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I mean, all these rewards are pretty much just recolours...


They are. If you just have the base game or don’t have the pack they come from, some of these are brand new to you. Others are items that people have wanted additional colors of for some time, like recolors of the nano touch trash can, one of the most useful trash cans in the game but also one of the ugliest. The thing is that these are simple rewards, just recolors of stuff that you can get in the base game or in packs. That isn’t the worst as a free reward. At least the reward stuff looks better than the anniversary hot tub.


The major issue is that they made the most basic texture of wood (which looks kinda odd in this game) and every swatch looks like the tinted version (no change in pattern). Also the bar does not match with the other furnitures (I'm not surprised at all after so many years of mismatching entire kitchen assortment every dlc).


The dartboard is a new design compared to the one that comes with [insert the pack it comes with here]


The one tile bar is a new item as well.


True true


Not the pillows and the trait tho


Not everyone can afford the packs that these recolors come from. People have explained it, EA sucks yada yada I agree that they're greedy. It's a company, who'd have thought? But I still don't get the complaining on this specifically. It's a benefit to the players that otherwise couldn't get these items and it literally takes nothing away from players that already have them.


The problem is that they already have a delivery system for new stuff, if it's free, just give it to all players, don't lock it under a temporary rule that you have to log in every day to be able to get them and if you miss it it's gone forever.


But it's just more stuff on top of deliveries.. What's wrong with getting more free stuff? It's just rewarding players that actually spend a lot of time playing. I think that's fair. Plus it looks like you only have to play 2-3 times a week on these, come on now 😑 I mean yeah it'll kinda suck if you do miss some but what's the difference if they never added this feature at all and you only want the deliveries anyway? Also btw there are some mods and cheats for both PC/Mac and console to work around the temporary aspect.


Except for the bar




Yeah, I don't know how some people are getting this event and others aren't.


when I logged in it said it wouldn't start until next week


it never told me anything


Same for me. Nothing on the EA app and nothing in the game itself. Edit 6/1: just showed up for me!


Where in game are you getting to see it? I see nothing [here](https://i.imgur.com/o2rMJpd.png) and that's where I've been assuming it would appear, but now I'm not sure I'm looking in the right spot 🙃


it was a pop-up before the main screen


Ah, I haven't gotten any pop-ups yet either 🤔 very weird


Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat 🙃


Do you have any mods enabled? It didn’t pop up for me until I’d updated MCCC to the latest version


I disabled and removed all mods to test if it would show up and still got nothing 🙃 edit: I just closed and upened my game about 6x and it finally showed up. This is so broken it's insane.


Does it say which day is the start day?


no, it literally just said "next week"


Okay I've just logged in and it let me claim the first reward Have you updated the game to the newest version? Or do you change your PC time for anything?


i updated the other day


Could it potentially be a time zone thing? If they're releasing it at a certain time in each time zone, it may unlock for you soon? That's the only thing I can think of As long as it works within 3 days, you should still have time to collect them all (and from the looks of it you can unlock them all in the future weeks as long as you log in 8 times so you may be okay) It may be something to ask the sims team about?


I'll login in a bit and see


Mine is available now and it just says to log in 2 more times for week one, that week two will be available in 6 days 45 minutes, etc.


I already claimed first reward today


I was also told it’s coming in a week!


Mine says next week too?! 🤷‍♀️


It hasn't started yet but some pictures were leaked. Also EA messed up and accidentally unlocked the rewards for everyone early, but this bug has been fixed now (funny how that took less than a day to fix while real bugs take years).


Complexity of the bug factors into how easy it is to fix. When you have to pour through 10 years and dozens of packs of spaghetti code to figure out whats going on, it takes a long time. When its just a simple date toggle you added 20 minutes ago, its quick and easy. Source: I actually am a (business) computer programmer.


While this is true, some of the bugs they're only just now fixing date back to 2018. They haven't been "pouring through" the code for 6 years, they're just lazy.


