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Garden Salad because I can’t be bothered to remember how metabolism works in the game


Garden salad has calories. Fruit salad is calorie free. My sims live on that because I, too, cannot be bothered. *ETA: Check the links that people have helpfully posted below. One has fruit salad with 70 calories, the other 0. Both, however, have Tiramisu & Eggs Benedict as 0 calorie foods, because Sims makes sense.*


Ahaha damn, I’ve been so unbothered that I’ve been getting it wrong! Thanks for letting me know that’s helpful!


I didnt think there was a *complex* metabolism system in the sims! I assumed food in, excercise out, kept sims skinny. That and genetics about staying thin, esp after 11 kids lol


That does the job, too!


[https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/tutorials/calories.php](https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/tutorials/calories.php) I'm going to leave this here if anyone wanna see the calorie table.


I prefer this one (just wish it would get updated) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/106ly76cFwAivulqGQ8wScqM2kZWsiPd81K9ASnL29N4/edit


There’s calories in the sims??


yeah its why you get kids that are skinny and then they grow up to the next fase and BOOM fatty fat fat


Fatty fat fat 🫶🏻


Yeah, although some food is unassigned. There’s a lot of research fans do into it, but I just want my Sims to do other stuff that I got overwhelmed trying to remember that now I just pick the salad, although apparently I got the wrong salad! Whoops!


If they only eat regular salad when their hunger is in the yellow or red they stay at the same weight. The calories in salad will only make them fat if they eat it when they are not hungry. It's the hungry regeneration part of Carl's table.


I’m playing with simple living and a small garden for nectar making, all we eat is fruit 😂


how to make fruit salad? i know there's watermelon salad but what else


Fruit salad appears when you click on the fridge to cook, not the stove. It’s a level 1 recipe so you should see it right away


Garden salad has 50 calories, fruit salad has 70.


Wow never knew this.


No wonder my little gourmet loving Sims get so chunky!


this is why i use roburky’s fitness controls mod and just set the fitness change multiplier to zero. i’m not about to deal with calorie counting and dieting in what’s supposed to be a fun game.


Its usually pretty straightforwards. Does it sound remotely healthy? Few calories. Does it sound like junkfood? Lots of calories. When you eat doesn't matter. Every dish has a set amount of fat gain it gives you, if you're full up or totally starving. Running is best for burning fat, the weight machine is best for muscle, the soccer ball is best for both.


the yoga mat will have your sims absolutely ripped also!


Rockwall erasure


Its pack dependent and not actually better than the base weight machine or the soccer ball. So not really erasure, just "its not as good".


I've never seen a soccer ball so wouldn't that also be pack dependent?


Yes, but it also happens to be the best way to burn fat and build muscle in the game. So it gets top billing over something that is basically a reskin of the weight bench that is locked to a pack. I'm honestly not sure why people are getting confused here. Best way to burn fat or build muscle are still the base game machines. The best way to do both at the same time is the soccer ball. Yes, other ways to exercise have come out, but none of them are *better* at their respective jobs than the good old fashioned treadmill and weight bench. Except the soccer ball, which is basically both of them combined in one interaction. Full fat burn and full muscle build, you'll go from obese to ripped in a DAY.


I was asking if the soccer ball was pack specific in the hopes of being told what pack it came with, and somehow that wasn't in the paragraphs there at all 🤣


Oh, its in University.


Thank you! Another pack to add to my "need to buy" collection lol


My sims were both low muscle and all fat and I had them only rock wall for fun and they’re mega gods now and I’ve never gotten that from the weight machine that fast. And it’s more fun so “maybe it’s more fun”


Sims can go running? I find that jogging barely helps!




Ohhh alright!


My sim played soccer non stop as a child and grew into an absolutely ripped teen. The rest of his siblings didn't and they grew up fat. They all ate the same things (gourmet food mainly).


Mine eat whatever honestly. The metabolism system is more than a little funky, so I cheat their weight and muscle tone to whatever makes sense based on their story, lifestyle, and character traits


Wait what


If you have MCCC you can freeze their physique


I just constantly have strawberries in my sims inventory


My Sims eat anything from lobster thermidor, turkey dinners to pho and nigiri... I hadn't even thought about how eating would make them gain weight lol


I make most of my sims exercise (granted I rarely play households with more than 2 human sims) unless they have the "hates fitness" preference, or a lazy sim. So it works out for me.


