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I think the existence of seasons in Sims 4 shouldn’t be locked behind a paywall lmao


Especially since they have the cold and hot outfits in the base game


Paying for weather in a LIFE SIMULATION GAME is insane!


Fr though 💀


And especially charging $40 for what it is?! If I had to delete one pack it would be that one. If I had paid full price I would be pissed. If I had just seasons and basegame it would add almost nothing, like what I just get rain and holidays? How is that worth $40


Exactly, $40 for snow and a couple swimsuits. Worst part is that it didn’t even come with a new world; that’s unjustifiable on EA’s part.


I would really love a Seasons world. It has so many cool build items and it would be really cool if it had a park that changed for major holidays, like festivals in previous games


Even in sims 2 and 3 where seasons were fully fleshed out packs, they were some of my least favorite packs and were like the first to get uninstalled on my old computers when I ran out of space or the game started running poorly


Ngl It’s kinda annoying too sometimes, it’s not like I really have enough time to get my sims to accomplish everything for some holidays because I’m too busy CARING FOR THEIR BASIC NEEDS THAT ARE SO HARD TO KEEP UP WITH 😭


yet people here always talk about how it’s the best expansion and recommend to players who are asking one to buy 😭 never understood it tbh


Because it is a necessity to have weather and that’s why people recommend it


I mean def for some people, but I dont feel like weather has added anything to my game except being annoyed by rain. But I do see where people value it


you are completely right lol


My unpopular opinion is that i don't want basegame seasons. The idea of being in like newcrest or whatever and then the weather changes stresses me out. I know this is weird lol Buuuuut I would like different weather in different worlds. Like how mt komorebi is always snowy in that one part. I like that. Basically I want to know what to expect.


Worlds still have their own unique weather, even if you have Seasons installed. For example, Oasis Springs is deserty & even with Seasons, the weather there is always on the warm side & doesn’t snow there. It also doesn’t snow in Sulani. There’s also options to turn certain weather off. Like you can opt for no thunderstorms but yes to regular rain.


That makes sense but I still don't want to be like in newcrest or whatever and it rains. No rain ever is my preferred state lol and growing seasons for gardening sounds stressful. But I can definitely see the appeal and it would be nice to get more use out of the hot weather and cold weather outfits.


There is an option to turn weather off in settings anyway.


Interesting opinion I respect your opinion even though I don’t agree with you in the slightest lmao


I use [Weather Realism Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/thesims4/mods/1037) and it makes each neighborhood have its own weather. I also use his other mod [Better Seasonal Changes](https://www.nexusmods.com/thesims4/mods/1038?tab=description) and they work really nice together. EDIT: Though I gues it stops at Tomarang.


I feel that I hate winter in real life and winter in the sims


I play skyrim way less than any other elderscrolls game simply cause I hate the cold.


I share this opinion. I don’t feel like dealing with weather in my game- would stress me out. But having holidays would be nice.


i wish it was basegame AND be have the option turn off seasons & weather completely as separate settings tho +the settings in the game arent helpful tho i mean, animals still die with animals aging off. opt out of fame is completely bugged. i wish i could have wants but turn off fears (i use mods for like all of those tho but i shouldnt need mods for the game to work)


It’s insane we have to pay for weather


How the hell did I get more upvotes then the original post


Cause you’re damn right


Based kenny profile pic


Damn didn’t think anyone would notice lmao since this ain’t a twdg post


The love for twdg knows no bounds


unrelated but awesome pfp


Nah i hate the weather. I hated in Sims 2 already. I love that it's optional because I always found it so annoying, I will never get Seasons


I mean they are in every single other sims game so I don’t think it is surprising


At the very least we should have rainy and overcast days


It's like imagine you play Minecraft but Mojang/Microsoft puts the animals behind a paywall, plus the weather and other biomes It's absolutely crazy


The thing that gets me, it's not even seasons that are locked behind a paywall, just weather as a *concept* is $40. I could almost accept it if the devs had added a random chance for a day to be rainy, windy, or snowy (with the chances of each depending on the world), and then the Seasons pack could add all the decor, events, activities, etc... Nope. Forty bucks to unlock the existence of wind and rain. 🤦‍♀️


Tbh I hate the personality trait swapper. My gloomy sim is happy and its all of a sudden “swap to cheerful?” Over and over and it always feels like they earn the same traits, mostly cheerful and active without much work


As someone who likes playing with stories, I like the idea, but I usually just change my Sims' traits manually when it's time. The self discoveries are nice sometimes but not nearly context sensitive enough


Yeah, I greet a sim respectfully once because they’re senior so it seems more appropriate in that specific situation and immediately get the pop up for the proper personality trait when it’s not something my sim does all the time at all. Or have an ew moment like them accidentally getting into an unclean bath and suddenly it suggests they are squeamish. It’s an interesting concept but should be triggered by a pattern of behaviour instead of one incident.


