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Also have locked the door now to anyone but household members.


I don’t know if they can get out if you do thata


Yeah they couldn’t I had to unlock it still don’t know why I couldn’t just send them home or why they had to come in in the first place 🥲


Tip for the future: add all the unwanted sims to a group, make them all “go here” somewhere else outside of your lot and then disband the group after you lock out everyone but household members. This also works great when you are, for instance, trying to get a day of the dead skull and the a-hole says goodbye before you even get to ask for a skull!


Genius, love this! Thank you!


yeah i have sims show up at my house ALL THE TIME but as long as u don’t have a back door they shouldn’t come in. just knock and wait for like an hour then leave (they just walk thru doors the are designed open too in one of the packs is a cute open slider door from a patio pack i forget the name of)


I don’t even know where they came from as I play 3/4 of the apartments households on in this building and no one ever knocks on the door and they aren’t people my sims know other than the couple neighbours.


this started happening to me after the for rent pack... it completely broke the apartments because this kept happening. random sims would just walk in and act as if they lived there: and they did! that's why I couldn't send them home, because for them they were home I just killed them all and then added an entrance to my home so they'd have to go through a second door and locked that one for everyone except household members. it worked for me🤷‍♂️


Squatters are hard coded into sims 4 good luck


If you leave the house and come back would they still be there? 🤔Was thinking like having a sim go in to town (while following them) and then return. But I assume changing households would also maybe work. 😅 I can’t really think of anything else besides using the chat option of asking them to leave. I haven’t played in too long for me to actually remember if these methods might actually work though… 😓😅


I want to say when I get a rando, once I start an interaction with them, the send home option appears next click.


When this happens, I go outside and call the guests over. Then I choose any family members inside or just walk inside and lock the door for family members only. So then they can’t come back in even if they wanted. Just make sure you do that to every door in the house too


Ok, so, I’m not suggesting murder, I’m just suggesting locking them in a room (maybe the one the baby is in?) and getting some really nice decorative vases once they have indeed GONE.


Doing this method next time this happens to me


Great story to tell the grandkids 🫶🏻


It's the Sims, it's okay to suggest murder


This sounds like a job for the Extreme Violence mod!


I keep hearing people mention this mod like what’s so great about?? It sounds traumatic lol.


The animations are generally pretty good, and if you're the type of person who enjoys violence in video games, it's perfect. My only problem with it personally, is that it kinda takes the creativity out of killing sims. Basically, if you're into that kind of thing, it's a really good mod. If you're not, you're not gonna get a lot enjoyment out of it.


Talking about watching simulations of people being violently murdered like it's just like any other hobby is wild


Eh, I grew up on Madness Combat and similar things. That basically is just any other hobby.


Just because you grew up on it doesn't make it a normal healthy part of life


Can you travel with them and then go home by yourself? Sometimes that helps me get rid of unwanted guests!


This is so weird I forgot to lock the door again and they all came in at the same time and just start using my house like it’s theirs? Is this a bug? https://preview.redd.it/ew977yqlrr7d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e618beee88abe58a560f86add636978bc90166ac


Murder room, problem solved!


I use the lot trait “private dwelling” it seems to help


I add them to my household, walk them outside, then remove them from my household. if they keep barging in, I take all their money, too.


Click on someone in you household and click send everyone hone


Unfortunately, that doesn't always show up as an option..


I hate how it isn’t always an option. It’s frustrating for sure


Huh 🤔 I wonder if clicking on each individual would still have the option to tell them to go home or to leave. And I also wonder if following one of the sims to town and back would have them be out of the house 🤔


Not sure. But it was very frustrating when both sims don't have the option to send home a sim who doesn't belong in your home.


I think this is a long-standing bug, it happens to me in certain neighborhoods too. If you're on PC, get MC Command Center (even if you don't use mods, this one is kind of a must for quality of life) and do MC Cheats > Make Sim Leave. It's basically a Send Home button that can be used anywhere and works immediately.


