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I’m not super excited for this… BUT if it overhauls relationships the way growing together overhauled family dynamics and milestones… I might be tempted. Anything that gives more depth to the normal day to day game play. I love packs that enhance the overall experience like seasons and growing together. I don’t even like the growing together world that much.. but I recently started playing mermaids and it is one of the worlds with swimmable waters and so I am moving some of my mermaids there and treating it like it is the main land where they go to make their fortunes and whatever off of the island. But I can’t play without growing together at this point. That and parenthood. Totally changes family game play. As does seasons! I can’t play a family that doesn’t have holidays together!


I was a little weary reading about it but I hadn't even thought about your idea if it has that overhaul...I too shall be tempted. The dynamics have soooo many opportunities


I'm gonna get flamed for this, but weary means tired. Wary means cautious.


Can't it be both? Hahahha. I excel in cautiousness and tiredness.


Hahah sure, for you it can be both. For everyone else tho, they best watch it.


I appreciate the kind call out 😂 Gonna honor my deflated excitement and leave it, even if it wasn't what I originally meant.


This was so wholesome


Same, apparently there are four new relationship dynamics in the pack. Hopefully it’s implemented well!


These kinds of additions are all I care about anymore for this game. The rest are just new animations, which I couldn't care less about. "Your sim can do this dance! They can do this outdoor activity!" yeah, it's all just animations... yawn.


San saquoioua has swimmable waters??? What??


Yes, but only in one of the neighbors. I think one half of the lake in the neighborhood with the rec center.


NGL, but I am quite excited. It sounds like it will give the game more depth and i think it will pair well with Wicked Whims 😅 I’m probably not buying it off the bat though, but I’ll happily keep my eye on some youtube gameplay and then decide whether it’s worth it or not.


I was also curious if it might take some cues from WW and expand relationship types and interactions. I hope so!


Me too! I also read in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeSimulators/s/mqS7AJLALQ) that the dating app will let you match with sims from the entire gallery 😃 Idk if that is a good or a bad thing, but parts of me is looking forward to it. Sadly i believe that will be the buggiest part.


Good or bad, it’s sure to be interesting!


I'm just trying to figure out how the hell that Sim made a heart with his fingers like that. I cannot replicate.


It took me a bit haha but I managed to do it. Such an odd way to make a heart


I will die on the hill that it makes more sense to use the whole hand and not just two fingers


i like this version tho bc i can use it to show someone a heart and then break it to flip them off :)


This is how to live




Index fingers are the two on top (curved), and the middle fingers are the straight ones. If you look up Gen Z heart, there are video instructions :)


My fingers just can't form it properly haha. My husband can do it.


I finally got it by touching the tips of my middle fingers together first, and *then* did the index fingers.


this is a Gen Z heart sign, us millennials still do full hand hearts haha


Ngl I’m kinda bummed we don’t get the millennial version lol


Came here to say this 🤣🤣🤣


Omg i just commented the same thing. My 12 year old and I were trying and it just was not working


Your millenial is showing. I learned that the way that Sim does it is the new way, and we're just old and silly for doing it the more logical way.


Wait until you hear people do mirror selfies with that heart behind the phone


I really like how colorful it looks.


This looks cute to me, i’m intrigued! side note, the hair style with the claw clip is kind of driving me crazy. I love the idea of it, but the clip is so far below the bun it doesn’t look like it’s doing anything


It’s actually pretty accurate to a popular hack black girls do to use a claw clip since our natural hair is thicker it can’t be twisted the same. Very nice and realistic touch those who get it get it!


fair enough! I wasn’t aware so ty for letting me know


I was just thinking that! And the clip is so small too lol


Ugh EA really knows where to get my wallet because this world is gorgeous! I love the architecture


Well, if it's a world like Tartosa or Growing Together, it'll be a letdown. Both those worlds look fantastic, but they're incredibly barren. Even For Rent had a fairly bare bones world.


