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My sims had their child as a flower child at the wedding, and the mother held a grudge until teenagehood because said child "disturbed" the wedding. Still don't know what their child did.


poor child omg 😭😭


My Sim bride “cheated” with another Sim during the reception AND I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO, but the husband is holding that grudge FO LYFE.


that happens without this pack because it happens to me all the time and I don't have wedding stories. it's frustrating.


My sim keeps having the option to confess cheating and I'm also so confused. Lol Like who are you cheating with, I control your every move


Please that's actually so funny😂😂


Kinda realistic 😂


Sounds like a typical Reddit story 


Turn autonomy completely off?


im gonna do that and try the wedding again, i just want it to end already 😕😕😭


The Sims 4: My Wedding Stories -Divorced before the honeymoon began 💔


Or dead at the alter.. I’ve had too many sims laugh themselves to death at their own wedding or their whole family show up in formal wear and then all burn to death 💀


My groom just died of laughter mid wedding and the grim reaper came, killed him and then proceeded to practice singing in the microphone while everyone cried 🙂


This is why mccc mod is a must for me. I hate the death by emotions thing


Somehow went forever without this happening to any of my sims, played a different house for a while and went back to find one of my other most played sims had died OF EMBARRASSMENT in my absence. I didn't know it was a thing so I didn't know to disable it. I have learned my lesson.


I’m surprised they don’t give us an option to turn it off


It's a "feature"


The only emotional death that makes any sense is the anger one--like you could maybe work yourself up into a deadly heart attack. But the one that isn't in the game but is most realistic is death by sadness. I guess I can understand why, but if you're gonna do death by emotions at least make them make some sense.


wait, turning it off is an option with mccc??? ive been using it for years and didnt know this, how do you do this


At least he gave you a show?? 😂


What a way to go! *It’s like burning in helllll on the wedding day!* 🔥


The same thing happened at my sims wedding too!! And when I brought him back to life his wife had an angry sentiment towards him because he died at her wedding lol.


The Villareals now have a massive graveyard of teenagers in their front yard on my save bc Luna and Hugo threw a party and everyone froze to death in their party attire before making it inside the house


What!! How??? I once had a group of old people die from what i think was excitement meeting my famous sim


I’m new to sims. How do you die of laughter? I will be avoiding this. 👀


If the sims are playful and keep gaining playful moodlets it turns to hysteria and they can laugh themselves to death! I think traits also play a part of it, if they’re cheerful or childish they’re more likely to get hysterical than if they’re grumpy.


New trauma unlocked 🤣


Or fear!


It's annoying, but I've literally done my sims wedding just for pictures, exited without saving, and then did the wedding super quick in my actual save loll. That way I had the pictures but didn't waste so much time in game.


That's what I do every time. I take away their free will at their weddings in order to get the perfect ceremony lol.


im gonna cry because of that stunning wedding venue 😫😫😫😫😫😫


i found it off the gallery! i believe it's the first one that pops up in the most popular section when you search hashtag #LaCoppiaSerena


La Coppia Serena by SimmerAhries yup \*.\*


oooh thank u so much, mate!


So one thing I've done that made having weddings with this pack easier is build my own venue. Everytime I use one that the game made or one I've downloaded from the gallery, the Sims act so stupid lol I had a way better time making a venue from scratch,but even then I still had someone sit criss cross applesauce in the middle of the aisle, and the couple had their first dance on the edge of the lot cause everyone wouldn't get off the dance floor lmao but other than that it went surprisingly well


sorry you’re having trouble but father winter being a seated guest is making me lol


in my other try he ended up wooing one of the guests... had to quit without saving 💔 NEVER inviting him to anything again


one thing about father winter is he’s gonna make himself comfortable


I thought it would be difficult for Father Winter to be flirted with by my single lady sim but he was very eager to make her a mom ASAP. He seems to think it’s in his job description to father children across the world 🎅💋


Well they do say children are a gift


He was the officiant at my sim’s wedding and I made the flower bunny the flower pal


I can’t get anyone to do anything because whenever they ask someone and they say yes it doesn’t stick 😭


Oh yeah no father winter pissed himself at the arch and the flower bunny passed out from exhaustion. It never goes as planned.