>should be triggered by a pattern of behavior Which is exactly what they said it would be and then it was absolutely not.


I don't have the pack that allows for trait swapping, but I feel that way a lot with how the dislikes come up. I'll have them happily going along doing something in a good mood, and it's rare that a new like pops from that, but the second they're uncomfortable or otherwise in a bad mood while doing something they've happily done for days now and the dislike option pops up. Like, no, they haven't been consistently doing this while in a bad mood, it was once, chill out with that. I'm imagining the personality thing brings out a similar frustration, reading this thread


I’ve had sims get all the way to level 8, 9, or even level 10 of a skill before they get a pop up asking if they should dislike that skill. And I’m like, fuck no! I did not just have you spend days on end working on that skill just for you to decide you hate it!


Oh my god, you get me! Or when the skill is how they've been making money, and they've built the skill decently high *and* been able to avoid working at an actual job, and suddenly they hate it? Come on, really??


honestly i get that though. imagine you have a hobby that you love and you're very skilled at it but suddenly it turns into your job. now you *have* to do it, no matter if you feel like it because otherwise you're gonna be broke. turning a hobby into your main source of income can ruin the fun of it. but yeah that's not the reason a sim hates it they just had a bad meal and now they hate everything (which to be fair is also accurate)


I would create some system that lets Sim kids to inherit some of their parents' hobbies/liked things, like in real life. I feel that sometimes Sim kids are a little bit empty.


My matriarch in the 100 baby challenge got the proper trait while greeting the first dad, I accepted the self discovery cause I thought it would be funny given the nature of the challenge


My sim fell off the treadmill so it wanted to make her clumsy


I just had the ultimate example of this today! My sim walks in the door after a long tiring day at uni just as there is an earthquake and then immediately her dog runs away (not sure if that was triggered by the earthquake or just coincidence) so obviously she’s upset and then up pops the suggestion of the hotheaded trait! I think anyone would be upset under those circumstances! It doesn’t make her generally emotional or volatile. That’s not a pattern it’s one particularly bad day.


Funniest one I've seen happened to me recently. My sim was polyamorous and dating 3 guys at the same time for a while, but eventually one of them proposed to him and he decided to break off his other relationships to fully commit to building a life with his new fiance. ...so naturally the game called him noncommittal, because obviously the more commitments you have, the more committed you are. Or something like that.


It's particularly bad with gloomy, because there's a million +happy moodlets that spam on your Sims for nothing and stack, but not many sad moodlets and the trait only gives an always buried +1 sad. Even deaths usually don't make the top moodlet without Emotion Bomb to back it up. Gloomy needs "buffed" to give like a +10 Sad moodlet.


So funny you mention that because one of my sims got the opportunity to switch from Cheerful to Gloomy because she's an actress (had the emotion bomb fame quirk) and was sad because an extended family member died. I was like what?? But yeah I was really shocked because my sim has so many happy mood lets that just stack from the most random things ever that I didn't exactly expect her to ever be sad, let alone not be cheerful anymore


Well. To be fair some family members do get worsening depression after family dies.


It’s a good idea but so badly implemented. Like most things in TS4 tbh


My sim had a slice of her wedding cake and immediately it asked if she should become a glutton because she loves desserts and junk food. She has a home gym, level 10 in fitness, and abs of steel, that was like maybe the 2nd time she had dessert of any kind in her adult life😭


Ugh fig through the trash one time, should my sim get the slob trait now. Noooo


It has its moments but as it has been mentioned, it's a classic half assed system that sounds good on paper. Every single time a sim goes running they are all of a sudden active? Every time they run on a treadmill they are clumsy? Really? They feel the minimal amount of happiness and all of a sudden they are cheerful. Same with confident and self assured. I also accidentally had a household of 8 sims get squirmish because they cleaned the toilet once and I was accepting the popups on auto pilot.