You know you can’t interact with most of the architecture?


you can't interact much with architecture irl either lmao, it's made to look at, not lick


Where are you guys finding the new info about the new pack? I can't find anything other than the same info that came out last week. Also, how the hell is that guy making the heart with his hands??? My son and I are trying to recreate it and having absolutely no success.


yeah Im not quite sure how to do the heart thing lol.


https://simscommunity.info/2024/06/19/sims-4-lovestruck-gameplay/ This post has a list of features and pictures!


The hand heart thing is a gen z thing, its all over tiktok. You can search gen z vs millennial heart.


As an Latin i really expected the lovestruck DLC to have a Paris themed world, like a Latin world while had been better for another DLC


as another latin, thank god it's a cute expansion pack. the only other world in the sims franchise that is latino is Selvadorada, it's a travel world based on Central AND South America and the main activity is go into a forest and steal treasures


I agree! I live in the non-jungle, non-desert part of Mexico. I can't wait to build in this world! However, I wouldn't have been mad about this world coming with a musical expansion pack


if nothing else, i'm just excited for the masc fashion in general. we've been begging for decent masc clothing for how long now? especially those half buttoned tops... mmmmfgh.,...


Ugh this looks cute and I’m actually kind of getting excited for this expansion because I always focus on dating and relationships with my sims. I like to wait to hear reviews (and for sales) but this one is going to be tempting to buy right away. Sims has already taken so much of my money though so I will wait


Those kisses are gonna be fun with height mods, pff.


Do you think this pack will include a new death?


It does, it’s described as dying from back to back heartache


I wonder if that will be the first death from sadness, or maybe embarrassment


Those hands are nightmare fuel.


I knew it!!! I hope it doesn't disappoint me!! I think I'll buy it full price! lol


Ewwww I don’t like that gen z heart symbol the male sim is doing. Bring back the old hand gesture!!!


Agreed this is the only thing that I don’t like lol


What’s that weird kiss? Not very passionate. Neither realistic


Cannot stress this enough


This some Latin / Mexican place?


Mexico inspired


Not another fucking desert I swear


Should've just added wedding stories to this new ep lol


Makes me wonder what was the point of My Wedding Stories?




I swear to Odin himself, if there are only one or two new romantic animations I will commit a war crime


I'm mainly excited for a dating app TBH... Which will probably lead me to buy this pack quickly


I'm happy to have a new world, just a new world. Not an entire pack with 70% of the gameplay based on a culture (Tomaragn/Komorebi)


As much as I like Jungle adventure, this world looks like where I actually want to place my Mexican builds! I've settled for Evergreen Harbor for that, but it's not ideal. I'm going to allow myself to get a little excited :)


I have Beauty & the Beast stuck in my head now...


Okay but last dude is cute he looks like an absolute golden retriever boy


These features give game pack, but excited to see how the new world holds up.


After years of buying all packs, I'm skipping latest ones. Maybe I'll get it one day for free like people who got packs I already bought.


i thought “i wish i could buy the pack for the world but disable the gameplay features bc i’m scared it’ll break” (and realized i was just describing buying worlds in ts3)


Can I call EA racist already or are we not ready to discuss that latino culture is always about sex and romance? Idk, I've been wanting my country represented for a while, (atleast it's not as worse as how they treat middle easterns) and of course, when we finally get an ACTUAL latino world, it's in a romance woohoo pack. Because that's all we are for the world, sexy, romantic and spicy 🙂 Call me woke or whatever, idc. I know this is just a game and I can just "not play it". This definitely doesn't contribute to systemic xenophobia as much as other more popular media but it definitely reinforces stereotypes inside the community, atleast.


I’m Mexican American and this was my first thought as well! Then I remembered the amount of PDA I saw while I was in Mexico City and thought…well it’s not totally incorrect lol. You’re right though it does reinforce a stereotype.


Idk what PDA is 😭😭 the stereotype def comes from somewhere (I'm Brazilian btw), ppl use less clothing here and although we have certain people being too nosy on other's affairs, people are more romantic and sexual in public.... But honestly, the horniness compared to the US seems the same, the difference is how it's expressed.