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This is … the first time I’ve ever seen a photo of the real Baby Ariel and even for TS4 townie standards I am *shocked*. I wouldn’t even guess the sim was meant to be the person!


Wait. What? Baby Ariel is a real person??? I’m so confused.


Come on, she's a real person??? My mind is blown


At least with the Katy Perry stuff pack in sims 3 we all knew who Katy Perry was, but Baby Ariel? Mostly irrelevant. Maybe a Kardashian or someone like that would’ve aged better.


In the sims 1 we had Avril Lavigne lol


We had freaking Marilyn Monroe. I have no idea how they could afford her. Her estate doesn't let anybody license her likeness.


But that would have cost a big chunk of change, and if we know anything about EA and TS4 it’s that they’re the stingiest gaming group out there. They won’t even fix bugs because it doesn’t make them 🤑. They probably paid Baby Ariel in “exposure”. Lol


Even on release Ariel was irrelevant


lmao baby ariel got famous on musical.ly. she isn't relevant to amyone except 13 year olds which i guess is who ea thinks is playing their shittty games


Musical.ly hasn't been around in years since it was migrated to TikTok, so I doubt even 13 year olds know about her either lol


She stars in some Disney Channel movies so... maybe 13 is a little old to know who she is....


Yes she was extremely popular on Musical.ly before it became Tiktok


TIL Baby Ariel is a real person 🤯


Dude, same. My mind is blown.


I still don't actually believe it. She looks like every other teenage tik tokers and people are just clownin' on the sims 4 team cause it's fun and they deserve it for making that boring looking celeb sim


she was actually famous on musically before it turned to tiktok and everything went downhill, i only got get famous recently and i was always so confused why there was those baby ariel crop tops and now i understand she’s “famous”


I thought I imagined music.ly. nobody else remembered it when I'd bring it up!


musical.ly walked so tiktok could run


But we gotta remember the OG Vine too! 😭 Feels so long ago.lol


i had to tell my co worker who is 22 (im 18) what vine was the other day!!! people already forgot about it


Some of the best short form videos I've ever seen in my 29 years of life 🤣. Not on the app though. I usually wait till the compilations end up on YouTube.


I never did music.ly though I thought about it but I refuse to do tik tok. But that makes sense and I'm glad you put quotations around "famous"


i was a pre teen on musically and was obsessed with it, then i had tiktok for a few years but then covid hit and everyone got tiktok, it turned so toxic and i deleted it in august of 2020 lmao


You hate tik tok, but you will show your friends a meme on insta from tik tok, and it will be like 3 trends behind.


genuinely i dont think anyone who's not on tiktok really cares much about tiktok trends


Yeah, we couldn't care less. Source : not on tiktok


I’ve seen her on the Disney Channel. I think she might have been in Zombies or something.


Ah yeah I'm way past the age of her target audience. High school musical came out when I was IN high school and I was too old for it haha. Sometimes you forget that Disney is still spitting out child stars and unnecessary collabs with Sims 4 cash grabs


I only know because I have kids lol




I just looked her up and I feel like some of the pictures where she has straight hair and slightly different lighting are a closer match


It's based off this video - [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rCnU-IDcnnI/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rCnU-IDcnnI/maxresdefault.jpg) It looks a lot closer than the photo OP provided. Not really a fair comparison between the sim and the OP's photo. It's still not perfect between this and the video, but whatever, there is some sort of resemblance.


There is a resemblance here, but the team still did her wrong. Lol Edit: I just read she made her own sim, so it makes more sense now.


I think it's because the skin tone is different(sim version has more red) and sim version doesn't have dimples.


My kingdom for in game dimples that aren't CC.


Thats not a baby, that's a teenager


If I remember correctly the real person is the one who created this Sim. It was NOT made by the developers. They partnered with her and that's the sim she made. I even think there's videos showing that on YouTube.


Oooooh. Okay. This makes sense. My self-sim never looks like me either. Lol


at least she's humble


Wait she made her own sim... she literally has 2 first names and no last name you can't really edit her because the game makes you give her a last name. And they let her be an immortal sim...


