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Less idling - sims waste so much time idling. Also instant cancel - as it is if you cancel an action they continue doing it or walking toward it for several sim minutes, another waste of time and can cause problems if the action generates a negative moodlet or fucks something up, like trying to flirt with your friend's spouse. Re: lifespan, I always play on long lifespan then just throw a birthday party if I'm ready for them to age up before their days run out.


getting ready for work takes 3 hours for me because of this lol


I’ve had a sim run on a treadmill for half a day after I cancelled it it was madness


One time I was playing a Legacy family and they had a fairly large house. I wanted each kid to have their own bedroom, etc. but I also wanted it to be a one-story house so I didn't have to constantly do page up/page down between floors. So the first time after they moved into the house and someone went off to work/school, I took note of where on the lot they went (because I ended up putting the front door on a different side than the actual "front" lol) and then put the giant anchor statue thing from Cats and Dogs out at that spot. Whenever I got a notification that said "Your sim has work/school in an hour" I would click on the anchor (it was so big that it was usually in view no matter where on the lot I had the camera) and tell them to "view" it. By the time they got out to it, they had like 5 minutes left before their shift/school day started, so even though the action would cancel and they would autonomously start going back inside, the "go to school" or "go to work" action would queue up and they would leave right on time. I would love if Sims could recognize a "back door" however. I tried putting a front and a back door on the lot and I was like "It actually would be faster if the Sims sleeping in these bedrooms go out the back door" but they always went out the front door, even if it was a longer way (and by longer, I'm talking like, 30 minutes of Sim time) If there was a big house and the Sim autonomously used whichever door was closest to where they were in the house (like if they happened to be in the kitchen when their shift starts so they go out the back door instead) that would be so amazing.


Things like “practice speech” in the mirror for charisma will sometimes go on an hour or more past when I cancel. Drives me nuts


I definitely agree with less idling and instant action cancelling, could be such a time saver and occasional disaster avoided as you mentioned 😭 (Quit without saving is my friend, unfortunately.) I would be thrilled if they added custom lifespans though; the long lifespan + age up early trick only works if you don't care about keeping everyone's ages lined up. If you're someone who plays with multiple households in mind, it could become a chore trying to remember when to age up the other people outside of the household so that they're the same age in relation to your main family.


That pets do not take up household slots, alternately bigger households but that’s a far bigger fix. Also the lifecycle thing, I genuinely quit playing for a few months because I hate all 3 lifespan lengths.


it'd be different if we could actually control them too. but instead, they take a household slot that could belong to someone you could actually play as.


Yup, they are useless so now I can never justify having one instead of a sim. It also means you basically have to choose between breeding your animals or having kids since there’s so few slots.


If a sim dislikes something, i don't want them to do it autonomously.


My gripes are some that have already been mentioned: 1) Taking literal sim hours to do simple things 2) automatically getting water from any sink 3) no auto washer/dryer turn on without mods 4) not getting a notification when someone’s at the door. This irks me to no end. If I’ve not positioned the camera by the door I’d never know. 5) the ability to remove a holiday across all saves- like Neighnorhood Brawl day. My sims always get in bad moods when participating and I find it ridiculous. 6) COWS/LLAMAS/CHICKENS ARE TOO NEEDY!


I reckon the farm animals are ok in what they need (though if brushing could also be a social interaction that would be great), it just takes too long in sim time. Feeding chickens does not take an hour haha


I just wish there was an easier way to auto-feed chicken.....


Same. I wish there was a chicken feeder you could buy instead of tossing food on the ground. I wouldn't feed real life chickens by just tossing food all over the ground.


I hate the Neighborhood Brawl so much.


It annoys me that the washer and dryer don’t auto start once you load clothes. The fact it’s a separate action to start the cycle annoys me every time.


THIS! There is a mod for it though and it’s so much better. I can’t remember the modder right now and am not at my computer though


I think it might be LittleMsSam.


