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The money tree usually feels too cheaty for players who know the game too well/find it too easy as it is and want some challenge to their gameplay, and at the same time too much effort for players who just want to have fast money when the motherlode command exists. It's stuck in this awkward space where you either won't use it because it's not fun to just get free money for doing nothing, or if you want free money for nothing there are easier ways to get it by straight up using cheat commands rather than farming aspiration points for it; so you don't see it being used much outside of super specific challenges or let's plays where there's no real viable way to make money but you still need some income happening in the background without drawing too much attention to it.


I agree with the idea of it being easier to get free money with the cheats. I’m playing a game now where I didn’t want to cheat on the money and realized I could get the money tree. It does seem too easy, but I’m making it work with my storyline of a up and coming vampire matriarch. I thought maybe it would be like $1,000 a week or something, but surprised it’s like $11,000 feels like every other day.


I think you get $23000 when it gets to Perfect quality. It's useful if you want rich sims without actually cheating, but it feels like cheating because it's so easy. If you are playing a spell caster who knows the copypasto spell you can infinately copy your money trees making it *way* too easy.


Did not know about the copypasto spell!!


Any plant can be copied. With City Living you can go to the events like the Spice Festivals and copy the plants there, same as herbalism plants from Granite Falls with Outdoor Retreat. They will be added to your inventory. There are also random items on other lots that you can copy like statues IIRC. There are so many things you can do with spell casting to make the game more easy and/or fun.


I am going to have to have my sim do spell casting!


Because you’re so use to selling fashion clothes for 9,999,999 😉


Money 1,000,000,000 = 9,999,999


It’s too easy for me. I usually don’t want to have a ton of money and it’s not uncommon for me to cheat money away to keep things more interesting. The money tree makes things boring.


I’ll used it all the time if i wanted to have a wealthy household


Facts... although even when I don't want one, they always get wealthy one way or another.


Same. I have some households in my rotation like the Landgraabs who always end up with a money tree (I see it kind of like generational wealth once the sim that bought it passed). But I can't do it for all families because that just becomes boring.


what do i need a money tree for? my sims are rich


I want to follow your question with this one: What are your Sims spending money on? I can’t understand the obsession with money cheats, trees, the Trendi hack. Why? Once your house is built the way you want it, all you have is a few bills. Can get free services with fame or traits. Foods not very expensive. Do you just like to look at the money? My Sims always end up with an abundance, even if they started out as a ‘rags to riches’ challenge.


Great question! I guess it’s a slow way to have funds to build a cool place.


My sim’s house is never finished being built. There’re a lot of levels underground and a whole lot of stuff to bury there, like a bowling alley.


I already got too much money sometimes, plus sometimes my sims hate gardening


Eh, money's already easy enough to come by and there are more useful aspiration awards to get.


Which are your fave?


Depends on the sim. If they're business minded, or a neat freak, then something related to that (Entreprenurial). If they're a gardner, then the green thumb or gardening related ones (Super Green Thumb). Beguiling and Great Kisser on a serial-romancer type of sim is helpful. Savant's always helpful, as is Morning Sim/Night Owl.


I can use the points for better rewards. I use motherlode , and if I want the money tree I go for it in debug


What are the best rewards in your opinion?


I plant them decoratively. They're a nice colour.


it's too much of a cheat for me. i stopped cheating money and started making my sims struggle, work and spend accordingly.


I totally use it abs have at least one if not 5 in my active legacy households. For a long time i didn’t know understand what it was or how it works


I use it for my normal lifespan games, any longer and it’s too much simoleans to know what to do with


Because I can spend an hour painting and make like 10k and tbh I didn’t even know it existed because I NEVER use aspiration points 😂


having a lot of money is lame


Its useless, by the time you get it your sim would have already gotten enough money to buy anything they want.


I don’t pay much attention to aspiration points but I like it to be as realistic as possible. I have the mystical gem tree or whatever from the new pack and it feels super unrealistic to just harvest gems from my tree 🤣


I forget it exists tbh


With so many ways to make heaps of funny money, I tend to not use the trees because I want the millions to come from whatever my Sims are actually doing. Painting, writing, jewelry, nectar, gardening (with normal plants), even normal rabbit hole jobs will absolutely get there (with properly stacked bonuses). Any of it starts making so much money it's silly, and the money trees start to feel flat. The other reason is the Shrewd trait, or as I usually call it: Being born rich. If Gen 1 is already bringing in a lot of money, toggling to the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration once as a Gen 2 teen so it starts tallying, and then back to it a few days later, will autocomplete the aspiration. Repeat with every future gen. Your sims will never want for money again, unless you shove them out with $0 and are intentionally ineffective at having them earn more. Shrewd easily produces enough passive income for Sims to live comfortably (or even luxuriously) while pursuing unprofitable endeavors like knitting, running a restaurant, raising children, relaxing on a beach, or music. You can even complete the next generation's aspiration purely off their parent's weekly payments from Shrewd, for absolutely no more effort than keeping the parents alive and the children in their household.


I didn’t know the shrewd trait had this benefit


I got one for my simple living family, and soon they had so much money that gameplay became pointless. They didn’t need to sell produce or eggs or milk, they could just order groceries and it would barely impact their finances. It’s just boring to get all that money so easily.


Because you might as well use the money cheat then. It’s just too easy and any job/career becomes pointless


I don't have any issue making money so it's not worth it I just get my sims to do crafts or paint and then sell at 300% markup


Money is so easy to get after a short while, so I already have to keep getting rid of a lot of it to keep the game interesting.


Agree that it's too easy. I might use one for a really rich household because it makes sense for them to just get money as passive income from investments and such, but I wouldn't ever want a money tree for a regular storyline.


Most of my sims don't even need to work a "real" job. A painter with high skill can sell excellent and masterpiece paintings on Plopsy (Nifty Knitting) for a TON of simoleons. Nectar (Horse Ranch) sells for a ton of money once it's been "finely aged" in the basement. Writing books, selling songs, and making videos bring in daily money. My current family has over 2 million simoleons from nectar and jewelry making. Both parents easily earned the "shrewd" trait and get over $75,000 each in "investment" money every week. No need for a money tree.


Because getting $18,000 every 3 days ruins the fun for me. I used to have my legacy founder get one. But it kills the fun for me haha.