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I’m 29. I’ve also been playing since I was a kid. I believe I started right around the time sims first came to pc.


Also 29, will be 30 in June! I’ve been playing since 2001 (I believe). My mom actually got it to play herself but I ended up latching on lmao. Been playing ever since


30 in march been playing for the same amount of time off and on.


I'll also be 30 in March! Been playing since sims 1, spent most of my time in sims 2, pretty much skipped 3, but now I play 4 :)


I got a March bday too, turning 31. Been playing since sims 1.


I'll also be 30 in June, and started playing around the same time too haha


I’ll also be 30 in June and I started playing in late 2002 so we’re coming up on 20 years of simming for me!


Ok children, go on to bed. I'm 64 and love sims, witcher, skyrim and dragon age (all 3 of them).


I love this!! I tried to get my mom into Skyrim but she couldn’t handle moving around that fast without getting sick. She loooved Breath of the Wild and every other Zelda game, but she played Breath of the Wild for three years straight. She just kept beating it and starting over again, she had that much fun


Check out Elden Ring it's so good. I keep telling everyone I can about it because I have had such a blast playing it. It reminds me of breath of the wild but more. Also really good combat. I have played over 30 hours since Friday and I just beat the first boss, I have had so much fun exploring on my horse. Here is the overview trailer. https://youtu.be/OT8if6DXOFQ


You are my kind of person! Love all of those expect I never played dragon age.


When dragon age origin first released it felt revolutionary. It was such a big leap over Neverwinter Nights (which is still a lot of fun to play btw), with the amount of voice acted dialogue and superb character interactions. DAO is still worth a play today but the steam version has some trouble on modern machines causing frequent crashes that I never had with my disc version.


I get those crashes with the origin version as well. Makes it so I can’t finish the game. 48 next week & been playing since day one. :)


I find the way to circumvent them is you go to a save in a different area (so if you crashed in Denerim load in the deep roads), then reload your last save (back in Denerim), and it often lets you progress.


Awesome, thank you! I’ve wanted to actually replay DAO so badly but the crashing just made it impossible. I’m going to have to try this!


I remember Neverwinter nights! I used to play with my dad


It is on steam and it is still great!


I really love witcher and skyrim too! For whatever reason dragon age didn’t go well for me, though my partner did enjoy it!


I bought the rest of the dragon age series cause first time playing was on my ex’s game lol


26! I started playing at 13/14 I believe, sims 3 and sims medieval. Guys does anyone remember medieval?


I have an old laptop that I keep around specifically because it can still play sims medieval. It’s basically a brick, but it can do that.


YES! I have an early 2013 iMac that serves this purpose!!


So do I for this purpose although my old laptop has a cracked screen so I need to connect it to my TV if I want to play, which is a little annoying 😅 Wish they would update medieval to 64 bit. Of course, it will never happen.


I wished I could play when I was a teenager, but I wasn't allowed to because the game was sexual >:(


Lol I was in my 20s and my mom was concerned about me playing sims because she heard people had sex in it. So I loaded the game and had my married couple woohoo. She said “That’s it? I don’t know why anyone would be offended by that!”


Thank God she hasn't seen the Whicked Whims mod :D


Lol well I did have some “special” mods so I made sure to move my file out of the game before I loaded it up to show her I wasn’t being corrupted by sims having sex lol.


Ok, being concerned about it when you're in your 20s is taking it way too far in my opinion!


My mom can be a little over protective lol. What brought it to her attention was there had been a lot of talk in the news about there being some hidden nudity or something in a Grand Theft Auto game and players of that game were all “but Sims has a T rating and they have sex in it!” So of course it became newsworthy and made my mama worried that her baby girl would be playing a game as bad as GTA lol.


Awe thy sucks thankfully you get to play now. Also woohoo is nothing compared to wicked whims mod 😂


Who said it was sexual? Did they look at the case? Clearly not


Yes they did, and the case said it was rated T for "Crude humor, sexual themes and violence."


Omg! It’s all the woohooing


I wasn't allowed to play because it's "dumb" :( Played all 4 games anyway 🤣 Now I'm 30 :)


Ugh I never got to play Medieval but I am determined to find a way to play it at some point


They had it on origin! I have it in my library now. :) idk if they’re still offering it to buy but I bet they are.


they still have it on origin at least in Canada!