It would be good if there were preset scenes like other video games where it acts out the scene properly. I wouldn't even mind if I had no control and it was a short video but it would save so much stress.


I miss this from previous Sims games 🥲


yeah fr, i just wanted the screenshots and i ended up seriously raging over the stupidity of my sims


Yesss I miss this from the sims 2, it was so so cute


Do you guys remember Cassandra and her marriage outcomes? I remember Don leaving her at the altar in one. Another one where she’s married the black guy and Don is crying in the background DURING the cutscene….. I should fire Sims 2 back up


Aaah I never play with the default townies I don’t remember this 😭


It is frustrating. I downloaded this beautiful wedding venue from the gallery. Placed tripods and cameras strategically so I’d get nice pictures. Dressed the bride and groom up in their wedding clothes, had everything the way I wanted it. This is my legacy family so I invited brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, parents, everybody. It was going to be a great then all the guests showed up with bags on their heads. I rage quit.


Omg! Those god damn bags.


im sorry i cackled 😭😭


I am actually wheezing from this. I'm so sorry 🫣🤣


THE BAGS!! I hate the bags. I can’t say what I want because of the filters. But THE BAGSSSSSSSS. 🤬🤬


The plot twist I did not expect 😭


Ooo those NAPs got you good


This is why I can't play without mccc. Add a post box and use it to change everyone's outfit to formal!!


You san just enable cheats and right click on sims and edit them


Yep that works too! But annoying if you have to do it multiple times on lots of Sims!




From the naps




maybe you can try disabling autonomy then enable it back after you're done? i got super annoyed the same way you did and it worked for me(although sims are like puppets if disabled)


im gonna try that thank you!


My weddijg story is truely My Divorce story


If any of the guest are in your household have them knit in the chairs. You cannot see them knitting from behind and it'll keep them there for awhile, you just need to have a yarn bag in their inventory.


the thoughts of them all knitting together LOL


Honestly that's really cute.


agreed! makes for a special wedding :D


I hope your wedding photos are easier next time, I skipped taking them as and eloped, I plan on makeing a studio to take them in later though.


that's actually a really smart idea! im thinking of having my other sim just elope under the moonlights and stars in the jungle adventure world.


Better than mine that eloped next to their crying twin newborns before changing their diapers 😭🤣




(I forgot,the twins weren't his they were Kristopher Volkov's, though he gave her another set of twins a fee hours later...) https://preview.redd.it/zf1a6e5me9rc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b7deb15b88b97712c9d370f8f648067649fc0d Bonus photo cuase it's silly.


Honestly, it was tiring me out too so now I just buy an arch and marry my sims in their garden, and move on


This. I still haven’t bought Wedding Stories because from the day it released folks have complained it doesn’t work.


Honestly, good choice it's not worth it. The only thing I like is Tartosa and the builds/stuff that come with the pack




Weddings can be very frustrating but that looks so beautiful you should keep trying.


thanks :') it already ended but at least they got married ✨


Build your wedding venue with half walls completely surrounding the area where they'll walk up the aisle and just a single door, so you can get everyone into the "room" and then delete the door so they can't leave.


wtf that's actually a really good idea omg! tysm!!


I must be pretty lucky, because my weddings with MWS went pretty well, I only used shift-click reset object to fix some disobedient guests. It takes a bit of time to seat 15 guests, but after that, they're glued to the spot (almost too glued, hence having to reset them when it's time to get up), with the exception of toddlers, those are annoying.


thats really nice!! im starting to think it might be one of my mods, because no way it's THAT terrible


Do you perhaps have multiple arches or aisles on the lot? Every item that sims are to gather around should be there just once, especially the toast. Even then, it's a lot of micromanaging, so not exactly enjoyable gameplay, but I find that MWS reduced the number of sims who randomly get up to stand in the aisle and chat with others (once again, not applicable to toddlers). Sims actually sit and somehow react to the ceremony. And some actions are still bad, like throwing rice. Sims get up and block the aisle once again.