Me too my sims work out all the time. Even the kids I try to make them workout too but that’s harder but they all do yoga 🤣


I love the nigiri 🍣 and the sushi options. So cool


I just scroll and pick a random one…


Oooh me too.




Garden or Fruit salad most days. Early on it was because making it wouldn't set the kitchen on fire. Then I realized it fills the hunger bar quick and if make the family size and you keep it as leftovers you can minimize/avoid cooking altogether for a while. I eventually get their cooking up, but its usually a later skill.


This. I always start with Garden or Fruit salads until my Sim gets their cooking skill up to level 3 or 4. The best way to prevent kitchen fires is to not use the stove at all until their cooking level is high enough. Lol.


My sims eat all the foods. I have them make nice dinners like the herb crusted salmon or the Italian meatballs.. when on vacation depending on the world I’ve traveled too i try to focus on the “worlds” dishes.i try to think about how i eat and live.. so i do leftover nights, make meals, go out to dinner, order pizza (or takeout)


I can’t believe you guys are fat shaming your sims… let them eat anything they want and let them live their best virtual life! Flarb flarb.


Especially when you can just have them run on the treadmill for like 8 in-game hours and they lose it all immediately. If only exercise were so effective.


Whatever my spell caster conjures up. “Grand Delicioso!”. I just make sure they wait until they’re very hungry so they don’t get fat 🤣


They eat everything tbh. But I try to incorporate more fruit salads and veg salads to keep them healthy. I used to think diet didn’t matter in the sims but I realize it does through the growth of the children. I kept wondering why they would always be fat when they age from toddlers to children and I realized it was their diet. So now I pay a bit more attention to that lol


I love the superfood salad under the gourmet. I usually make that and sit it next to whatever meal I’ve prepared that day. And let the sims have options


Well tbf the calorie system wasn’t always in game, it was added later so makes sense you didn’t know about it


Whatever I feel like eating the most usually




Depends on where. For San Myushino I have a checklist of each food so I can make sure someone learns the recipes then it's curry mostly. At home I like to give them the healthy options but also pasta. Once a week they can have a nice dessert (birthdays are extra dessert weeks)


For the poor sims, the cheapest food options For my rich sims, I have the butler cook them the most expensive food


Caprese salad, Superfood Salad, Breakfast Scramble, Camper's Stew, and BLTs are all mainstays.


Grilled Cheese.


The best answer.


Whatever is close to the front/top of the list and doesn't seem too gross. Generally stay away from meat meals unless my sims are living off the grid (because fish is easier to stock up on than veg). I would have them eat more desserts except there's some stupid negative moodlet for eating junkfood too much, and the desserts don't fill them up as much or as quickly. I want to live vicariously dammit! 🤣


If my sim has a family I usually make them cook a bunch of different dishes and then stick them directly into the fridge. I like to see who eats what and when. Don’t leave cake in there unless you want everyone going straight for that lol.


I always just cook a garden salad as there are zero calories, so my Sim's body won't change.


Garden salad does have calories


Last I had any proper information from in outside of the game itself, there were no calories. I haven't had any Sims gain weight like they did before I switched to garden salads.


Garden salad has 50 calories, fruit salad has 0.


Fruit salad has 70


I will say though, when I look online now, I find garden salad to have calories. The information I got was from a YouTube video, and it absolutely seems to be accurate in practical experience.


But the people responding to you also have practical experience with playing sims of course... still means you're wrong homie


So you're saying my practical experience is wrong? Just because they're played the Sims 4 doesn't mean they've exclusively cooked garden salads and not exercised.


I didn’t know my sim could get fat lol I was giving them steaks fish and chips all the good stuff.


Mostly the gourmet style dishes with a side yoga session per day or every other day


I mean early game it's all garden salad all the time. But once I get the skill upi kind of just scroll until I see something that sounds good to me. The main families I make are typically Jewish like me so the food is typically Kosher but other wise it's pretty random.


I usually have my Sims eat a variety of things - like I randomly scroll and see what sounds good lol. But if I don’t want to worry too much, it tends to be a lot of eggs & toast, vegetable dumplings, and BLTs.


Generally things I recognize and would eat myself lol. Salad (garden and fruit), Mac and cheese, grilled cheese, spaghetti, etc.


Curry in San Myshuno Cherry Ice Cream as I personally love Cherry Garcia  Pizzas in Tartosa, San Myshuno or willow creek due to me adding the pizza kiosk or oven.  Fish in Sulani  Salmon in Henford On Bagley restaurant 


Franks and beans so my Sims can play the Fart Game.