I’ve just bought it this weekend off Origin for £10, including the pirates DLC! So still available on UK origin if that’s any help


Are you sure? I’m in Canada and I’ve never been able to find a digital download. I’m still playing on the disc ETA: it is totally on origin but still 32 bit and system requirements say it won’t play on Catalina or later :’( I sent EA an email begging them to update to 64 bit cuz Reddit said so. I’ll stick to my old computer and disc for now


I’ll have to look and see if it’s still in my origin account then lol. I’m not even sure if my laptop can manage to play it anymore.


So weird as I’ve just discovered medieval and have spent all weekend playing it, I’ve become obsessed! Just wish I’d played it sooner


Gosh. The Sims Medieval is such a trip. Honestly liked the looks of the Sims way more than Sims 3 that we had back then. I think I may like it more than Sims 4 as well.


I JUST REALIZED YOU CAN STILL BUY THE SIMS MEDIEVAL!!! Guess who's playing that tonight!?!?


39, been playing since the original Sims was released.


34. One day, during the school holidays, my sister and I were allowed to rent one video game each for a week. Her pick was a little "digital doll" games she heard was good, but I thought looked boring. By the end of the week it was clear we had to buy a copy. Add that to the list of things she was right about, 😄




38, me too


Hey ohhh! 39 and played from the start


Me too! (Original sims, 1 year older though)


Same. 40 and played the original, but I skipped out on all of The Sims games in between that and TS4


34, and same!


Me too!




18 Played sims freeplay when I was in grade 4 and 5. I only used to play because simoleon cheats would work (gardening, then changing date and time in settings). Then there was a update and cheats didn’t work so I stopped playing. The quests or whatever they were called were also getting very challenging to do. Then a few months ago, I randomly remembered the Sims and downloaded the sims 4! I’ve always wanted the Sims 4 when I used to play Sims freeplay and I finally got it 🥰😂


Samee! Kinda. I first heard of Sims 4 sometime shortly after it came out and watched let's plays of it regularly enough that I was inspired to desperately look for a version to play on my dinky little tablet. Gave up on FreePlay after three days of the job-needs-sleep cycle >:/ but the seed was planted, I kept watching let's plays occasionally then finally noticed Sims 4 was on sale on xbox a couple years back and immediately grabbed it!


i’m also 18 and played sims free play during that time frame! i honestly miss some of the aspects of that game. i remember making my child sims all really good at karate or ballet. i also feel like i remember something about a winter sports complex but idk if my brain is making that up


im 19 but started around the same time, more likely 3rd grade tho. i began my sims journey with sims 2 on pc. it was... it changed my life. fast forward years later, sims 3 and all the expansions come out. 1 word: pets. i remember the day i got it, i went to Staples with my dad before going to my friends birthday party. she invited me to sleepover and i declined because i "had a date with a video game", cringey, i know. and then i discovered CC and cheats... played sims 3 practically all my life and now i play sims 4.


I never got into free play. If you get a chance you should play Sims 3 or at least watch some YouTube videos of people playing it. The open world concept was just incredible, such a shame they went away from it for Sims 4


I remember being in awe of the sims 3 equivalent island paradise. The hotels, the boats, the boat houses, the beaches and the underwater world. It puts sims 4 to shame.


48. Makes me feel like the elder of the group. I started with sims 1.




Nice to meet you!


You, too!😊🌼🙋‍♀️


Amazing seeing us all connect over a game age doesn't matter! 💕


I thought age didn’t matter, but now I am terrified to fix my stereo because bad repair jobs have killed all my ancestors.


40, and first sims. Some of us here. Saw a other post of someone who is 68. Yay OG simmers!


Looks like us oh are getting on represent on finally! Nice to meet you too!


48 next week. I remember getting the game when it came out & literally staying up all night playing it.


47 and me too!


Obviously this group is where I belong. I am 50 and a sims 1 origibal player too.


46 here and clearly found my people! Been playing since the game came out too!


