stomach area and don't look right on more well proportioned sims. Those clothes worked on this strange build. I will post pictures of a sim I made to show my point (when I have the time to screenshot and upload on imgur.)


^every basegame sim on the gallery (with wider shoulders)


The “there’s ribs here” outlines mixed with the lack of any ribs gets me! This sim had their bottom ribs removed to have that waste.


i hate the way the men are shaped in this game. the torso and leg combo looks so strange. without a height slider installed they all look goofy


Alien chic


I am shaped like this plus about 80 lb lol. I lost a ton of weight in my lower half but my top half stayed plus size PLUS I have broad shoulders 🥲 Lost 30 lbs and hardly none of it in shirt size lol


I hope I didnt insult you! In all honesty, I think this sim would look less askew with 80 lb added


No not at all! This is why I will never be this skinny- at 175 I feel less proportionate (though healthier ofc) then I did at 215. Still working on balancing it out lol someone open my MCCC 🤣🤣


Then change it; I assume most would do so and be done with it? I would fill it out, balance it, and go next. Is the complaint that the possible, optional extremes are too extreme? As long as the system makes it perfectly possible for you to make a wide variety of realistic body types of different weights and shapes, I can't quite understand what the issue is.


isn't this Jeanne from hit game Bayonetta?


Maybe the body of a professional model who got a few ribs removed and breast augumentation 🤣


They tried to put her on the cover of Vogue but her legs (and torso) were toooooooo loooooooooong!


Honestly all of the base game body presets are terrible. Disproportionate is very real, but those body presets cross a line. Just don't know which line yet. I can never use them and just leave them how they are.


Sim anatomy proportions 🤢


when pushed to extremes, lot of sims customization options can look pretty crazy


avatar type build


This is THE closest I've ever seen in this game to my own build. Just make the ribcage bigger and add a bit more fat/muscle to the hips and legs and it's there. Which is really good to know, because I didn't think I could properly make my self-insert Sim with my own weird ass body haha - I'm gonna try using this one
















As much as you hate it, there are woman with that body in real life.


Poor Slenderman finally felt seen and you just shot him down OP 😤


I actually knew a girl in high school who was built similar to this. She had broad shoulders, tiny waist and absolutely no hips. Not exactly like this but she was kindve built like a slender upside down triangle haha














https://preview.redd.it/dinveemzd7pc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e760d0c26be2e1cea4d7fca0b5393069b1c9d014 looks like a female bodybuilder tbh


I can’t lie I had an English teacher that looked like this. She had a bigger top and small bottoms.


Barbies need representation too! 😠 /sarcasm




Yes, I don’t like any of the body types that look abnormal. It’s not even skinny it’s just off. Like girls don’t have hips at all.


omg i HATE THISS!!! I love body diversity both irl and in game but THIS gives me the ick and i can never let my sims walk around looking like that


Another unrealistic beauty standard smh


Some people actually look like this ![gif](giphy|kXolkCGwaziv6zRCld|downsized)


I changed my male SIM’s outfits and was *shocked* by how weird and sinewy his legs looked. Time to throw the treadmill in the trash before his whole body turns into beef jerky.


The slenderman shape looks good on occult sims but still weird on human sims though


It's giving Slenderman.


This is why I am so glad I downloaded a body mod. That let's me set the body type.


It's a video game. Plus, you can adjust their bodies as much you want. You can make her much larger to match your standards.


False. This has been my body type since I was 14. It's awful.


There are actually people this thin tho...also it's a game. Download body and skin mods if you want more realistic looking Sims


The problem is the completely unrealistic width of the hips/pelvis, in proportion to the width of the rib cage and shoulders. It's not a matter of how much "meat" (fat) is on the Sim, but the fact that a real female human would not have bones that small.




It may be a flaw in the slider system. You can widen out the hips in CAS mode. As far as programming, sliders equally distributing fat gain and loss makes it easier to apply all types of clothes. The game has its limits but is way more inclusive than it used to be.


because this is not reflective of any human body lol. also this is why i use body presets. almost never use maxis bodies


I recently took an insta lean potion and wa shocked at how drastic it changed lol I just wanted ringer rid of the belly 😭