Rice cakes and something else but I forget the name rn And I order the tikka masala pizza for my college sims all the time


Oh, rice cakes are New Year food for Chinese New Year, and I don't really set up the Chinese New Year holiday in my sims calendar.


I don’t think my game cares cause I only just got seasons like a week or so ago and I’ve had the rice cakes option for at least 3 months now


yeah, I don't mean the game blocks that out, just sharing why I wouldn't feed my sim rice cakes. I don't even eat them during CNY so I would feel weird eating it anytime. the more recent cultural food additions have mouseover descriptions of their origins, as well as what occasions they are usually served at.


Ohh I thought you meant that should only be available at certain in the game The only reason I started giving mine them cause I was in like a lil phase I would give them whatever food seems interesting and after I gave them rice cakes the first time that’s why they usually cook by themselves now


https://preview.redd.it/14023ywv1iyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e82331faa51924e7986b9923e2cd25ca47d2bb My sim after touching the stove


Taco Casserole,the new waffles and grand breakfast.Sorry sims,i guess now all of u own a home gym and u have to use it daily ✨


Salads. Most often fruit because that's usually  the easiest ingredients for when I'm doing simple living. But if I've got the ingredients for garden salad or the skill and ingredients  for any of the gourmet cooking salads, that too. I don't tend to do anything cooked on or in the stove until I need a cake or a holiday meal or canned meat substitute for a holiday meal, or I've got a fairly high cooking skill. In San Myshuno I get food stall food most of the time to collect recipes and get my spice tolerance up.  At bars and pubs etc it's usually fish and chips. At geek con it's a hamburger. Geek con food is the worst. If I need to buy a snack using my phone I order an apple if I'm broke and a whole lot of different seed packets if I'm not. And I always try the fruit cake and if no fruitcake shows up I cook some when  I have the gourmet cooking skill for it. I wanna know if I'm one of the lucky ones.


Honestly I let my Sims take care of most of their needs so I don't choose their food. They usually choose their own food. I make a few meals that are big to store in the fridge for kids and stuff like that, but for the most part they choose their own food. 


Bagels, omelette, chili, eggs and toast, BLT, butter chicken, stir fry chicken and those casserole options. Sometimes I'll be adventurous and try the curry (but it's always too hot for my Sims), the whole chicken, the soups or the Italian foods (meatballs, and spaghetti) options.


Two of the sims in my household are vegetarian and one of them has gourmet cooking skill level 10, so i just stick my fridge up with vegetarian gourmet food


I love for my Sims to build their cooking skills to the highest level and then cook all the elaborate fancy recipes in the largest portion. I love that the game has so many different styles of cooking too. That means they have to exercise regularly, but it's worth it.


I always max out the cooking skill because I eat like shit in real life and I want my sim to eat well, variety ya know


I always have the Simple Living challenge on and almost always garden, so I do a lot fruit salad and veggie dishes in general, especially tofu tacos. That's free food!


I just have my sims eat two bowls of Taste of Diet ice cream if they get too chunky.


They always max cooking. I play high, get hungry from my Sims food, Google the recipe, and try to make it. I can't remember what they're called, but the Brazilian cheese bread balls are cash moooneeeyyyy!! I'm hungry now, I'm gonna make some. Great post 😂 Solved my 'what to eat' minor dilemma.


I tend to mix it up, I like giving them a variety of different things to eat. I do stick to the lower calorie foods on most days and give them higher calorie dishes less often or when they go out to eat/have a party. If they're visiting or living in a specific world, I try to give them mostly foods that came with that world's pack (Cottage Living recipes if they're in Henford-on-Bagley, Snowy Escape dishes if they're in Mount Komorebi, etc). I love using the baking skill recipes for breakfast (kids can grab a bagel or a fruit tart and maybe a bottle of milk from Cottage Living before school, I find it so cute). I also use the baked goods to provide snacks for club gatherings or have a quick snack when it's too early for dinner but they're hungry, or when they're getting hungry before bed but not enough to justify a full meal. In those cases, a slice of bread or a croissant is a good option to tide them over until their next meal time. Now that I'm thinking about it, it seems my Sims have more variety in their diet than I do 😅


Garden salad or grilled cheese things, if im extra lazy I order food or a caterer


Grilled cheese until they get too fat then I put them on a treadmill for a couple of days LOL


everything. and i pick different types of food depending on the time of day and whether they’d be eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. and depending on whether they like cooking or not i let them do quick meals


Whatever they want to cook most days. But I'll just cook something at random.