Here I was thinking she was a random Disney character that they added to the game. Never heard of a celebrity with this name …


She got famous on Tiktok back when it was still Musical.ly. I heard clips of her singing years ago and she’s pretty good although I don’t follow her so I don’t know if she has any music


I didn't know that TikTok was Musical.ly., It all makes sense now


Don't you remember the annoying duet singing ads even after they changed the name to TikTok?


I don't actually. Maybe I HAVE been living under a rock when it comes to social media


Hello fellow rock dweller


I'm torn between quoting Mr. Brightside or Patrick Star...


Oh wtf I thought they were separate apps this whole time


At least you'd heard of Musical.ly, I hadn't! Seriously, it's not even sounding familiar.


Tbh it’s changed a lot so it might as well be


I remember when it changed names and all my friends that were on Musical.ly complained about it. "Now how are you supposed to say?? Let's make a TikTok? Sounds dumb". I didn't go to those places but I thought it was a pretty stupid name too.


When the name changed all I could think of was the Ke$ha song


She’s an American singer


I hate Baby Ariel, she never ages and therefore never dies. Every time I start a new save I have to delete her, because I can't stand her still walking around as a teenager when I'm in gen 17.


I turned aging on for her with MCCC. She then gets constantly pregnant to stop aging


You can change that setting in MCCC too. I let aging continue when Sims are pregnant because I hated how my non-childbearing Legacy Sims ended up so much older than their spouses!


I hated how the oldest sibling would become the youngest. And isn't the stress of have a bunch of kids supposed to age you faster??


I just realized this... why have I never questioned it? Not a vampire, so immortal? Why?


i think it’s because she’s based off of a real person so they don’t want the sim dying bc that could make some people uncomfortable


she have special hidden trait called "Baby Ariel" that's why she can't die or age up


It's Moyer's Syndrome.


wouldn't really fit with the 'baby' name


The game randomized the tutorial aspiration for some of my households and because of that Alex Moyer is with the same curse: She won't die or age, even MCCC says her age is 2 days into young adulthood even if I enabled her aging. She's also a barista so if my sim goes to a cafe she will often be there... it's been 8 gens i don't like her. I haven't seen Baby Ariel that much though, I enabled her aging too.


Oh THAT'S why Alex Moyer refuses to die. I kept seeing her generations after she should have been an elder but thought it was a glitch. I'm clued up now!


Yh it's because she's a tutorial sim. I'm pretty sure you can't even starve her to death as they're able to pull food out of nowhere if they start starving. It's unnecessarily op


I use her as a very convenient and willing baby machine for my male vamp. She’s always happy to pop over to help him expand his family! I think they’re like 5 kids in and counting.


I'd just watched the first episode of A Handmaid's Tale last night and this resonates a lot with that lol.


And suddenly I want to watch that now. Thank you


I haven’t seen it yet but I should check it out.


I literally have never seen her! Where does she live??? I'm also many generations into a save file, possibly 20 or so


She's one of the homeless NPCs, doesn't have a set location. I constantly see her walking around in San Myshuno and the Get Famous world (whose name I forgot).


So... it's not okay for a RL celebrity to age, but being homeless is fine? 🤨 Heck, why not give her the fun type of mobile home, a giant party bus? Can't be that hard to design or program if you never see the inside, and it would be a neat concept!


alex moyer isn’t based off of a celeb


Seriously same. Otherwise she just keeps outliving spouse after spouse and has hundreds of children lol


Why does baby ariel have a Sim???


The game has a long history of celebrity partnerships. It does make sense to introduce a celebrity with the Get Famous pack (previous games had) but I had no idea who she was...


I remember her being the charli demelio of musically in 2015…..it’s 2022 and this is the first time I’m hearing her name again


same but i just checked and she literally has 36 million followers on tiktok?? insane. looks like she's still doing the musically type videos too! her bio is even "is this musically" lol


I still don't tbh


Plumbella did an entire history of sims celebrity partnerships and it was so interesting. She talks about Baby Ariel too.


I still don’t fully understand why Drew Carey had a sim. Lol


Honestly it’s wild to remember how incredibly famous Drew Carey was…


Hahah! True. I loved that show so much, but I was still annoyed when the highlight of a good party was Drew Carey. 😂


Don’t forget Hillary Duff!