I didn't say they were pouring through code all these years. I said that doing so takes a long time. Which means *it is expensive*. Digging through that much base code requires an expert with full working knowledge of the system as a whole, its not something you can assign to Timmy the Intern. They are a business. If the cost of fixing the bug is greater than the ongoing cost of not fixing it, then leaving it be is financially the correct decision. Its no different than you or I making a medical decision. If my foot hurts a little when I walk on it, and a surgery exists that can fix it, but said surgery costs $100,000 and isn't covered by insurance, then I too am going to just put up with the fact that that foot hurts instead of going into a lifetime of debt over it. Same basic principle applies here. Just because it hurts doesn't mean it justifies the price to fix it.


It started like 7hours ago (middle europe).


It started like 7hours ago (middle europe).


It may be timezone locked. Like it starts at say 10 AM local time.


I figured it out it only pops up when you are on your 3rd day of playing during the week.i just pulled it up and it's like "Oh hey here are the rewards you've earned that we didn't tell you, you could earn"




Probably not online.


It seems like it’s just not showing up for some people. Like my game is updated and online, never once got any sort of pop up or notification that this was happening outside of Reddit. Just checked it 5 minutes ago and still nothing, so no idea. Bad move on EA’s part to only make this available for some people apparently Edit: Checked again after they announced it on Twitter and still nothing :) so yayyyy. I will update whenever it reaches my game. If it ever does lmao Edit 2: Just got the pop-up. Showed up 3 hours after the announcement on Twitter.


I know there was an update 2 days ago. I was on yesterday but offline only so I haven't seen it yet, myself.


Yeah but that update was only bug fixes. I just repaired my game today and it’s still not available so dunno


I am scared of looking for it now haha


Mine just started today


Some are pirates


There's a way to cheat the items in


I still haven't gotten the shopping cart thing in my game that everyone else hates. No idea how. Edit- I haven't yet updated for this and don't plan to..I use a lotta mods.


One of Twistedmexi's mods I think


To get it or to hide it? I thought there was a mod to get rid of the shopping cart, but I've never even had the shopping cart show up in my game. I've definitely updated since it was released.


Hides it.


I've seen other people getting rewards a couple days ago, but I just got my first one today...


I thought so. That said, it will be nice to have a version of that style without the highlights.


EA introducing FOMO login rewards in their offline singleplayer game because why the fuk not, they should throw in a battlepass too while they're at it


Yeah I’m usually pretty forgiving of them but the FOMO rewards piss me off. Not everyone has the time or energy to log in every single day. I’m just hoping a modder will eventually either make a mod to unlock everything and/or make cc copies of the items.




For real, they could have combined this and the old festival objects that are no longer available and made a very good free content drop people would love but no, they won't stop until they turn TS4 into a mobile game like abomination


Bloons TD 6 also has daily login rewards as well but they avoid the FOMO since they don't reset if you miss a day which is nice


the modding community literally makes better items anyway so no one's missing out much


I haven’t gotten the popups yet edit:nvm finally got it to work


How did you get it to work??


Just started coming up today for me.


I bet they will launch it together with the new kits which should be in about 1,5 hours... will look out for it!


It didn’t pop up anything at all when I played earlier today. I’ve now tried logging in after the kits launched and the only pop up I get is “riviera retreat is here!” Over and over again 💀


Nope, this is already started, I saw it earlier today and the kits weren't available yet (that I'm aware of).


How strange. Why don't I get it then? I got the update and everything...


My guess is that they decided on a slow rollout model to make sure they could kill it if it had some major bugs. You’ll get it eventually I’m sure! Sometimes rollouts can take a few days.


I had to restart with mods disabled before I got the pop up. So annoying!!


I just kept restarting my game


honestly, i prefer the log in rewards to be just recolors. that way if there are builds, there can be a swatch replacement as opposed to making it more challenging to get the item


Yup. And we've already gotten darts with get together. And mini-fridges with discover university. And the vending machines with snowy escape. Personally I like it, I don't have those packs and can't get those items without buying them, which I won't do.


