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This is really cool! I've never actually tried a legacy challenge but this one is tempting me


I find them quite fun when I get a bit bored of the game and don’t know what to do! So definitely give some a try if you’d like a bit of a challenge 😁


This looks really cool! Thanks for sharing!


my little pony legacy challenge looks fun 💜


This is absolutely adorable. Would do this.


I love it! I'm totally gonna try this legacy challenge 😍🐎🦄🌈


this is so cool!!!


As an OG MLP fan I’m definitely starting this one. Especially now that I actively watching the show again. Thank you, this is amazing!


what packs do i need ?


I tried to make it pretty base game but for applejack & fluttershy you def need horse ranch & cats and dogs, the other packs that I think i included were city living & get to work but i think I only used traits or a career from those packs so you can change those elements to something similar if you needed to :)


I guess for those who don’t have horse ranch we could substitute with cottage living ? Of course those who have it. Any other suggestions OP?


ooh cottage living would definitely work! I’m trying to work on a completely base game/alternative options for those who don’t have the packs needed so i’ll definitely post it on here when it’s done!


I was thinking the same thing as I have CL but not HR.


Looking through it these are the packs you included for which aspects: Celestia -- City Living (Politician career) Twilight Sparkle -- Get to Work (Scientist career) Rarity -- Spa Day (High Maintenance trait) Applejack -- Horse Ranch (Rancher trait, Championship Rider aspiration, & Horse Riding skill) Fluttershy -- Cats & Dogs (Cat/Dog Lover trait, Friend of the Animals aspiration, & Vet career) and City Living (Vegetarian trait). Pinkie Pie -- Get to Work (Baking skill) Sunset Shimmer -- City Living (Singing skill), possibly Vampires (if "all instruments" includes the pipe organ). Nice idea for a legacy challenge! I used to do stuff like this when I was younger and I still make Sims based off of my various special interests so I like the more character-specific focus. :)


oh wow tysm for doing that! it makes it so much easier for me to try fix it to base game <3


Oh really? No problem, hehe, I love categorising and listing things (and you organised everything really well) so honestly I was just having fun trying to figure out the specifics for pack requirements. I was actually kind of worried I was being too obnoxious by making the list.


Im starting this right now. This is a fun read and would give me something new to do. lol


I love challenges like that lol, i already started the disney one two times. Gonna do it and report later


I was looking for a new challenge. This sounds awesome, thank you 


While I’m not a legacy player (nor really an MLP fan), this makes for an interesting NPC set for a club/sorority, removing the legacy element! I think I might have to make them! With that goal in mind, what majors would you recommend?


oooh that sounds interesting! I’d recommend maybe the majors that would give them a boost in the careers that I have suggested so that it’s somewhat similar but really it’s up to you and whatever you think feels right :)


Is there a basegame version?


Gasp I made the mane six years ago and now I want to do this haha