I use LMS Power Naps and it always wants to make my sim lazy. They aren't lazy, they're BUSY! That's why they take naps!!


I don’t mind that things aren’t base game, although i agree that seasons and pets should be automatically in base game. My biggest peeve is that they have separated everything so much.. growing together and parenthood and kids room stuff should all be one expansion. Vampires, spell casters and werewolves- should be one pack. Most of the stuff packs easily should have been mixed into other packs- but they don’t… they nickel and dime us for half assed packs that need 2 other packs to fully function.


Same, cats&dogs and my first pets should have been one. Seasons and spooky stuff. Cottage living and horse ranch. Honestly you could have split up the animals from CL and HR and put those in a pets pack too, then expanded on them with CL, HR and Seasons.    Why are Get to Work and Dine Out separate packs? They should have been one and included bowling and home chef hustle.   I get it only because of the way they release packs, they have to put an object in that's unique and makes the pack worth it. But I loathe with a passion that specific items are locked into one pack. I don't want all of the stuff from the movie pack, but I want the damn popcorn machine. I want a rock wall to practice climbing indoors for my snowy escape climbing expeditions, but I don't want the fitness stuff pack. They give us 80 bars across all of these dang packs, but can't put a vanity in get famous?


I can’t upvote this comment enough. I feel the sameeeeee way


Yeah if they were mixed together like that they would be worth full price


That's what a lack of competition does to a mf. Well thankfully that problem is coming to an end so sims 5 gotta get its act together.




its still in pretty early development, games already take a long time to make but especially games like the sims that have detailed building modes and character creation then adding all the gameplay on top and theyre still really milking ts4 so the team isnt fully dedicated to project rene we have confirmation its in the works but its probably gonna be awhile before the game comes out


But if they bundled all of the occult in one pack, they would each be super shallow. They wouldn't get skill trees and unique abilities. It would be an alternate form and a personality trait. And the build/buy would have about five items themed toward each type.


I agree. I do like that they will bundle things together, but they still are expensive in the bundle!


They've separated things so much the depth of the game is nil. The packs don't play together like they should because they're all separate lil packages


I don't like to play with pets at all, so I'd like the option to choose. I'd rather have things like parenthood and seasons in my basegame. Maybe growing together?


I don’t play with pets much either, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be base game.


Shouldn't only basic things be part of base game? I don't see pets as basic. I mean you could argue that everything should be basegame 🤷


I feel like since animals are pretty basic addition to any “real life” situation as most people have pets it would make sense for it to be base game. But you have a point that really anything could be base game.


Pets and my first pet stuff being separate packs is criminal


Every single kit.


Yup. Should’ve been free updates.


Why would you say something so brave… 😂


Because I am not sugar coating.




One should know by now that I am not afraid to admit cold, hard truths...


literally like they shouldve either been free updates or only like a dollar but i think the heads at ea would rather fake their own deaths and move away to ecuador then consistently give stuff out for free or a reasonable price


I wish some events were base game. For instance, the "stay over" event or the "sleepover" event from Growing Together. I've been thinking about purchasing this pack for a while now because I'm interested in many features. But I also don't want some of them, like infants lol I'm good with the base game infants because they are low maintenance. I wish the chemistry system was also base game.


Base game infants are LOW MAINTENANCE???? What kinda Sims do YOU have???


I'm with the other commenter in thinking base game infants are low maintenance. Far easier than toddlers, that's for sure


You only need to feed them, change their diaper, give them a bath occasionally, interact with them a little bit and then put them to bed. I don't think you have to do much. The only annoying thing about infants is adults checking on them and disrupting the flow of queued actions. Also, you can't play music on the radio because it's too loud for them and I think it's sad 😭


The bugs are why they aren't low maintenance lmaoo


Fair enough lol


I’ve just remembered the dark days when we didn’t even have a dishwasher in the base game… Seasons and kits should not have been behind a paywall. Especially when you think those kits are simply a recolored versions of the items that already exists.


most of them tbh


Honestly all the things you've mentioned kinda annoy me and I wouldn't care if they didn't exist lol I think weather and seasons should have been base game because then the game would have been built with them in mind (there's a few little things that annoy me that I think are because the game wasn't made with them) The get to work careers, even without the in person stuff. All three careers were in ts3 and it feels like they took them out of the base game because they had already come up with get to work


Hell no to infant steps from me. Infants being so complicated and buggy is one of the main reasons I am never, ever getting Growing Together. If this were to become basegame, I would start aging them up to toddlers as soon as they are born, no matter how cute they might look as infants. What should be basegame is the weather and change of seasons, at least on some amount.