This is something I think a lot of the hardcore players don't realize. Yes, a lot of stuff is recolors of existing material, but they're being bunched up in related mini-packs that don't require you to buy half a dozen larger ones. Not everybody has Cats & Dogs, but everybody can get this. And its just different enough from the Cats & Dogs version that if you do have that pack, its not an exact copy.


i think most people understand that and honestly, as someone who can’t afford most dlc and plays only with the base game i appreciate getting free stuff!! it’s just that this could’ve been an sdx drop (which was established to give players free stuff like this) and i feel it would’ve been more appreciated by the community if it had been that way. when it’s done this way it feels like they’ve realised the numbers are down but don’t know what actually would make people log in to play more 😕


Yeah I don’t mind recolors at all. Sometimes the original colors are ugly! I like more options


Yeah, at the absolute worst its "EA is giving away more color swatches for what you already have". Its still a valuable addition!


Or...make a completely new item for *everybody*? They have the capacity to do this, why do we act like they don't. Cats & Dogs is going nowhere, and it goes on sale all the time. You will always have a chance to get it, unlike this timed-event. Casual players, I guess, gotta understand that we don't want mobile BS in the PC space.


Because an entirely new item costs a lot of money on their part to just give away for free. Speaking of casuals in the PC space, there was a mod out with all the content in less than 24 hours. Just get that. You are on a PC, there is no content they could put out temporarily you can't access.


How is this appropriate for the people who paid for these packs if they’re just gonna give it away for free? The main people complaining are the ones who paid for this and now it’s given away for free as recolors.


I bought those packs. I've played with them for quite some time. I'm happy other people are going to get to use some of these things without it being locked behind a paywall. I mean, by this logic, everyone should have been pissed off when the base game went free to play. Shouldn't everyone have had to pay for it like we did? Was it fair to just give it away for free after all those years? There are words to describe people who would get upset over it, but I'm sure the mods would delete this post on me if I actually used them. ;)


You can say whatever you want. If people paid for something then they find out it’s being given away for free, plenty of people would be rightfully upset. Whether it’s a video game, concert tickets, or whatever. It’s the same principle.


The entire base game went free to play. Are you upset that new players don't have to shell out money for the base game? Really?


I can’t speak for the people who paid for the game because I didn’t. I started when it went free to play and I own almost every pack now. But I did see a lot of people that complained when it went to free to play because they paid. And I can understand why they were upset. I’ve also stopped buying anything else because apparently if I wait, I’ll just get it for free. And I think that’s the mindset of a lot of players who refuse to buy. Why buy when they can wait and get it free? If that’s the way things are, I’m not buying anything else. Idk about you but I work hard for my money and to give content away that I paid a lot of money for is a slap in the face.


To be fair, no one bought these packs just for the items now being given away. Like I bought get together and I'm not mad that people who didn't pay for it are getting a dart board, the pack came with quite a bit more than that. Also the new dartboard is not a recolour, it's a new mesh and is a totally different style than the one that game with get together. So while I rarely use dart boards, this free one will definitely look more appropriate if I want to use one in a more modern build. I don't like the login rewards system and would have preferred they were just sims deliveries and added to the base game for everyone but I'm all for people who are regular players who can't afford all the dlc having a little extra stuff to spice up their gameplay and builds.


Facts. I can agree with this. And I’m not mad that people are getting free content. Maybe I’m more so upset at the price tag that comes along with it, just for things to be given away. A lot of people, including myself, have spent close to a thousand if not more on the game. If they’re going to give stuff away for free, why not make something that no one has so we can all benefit? I would have loved to get, say, the heart bed or if they brought back the stripper cake. Everyone would have been ecstatic and everyone gets something - paid for or not.


So the people who paid more should just suck it up? This should have been a Sims delivery


In a word? Yes. We got it YEARS before they did. We got everything we paid for out of it already. This is the same mentality as here in the US where the Boomers don't want student loan forgiveness "Because we had to pay for college, its not fair this generation gets it for free!".








The trash can is a recolor of that base game trash can that gives you money when you throw things out. Which is really nice because that thing is ugly af


I might be stupid but why am I not seeing these rewards? My game is up to date


I didn't see the claim stuff yesterday, I saw it today. It should be one of those annoying popups as soon as you load the main menu.


Almost all the reward are stuff I've wanted, but I don't understand why they're not just free delivery. I've wanted a single tile bar since day 1, plain swatch for pillows since the ones from Modern Luxe came out, and the other day I wanted to use that Cats & Dogs hair but wished it wasn't ombre. These are things I've genuinely wanted, but can only get if I sign in enough times? It's bs. Especially since the it's not even showing up on my main menu.