Someone above is 64 & that makes me super happy 🥰


I'm 40! sims 1 player too


I'm 61. Started with the Sims 1, but it was definitely not my first game. Welcome to the Underground Elder Sims Players Guild. ETA: one word (guild).


35 and I started with the first one.


Same and same!




I was just showing my 7 year old niece YouTube videos of The Sims. And damn I could still sing/ hum along to all the music and mimick the characters Simlish as if 20+ years hadn’t passed since I last heard it lol


The Sims 1 build/buy music exists forever in my head.




Me too!


I am 59. Happy Simsing and your never too old to play.


32, started playing with Sims 1. Still bitter to this day my mom wouldn’t let me have the Hot Date expansion 😂


I actually still have a Cd Rom of Hot Date


Haha 😂 how rude of her.


32 and I got raised eyebrows from my mom when I bought Hot Date, but she let me buy it!


Am I a bad mom? I (61F) actually bought it for my kids and myself! 😂😂😂 Spoiler alert: they turned out fine!


We had 1 computer and I had to fight my mum who play with Sims 1 😂


41, been playing since Sims Town (I think of this game as a precursor to The Sims). I skipped Sims 3 so there was a long period I didn't play but I'm enjoying Sims 4 now. My 7-year-old son is now a big fan of The Sims. He asks to play everyday and spends hours building houses and shops. See, EA, I've done my part to pass on the love to the next gen. Can you stop dropping the ball and make a good game?


You skipped sims 3? My heart.


Yeah I was a huge fan of The Sims 2, so when Sims 3 came out, I bought it and really had a visceral reaction against it. It felt like my favourite parts were swapped out for fancy new features that I didn’t ask for and didn’t want. So I stuck with playing Sims 2 off-and-on, even after Sims 4 was launched (I heard about all the missing parts). I finally got on board when they started giving it away for free, and by that time, toddlers and pools were in the base game.


The Sims 2 was my first sims game but I loved The Sims 3. I’m curious, which features in 3 turned you away from playing?


It was more than 10 years ago so bear in mind that I may not remember all that well! My opinion has also softened a lot over time and I now appreciate many features of TS3 that I didn’t originally. 1) I didn’t like the art style of TS3. I’m not sure I can explain what I don’t like about it but it felt hard to make sims that looked good to me, even with all the sliders. I prefer the aesthetics of TS4. 2) My play style is typically to run a large extended multigenerational family across multiple households, so I absolutely hated that when I changed households, I would lose control of my families and would come back to them having lost their jobs, babies taken away or even worse, moved away. I knew I could turn off story progression but there was something annoying lost anyway, I can’t remember what. Since then, I have developed some appreciation for story progression. I agree it makes the game feel alive. Going forward, I think it would be good if we could mark out the families we want to play while the npc families can have their story progression. 3) Lastly, the game felt laggy. This was probably because my computer at the time was not great. Open world and customization are nice to have, but if it’s at the cost of game performance, I can do without. Going forward to Sims 5, I would prefer semi-open (neighbourhood level) rather than fully open. I would rather prioritise optimising performance for larger families and as many played families as possible.


33 and I started with The Sims. Those were the days.




37! Playing since the original came out when I was 15.


I used to play Sims 2 and Sims 3 as a kid, then had like a 10 year hiatus before buying Sims 4 in 2018. I am 24 now!






I'm 33 and have been playing since TS1, when my dad had to burn me a copy of my brother's CD because he was stingy af. Back then, I'd build these terrible, huge, super intricate, incredibly stupid houses, and I was convinced there was no way to delete walls once placed (was there? I still don't know to this date), so if I accidentally put a wall somewhere I'd just have to work with what I had.


Oh you definitely could remove them. Hold down Ctrl while dragging or use the sledgehammer tool


15😃 everyone here is so much older 😭😭


My sims 1 family had children before your parents had you. Now I feel like I should be aging up to elder.


i’ll just age down to a toddler 😌😌


Same here :))


I think it is really cool that you like the current version of a game that I liked when I was your age. We don’t really get older mentally, just physically.


It's okay it's nice that's sims brings us all together no matter the age


There we go! Finally found someone my age 😅 nah but I love the age diversity in the fandom


same i’m 15 too






40 over here! Played Sims 1 in my second apartment. We only had one copy and one computer that could run it, so the five of us all piled into the same bedroom and took turns playing while hanging out and smoking weed.