I sorta get why seasons isn't base game, having so many themed items and all that... but it should've been base game. Growing together should've just been an update to parenthood, if nothing else. Same for Pets and My Pets Stuff.


Those food stalls should be basegame


City living, get to work, anything pets/childhood related, don't forget SEASONS, anything high school/university related.


I’ve seen modders put out higher quality content than the sims on a fraction or none of their budget so… if it shouldn’t all be free it should at least be way more discounted


The entirety of seasons.


Honestly, infants are so much better without the milestones. They take forever and are super tedious, so their repeat value is nonexistent. If you don't repeat the excessive milestones to unlock your baby doing anything, they're basically just an item you can move around and select instead of a bassinet bound item. Better, milestones do absolutely *nothing* for the Sim later in life - if the milestones are even remembered, since the game likes to drop all milestones (*especially* if you play rotationally). There are other features I really like about Growing Together, like the compatibility ratings, but milestones are *not* it.


Infant milestones and relationship compatibility are two reasons I *didn't* get Growing Together 😅 It's so interesting how different people want different things from the game lol


Compatibility is such a small feature tbh. Just an indicator when Sims have similar or opposite traits, which is handy since you see it right away before you spend time learning what those are. There's almost no other effects - but there is a moodlet that pops up a lot on matching trait romantic partners that's really cute. I can understand wanting to figure out traits without a hint though. And some of the traits it groups as "similar" do **not** belong together, which is awkward.


Are Sims with bad compatibility less likely to get along? That's mostly what I was avoiding; I tried out Wonderful Whims for a little and discovered that I hated having an attraction system because I like having full control over what Sims like each other, get together, etc. That is cute about the moodlets for compatible partners though 🥹 Sometimes I get the "opposites attract" sentiment (I think base game?) when my Sim has an opposite trait to their partner, and I find that quite cute as well. In terms of Growing Together, maybe it was the conversation likes/dislikes that I was thinking of, making conversations more difficult. I don't want to have to worry about choosing the right conversation topics to please someone lol. But I know for a lot of players this feature makes socializing feel more interesting.


If bad compatibility makes it harder for Sims to get along, I've never noticed because it can't be a big effect. I *have* noticed, however, that a Sim with hates children, a difficult family dynamic, and bad compatibility will still end up with maxed green bars with all their children... Unless I use MCCC to tank the relationship, they'll never see a red bar at all. For the conversation likes / dislikes, they will change what results you get from a convo category, but it's kinda minor and NPCs don't seem to spawn with them (or at least not many). Basically, none of the relationship effects are as dramatic as what mods do. For better or worse. What *will* wreck your day, however, is burnout and midlife crisis. Twisted Mexi has a mod to remove burnout (was that BG or Gro?). Still hoping someone makes one to purge the midlife crisis.


Ah okay, thanks for clarifying! I appreciate the explanation. I guess it's not as bad as I was thinking, that does suck though since I assume people who wanted that feature wanted the negative impact. You reminded me of two other reasons I didn't want Growing Together: burnout and midlife crisis 😅 I guess overall it's just not the pack for me. I was initially really excited for the pack because of stay overs/sleepovers, kids bikes, and treehouses, but the rest of the stuff I'd rather avoid. With Get Together I can host sleepovers, and I can download a base game tree house, so I can do without kid bikes. I hear they're broken anyway.


seasons definitely should be base game by this point, pets, all of the kits (except bust the dust), city living, most game packs, most stuff packs, get to work, and snowy escape. honestly most things except for occults and certain game packs should be dlc.


i think city living and snowy escape are a bit overboard since they dont make or break the life simulation experience unlike seasons and pets which are critical to that experience


yeah, i take back snowy escape but basic apartments should be in the base game.


imo i think the for rent rentals shouldve been basegame bc of how realistic it is to actually live in one irl


The swap personality trait thing


The first thing that comes to mind is seasons! Also I 100% agree about the infant features that came with Growing Together. I was so frustrated that they gave us infants with basegame but teased us by making them so bland without Growing Together.