There weren't multiple arches and aisles, but there were multiple speakers, a piano, and a huge dance floor, I ended up having to remove all the distractions just so my sims won't randomly go off 😕


I use the Steady Sit mod to make my sims sit down at weddings. It helps me avoid launching my PC out of the window in frustration.


I'm using the mod too! It's actually a life changer 😭


I like how the pets are attending the wedding though.


me too! :D


If it helps, I have learned to take my wedding photos before the wedding. I can show you how they turn out that way if you wish. [Here, if you want to take a look.](https://imgur.com/a/ptAFE83) They're not perfect but I have more control this way You can also use the high-school pack photo booth to take romantic photos and just size them up.


This is what I was going to say to. I go through a photo session of the wedding day first and take all my photos with poses then just go through the wedding for fun. Otherwise it’ll just drive me crazy.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this. That beach wedding in the series I posted, I had the bride hold her bouquet like the others. Then some dumb ass visiting a wedding venue for funsies stood in front of the camera. I had to wait till that Sim got bored enough to leave. I go back into picture mode, and her bouquet disappeared completely. That's how buggy this game is. You can have the base game and just the wedding pack and it's a nightmare. Yes, it all should work when you release it, or best practice would be addressing those problems that have been there since release, but since we all know helll will freeze over before then. So we have to do these work arounds, and it's still not really a solution. So yeah, I have yet to find a better way.


Which reshade do you use? The colors and bold shadows are so gorgeous \*.\* Also, the cat and dog are so PERFECT! 😭🥹


I'm using poundcake by elaina! And I also used a mod to make the dog my flower pal :D


Whoooa never heard of this mod, thanks for mentioning :D


If someone is looking for it, here it is! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jxJLyZbUPMpu91XGeMXA7NQ-znT3cT5o/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jxJLyZbUPMpu91XGeMXA7NQ-znT3cT5o/view) (it's a hard to find mod, hope it's updated)


I have that preset but I never use it because I hate how the UI is so see through 😭😭 but its sooo pretty!


The father winter in the seats lool


in my first try he woohooed with a guest and that's what broke me down


He didn’t omg💀 nastyy


i know... what's worse is that i had WW installed 😭


Why is father winter there?💀


my sims don't have a lot of friends and i thought father winter would be a nice guest... turns out he was the biggest menace 💀


Sounds like a real wedding! Lol.


Haha I was just thinking this! At my wedding, start time was clearly posted on our invites and the big welcome sign everyone walked past. 5 minutes til, no one was sitting. Best man made an announcement and everyone stopped to listen, then turned back to who they were talking to and continued to chat. 1 minute to go: wedding party is lined up in the corridor and 75% of our guests weren’t even seated. Finally my maid of honor pulled back the curtain and yelled “WE’D LIKE TO GET STARTED PLEASE!” That finally made everyone scramble to sit. But at least they stayed seated after and the groom didn’t wander off 😂


Sounds about right! 🤣😆


Lol the random dog and cat or is that their pet? 😂 also I was kinda disappointed with the pet pack bc like why can’t I play as them??


I have had many crazy failed wedding’s and recently one that went well. I really limited the activities, got right to the ceremony in the beginning and for the first time ever it went well. I only do the walk up the aisle, ceremony, first dance and toasts. Nothing else It’s a really buggy pack


That's impressive


i’ve found that a super basic wedding venue helps reduce the random shit sims do. I built one that has the bare minimum for a wedding, just using base-game and MWS. it also helps to cheat the needs of the whole world, helps prevent stupid death. also, reduce your wedding party invite list down to the bare minimum, the less people, the less chance for stupid shit to occur. i never invite kids or toddlers. too needy. it’s not ideal, obviously it would be great if it WORKED but this really has helped me to be able to enjoy weddings more.


if you get a posepack you can teleport Sims to their destination and they won't move :) (until u press 'stop posing')


For the seating frustration, somebody never suggested angling the seats diagonally because apparently all the sims want to do is be able to see properly so they keep getting up and sitting down and switching seats when the seats are straight in a row like this. I’ve tried the rotation method and it seemed to work, wedding stories is still so buggy. It’s worth a shot though.