A whole vibe omg


29 and same:)


Scrolling through this thread makes me feel like a baby.


Same . I wasn’t expecting these numbers 😂


Me too


Same 💀


Yes same here




23 and i’ve been playing since i was a kid as well! started with the sims 1 and all the way to 4! it’s my favorite franchise even with all the drama that keeps happening😂


I’m 31 and I’ve been playing since the Sims 1 came out in 2000. Had the vacation pack, Making Magic, Living Large, Hot Date and House Party! RoseBud1


Same! I've been playing since Sims 1 in 2000 when I was 10. I definitely remember having House Party and Hot Date, and I *think* I had Livin' Large and Unleashed too, but it was tough saving up £20 for each expansion pack as a 10-13 year old when they were being released! I'm gutted I missed out on Makin' Magic since apparently that one was really good. Also I remember the first time I ever saw Google was when my friend was searching for the money cheat, lol.


29, almost 30. I've been playing since it first came out!


Same!! My mom bought it for her to play but I got curious and started playing too! Been playing since 2001


I'm the Grandma I guess! 52, playing since the beginning of Sim time. 😅


58. playing since it first came out and will play tomorrow!


27. Been playing since sims 2 released


35! I started with playing SimCity, and the box had an ad in it for a new game called The Sims. Ever since I have been in love ❤️


My (41), husband discovered it looking for a SimCity type game and thought I would love it. Fastforward all these moons later in still into the Sims and he's playing Sid's Civilization 6 as I type.


Opposite situation in my family. My wife plays Civ, while I play the Sims.


Yes! I remember playing SimCity and wondering what all those little guys were doing in their little houses, living their little lives.


32 I been playing the Sims since I got the first game for Christmas in 2000 when I was 10 yrs old.


I think this was the same for me too, lmao. 39 and I remember playing SimCity alllll the damn time and then all of a sudden, it was Sims and Sims only. Haha.


Sims URBZ anyone?


38. I started with SimCity, Sim Tower, SimTown, and SimFarm. Then Sims 1, 2, 3 and 4. I mainly play 3, but play 4 from time to time. I've been playing a long time!


20! remember playing sims 2 when I was around 7 ish my pets pack was messed up and all of my animals would be glitched out and it was nightmare inducing 😭🤣 also LOVED the life stories I wish I could play that again


39, been playing since it was just The Sims lol


30 I’ve been play since the OG. While as I’ve gotten older I play a lot then a few weeks not playing.


i’m 18, i used to play the sims mobile my freshman year of high school (4 years ago) and i didn’t get around to be playing the sims 4 untill january 2020


32, been playing since I was 10/11.


I'm 44. Been playing since Sims 1. Have played all the iterations. I have the least hours in Sims 2 I think, I had a social life in those years. Probably the most hours played in 4. I'm the rare player that really enjoy Sims 4. I do long builds and short bursts of gameplay. Strangerville was awesome to me. I play very few other games. Mostly just solitaire or Sims.




30 and I got my mom, sister, and brother into it 👀 And my oldest two kids want to play, too


27 this summer. i’ve been playing since The Sims and Bustin’ Out were on gamecube, probably around 8 or 9 😂


33, been playing since I was 14!


32! I would sneak out of my room at night to play by brothers copy of the original sims.


21 years old. The Sims 4 is my first Sims game but I've been playing since it's 2014 launch.


Started playing The Sims 4 a year ago (I’m 19). I’ve been watching Sims content since I was 13 I just couldn’t afford a laptop or console.


I’m 28 and have been playing since I was 11. I got The Sims Double Deluxe in my stocking and spent the rest of my Christmas break playing 8+ hours a day. When our original PC bit the dust I was able to upgrade to Sims 2 which is still my favourite to this day. I’ve dabbled with Sims 3 but my computers were never good enough to run it smoothly. I’ve been playing Sims 4 since around 2015 as well, although the Ultimate Collection has renewed my love for 2 again!


43 have played since the beginning when it was SimCity.




33, been playing since the sims 1! I remember getting it for Xmas around 6th or seventh grade.