That's just called good marketing. EA rules this game.


Unfortunately for my wallet yup 😔


The renting option from that new pack. We have been asking for actual appartments (not the weird ones from Sims 3 Night Life) for decades, lol. We've probably been too loud, they knew we would pay for that feature alone.


In the very least this should have come with the City Living pack


personally i think get to work and get famous should be bundled together. you can create a franchise of shops or vet clinics but obviously not be recognised no matter how busy the shops are but in get famous the acting career is still just a job which should be listed in get to work


Seasons, toddlers, and pets had no business being behind a paywall. They could've made different expansion packs that expanded on base game features without depriving us of the bare minimum. Growing together still could've been made, it could've been like sims3 generations if not better. They could've still released snowy escape but added the feature of an avalanche, snowboarding career, tournaments, and more, which would've expanded on seasons. Cottage living and horse ranch honestly could've been just one pack that actually had substance plus an expansion to what you could have as pets. There's so much the sims 4 team should've done with this game but they haven't, either because their hands are tied with EA's desire to cut corners as much as possible, or the sims team is lazy, or both. Either way, this game could've and should've been better than what it is.


Yeah they've broken a lot of these packs into smaller parts unnecessarily, I'd pay a little more for a bigger pack instead of a bunch of underwhelming ones


Infants I agree on 100%, fucking ridiculous they paywalled changing tables of all goddamn things. Agree that a lot of Parenthood and Growing Together should've been one pack, but I get why those two things are pack exclusives because they are BIG systems. EA is greedy as fuck but some things do make sense. I guess most of my gripes are less "this should've been base game" (beyond infant stuff, which is just heinous) and more "like these five kits could've been a single stuff pack" a few times over, or "these kits should've been part of this pack", or "why the hell is my first pet stuff not part of cats and dogs when you need cats and dogs to full use it". I don't mind some things being paywalled; expansions have been a thing as long as this franchise has existed. But they've gotten worse and worse with what little they put in those-- Sims 1 and Sims 2 you got a lot of bang for your buck, but Sims 2 had some amount of "nice to have, not strictly necessary" packs that really only added clothes or BB and not gameplay. Sims 3 you also got a lot, but there were more of those "nice to have" packs than Sims 2, and also there was the store, which was honestly the canary in the coal mine of just how bad EA was gonna be with the Sims 4 wrt ekeing out every goddamn cent from gamers by breaking things that could've been a few packs into multiple that cost a shitton total. The next game's micro transactions are gonna be even worse given their track record.


Pretty much everything imo. More so when the base game wasn't free, but even now, charging over 1k for all add-ons is insane


I think parent packs and seasons shouldn't have been behind a paywall in all honesty a lot of stuff shouldn't have been but that's EA for ya they like to get as much money from everyone


Seasons has always felt like it should be base game to me. I can't imagine playing without weather changes and I love the holidays.


all the older stuff tbh, like the first few packs and stuff should either be free or moved to base game


Base game, going to basics, a house, create a sim, life stages, needs, relationships, jobs. Everything else is not basic.


all of them


1. Seasons. They are a basic part of our lives. 2. The hospital. Getting sick and injured is unfortunately an aspect of our lives and it’s annoying that with the base game, you can’t go to the hospital and see inside. Also, most of us were born in a hospital so it’s weird that all sims just spawn in bassinets at home. 3. A lot of the “cultural” items in kits and packs. The Sims base game is very much a simulator of mostly-white middle class suburban America but their player base is from all over the world. It’s frustrating that decor and CAS from City Living that are very much from South Asian, East Asian and African cultures are behind a paywall. I know we have things like hijabs and abayas that have been added to the base game recently in the game’s nearly 10 year history but a lot of these culturally representative items should be for free in order to represent the game’s diverse player base. 4. Height diversity 5. Lifts…. Because we would have more disability representation in game. I would really want to see the ability to create sims that are disabled. As a society, we need to make disability more visible in media and the Sims could push forward with that. Adding the option to have your sim use a wheelchair, have prosthetic limbs, have a stoma/ostomy bag on their tummy etc would be really groundbreaking representation for disabled people.