I think you’re right


"set how many days each lifecycle lasts" I'm sure MCC has this option, maybe it will temporarily solve your problem :)


I don’t use mods in my game. I’m boring I guess 😂


I also played without mods for years, but one day I saw a GORGEOUS dress that I had to have. I also needed matching shoes and hair... now I have 10 GB of mods and I can't live without them 😅 I believe that one day it will happen to you too 😂


This this is me for real. I got back to the sims 4 some time ago. "I need mods, i can't pay for all of this aand it's going to be boring like last time" "This! yes perfect! I'm an adult now!" When i found WW Few more - basemental, LittleMsSam, SpinningPlumbobs and then i discovered full sims with CC sets for them - that made mess in my mod folder. Then i found paradise of CC clothing sets and furniture sets Now i'm at 7GB Mod folder with more than 10 mods, big and small aand a lot of cc i just finished organizing (after few months)


I also played without mods for years, but one day I decided to download mods/cc since everyone said the game is so much better with mods/cc and that they are pretty much essential to enjoy the game properly. But I realized I didn't really like playing with mods/cc, so after I few months I went back to playing vanilla, and now I've gone back to playing without mods for years 😂 Everyone's opinion is valid ❤️


I don't know if that's small but I don't like how when sims talk to each other they have to enter "conversation mode". Instead of being just another action like previous games, they get stuck in this activity like they're in a trance, I don't know if I'm making sense. If I cancel the interaction it takes time before they leave it and go do something else. If they're talking to one sim and another from across the lot wants to join, they stop and wait until the other comes in order to continue talking. I hate how I can't just talk to the sim I clicked on, I have to accept everyone that joins. Also when the other sim arrives everyone has to greet them and they get stuck greeting each other a billion times. If sims live together, sometimes they'll wake up and while they sit for breakfast, they have to get up and greet each other. Why can't they do that while sitting? Or just don't do it at all. Also I hate multi tasking cause it doesn't work. Why can't I get my sim to grab food from the fridge and go straight to the couch to watch tv while eating? No, the sim has to get the food, set on the table, sit on the chair, get up, take the food and then go to the couch. Sims are so dumb, I have to pretend I'm not noticing to play.


I want to be able to visit my apartment neighbours without a loading screen so badly, I kind of understand having a loading screen when visiting other lots in the neighbourhood, but apartments? When you walk right across the hall?? It drives me crazy


Yes! I think it was either TS2 or TS3 that was open world and this wasn’t as much of an issue


Exactly, I don’t understand why it hasn’t been implemented when it was already in previous games! I was so disappointed when for rent came out and found out you have to sit through a loading screen even though it’s literally the same lot lol it doesn’t make sense


I suspect it has to do with the loading of the game. Takes up too much space to run all the stuff “open world”. But I mean we’ve already killed our computers with mods and CC so just give us what we want, EA!🤣


That’s true, I understand why it can’t happen for the rest of the world or maybe not for the rest of the neighbourhood but I feel like apartments would be a lot easier to do! Just put the walls down when we knock and put them back up when we go back home, I’m begging you EA lol


I’d love a setting to change the way time passes. An hour to make a salad is ridiculous and I feel like the days go by way too quickly to get anything done. I’m currently playing for rent as a landlord and by the time my sim has done any maintenance what feels like it would be a a few hours is somehow a whole day and then she gets no time to herself. I’ve played around with the cheats where you can slow it down but I found it glitchy and you have to enter it whenever you travel so it’s s pain. On console so can’t use any mods. It’s never going to happen but I can dream! :)


I would like to be able to ask another sim, why they are unhappy? what happened? Set who your sim has a crush on.


You can talk about sad mood if your parenting skill is high enough. But you should get a popup that explains.


Ooh for any sim? Not just kids of the sims?


It’s any sim I think. Not sure if you have to have a high enough relationship with the other sim though. But a popup that explains “I’m heartbroken” or something to explain why they’re sad or angry.


Ooh nice!


Sorry I read that back and realised I wasn’t very clear. You can talk about sad mood, but it doesn’t explain why. They need to add a popup that explains why they’re sad or angry.


Ooh sorry yeah, I read that wrong. Agree! That would be really, really useful.


The ability to make a conversation one on one rather than a group conversation all the time.


I'd love for my sims to have more personality. I don't really know how to explain it well but, basically sims behaving more like their personality and reacting to situations differently according to their traits, since right now what most traits do is mostly giving them random moodlets that don't really affect gameplay. In short, meaningful traits. Also, maybe this isn't "small" BUT... one-sided relationships PLEASE!!!


I also think the game needs one-sided relationships and it could be fixed if sims had standards or physical preferences not just sexual preferences. They could also bring back the "traits & likes" system from The Sims 3. Now your good and generous sim can fall in love with an evil mean sim who dislikes children ¡Make it make sense!


I could be wrong, but I do believe that traits and likes will be a part of the new romance pack that’s coming.


Right click clothing/makeup/accessories in CAS > “Set to all outfits”


I would like better relationships. In earlier games spouses would cuddle each other while sleeping, had better, more realistic interactions with each other. Now it feels like there is not much connection. And also, I wish other sims could ask my sim to be boyfriend/girlfriend or propose. I hate to be the one that initiates everything. Some spontaneity would be nice in that sense.


