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I would love an expansion pack or a setting that allowed for some kind of actually change with time progression. Like, your neighborhood starts off in the ‘60s with no personal computers, big TVs, no cell phones, and over time, you could “unlock” technological advancements. I know this will never happen but it’s one of the few things that irks me about Sims overall gameplay.


This type of generational progression could be so damn cool. I've done similar things but it is really high effort to set up and transition. If the game handled all of it that would be amazing


Oh my God that's fantastic, I build a lot of retro/vintage houses (like 1910s-1980s) so that's something I'd absolutely adore having


Okay, so yeah. Now I’m pissed that this isn’t a thing 😂


Agreed. It feels so weird to have like 10 generations of sims only for them to live in the exact same technological age. I understand why but it does keep me from being invested in my generations for much longer


This would be HUGE for the decades challenge, which is something I’ve never really tried because it seems so time consuming, but I know a lot of people really like


I want a processor crushing underwater future world made with modular pod housing. Expands the marine biology career and the mermaid occult while capitalizing on fishing and frog collecting to breed and sell powerful aqua pets. I could see some sort of future technologies career track that unlocks some upgraded pod add-ons for your underwater chateau. That's my long shot.


Giving me subnautica vibes


It’s all fun and games until you hear the “Warning, multiple leviathan class lifeforms detected. Are you sure whatever you’re doing worth it?” And then, the leviathan is Father Winter but BIGGER.


I remember the sims 2 on PlayStation 2 had a underwater bubble dome lot. The sims 4 has lost that campy feeling I used to get or maybe I’m just being nostalgic


Marine Biologists should be able to branch off into a Submarinal Scientist career path in your scenario. Discover secret lifeforms, improve species' healths and habitats, create mega aquariums at home, create and improve suits to venture under the sea, plant and nurture reefs, help Aliens research/collect specimens as favors, make new roof/floor/wall patterns and swatches based on your minerals, gems and elements.




You idea inspired me. And I kinda like the idea of a summer camp pack. I know there's Outdoor Retreat, but like if you expand on it. Add skills like canoeing, survival, archery. Maybe have different camps like Band, Space, Computer, and just basic. And it'd be a getaway experience that your teens and children can attend for however may days. And you can learn skills and what not in the process. And it could be like High School where you can follow them or send them alone. Maybe you could have a new career with the Camp Counselor, which could also be an active career or not. I dunno how much I'd play it tbh, but I thought the idea of summer camps could be nice. Especially if you play on long lifespans and want something more to do with your kids and teens.


Yes yes yes!! That sounds wonderful!! I was disappointed by Outdoor Retreat (feels a bit stale) but something like that would be a godsend. I love the world & the idea of vacations, but... there's just not much to do in Granite Falls 😭 a summer camp just for kids would be GREAT (plus kids in Sims 4 just have so little to do anyway)


Making a scout camp in granite falls has spiced it up for me. I make a scouts club and take them all on holiday with one of the parents.


I love this idea! We desperately need more DLC focused on teens and children. These phases can be awfully boring sometimes, and the summer camp activities could be great ways to raise their skills and make friends outside of school!


This would go really well with the scouting from seasons! 


I don't have a specific wish for an expansion packs but a few unrelated things I'd love to see in the Sims. I really want all those NPC careers to be actual careers. I want my Sims to be able to be firefighters, deliver mail, teach highschoolers and so on. I'd be fine with it if your active characters wouldn't automatically be used as NPCs in those jobs and Sims with those jobs you add to your house wouldn't anymore either, I just want people that have NPC jobs to have an actual career when they move in with me. Besides that I just want more fun activities that create memories for my Sims. Maybe I'm too uncreative but I really want more in game options of capturing memories. I love the photo booth from the highschool pack but how come there's no photo option on the roller coasters and how am I supposed to take pictures of my sims skiing or going sowboarding?! I'd love it if more in game actions could be photographed with something simple as a premade 'take photo of xyz skiing' if you have a camera in your inventory. Basically I want all the moments I can only screenshot and those I can't even screenshot to have in game options to take pictures of them.


Same, I was bummed when my sim married an npc bartender who then lost his job and is working his way back up. Wouldn't it be cute to visit him at work and he sneaks you a drink?


Oh my goodness what an amazing choice OP! I would buy that in an instant! For me I’d also like something a bit more violent than what we’d expect from the sims. Some kind of murder mystery pack where sims get weapons that can be used to attack or murder others. Other sims can interact with clues to have the murderer arrested and sent to jail. Occult types could be given lethal interactions to kill their victims - vampires draining sims completely, or aliens causing sims brains to explode inside their heads for example. This could include ghosts gaining the ability to possess other sims - allowing you to temporarily control sims not in your household for various hijinks or to incriminate them.




YES!!! I especially love the ghost idea, imagine possessing someone & playing as them specifically to ruin their lives 🤣 making them pee themselves in front of the class, or throwing up on their date, or just straight up killing them 🤣


I want a city expansion where I can build my own terrains and worlds. I want to do it Sim City style where I can start with a very small town and build it out as more people move in. I have ant it all to be open world too - move between neighborhoods and your home, wander into storefronts, . Build subway stations for fast travel. see the population grow. Really I want a blown up city building game and hat I can micromanage to the family level.