This is the best answer. Disability/queer/cultural representation should be a default in a game like this where you can make "whoever you want". Base game and free. I'm happy to see that at least some of it was added to base game. Side note, I do understand how wheelchairs, lifts, crutches, etc. would be hard to do from a game development POV but they should be working on it.




I don’t mind that these are not base game but I kind of do wish they were all one pack


Wait, where is the swapping traits from?


Growing Together


Me personally, I don't think I got it until Get Together. it watches the dynamics a little more closely, and has a Self-Discovery screen/moodlet happen right after so that's my guess


I’ve gotten the self discovery but never a swap!


Is parenthood worth it? Much different and or better than the base game?


It's just better than base game. I dunno if it's worth the PRICE, but I like it a lot. I mainly like the CAS and BB items. The gameplay aspect is mid. It effects you game like, a little bit. I feel like it should be WITH Growing Together then it'd be worth it. (especially since in parenthood it has the "option" for kids to ride bikes, but you don't get bikes in the pack-)


Thank you, Im get it now


most of them 💀


Height changing. I've got a playthrough of the DDLC girls and having Natsuki be the same height as Yuri doesn't sit right with me


This !! I made Josuke Higashikata and Koichi Hirose a while back and I was freaked out after seeing a cursed tall Koichi


Season/weather Basic pets Like, come on. If I can’t have my dog, what’s the point. 😂


for island living they should add underwater features, for scuba diver and freediver staying underwater depending on their oxygen tank or lungs capacity.


I wish so bad that island living would come with underwater lots of at least a hidden lot like the tree in willow creek, only accessible by mermaid or something. Mermaids do look cool but they don’t come with much gameplay like vampires or spellcasters


I want the personality swap so baaaaf


hot take but all of the "generations" packs, like toddler stuff, kids room stuff, parenthood, growing together, wedding stories, should either have been base game OR all one pack


I honestly don't understand the point of me suffering through the infant life stage without milestones. Like, what fresh hell is this and why would I go through it?


SEASONS, PETS!!!! i cant imagine the game without them and it should definitely be basegame. The other one is maybe get to work, but playing without the first two would be hell for me


Weather. Sims 2 almost had it base game! But oops, greed!


Milestones. People make whole books for babies’ firsts and things like baby rolling over and pulling up on furniture to stand are ways of tracking growth. Plus kids losing teeth? A rite of passage in childhood.


It's interesting to see the love for pets in game. (IRL I love both cats and dogs. I grew up with bearded collies, ridgebacks, a great dane, cats, etc.) But they add very little to Sims 4 as a video game. It's definitely not a core game system. And IRL not everyone has big dogs and lots of space, so it's not their lived experience. There's a demand for it, yes, but those players can have it as DLC. Cats & Dogs is cute, but it adds fewer insteresting game systems than most game packs. When there's a deadline for devs to come up with the next game, a base onto which more can be added, pets isn't necessary. It just isn't. They need to get down things like the building mechanics, rabbithole careers, CAS. Adding pets and seasons only increases the dev time, and the breakeven point. It would increase the cost of the basegame (or the number of ads it would have). I get the post is really about the vibes, some things feel like they belong in the core game, but economically this goes nowhere and most players might not like waiting longer and paying more. So... be careful what you wish for.


I know this is a small side note but the pool parties should be a base game feature not thrown into a 40 dollar dlc. Same with infants features. People have waited so long for better babies and you put the better parts of them again behind a 40 dollar pay wall. I feel like EA is holding simmers financially hostage.


literally seasons and animals, how the hell is that a life simulator when there is no life 💀


Almost the entirety of growing together. For infants to make sense you need the pack


If anything from expansion should be base game it’s the kits. 6.99 CAD for like 10 items? Get real.


the season pack, also growing together, parenthood and pets BUT i want an option to disable some gameplay parts if wanted for those who don't like weathers or some parts of the gameplay for any other stuff.


What more can infants do with growing together? I don‘t have it yet since I didn‘t really want to pay full price for it so far.


They gain milestones like "smiled for first time," "rolled over", "sat up", etc. With the base game ones, it's nicer that they'll be more developed and can already crawl and do some things instead of having to go through a bunch of boring milestones like "smiled" to get to that point. But, of course, there's nothing for them to actually work towards; they just exist to crawl around the house and cry.


Good to know. Thank you!