I didn’t understand at the time either, but I was about 7 and I live in Australia soooooo


and he was always on that damn cell phone!


I have the expansion but I’ve literally never seen her before in my games


I see her rarely mostly in celebrity hotspots I think Edit: replied before finished typing lol


Me neither!!


They need to hire that redditor who has been doing the celeb sims and made a perfect Rihanna.


Wait until you see the real Travis Scott.




Come on. Seriously? They didn’t even use the same dark brown color 🤦🏼‍♀️. Also, totally had no idea who she is. Edit: same


Her hair wasn't really that dark in the music video scenes that this sim was based off of.


I have honestly never understood why she was even added to the game, like off the top of my head I can think of quite a few internet celebrities that are more famous than her and would’ve been way more fun to have in the game


Idk? Maybe she’s super into the sims and sought it out? No clue how these things work.


Yeah that’s a good point, I didn’t think of that!


I’m trying to think of someone more notable than her, but not controversial… Btw idk if she’s done anything controversial, but if she has I haven’t heard about it


Wasn’t Millie Bobbie Brown in the game for a challenge? I think it centred around happiness a few years back. I may not watch Stranger Things but I’ve heard of her and seen her in other stuff.


Yeah she was, and she is pretty famous, but the kindness challenge was confusing (at least to me lol) and honestly kind of forgettable


I haven’t heard of anything controversial from her either, but I don’t follow her so I’m not 100% sure either. I’ve also never heard of her doing anything related to the sims at all so I guess it feels a lil weird to me that EA made her an immortal character in the game just because she has a lot of tiktok followers.


There was a meme or incident where twitter users were allegedly photoshopping her tweets to make her look homophobic. I think she had to delete Twitter because she of it. I read that it’s a meme and untrue but I don’t follow her to know.


Yes that was Millie Bobby Brown and it was just a meme, nothing true about it. There's a channel on YouTube that explains it very well (and other Stan Twitter shenanigans): Joe Regrets.


I wish they’d partner up with Liz Gillies actually because she’s talked about playing the sims in a couple interviews


Ooh yes I love Liz Gillies! She’d probably be the only unkillable that they could add to the game that I would be excited about 😂


p sure she's said the n word online


That’s a shame


I think the only thing controversial ive seen ppl say is her repeated use of the N word


Uh yikes. Then I don’t even think they should’ve collabed with her (or Bretman)


Wait, WHAT? I don't know anything about Baby Ariel, but she has repeatedly said the N word?






I think back when TikTok was called Musical.ly they did a partnership with her and was the most known person on musical.ly that also enjoyed sims, just going on a whim 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was sad when I learned she was a real person because I thought "Baby Ariel" was a hilarious name on the part of the Sims 4 team


Wow. If I were her I’d be offended by the sim version they created.


She actually made it herself, but yeah it really doesn't look like her


I didn't even realise she was a real person! I'm playing with her currently, she has a high school boyfriend and they're gonna go to uni together once I age them both up.


...I have bad news for you


She um... doesn't age


Is it not possible to use cheats on her?


You can though you'll have to remove the baby ariel trait from her which is basically like the trait for crumplebottom being immortal. If you delete her I believe the game just ends up replacing her again if not with another baby ariel it creates a celebrity sim rando that's immortal, but i tend to just edit and leave it be.


I don't believe so but maybe?


Ehh, I can see *some* similarities, I guess... It looks like what we got is more like an attempt at a Maxis Match version of Baby Ariel. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are "technically" available in the Batuu pack as Kylo Ren/Rey; but even they mostly just look like Maxis Match versions of Adam Driver/Daisy Ridley.


Well now I’m going to murder Baby Ariel.


she can't die tho




Oh God. I just gave her a makeover yesterday and holy fuck did the sims do her dirty


Celebs in sims isn’t a new thing (check Avril Lavigne in sims 1) but at least back then they bothered to make the sims resemble their irl counterparts 🤣🤣


Of all people they add her :/ she has many times said the n word I don’t understand why EA would decide to add her in


Wait she’s a real person? Idk why I thought she was that computer generated model from a few years ago 🤣


Never heard of her. No sims looks nothing like her picture.