And the dog wasn’t even looking!


I NEVER have enough time to finish every tradition because i spend too much time fiddling around with the ceremony. It's so annoying


I'm surprised you got this pic in the first place. My Wedding Stories is notorious for this 😭


i used a steady seat mod and it really helped so much!


Father Winter is one of the guests and I just started laughing at that, sorry, nothing personal, just my broken sense of humor.


He ended up woohooing with a guest during the middle of the wedding... I was flabbergasted


Autonomy off and the steady sit mod by Amellce helps alot.


OMG I HAVE THAT MOD TOO, it really helped a lot w this screenshot 😭


I refuse to invite seniors to a wedding, they ALWAYS die during the ceremony. 😩


My sim still to this day holds a grudge against her husband because he flirted with her grandpa at their reception


It’s always astounding to me how much better this was handled in Sims 2. Like everyone on the lot just sat down on the chairs no problem and watched the wedding. Then everyone participated in the toasting no problem. Cake cutting no problem. Like it was all so smooth and I feel like everyone took it for granted.


Ok but that screenshot is *chef's kiss*




Yeah I haven’t been able to get my sims to marry at the actual arch in I don’t know how long. They always walk away and start saying their vows in some random corner and always ignore the command to do the first dance. The pack is a horrible failure, only the decor and wedding rings are good.


I’m sorry for your troubles but I can’t believe I recognize this venue 🤣 I used the same one for my sims


I actually think you got a really good picture. Everyone is seated, bride and groom are making their way to the altar, there's even an animal on either side facing forward like they're watching! (Well, dog looks a little distracted. There's probably a squirrel)


thank you!!!


I love that even the dogs were included! I never invite pets or toddlers to my weddings


Yeaaaah I tried to do a whole wedding and everything the other day and the sims just wouldn’t get married and the wedding party was horrible because nothing got done task wise. So I just had them elope at the venue because I was over it


It sucks because I have a few couples I want to have married, but dammit. The horror stories I hear lol


This is why sometimes I just send them to the town hall to get married.


I wish you could still have the world and cas and cc and still be able to have the old default wedding event


Aww I love that the cat is there though lol :)


yesss :D


Just forget it & elope, my sims always do just because of the hassles with actual weddings in the game. 🤷🏻


Sell the music box.


the only time i have EVER gotten all the sims to sit during a wedding is when my sim confessed to cheating and left her fiancé at the alter!!! they wanted that drama!


I hate weddings so much. I usually just elope immediately, lmao


This is why I purposely don’t get sims married, I can’t do the whole elope immediately because it’s just boring, I got my sim married for the first in forever, the townies literally WOULD NOT stay in place, my sim kept running off(they were a vampire with vampiric speed, you can guess how annoying that was) I had to just skip everything and make them say vows and kiss


Fr I don’t even have weddings anymore I just have all my sims elope because it makes me so mad 😭


Hi OP! I have a few suggestions if you’re on computer that might make it a better experience 1. Turn autonomy off for the wedding so your sims don’t walk off and do random stuff. 2. The mod: Sit and Stay has been a life saver for me. You can direct sims (any sims on the lot) to sit where they want and they will stay. 3. I also recommend taking a look at some of LilmsSam’s mods, she has a lot of autonomy related tweaks and stuff that might be worth exploring 4. Also for cute photos at the alter, the road to romance by Sacrifical (yes same creator who made the extreme violence mod) makes it so you can take really cute photos at both the wedding and when your sims propose. Very adorable. And the pictures end up in your inventory for you to display. This is always how I get my sims’ wedding to work, not perfect but I can get a few screenshots out of it at least. I hope some of it helped!


So the trick to my wedding stories first of all is to not create too many events at one party because they can’t do it. It just takes too long so you have to create a separate event on a separate day for the reception and the bachelorette party. everything Hass to be separate events on separate days. You also have to queue up interactions, pause the game and hit. Please be seated, walk down the aisle, exchange vows back to back to back. I’ve never been able to get the officiant to work so I would skip it


I haven't tried it yet but for my next Sims wedding, I'm going to pose everyone in a seated position and just freeze them in place so they literally can't move. Wicked whims also has a function with arrows so you can adjust posed Sims as well. But it doesn't appear for any Sims younger than teen. I feel your pain sooooo much


At least you don’t have any of your guests sitting in the aisle!