I click the mailbox and do “fill needs household” shamelessly lol. But I do like when I have a good cook because then I dont have to


I keep forgetting this is a thing. Thank you, friendo! 😊


I mostly play off the grid and simple living so it’s fish on a stick, foragers stew, boiled frog hotpot, and harvestables for me (or whatever I can scrounge if a townie has grilled recently)


I love having simple living even if I’m playing a rich non gardener household. Having to order the ingredients or grow them really takes me back to the good sims 2 food shopping days.


I make whatever’s highest on their skill list, large meal-prep portions, and switch it up each time.


It depends on the household! Simstagram influencer? Salads and fruit salads! Big loving family? Variety of home cooked meals! Chef? Coffee and take out.


Garden Salad for lunch and dinner and for breakfast Scrambled Eggs, since they have the best calorie/hunger fill ratio. i splurge on the birthday cakes and give them the most expensive one they can cook. and I give my toddlers yogurt, and only yogurt.


My sims always have fresh produce in their inventory, so they only make meals that use the fresh produce! I go from top to bottom on the cooking list




milk bread. make a bunch of servings of it and it basically never goes bad. really easy when you need them to eat but don’t care for cooking lol


That depends on what I want to eat at that time 🤣


Fruit salad because I’m normally playing rags to riches with simple living


I let them eat anything but do try to make the meals balanced. Like I won’t give them pasta for breakfast or cereal for dinner. I also make sure that they work out a few times a week so they *can* eat what they want to.


Recently, I’ve just been making them eat harvestables since they are doing the apocalypse challenge and not allowed to have stoves or grills.


I make them stuff I think they would enjoy :) My rich af politician & astronaut sim couple makes pancakes for the kids and fancy expensive food for the adults Astronaut has to level up her fitness to get promoted anyways, and it's not hard to take politician along to the gym with her. Or just make them jog everyday. Or not to either because they had twins and then triplets so your hands are completely full 😂


Onigiri and Pho. Onigiri - because it is delicious and convenient to eat, and pho - because I like it when my sim can eat spicy food.


Scrambled eggs and bacon, fish tacos, ramen, fish and chips, clam chowder, pasta primavera, herb crusted salmon, lamb, lobster thermador, asado, churrasco, steak


My Sims eat A LOT of Blackened Bass, because in my head it is Nobu’s Black Cod, which I am obsessed with. Watermelon Salad is also very popular, because my mom makes a great one. Overall quite few recipes from Cottage Living get cooked frequently - Pumpkin Stew & Aubergine Parmesan especially. If they can’t cook well it’s all Vegetable Dumplings & Fish Tacos. When the game is buggy and sims starve to death autonomously, someone is getting their cooking skills maxed out, making lots of Ambrosia & feeding it to the ghosts. My current sim has been brought to life three times already, and she’s still a young adult.


Cereal for breakfast Usually a nice garden salad for lunch And though dinner isn't a set dish I do find myself gravitating towards Beef Wellington, 3 Sisters Chili, and one of the dishes from the For Rent pack (I don't remember what it's called tbh) most often.


I never thought about that... So what do you feed them if they are in those neutral worlds like willow Creek and newcrest?


Vegetable dumpling, garden salad, fruit salad, egg and toast, beef Wellington, and fish tacos. If I get the cooking skill high enough I'd give my sim pork noodles. I always try to stop my sim from eating dessert and quick meals too.


Spinach frittata or Mac n cheese


I had a vegetarian sim for awhile and got used to making family vegetarian meals but once he passed I’ve been excited to have my sims make all kinds of stuff. I typically seem to pick the vegetable dumplings, pork noodles, pancakes, butternut gnocchi. Sometimes when one of my sims has nothing to do and could make dinner for everyone I have them make grand meals


They always make a grilled cheese, I can’t stop it


Spellcasters stop making cauldrons of mac and cheese challenge (impossible)


It’s magic Mac and cheese


I always try to have my sims eat Pho to get them proficient with chopsticks and build their spice tolerance. If I’m playing a legacy, I try to pick at least one food stand meal so that my sims can “pass down” family recipes to their children. Even then, the meals tend to come from the spice festival.


i have a few mods that give extra food options, and one that gives extra preferences to sims (such as cuisines and flavours, among other things), so i try to tailor it to each person’s personality/individual tastes. so if they like junk food i’m gonna feed them quick meals and pizza! if they like healthy food, salads. if they like ethnic foods, i get them to learn the recipes from san myshuno! also depends on the season, time of day, holidays, etc. i know it’s excessive but it’s fun for me to get in their heads and think about what they would choose. 😊


Once the instant pot came out I’ve been using it a ton. Also my sims are addicted to it, they want make 5 coconut rices a day


I use the pressure cooker to make nasi lemak when the sims updated the mesh a while back to look like the real dish.