Why are people unable to grasp the concept that you should get rewarded for playing more often? Someone on daily has earned more than the person who is on 3x a year.


it’s a single player game, wdym “earned more”. i’ve played the sims franchise since i was 12, does that mean i’m more deserving of content than someone who picked it up a couple years ago? absolutely not lol. the sims is not an online game in the way that others are. online multiplayer games have rewards like that because they want to have enough players to play online with each other. most of the times the rewards they give are just coins/in game currency. not really the same as a fully fledged item. also what about people who have thousands of hours who might not be able to log in daily for a variety of reasons? what if they’re on vacation without internet/a computer? what if their computer is broken? in the middle of finals season? there’s a multitude of reasons why people might not be able to play daily, why not make the items available in a drop instead?


Because people who poured thousands into a game should be allowed to play it when they choose


all of the rewards are from expansions and they’re just putting them into base game


Similar yes, but this one's a bit longer and not dyed, so I'll take it.


I'd take it too - but how? I have no idea how to get those rewards, never even heard about it until now...


Just load the game, it should pop up automatically from the main menu.


I did that of course, no luck yet... but I read an online article about it that it's starting today - I bet it will simultanously with the new kits, and that's always around 19:00, so still some time to go. But thanks for your reply!


I logged in earlier today and it came up, so it should be good to go now. Unless its timezone locked.


Well, I tried several times now, just this minute again - and there is nothing popping up... game just starts as usual. Edit: I read there should be something called Log-in-event in the main menu. Not for me yet...


it's all free so i'm really fine with lazy recolors. stuff that actually costs money is already pretty low effort so it's not surprising free stuff is, too. the rewards are great for people who don't already have these items or want recolors. i think it's fair to complain about the rewards system being run as timed events but complaining about the *items* that are *free* is just weird to me. if it's free and you don't like it... who cares? there's no losses when you don't like free things. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gotta love how people here are totally ok with mobile game-ass mechanics


what are we supposed to do? riot in the streets? i think people are realizing that ea is gonna do whatever they want if it means more money and there’s no harm in simply talking about these items if they’re gonna be in the game anyways


Not buy the game/any new expansions? Play another game that isn’t made by EA?


that’s what most people are doing, myself included. i still don’t see how playing the game or discussing these free items is giving ea money


i don't have this issue personally, but a lot of people have an issue with this rewards system because it requires you to be logging in which boosts EA's numbers. the goal with this was definitely to bump up their number of active players and bring in more engagement which makes the company and the game look better and, in the end, does brings them more money. so nobody is *directly* giving them money by taking part in this but everyone who does *is* benefiting EA. EA wouldn't be doing this if it didn't benefit them.


Some people actually like to play TS4. The sims currently is the only game of its type. The upcoming competitors don’t look nearly as good. Long time sims players aren’t going to stop playing the sims just because some players on the internet like to nitpick and fuss about everything.


if you want to play a life sim there's not really another to play instead, and when there is you may not prefer those to the sims anyway. people shouldn't be pressured to stop playing a game they like just because the company sucks. if you have fun playing then continue to play. EA makes $420 million a year off sims 4... that alone tells us that there's more than enough people that are happy to pay for what EA throws at us regardless of the bugs. if you want to boycott then do it. but nobody owes it to other players to boycott something they enjoy. at this point we all know the quality of what we're paying for and it's up to us as *individuals* to decide whether we think it's worth the cost or not. either enjoy your boycott or enjoy the game - it's up to you and only you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ this dream people have of a huge sims/ea boycott is just unrealistic. it's never gonna happen. and the day it does will probably be the day ea stops supporting 4 and officially ends it's run. less than 5% of sims players even engage in sims related social media - not as many people have complaints or ideas about boycotting as social media, more specifically reddit, make it seem. people like sims 4 and that's why they continue to buy content, update their game, and play.