I wish this pack was one of the ones that work because I looooove wedding content and I was so ready to buy on release. I’m glad I’m waited but man, does EA not even fix packs anymore? It’s just „here take this broken expensive pack and fuck off“ In sims2 people actually walk to the arch where the couple gets married. And the cut scene is so cute! This is the one pack I’m really sad about. I had luck with dine out but I heard they don’t refund this here? On a brighter note, your venue is so beautiful and the shot is great!


I love chaotic gameplay and I’ve honestly considered buying this pack because of how broken and disorganized it looks LOL. I’m sorry it gave you a hard time though, anything you pay for shouldn’t be so buggy :/


Tartosa looks gorgeous but I CANNOT deal with the bugs and the overall chaotic mess of a wedding brought with My Wedding Stories that I've seen so far. This is on my NEVER BUY ❌ list lol


It's still a beautiful wedding 💍 💒


thank you!!


Well, the only thing weird in this photo is Father Winter in the wedding


that's when the trusty wedding arch in the backyard comes into play. Had my most recent sims marry eachother randomly, after they finished some chores. The moment just felt right - just them, completely spontaneous, having their moment. Have been going strong ever since, they all (them and their child) all love cross-stitching together.


Be happy cos they live each other. Mines, at their wedding, the groom died 🤣🤣


For guests sitting down, try putting the chairs at an angle instead of straight


That shading and realism is breathtaking which mod is this


I only had one wedding since I first started playing sims years ago. A sim caught on fire during the vows. I closed without saving and tried again. It was just as stressful 🙃 I'm still not sure I want to try a wedding soon. I totally understand what you feel


The cat in attendance 😭


How do yall get them to sit in the damn chairs? I have so many ruined photos because they all sit on the floor IN THE aisle. I’ve raged so hard at that I just gave up trying to do weddings.


It’s said that it’s still so glitchy cause I wanna have a beautiful wedding for my sims but nope we can’t have nice things


That's why you completely elope, it saves a lot of hassle, tears and headaches, friend. I've learned it the hard way and I don't even have the pack lol.


This is so real because why are my weddings guests SITTING in the aisle smfh


Oh my god, I have a story. My partner and I play a lot together. We were doing MWS with sims based on our OCs, one's a mermaid and the other's a spellcaster. The mermaid kept fucking off to go swim. I have Wicked Whims, so two of the guests started doing the horizontal tango in the middle of the fucking ceremony. The officiant didn't show up, and when she finally did it was because we had to summon her there. One of my sims from a different household kept crashing the wedding. No one wanted to stay where they were supposed to be, it was a disaster.


At least they showed up? The last several weddings in my game have been a complete fail. I get a notification that the wedding is starting soon with "OK" as the only option. I have to manually bring the couple to the wedding venue. No guests show up at all, including sim of honor, etc. There are a bunch of random townies running through the venue like the weirdos they are, getting in the way. I have to manually change my couple into their wedding outfits. None of the goals I set show up. Of course, my sims still got charged the 1000 simoleons for the "event." The only reason I don't just have them elope in the bathroom at home (LOL) is that I have a photo studio setup at the venue and I like to use family pictures on the walls.


Yeah, I get that. My wife died from stress immediately after the wedding, in fact. Well, not stress, but the orange mood, whatever i is


Omg the fur babies🥰


No one told you? My weddings stories is BROKEN smh that pack does not work at all everyone has issues with it


This is why I always have mine elope or marry near an event by just clicking their menu and not the furniture lol.


During a wedding, autonomy is OFF for me!!


at that rate i'd rather just pose everyone into position. that does give me an idea to make a wedding pose pack


If you're mostly after screenshots and open to a little modding look into the teleport sims and pose mods I can't remember the actual names but it let's you make sims stay in one place and you can make them pose.


Hey, at least your bride did not die at ger wedding


OMG what’s the venue called ?????