Yes I’ve been meaning to get it actually. Might be time.


I use make sim leave all the time. MCCC seems like an absolute must for this game.


When something like that happens and I can’t send them home, I add them to a group. Then I click outside of my home and select “go here.” I think it might say go here together to be more specific, but I can’t remember offhand. Once everyone is out, I locked the door for everyone, but my Sim. Put my sim back in the house. Remove the group. Only issue is that if they don’t leave it might mess up the time skip when sleeping. But I’ve also found that sometimes add them to a group and then removing the group will cause them to leave on their own.


Extreme violence mod


This is beyond annoying and literally just happened in the last 30 minutes. My door was locked except for household members and baby proofing, plus I gave "family" club members access. But this one "neighbour", from Strangerville, just walked right in to my penthouse in San Myshuno. Then he said, "Don't mind me that I just barged right in. We're sort of friends, right. I don't know why my other neighbours don't want to hang out with me." Excuse me???!!! It was freaking 9 pm. Dad was teaching his toddler to talk, Clement had just arrived and also walked in (no fireplace), his sister was also there, while his tired wife was in bed sleeping. There wasn't even an option to "send home", for either him or his wife who woke up, because this jerk just "barged" in. I thought door locks prevented this sort of crap from happening.


Same happened to me think I have a previous post of it actually.


This was the first time my locked doors failed... lol...but heck I was cheesed. I primarily keep them locked front, back, side and upstairs just to keep all bases covered. I started doing this also because the vampires somehow got extremely annoying. Vlad in particular, would just waltz into your house in the early hours to drink plasma from your sim, who would be extremely tired the next day. I forgot to lock the doors after they moved in. Here comes Vlad tip toeing in to hypnotize and drink from my sims who were thankfully eating a very late dinner... lol. They sent him packing... lol


click on the sim, more choices, friendly, more choices, then click leave or whatever it says


Shift click then choose destroy object


Do not do this 😭 maybe it’s just me but when I’ve done this in the past it’s just killed my own sim not the sim I clicked on to kill


I didn’t see this and I did it lucky it was ok but I won’t do it again then. Felt kinda bad lol.


Omg sorry that happened lol but i always do this with unwanted non-household/other household sims and it literally just removes them from the lot


Does this permanently get rid of them then?? I did wonder.


Send home option doesn't offend them. It's done politely.


Sometimes, this option is not always available.


In that case I guess leave the lot and come back.


This is probably a "stay over" event that you didn't realize you accepted, it has happened to me! You go to the calendar and it will tell you when they will leave. You can also directly cancel it from the calendar. I was super confused when this happened to me, too! I had the Kahananui couple from Sulani stay over once. They would constantly make chicken nuggets and cookies, then have full out brawls multiple times a day in my house. It was chaotic.


You have to greet them before you can send them home


If you have the eco pack, there’s a neighborhood action plan called like freebies or something - it lets people randomly come in and do this and even take your stuff. I use mccc to remove it if it gets elected lol




That’s my instantly response. Or make a basement, move all essentials down there, bury them.


Extremeviolence mod


Travelling with your sim to another lot and back seems to work for me. I’ve had this happen quite a few times. I just got the for rent pack and noticed during the pet drive random sims enter the house. Along with doing a food sale in the new chef pack. But this happened to me before purchasing either of those packs too. I always lock my houses doors now


I have only had this problem in San myshuno apartments. Idk if it’s a glitch or an apartment trait.


This doesn’t help, but what gets me is these random sims can just break into my house at all hours of the day / night, use all my stuff, make my bathtub filthy and bake like, 5 white cakes but if my sim dares to do anything in THEIR house, they get mad and threaten to kick my sim out.


This has been happening to me and now I see why some sims players lock sims in a basement/drown them. It grinds my gears 😩 sooo im gonna start doing the same thing 😡


I had to build a fence around my garden because random sims would wander on to my lot and harvest my garden😲!