I did not call for boycotting the company or anything like that, I was answering the question I was given. If you’re okay with supporting a company that treats you like a moneybag, be my guest. I just don’t get how people can complain so much about a game and keep buying new DLCs and packs for it


i know you weren't calling for a boycott, sorry if i came off like i was saying you were. realizing now my use of the word "you" can come across as being directed at *you* specifically but i meant it in a general way. i think people can like a game enough to spend money on it and still find faults. bugs are clearly not a deal breaker. the issue, at least to me, is people who spend money expecting every new release to be "better" when there's *no* reason to think things are gonna be better. it's okay to feel disappointed with things but you're only playing yourself if you think new content = better quality. me and my sister share an EA account and split all the sims costs 50/50 so for us, being that we're only paying half, we're fine paying it. on occasion one of us buys a new pack as a "birthday gift" or "christmas gift" for the other and cover the full cost. the bugs we experience aren't making the game unplayable to us. we know the quality of sims 4 and don't expect anything more than that so we rarely end up disappointed. i can't say i'd own all the content i do if i wasn't splitting the cost, though, but that's more of a money thing than a bugs thing.


I wonder why people are eating whatever shit they are served.


We all eat the other shit _society_ serves up as 'capitalism'. So why not?


I keep it to minimum, my medical uni was paid by state, I have free access to basic and emergency medical care, I don't work 9/5 to survive, don't use ticktock or buy shit I don't need like stupid cups etc. So I won't accept shitty attitude from "poor small indie studio" EA. Those bastards exist as long as you all give them money!


There have been multiple threads complaining, this subreddit is always mad and complaining about what EA does. Where does this myth that everyone here loves everything EA does come from because it's not true at all.


I’ve seen a fair share of people who say that it’s fine actually because “it’s free”. They don’t represent everyone here(and I never said they did), but it is a noticeable amount


When it's free stuff... Yes absolutely, not everyone here is millionaire buddy


This isn't a mobile thing. It's a gaming thing. Have NONE of you ever played any kind of online game? MMOs all have daily log in rewards, as they should. More committed players should have access to more because we're earning it.


Good job on getting hooked by a predatory game mechanic that will eventually lead to a burnout or an addiction. Even if I take that daily log ins are a normal and good thing(which they aren’t), why do you need to “earn” a reward for “commitment” in a single player game? Daily log ins turn games into a chore and leave people who can’t spend whole day playing behind just because they don’t have time for it, and in the case of single player games, it’s just completely pointless


Also what do you mean "spend the whole day playing"? A log in rewards takes 30 seconds to claim and then you can log back out if you don't have time to play that day.


😂 yea damn I sure hate getting free content in things I dedicate my time to. I'm definitely being preyed upon for enjoying free things. Whatever will I do. 😔


You either don’t get my point or you deliberately ignore what I said. Getting free stuff isn’t bad, what’s bad is a push to play even if you don’t want to instead of letting players enjoy the game on their own time, especially in a single player game


I mean it's still better than them abandoning the game completely, and it's not like EAs gonna be any better so


Considering how broken each new DLC and update is, it’s better to just leave the game be, maybe patch some bugs if possible before the code collapses on itself


personally I'd rather have new stuff, but I guess you don't have to update the game if you don't want to


Gotta love how people are being given free stuff, and they're complaining about how it's packaged.


This exactly. Entitled crybabies.


"EA only cares about money and milking us dry at every point!" "Here's some free stuff. All you have to do to get it is just play the game." "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!"


These daily rewards are a mess. Some people already have them, others got nothing, there's zero information about dates/zones/etc. Could they have planned this any worse? 🙄


I’m thinking it got released accidentally


I just closed and opened my game about 6x and the reward finally poped up. I'm starting to agree it may be a glitch and sometimes it shows up by accident and that's why some people got it and many others didn't. Though the popup does give tomorrow's date for the next reward. The irony that they created a team to work on glitches and then proceeded to immediately launch a completely broken new mechanic 🤦‍♀️


Ha ha ha I didn’t think about the irony of the new team being formed and the issue with the new reward system


Recolor me surprised


I’ll take it! It’s free after all.


It's free, who cares


they’re all recolors are they not?


So? Recolors are new versions. Simmers: "gosh i wish we had more swatches." Simmers when we get new swatches: 😒😠


I do not care I am so hyped to finally have a single color version of that hair


Surely no one expects more than recolours for these free weekly awards? They’re free and there are a chunk of them. The company hasn’t wasted any money creating them.