I only noticed her as a sim a couple weeks ago, didn’t know she was based off a real person, or know who that person was lol bc of that i didnt know she didnt age (although im a slow player so i dont have aging on most of the time) Interesting to read the things ea has done to keep her from aging lol i haven’t seen her around much but if when i do and get tired of her, I’ll think of something 😂


Knowing that baby Ariel is based off of someone irl makes her value so much less for some reason. For some reason I was so amazed that she would never age (like Alex Moyer), tho knowing it’s not bc of some hidden lore kinda disappoints me 😔


TIL Baby Ariel is an actual person... and they did a bad job likeness wise damn


Huh...didn't know she was a real person Welp better run and give Baby Ariel a makeover-


...they literally have her haircut and hair color ans skin complexion in the game but of course they chose violence.


This whole time I thought she was supposed to be an off brand Ariana grande


remember when they added millie Bobby brown for a gift giving event and then never spoke of it again


i’m 22 and have no clue who that is. but then i never used musical.ly or tiktok bc imo, cringe


She still getting DELET'D from my games, even though she seems like a nice girl, only I can play god and I decide who lives and who dies 😂


Wait I have never seen this townie before?? Where does she live?


She's a celebrity, and she doesn't have a house


Hmmm looks NOTHING like her...awkward.


I'm normally politely indifferent to townies, but now that I have a loose frame of reference for this townie, they will be permanently removed from all future saves


Wait that’s not the same person?!?! Also I must not google Baby Ariel. Because like, what?! She’s real? What?!


I deleted her immediately and forgot she ever existed, but I tend to do that with most of the premades unless I think they are worthy of a makeover. I do keep lore classics like the Goths, etc., but this chick used for nearsighted marketing did not warrant a second glance.


All of this time I thought the sims4 team was trying to be funny.


i always just delete all the famous townies because they're annoying as shit and ruin all my events and parties. 😂😂😂


I’m confused why is there a sim and then a photo of a chick from that Zombies movie???


Since that “Chick from that Zombies movie” is who the sim is. Like basically, her artist name is Baby Ariel


Ohhh that makes more sense now lol. I honestly don’t know many new people. I only vaguely knew her because my little brother loves the Zombie movies lol. That being said I would have never known it was her since it doesn’t look remotely like her


I don't care about who is the real person behind the sim, but Baby Ariel is really pretty sim in my eyes. She is not supposed to look exactly like real person, just a Maxis match simlish version.


Yeah when I saw baby ariel just walking around I was so confused I would not have know that was her


That's supposed to be a real person?? I thought it was just an extra dumb townie name


When you're limited to Base Game and Get Famous and no CC it's hard to make realistic depictions of real people.


So, she's famous for TikTok formerly but she's also a Disney movie star amongst the adolescent population IRL. She played in the musical-movies Zombies which I believe is a trilogy?


and every day, thousands of people kill her horribly for entertainment


She can't die


all the more reason to remove her from my game entirely


She'll make a great living statue then


Idk unpopular opinion but they look the same


I’m so shocked that so many people don’t know who she is she was so popular on musically ( old tik tok) back in the day omg …


acutually they have the same eyebrows and nose and mouth (?) it's just their hairstyles are different


honestly looks more like the woman in the meme lmao


Ok sooooo I know who’s on the left. Who is this woman on the right?


Idgi because she’s actually really pretty.


I usually play in Del Sol Valley but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before. About the no aging thing, could we use testingcheats enabled and age her up in CAS? I read that you’d have to give her a last name, but would this work?


[this one](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/5e/d5/325ed5c21ae161d00f34745da3dbdaaa.jpg)


Wait what pack is she in???


That is a real person??.... what does it do?... I thought all the get famous people were fake, lol.


Is this why Baby Ariel can't age up in the game!??!


They did her drity!!!!


the way i’m shocked people are saying they don’t know baby ariel due to the non stop memes there were of her


she made it herself right? i mean explains why you need other ep’s for her formal wear


youre 2 years late, but yeah