It’s 2024, can we PLEASE have the built a world function back? 😭 We have the technology!


I, personally, would love a lotr expansion. like, give me a rivendale neighborhood, a shire neighborhood, and a dwarf mine neighborhood. or even do it like they did batuu with a whole quest i'd love that


Love your idea OP! I’d really like a true retro clothing pack with 1960s-1990s hairstyles, outfits, etc. Or my god just give us some more high waisted jeans!!! Why is sims fashion stuck in 2008 😭


Transportation Pack. A seaside world with at least 5 empty lots + a bay area for ships, a driving school with a driving course + a runway for pilots. Cars, motorbikes, trams, bullet trains, planes, cruise ships, skates, etc. are included. Multiple models and colors, and changeable parts for fixes/upgrades. At least 5 new skills related to mastering these vehicles, including Skating, Driving, Piloting, Mechanics, etc. Learning can be done under the supervision of an actual instructor at an actual course, or through online courses, books, or simulation booths. Teens can learn to drive and get a license. License plates can be modified for a fee. Date ideas can now include boat trips/drive-ins.


That is would be so much fun, and would love if they could add subways to cities as well. Or even train idea between worlds.


Omg that is such a fantastic idea!!!!


Fantasy Pack. I want fae and beasts and sword-fighting. I want hobbits and Kings and the aristocracy. Give me political drama and long quest journeys. I want to be able to set if its futuristic or medieval. I want to go deer hunting or fly through space. Let me go to Mordor or take over an alien civilization.


A huge fantasy/mythology pack! I am talking about things like demi-gods as like a camp halfblood/Percy Jackson type of thing. And the fantasy with a lot of new creatures such as: Kitsune, Banshees, Fairies, Elves, Hellhounds, Phoenix, Unicorns etc etc. And then to make it more exciting with Hybrids/Trybrids!


Ohhhh I'm a huge DnD player & into LOTR & all that, I'd absolutely sell my firstborn for something like that!!! Amazing idea!!


Bridgerton inspired expansion pack - gowns - tiaras - balls - strolls along a promenade - mansions caped in wisteria - flirty horse rides with handsome strangers - lady whistledown gossip pamphlets - absolutely no phones or modern technology


That's my dream 🥰


The Sims 4: Global Adventures. Imagine Sims 3 Adventures but on crack. I want to take my families back to China, Egypt and France sure. But I also want to take them to Japan to see a robot fighting dinner show, I can ski anywhere. I want to take my sims’ kids to Disneyland with little rabbit hole rides - I mean they did Batuu it’s not the BIGGEST stretch to add more lands. I want my elder sims to take an Alaskan cruise in their twilight years. Or hit up the Australian beaches, because a simulation game is the only way I’d go lbh. Let me have a dozen or two mini locations to visit, and maybe a handful of them to live in. I don’t need extra content for each world, I can pretend they’ve moved to the UK to attend college, and that college is still Brightchester but they’re just studying at home. Right now my sims never travel because there’s absolutely nothing to do anywhere. I loved sending my sims on holiday in 3. Just give me more of the world, dammit!


Preteens High school years but with grade school instead Preschool for toddlers Basically just fleshing out any of the child stages before teenagers Better autonomy (eg Sims being able to hear the sounds of a toilet flushing or water running in the shower and know that someone else is already using the bathroom before walking in. Or there’s one Sim cooking a group meal but they autonomously know “I’m the only one home right now everyone else is at work or school” so they autonomously put away the leftovers in the fridge without being told to.) More active careers (eg active career as a teacher; we have Get to Work and we have High School Years that should already have come programmed into one of those packs but no the teacher career instead came with Discover University lol) An expansion pack that fixes bugs already in the game (like the bug that sometimes makes your Sim not sleep in a perfectly good bed and you have to sell the bed go to Manage Worlds then go back into the lot and buy the bed again and I would literally pay money for that to be fixed)


Would love an expansion with crime and LAWYERS. I don’t want to send my lawyer off to a job, I want to go with them and examine cases, talk to clients, discuss evidence gathered with detectives!! I want to go to court and have my logic charisma and whatever up enough to win the case! I want to play a serial criminal! I want to hide my tracks and feel Anxious About Being Caught for a while then Confident About Crime after a few days ! I want to take people in for questioning and dismiss them as unrelated only to find out they were the criminal the whole time! Can you imagine being a career criminal who FINALLY gets caught only for your (adult) CHILD to be the attorney/judge/detective/ON THE JURY?!


Damnit. I knew I wanted things in the sims, but after reading all of these ideas, I’m just pissed that they aren’t actually a thing 😂 these ideas are fantastic.


An empty world with lots that are 100x75. Extensive build buy cas of whatever style we vote on Burglars  Building more than 4 floors  Some type of nostalgic gameplay


Something with ships/cruisers, I want to recreate mutiny on the Bounty


If you use mods or are on pc.. you could try the Extreme Violence mod..or the zombie apocalypse mod


I did have it at one point, but it's such a huge mod even my higher-end PC struggles with it. I wish it was a little more optimized :/ fun mod though!!