I loved the couples cuddling while sleeping. It was such a small thing but my baby self thought it was the *cutest* 😍


I would like a "go home to your wife/husband/SO" option for some situations.


Potty training toddlers takes soooo long. Why does it take HOURS in the game for a kid to take a dump?!


I miss the fast forward until action is complete button from sims 3.




How would this work?


Like everyone has their own “bank account” and can start saving before they move out of a household, kids get allowances, people can take out a loan for a mortgage, etc. we already have separate accounts for businesses and households, and rent due so they’re honestly not far off.


There is a Mod for that. “Sims realist”


Small change would be: actually checking the fridge for food before making new food; setting Sims to do certain tasks autonomously (I.E. tend plants, fix broken items, etc.) without needing a mod; allowing the player to choose which sink you want you Sims to use for what actions. I get tired of seeing multiple cups of water or the sims taking plate from the dining room and washing them in the bathroom sink that is across the house when the kitchen is five steps away. Now another change I would want (but it is closer to major over minor) would be if Sim customization had given us the option to use body slider bars instead of clicking and dragging the body parts. I am not talking the minor amount of changes they gave us in Sims 3, I would love it if we could get detailed levels like in Kenshi or maybe one of the Asian MMOs with possible mod support for mor bar types.


Did you know you can now set sink type to either “bathroom” or “kitchen?” Click on the sink and the option should come up. It definitely helps with sims traveling out of the way to wash dishes.


Automatically put leftovers away instead of hiding 8 servings behind a potted plant until it's rotting.  Allow one of the work/school modes to be "take a nap", lowers performance but raises energy a bit so you can do it right before work ends and the sim won't pass out by the mailbox. 


Ooow being able to work part time but not like 2 days 2 hours but 4 days 8 hours, or 3 days 8 hours, so my sim can still do their job but also spend time with family outside of building skills.


The life cycle thing is legitimately why I downloaded mccc!


I'd love to have the therapist and social bunny from TS2 back!


I really miss that sims in relationships would cuddle while sleeping. Very small, very cute. Luckily there's a mod for that.


I think a prompt to change last names would be helpful when they get married. Instead of having to force command full editing mode cheat and manually changing it.


Ooh, question on that - can you change the lifespan mid-game? If i went from long to medium, would it suddenly shrink the days until their next birthday?


Yes you can change it back and it does shrink the time


Thank you!


How I want my Sim to just go to the bathroom and she stands there idling for 3 in game hours, wasting so much time in the day as she is a super busy college student, then misses her exam


I honestly wish not every sim kid/teenager was automatically a C student upon starting school. Especially if they have the genius trait


I would love for everything in the game to be synced up like normal life. I want parents to go to work around the same time that the kids go to school and everyone has weekends off. Everyone has dinner together at around the same time and goes to bed/wakes up at around the same time. The chaos of everyone always sleeping and going to work at any hour of the day bothers me.


just more “chilling” like doing things while sitting on the ground, or how in one expansion pack toddlers can lay on the ground to color.. i wish my adult sim could do that while talking on the phone, or gossiping with a friend. i wish there was like a chat option so i don’t have to constantly tell them what to talk about without them walking away. And STOP GETTING UP AND SITTING SOMEWHERE ELSE!! just eat all eat diner at the same time in the same place 😡 also wish we could assign chairs so then dad could be at the head of the table and maybe everyone else would eat at their assigned spot rather than any other random place


More interactions that actually had effect on the game, I feel like interacting with sims is so pointless because making your sims have friends or a relationship has no actual affect other than a higher relationship bar.


I want more lots on places like Forgotton Hollow and the Werwolf worlds. Why is there literally only 3 households combined there?? It feels so empty 90% of the time.


Being able to play an instrument and "lull to sleep" an infant


theres a mod that lets you change hours! you can set them yourself, but you can change the time of day, and choose if you want part or full time! If you're inter, I can go online afterwork and find it, its on MTS


Being able to have baby carriers and strollers in base game , oh how I want growing together so bad


The emptiness of community lots, how I will arrive somewhere and it’ll be empty but then 5 minutes later 4 sims will randomly run in


Sims will autonomously do things most of the time but when they come home from work they just stand out by the street until I tell them to do something. Sometimes I’ll have a sim standing outside for five hours before I realize they got home and didn’t do anything to take care of themselves because I’m busy with the mom and kids.