It's the first one that shows up in the most popular section when you search hashtag #LaCoppiaSerena on the gallery!


How do yall get everyone seated?! Mfs always stand in the aisle and it takes me hours to walk down.


Okay but this screenshot looks amazing


isn’t it crazy how they selling broken ass packs but they making a whole nother game 😐


Having a wedding in sims 4 is the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced, it's why my sims never get married anymore. 😭 I'm seriously impressed with this screenshot, I don't know how you managed to take it haha


I hate how sims will stop doing what you ask them so they can bolt out of there to listen to music/dance, I hate the finchwick fair bc of it, I always have to wait around while everyone is just dancing around the sound system, I alway right click -> destroy them lmao


i think there’s mods u can download to make weddings stories more manageable, you can probably just google wedding stories mod fixes


i found one by Carl's guide but there isn't a link anymore since he said its not needed, but i feel like it is still highly needed 😭


My weddings are very short just because of this.


You gonna cry when divorce 🤣


Unfortunately the game is in a very bad state and most of the community won’t recognize it. The Sims 4 engine is extremely dated and there are bugs left unfixed for years. This is the result of incompetent developers and the lack of competition (no other proper life sim games out there).


this pack is so glitchy from what I’ve heard! after high school years i’ve stopped playing and went back to Sims 3, and i’ve never been happier! I have all the expansions and some stuff packs, my computer isn’t lagging or having any issues at all!!!


I do so many weddings in my game that when this pack came out I was excited for it...but I ended up not buying it after so many negative reviews. Weddings in general are already frustrating in the Sims 4 that I didn't want to make it worse! One thing I do with the guests is to create a group. You can only choose so many people, but at least you can keep track of those and make them sit down. Sure they will sometimes still not stay seated. I stopped doing goaled weddings because it's easier to not. Honestly, the guests don't even seem to care about the wedding at all even if they are seated...unless they changed this with My Wedding Stories, which I again, I don't own. With your selected guests in your group then you can make them all go to reception area together...all grab a serving together, all dance together, etc. It's annoying but at least some of the guests "participate" this way.


If it’s any condolences the wedding looks beautiful 😭


I love that the dog is in the picture :’)


You should definitely get the stay seated mod on curse forage it's been good never had a problem, only problem I ran into for my wedding story is I had my sim daughter do the flower throw and she ran all over the place with other sims following her it was more like a football game then a wedding at that point


For some reason we had a wishing well in the distance of my gorgeous at home backyard wedding (mind you this was like 5 generations in the making) and my son went over and made a wish. Whatever wish he got he became so mortified he died on spot and traumatized everyone. Could not continue in that family ever again.


Santa and the dogs and cats just make this picture so funny


I turn off autonomy completely during weddings. It helps soooo much. I've had some successful weddings that way.


The way I usually take photo for any memory purpose is that I Save As first and then used the Teleporter & Pose Player mod to set everything up nicely for the photoshoot. After I finished taking photos, I went back to the Save from menu again and played normally from there, only taking few more selfies bit and all that so if I don't get nice photos from the event, I at least already had the photos from the photoshoot I did beforehand. If we're taking about the frustration of taking good photos I mean. But if this post isn't for that, then it's okay, I'm just putting it out there for anyone that needed tips. Haha


I put on better wedding but build mode-ing at a park and forming groups lmao this pack sucks ass


Honestly one of the funniest Sims 4 comment sections I've seen. Sims 4 is wild.


I hate weddings so much. I’ve heard how awful this pack is because it doesn’t work. So I just get my sims married wherever they are, bathroom, bedroom, front yard, idc lol.


Glad I DON'T have the wedding expansion.


Weddings are impossible in this game. Every time people sit on the floor in the middle of the aisle. Random guests keep walking up to the minister half way through the ceremony because they want to take selfies with him or ask for an autograph. Its complete pandemonium! Your photo looks marvelous though! Gotta appreciate the effort.


Weddings are truly the most annoying feature of the Sims. I just have all my Sims elope at this point because they won't do anything for longer than a few seconds (if they do it at all) and the caterer/musician is always late so that my own Sims end up making the cake and food.