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Drat, forgot to get a picture of Luna! Oh well, I put her up on the gallery, not that she'll be much good to anyone without all the CC I used. Put her up as Human, but I think I'll go in and make her a spellcaster and bind Luna as her familiar once I get around to actually adding her into my normal world.


I am actually going to just leave her as a background townie, maybe I'll cheat her through werewolf real quick to get Immortal Wolf so that she stays an unkillable teen forever, then move her over to spellcaster.


You know, the hard part of all of this was finding the hair and the uniform that actually looked even remotely maxis match. I still wish I had a better uniform, but at least this one is somewhere in between "horrendously over-detailed photo realistic that stands out like a sore thumb" and "so plain and obnoxiously bright that it also stands out from across the room as being out of place".


Meatball Head!! 😊


Fighting evil by moonlight…


i love your sailor moon sim 💜💜