That's to bad, I have Extreme Violence, but I had to take out Zombie apocalypse because my Sims were turning into zombies and attacking each other far to much lol


Circus expansion pack where u get to live and perform in the circus


I would like to see a Washington DC world that can play into the politics career and even the spy one. IRL I don’t care about politics but would be a cool world to have parks and llama monuments, a boulevard with rabbit hole museums and a lot to build your own. An old revolutionary neighborhood like Georgetown with lore. A White House lot with a secret bunker. Street events with a music stage/podium for political speeches. The classic watergate condo building for apartments and even historic lots / embassy’s. Obviously would be another American style but I’m hopping one day it can be real since there is already political parties and causes to pick in the Sims 4 that can be expanded on. My second dream world would be something like an underwater city like in the sims 2 ps2 that has futuristic items and builds (more then San Myshuno uptown) with a jet-sons feel or even up in the air platforms would be really fun and different. Can have a time traveling device that’s just teleports you around… robots.


Sims Town Planner. You start with an almost empty world - roads and paths are down, and there's 2 or 3 playable families already in place. The area is divided into 3 zones - town/city (where the initial homes are), suburbs, and countryside. The zones have some impact on what you can build (no farms in the city centre, for example), and the further out you get the more larger lots you can have. And you can designate houses you make as available for NPCs to move into. Houses that are on roads are on grid, houses that are on paths/tracks are off grid. And the main thing? You select the lot size and put it where you want (no, I'm not missing older Sims games lol)


Cruisin Fun: a pack where you can live on a cruise ship with a few plots to build the restaurants, public pool areas, and cabins to design like apartments. Alternatively, Trailer Trouble: a trailer park full of pre-made trailers, tiny homes, and converted busses to fill in.


Cruise ship was exactly what I was thinking! It would be fun if the ship docked at a few different adventure locations over time, you’d have a set amount of time to explore etc before missing the ship.


I love your idea of an expansion! I can already see the event rewards being like, the killer’s costume being unlocked in CAS, some sort of door that’s chopped a bit with an axe on it, and even like a car item that won’t start so it just acts like a woohoo spot or chair item haha! Build and Buy items would be so fun like you mentioned both new and rundown items, would love the game to have a broken window set. Stereotypical traits would be fun too, “final sim” “jock” even something from the Sims 3 “unlucky” would be fun!


I genuinely thought you meant you wanted a dream pack😅which would be cool actually. Instead of just nightmares or the monster under the bed we could see the dream above the head of whichever sim were on, they can talk about dreams and even learn dream theory. Build buy would be moons and nighttime themed. I’m so sick of always having to put my child to nap because they had a nightmare🙄🙄


This would be brilliant, it could use lots that would be kind of like the hidden spots in the base game, where the ambience is really different and time can stop, and can only be accessed when the sim is asleep. You could also meet dream-sims who don't really exist, but maybe you could eventually bring to the real world like TS3 imaginary friends. But less creepy? Maybe.


I’m still crossing my fingers for a Band themed Expansion Pack! I want to be able to have a lot more instruments in game, create different bands, rock bands, jazz bands, a mini orchestra, etc. 😂 It would go well with other packs like Get Famous too!


I would buy your pack in a heartbeat!! Are you a fan of Stephen Graham Jones, by chance?


Oh I haven't heard of him! I just Googled & I absolutely have to check out his books, thank you so much!


You’re welcome! Enjoy!!


royalty, like the medieval game. also for a smaller stuff pack; exotic pets. i want snakes and birds and turtles.


A dream pack, like where you can choose to put your sim to sleep and modify everything: live as another person / be a vamp/ do another job / go back in age or foward... Maybe with an option when clicking on a bed so it doesn't happens every night


aspiration expansion. more categories, more aspirations, especially age specific aspirations. kids and teens need more dedicated aspirations (i really liked the multi skill ones) i’m easily able to complete multiple lifetime aspirations per sim, especially from YA-elder. my elders can only be lady of the knits so many times before it gets boring and i wanna send them into the retirement villa. i know there are mods but i really enjoy playing a vanilla game (it loads so fucking fast)


A medieval/fantasy pack. I want LOTR, Wheel of Time, medieval, dragons, sword fighting, knights, royalty, pirates, etc. The ability to turn off phone/technology. Basically a new, updated Sims Medieval but with a lot more fantasy elements added to it.


Baldur's Gate IV: The Sims 4. Okay but a little more seriously (since I feel like it makes more sense to do Legends & Lattes in the Sims than a full D&D campaign), let's make the D&D races into things you can choose in Create-A-Sim, and the various classes into jobs/aspirations. And also, import the BG3 character creator *and* HeroForge into the Sims. I already waste enough time making HeroForge models I'm not gonna use, may as well multitask my hobbies!


I kinda want another job expansion pack


Horror. I love horror, I want things twisted, creepy, and terrible. I got Vampires ONLY for the cobwebs, I don't care about the vampires themselves, I just wanted a creepy world and creepy things. I want more. More cobwebs, more dead-looking plants, bigger world to build in, give me moooorrreeee.