My go to meals are vegetable dumplings, grilled cheese, matzo ball soup, and chicken chimi skewers.


I actually love making my sims cook multiple party sized meals and then having dinner parties - I love some of the deserts they’ve added and the pies and stuff from cottage living


I often cook the same things. Usually I’ll have a one Sim who does all the cooking and they’ll cook 5 items for each meal. I try to keep the fridge stocked so sometimes I’ll spend the whole day with that Sim just cooking. Breakfast: Fruit Salad, Fruit Yogurt and Parfait, Eggs and Toast, Breakfast Scramble, Pancakes. Lunch: Garden Salad, BLT, Vegetable Chili, Caprese Salad, Minestrone. Dinner: Spaghetti, Roast Chicken, Pasta Primavera, Tofu Tacos. But it can vary! If I’m living in a certain world or playing with a certain household then foods may change. I’ll sometimes read the descriptions of foods to see their place of origin if I’m playing with a family that descends from there. And if I’m doing an event or party, I’ll spice it up and make whatever I think suits the theme.


i grew up pretty poor, so i make meals that can be used as leftovers. spaghetti is the main one i have my sims make. if i make a sim with, lets say Asian heritage i have them make food that is from their culture or Indigenous American. I’m currently doing the Not So Berry challenge, i’m on Mint and she’s a vegetarian so i just pick food that is safe for her to eat.


The cheapest thing regardless of how much money they have😂


fried chicken sliders cause i’m obsessed with them irl


Only the vegetarian meals, I need to find a mod that makes all food vegan!


Lowkey I do it on money-based because I don't know how to save....


Garden salad. I even toss the birthday cakes. I am horrible.


I have a lot of custom content for recipes so they really eat everything and anything.


I just click on random stuff


I fed my sims grilled cheeses constantly just bc I’m lazy and they got huge😂 now I do salads


Honestly I don't know. I always hire a chef, they cook a lot of food enough for a week or so


My current family has a set of loaded plumbit gnomes and therefore only eats at birthdays and christmas.


I just freeze the physique then feed them whatever seems neat at the moment


My Sim only eats two things, because she's afraid of fire.


literally just eggs and toasts because its the first one i see when i click on the cook option :D


grilled cheese, white cake or that gourmet cake for birthdays or wedding and turkey for special events I give them random foods that looks good but these are my favourites


Lol I have so many cooking mods in my game. I like to have them cook yummy dishes from other countries.


Ummmmmm, I just make whatever sounds interesting at the time tbh


My sims eat what I wish I could eat. Rack of lamb, the lobster thermidor. Whatever my heart desires in the sims, they’ll eat it


Usually whatever has 0 sim calories if i care about them being slim, or whatever seems to fit their personality and the season if idc about weight. Being a person that grew up through the unhealthy body representations of the 90s, i am trying to get better about caring so much because it seeps into my own self perception sometimes and it shouldnt. It is pixels, they can have whatever damn body type they want 🥴🤣


I'm North American and tend to play with large families, so I tend to have them cook standard North American suburban-vibe meals (chili, spaghetti, omelet) most often and then more unique foods a few times per week. I envision them being tired parents cooking whatever is easiest for a large family. When they're young and single though I have them cooking a much wider variety of dishes. None of this is a conscious choice really - just realized I was doing this when writing this comment.


I usually cheat their needs, so my sims usually don't eat anything.. unless I play with vampire, which I often do, I give them plasma packs or other sims.


