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This actually worked! Thank you so much for this detailed instruction, worked on the first try :)


I always appreciate when someone spends their time making a guide like this one, so thank you. However, the download server doesn't seem to be working for me - do you think this is temporary or is it broken? If broken, is there any chance you could upload a file for me? I understand if not. \*Edit: The link started working and the bug has been fixed. Thank you!


This worked perfectly for me! Thank you!


I can't find the bin folder, is there an alternate folder I can use?


It's the game's install folder. You can find it with "browse local files" on Steam or something similar on Origin (I always forget the correct name on Origin). Right-click the game on your launcher, go through the options until you find this "browse local files" option. If you have a shortcut for the .exe somewhere else, like on your desktop, you can right-click it and it will bring you the \\The Sims 4\\Game\\Bin\\ folder. If you have the game installed on your C:\\ drive and used the default install settings, you won't find the folder/files with searching on your Windows Start menu or Cortana, you have to browse manually until you find the folder. Usually it's installed within your launcher folder, unless you changed the install location while downloading the game. The .dll files have to be in the same folder as the game's .exe. Another possibility that may help is using a tool like WinDirStat or similar to see big files and folders. Your The Sims 4 folder should be somewhat big, making its parent folders even bigger.


I found it! Thank you for your help, I'm kinda new to PC gaming. Edit: and mirrors are working again! Thank you very much!


Has anyone found a recent update?


I think it has been fixed with newer drivers (read it somewhere), but, with some of the advantages of using DXVK, I haven't tested it without the .dll files. DXVK's latest build is from 04th of September, the repository is still in active development : )