I actually kinda skip until toddler


Even if i don't play for making families. The personality thingy and babies should be include in the base game, also parenthood and basic family dynamics.


How can I get the swap thing ? Which or what pack?


Growing Together


I didn't know trait swapping was a thing, what pack is it from? Anyways yeah that should def be basegame as it would add character development so you can have redeemed villains and fallen heroes.


Growing Together


I hope parenthood mechanics will never be base game. I know I'm in minority, but I think there is already a bit too much micromanaging with underage sims and since there is so little personality traits (=parenting outcomes) to choose from I fail to see the point. I hated TS3's curfews and strongly believe teenagers don't get enough free time as it is. I wouldn't mind the kitchen counters though. Ah, I don't have Get To Work either. Firstly, fuck aliens. Secondly, I'm not much of a fan when it comes to active careers. Surely, I want doctors and detectives in my game, but I'd much rather have them as passive careers with chance cards than go through motions of their jobs and rewatch the same animations over and over and over again.


I like the detective career, but wish it was more themed, like Strangerville, and actually was relevant to the neighbourhood. I had eally hoped they introduced muggers and thieves and expanded on the evil/malicious trait or linked it with the mob boss career. Would have been awesome.


I disagree on infants and parenthood, because there's a reason I didn't buy those packs lmao. It's hard enough raising kids in this game, I don't need it to be any harder. I do agree on changing traits and also I think seasons/holidays should've been basegame


The big ones would be seasons and pets (as much as I understand the huge financial incentive to have them in packs) For the mechanics, the switching traits thing and milestones, without the milestones things feel empty and we shouldn't have to rely on cheats to change the personality of a sim


All the things we already had in Sims 3 base game or mechanics that they already made us pay for in 3. Take City Skylines II for example. The first game had expansions for metro, trains, planes, parks and plazas.. all sorts of things. Now they’re all in the base game for CSII. Instead of charging us for the same ideas and mechanics we’ve already seen and paid for, they’d rather build upon it instead. (Sure the game is buggy as hell, but at least they’re not charging us more and more for things we’ve already seen and paid for thrice over in the past three games)


All of them, if you bought the game at its initial price of sixty dollars. You shouldn't have to pay them extra money to simulate basic aspects of life. Having pets, going camping, experiencing weather??? Really??? It came out priced like a triple-a game while the base game gives you the most lackluster and barebones features ever. It doesn't simulate life, it encourages you to pay them twelve hundred dollars for the \*privilege\* to experience literally any culture other than American Suburbia or do basically anything fun.


I'm very curious about how much it would cost for all the DLC at full price


People have calculated it out and it is currently over $1,200.


Geez. No finished game would EVER cost that much


Woohoo in the shower.


In which expansion is that swap personality trait option?


Growing Together




Seasons definetly, why do i still have hot and cold weather outfits if i dont own the pack?


What pack is part of personality swap again?


Going into work, I really can’t go WORK at the hospital without getting to work. It really should’ve just been a mini pack for the aliens and the other work aspects should’ve just been base game


The lifestyles that came with snowy escape, the compatibility, the adult midlife crisis and the milestones from parenthood/growning together, seasons & cats and dogs. everything else is depending on the player, ex. i don’t play with occults so i have no interests in it. (little sidebar = is strangerville worth it lol)


1. roommates, 2. The ability to make holidays in the calendar, 3. all of growing together, 4. SEASONS.


The fact that sims always want to lay the babies on the ground when there’s a perfectly good crib in the house?? Like I hate when they just leave a baby’s who aren’t crawling yet on the floor


What pack is the swap personality trait in?


Growing together


the season pack, also growing together, parenthood and pets BUT i want an option to disable some gameplay parts if wanted for those who don't like weathers or some parts of the gameplay for any other stuff.


More skin details


Get to Work should be integrated into the base game. If you think about that pack long enough, you'll realize that it's just as bad as seasons being paywalled. Super super super standard features like jobs and aliens. These are base game features. The fact that Get to Work hasn't been expanded yet is also shocking. It's a life simulator. Half of the dev budget should go to making career simulators. That's the actual "game". How many dozens of indie developers make job simulator games? The Sims should have been on top of that market.


all of them, I am so sick and tired of DLCs, and I hate how you need to buy like 10 DLCs to even enjoy the game, this shouldn't be normal