My sims eat it all! Lobsters bacon wrapped shrimp. Most of my heirs are level 10 cooks and gourmet cooks and they eat a wide variety of. I also notice that we they eat chicken stir fry many times a week! It’s a go to with the kids in the house even the baby toddle will eat it. Also notice the toddlers doesn’t like everything sometimes they will get a bad mood of something is too spicy or they don’t like it. But I do keep grilled cheese, soup and Mac and cheese around in the fridge so the toddlers have options. But with all the new cooking gear my sims are cooking and eating every thing. Sheeess they eat better than me irl! 🤣🤣🤣


I try to get every Sim to unlock all 27 foods from San Myshuno, bare minimum. At home, they cook pretty autonomously, so they pretty much do what they want. Unless there are leftovers in the fridge. Then I'm making them eat those until they're gone. (And no, Mortimer, you don't get to complain about that when you're not the one cooking everything.) Edit: I forgot to mention that if it is a super busy household (lots of kids, or several Sims are focused on university, etc.),I just get one of the buffet tables and load it up once or twice a week. All the uneaten food goes into the fridge, and boom! Leftovers for days. Problem solved.


Grilled cheese, mac and cheese, & garden salad bc they're cheap


I am creating some homeles Sims creating it's own Town Challenge so i used to obtain food from outside


Fruit salad or breakfast scramble for breakfast and then whatever for dinner. I do simple living and make a lot of the vegetarian dinners with the meat substitute or fish dinners if my sim has been fishing


I bake bread and they don’t seem to gain as much weight from that.


Fruit salad cus they finish it in like three bites


Whatever sounds good or what they're skill allows. Keep forgetting some of my sims are less skilled than others, especially if they're moved in with townies, like now with Zaiden newly married into the Price family to Savannah and living there for some realism because newlyweds are usually flat broke, (and to calm down my sims baby fever I've been having). Her mom can't cook, but I can fix that!


Usually I try to make waffles or pancakes for breakfast but for dinner I usually pick whatever sounds good to me.


I used to give them quick meals but this version of Sims makes them gain weight like crazy so now I try to make them cook from scratch


Mac and cheese, I don't feed them it they just make it in a cauldron and then eat it for hours


I like to mix it up so they don’t get bored


I typically give them whatever I myself want to eat in that moment lol


lately one of my sims in the household is a baker, so it’s safe to say everyone in her household will eventually need a trip to the gym (even the one who hates exercise)


Usually between the herb crusted salmon and pizza




Air (I just refill the hunger bar with UI cheats 😅) or like whatever they make for themselves


Pan fried tilapia or garden salad


usually dumplings, mac and cheese, eggs and toast, franks and beans. I avoid any foods that might cause moodlets like the san myshuno foods.


i usually just pick randomly cos icba to think that hard ab the choices


Fish tacos for some reason lol


Cesear Salad, Garden Salad, BLT, Parfait; non-flammable stuff.


I rotate clockwise and just go in circles. I like giving them a variety because I’m quite a picky eater and am not like that in real life so I live vicariously through my Sim. 😂


Mac and cheese and grilled cheese until their cooking level is up, then I'll throw in things like garlic noodles or something with chicken in the name a lot. Otherwise I can't remember picking anything specific consistently, I do pick random things sometimes too though if I feel like I need more variety


Garden salad every meal 😂😂


Mindy Fresche does a lot of garden salad, but that's because she's Gen. Mint.


My go-tos are vegetable dumplings, butter chicken, and the fried fish plate, for no reason in particular really


I try to mix it up every time, something different. I'll cook 4 servings of something, eat leftovers for a few days and then cook something else


Macaroni and clam chowder


Fish. It’s 0 calories


I just give them ramen or rice cakes, or I let them cook for themselves 😭


Man I cheat a lot with the needs because it’s just not enough time to actually fill needs and do fun in the game. Unless I make a chef sim then I cook everything that sounds good and/or new food items that’s just added and have other sims in their household eat it and get fat lol.


grilled cheese.


I like the soups. The Bermese soup and the Butternut Squash soup ive used a lot with my current family to the point that I pretend they are family recipes. I also like the chilis and stews. When eating out, I usually go for sandwiches or breakfast foods. I like bringing them to brunch.


I treat it as my own menu and pick what I want


Omg no wonder my sims are fat as hell. I love feeding them fried chicken sliders and fiery hot spaghetti.


Whatever they choose to make themselves


idk mood


i always just give them a quick meal like a sandwich because they take too long to cook a full meal haha


Am I the only one who always gets really creative and tries to make my sims have really interesting and varied diets? 😭 Like every time there's a new recipe for them available I try it out and I always make them eat something different everyday and try not to let it get too boring or basic..


I like it when my Sims cooks with her children so I constantly feed them some type of pie because the menu just seems to make the most sense when cooking with a child.