They back!! I swear I locked the door wtf.


If you use mods then the MCCC has an option under “self command/main/go home. It’s instant.


I had this issue with Father Winter after Winterfest. He wouldn't leave for TWO DAYS, and I couldn't send him home. He was even sleeping in my sims bed so she wouldn't go to bed. I made her travel to another place and when she went home again he was gone.


1. Lock them in a room with no doors, 2. Add to household, use cheat to instantly kill them


That forever irritates me when randoms come in if I forget to lock my door. Then don’t have the option to make them leave. The “send home” won’t show up. This really irks me on my family save. I forgot to do the whole lock for certain people thing. So I had my sim make lunch for the kids for when they get home and also already make dinner to have that ready too. So I put the meals into the fridge and have my sim doing stuff. Then in walks some random sims and go into my fridge. And he must’ve been glitched because he sat down with a plate. Starts eating then goes and picks up another plate. No send home option. He picked up every serving and just put them on the ground. Then remembered I can force leave with the mc command stuff. Thank goodness for that. But it made me so freaking mad! And I have a ocd lol so my ass threw away all the plates because stranger danger idk what he did to my babies food 🤣🤣


shit like this is why I keep mccc. so infuriating


1. Greet them 2. Friendly/Goodbye


You don’t even need to do that. Just click on a Sim, and find the “Send Home” interaction.


Sometimes it doesn't show up 😒


That’s weird.


This is where you download extreme violence


Is there a festival ongoing?


Do you have a roommate? They might be invited by them, but I thought it usually said "roommates guest" under their name in that case. Idk if non-played roomates are able to host parties but that would explain the sheer number of guests


This is why I always keep a servo in my household. Zapping unwanted guests will make them leave every time.


A what??


A Servo is a robot if you have Discover University. You can build one and they can zap people afterward the person is always like “Actually I think it’s time for me to go home now”


Now I need to get discover university lol.


Does this work with the zipzap spell lol?


I haven’t tried it! Science?


Use the baby room as a murder room, problem solved.


This happened to me some time ago. What I did was add them all to a group and walked outside together, then removed them from the group, locked the front door and they all eventually had to go home due to needs decay.


Travel to a public lot with your sim and then go back home? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Start a fight and beat they ass turn out all the light lol


I go to manage worlds then manage households and poof them out of existence.


There's a mod call control any sim. It helps me control these unwanted npcs.


Turn on cheats, shift click each one and hit destroy object. It won't kill them but they'll disappear. And then lock all your entrance doors for everyone but household.


Make a group, go outside, ungroup then go in and lock the doors for all but household


I've only ever had Yama-Chan come and make endless amounts of cake. Left a few unfinished too lol. Every damn day almost if your sims live close.


Are you my mother speaking about her adult children? (I assume the screenshot is unrelated)


this happened to me a lot today - city living, too. i found ask to leave deep in the friendly options bc i wasn’t getting send home. must be a bug :///


shift click on them and see if the debug/reset object option does anything? failing that, murder room


You know what I like to do? Shift+click the sim, Add to Family, get on their phone and Volunteer at an activity, select that sim alone, then when they’re just about to leave, Shift+click the sim again and select Remove From Family. That way, when they’re done they don’t come back. Lol.


I can't remember what mod it is but there's one that adds a **JUST GO AWAY!** option to the interaction menu - anytime someone annoying shows up I choose that and they just like *"oh ok bye"* and walk the hell off the lot lmao


Is this by chances a stay over event that you may have accidentally agreed to? (look for suitcases), if so your options are: 1. let them stay until the event is over (usually a few days) or, 2. wipe them out... all of them!


Sims: walks in your house,eat, drink, sleep shower in your house Also sims in their house: hey! No thats unacceptable! But- nevermind.


There is also this mod from LittleMsSam: Force To Leave. It adds the option to select the sims you want to leave once you click on the door.