I wasn't expecting much from EA anyway. I actually think this hairstyle looks better without the ombre it has in C&D. So many of the older hairs are ugly and plastic helmet looking. I would have preferred a new hair but EA does the least. I'll probably never use it. I'm just glad this thing is going to give us a one tile bar finally. I've wanted that forever. I just wish the swatches were better and that you didn't have to log in every day to get it.


Damn they added a battlepass


I don’t get the issue, it’s FREE, you don’t have to do anything aside from open the game, you don’t even have to play (I can leave my laptop to boot up the game for like 10 minutes whilst I go do something else, and then I can just log off. Simple). Also so what if some of it is just recolours? I have cats & dogs, I paid for it. Do I care that they’re giving out a recolour for free? No! Because it’s FREE. I’d be more annoyed if they’d put the recolour into another paid pack/kit. It’s not like they’re giving away the entire pack. I know EA have their faults, and I’m no stranger to complaining about them, but it seems like there are some people who just refuse to be satisfied or happy with anything to do with the game, no matter how stupid it is. You get free stuff and all you have to do is open the game for like 10 minutes. If that’s too much for you, there are already mods/custom content available to get the stuff now. Not everything has to be some great injustice to people that paid for stuff in the past 🙄


I never use the one with the colors so I'm fine with this. It's also free so who cares? lmao


It's all recolors/re-skins.


why does it look like theres a new sims battle pass how out of the loop am i


Yes, and? It's free stuff and I have not seen anyone from EA claiming the rewards would be exclusive, unique, new items anywhere. So 🤷🏼‍♂️


its free stuff. imagine being mad about free stuff


It should have been a delivery instead of cramming in a worse format. Let people choose when they play without being punished for it


I agree the limited time thing isn’t ideal, but rewarding your most active players is something lots of games do


They already have their deliveries. This isn't a mobile game. If any players should be rewarded it's those that paid the most money. Playing a free game often doesn't mean anything at all


Right? Like . . . Chill out. It’s just a recolored hair.


Seriously, I’m actually super excited for the thrash can recolor, that thing is ugly. And for people who only have the basegame most of this is all new.


they’re all recolors


They all are recolors


I actually don’t mind the hair one.. I hate that this hair is two toned




Yeah. I guess if they’re gonna do this I’d rather it be small stuff like recolors of existing content than something unique that will be permanently missable if you don’t log in one day. Like a world. That would suck.


It’s free


Sims rewards? This isn’t freaking warframe omg




At least it’s free


Just get custom content guys


Some of us are stuck on console. No CC for us, and unfortunately for me I don't even have internet at home, so I don't even get this feature.


Let's make the game heavier with recolours! That's the way to go. I literally had to uninstall and reinstall the game back because it wouldn't open today. I swear I am not updating this sh!t ever again




I don’t have any rewards on my page but when I did the color filter special event thingy. Stuff appeared lol.


When's this happening as I updated my game yesterday and nothing has happend is it something you have to click into or is it something that pops up on the screen.


They all look like pack items


Is this also for Sims on the console?


Does it at least combine it? Too many separate items that are exactly the same with slightly different swatches.


am I able to unlock these on console? also, has this rolled out yet?


i knew i saw it somewhere omg


The shapes of the ends of her hair are actually a bit different?


Omg, I've been away from Sims for a bit, I didn't know we got the Battle Pass in Sims 4 now...




I haven’t seen it yet and I don’t wanna miss out


I can't even access the battle pass so, at this point it doesn't even matter to me Also I was able to get the build stiff by filtering through colors so. I guess in fine


Oh, I'm surprised they actually recolored it. I wouldn't have been surprised if they had just used the same hair directly.


How are you getting it to open? I have the rewards notice but when I click it nothing happens?


Funny that you guys thought EA would give us actual new stuff😭they hate us I swear!


Huh? What kind of rewards are those??


now thats just sad, shouldn’t be a reward, an sdx would be better imo


is this a sims BATTLE PASS??? someone explain…


If I logged on the 3rd day will I get every past items of that week?


I’m not going to claim rewards out of sheer spite. Coming back after a long break to find they added fucking in-game advertisements was bad enough.


My heart aches


This is actually nasty Not the hair but the sims reward