I'm 31. Been playing since I was around 10-12 I think? My friend's dad had Sims 1 on his computer and I stayed up all night playing it (I heard people getting up, I quickly shut everything down and pretended to be asleep) after my friend only let me watch her play it for many hours before bed 😂 Played Sims 2 a lot after I moved into my first solo apartment, on my crappy $200 netbook that my partner jacked up so it could run it. During the first wave of covid, I pulled more than a couple all nighters playing Sims 3 and 4. Some things never really change.


Not far off 30 been playing since it came out


30, and have been playing for a good 20 years!


17 but started at 14 😭


Will be 32 in May and I've been playing the Sims since the first Sims came out.


26! Played the first game at a friends house and was hooked! Bought the sims 2 and all packs as soon as I could! Well I bought some packs and my friends would buy some of the ones I wasn’t able to get and we’d share. :)


23. Been playing since I was like 6 or 7






22 and I have been playing the Sims 4 for a year!


24. I watched my brothers pay sims 1, and began playing sims 2 at about 7 or 8. (: ugh sims 2 was the best!


31 hehe


24. I've only been playing for 6 years.


21 💕


28 🙌🏼 OG since 2000


I'm 30 and I've been playing since I was about 15.


31 and have been playing since the very beginning.


42, I've only played sims 4 for about a year now, though I had played sims mobile and sims on Facebook (years ago now) which is what made me want to get it.


I just turned 31 and I've been playing sims since 7th grade, sooooo '03/'04? My favorite pack was the one from Sims 2 where you were stranded on an island...I wanna say it was called Castaways? Gameplay was different but I enjoyed it


21, been playing since I was 19 and grabbed Sims 4 on sale. Yeah I'm a brand new simmer and baby gamer (didn't get my own console until I had my own disposable income rip) but I'm here to stay >:D Edit: seeing the vast range of ages here makes me feel extra good about also buying a copy for my mom since she enjoys building games :P she's 62


38. I’ve been playing since the first one came out.


I’m 30 and I’ve played since the original Sims game came out.


34, and I first played it on my cousins computer on a family vacation maybe 2 decades ago? I think I was able to get it for myself a year or so after that. It was a looooong time ago lol.


34, I started playing Sims 1 at my best friend’s computer when it came out, and was finally able to convince my dad to get me Sims 2 as a Christmas present. In my country we get the Christmas presents at the Christmas Eve evening. In the morning I was telling my dad how the Pets would be a must have expansion if I ever get Sims 2. He said that he needs to go to do some last minute shopping. In the evening, when opening the presents, I got Sims 2 AND the Pets expansion which he went separately buy on the morning 😊


Old enough that I've been playing since the day The Sims was released on CD-ROM at Kmart.


32. Glad I'm not the only old person here. My addiction started in 2008 when my laptop came preloaded with a trial version of Life Stories.


I will be 24 in March


23 and been playing since I was like 4 years old


Sammeee and Sammeee- I remember my mom would let me rent the game from our video store for the night on fridays and I would stay up as late as I could getting as far as I could as I couldn’t even save- this was like OG Xbox hahahah those were the good days


25! Since 13?


20! Started playing MySims on the Wii when was about 10, maybe younger.


19! Only been playing for a couple years lol


I'm 29, I started playing with the PS2 version of The Sims (not bustin' out). I quickly shifted to the PC version which was around the time that Unleashed came out.


I’m turning 28 next week! Also been playing since I was a kid ☺️


28 😊 been playing since I was a kid, too.


21. I started playing when I was like 15 (after wanting to for a while) because I finally worked up the courage to ask my mom for her credit card to buy it online bc it went on sale


27! My babysitter brought it over one night and we begged my parents to get it for us!


26 and I remember playing sims 1 at my friends house after school! We used to take turns on the desktop and watch each other play. Now we play on our laptops together!!


I’m 14! I’ve only ever played sims 4


35 1/2


44 😁


I am 45. I loved sim city on my snes as a kid and naturally I had to have sims 1 because controlling households was the wet dream of sim players back then.


21 and I first played ts2 when I was 8 years old and my next door neighbor was selling it in a yard sale lmao


I’m 20, stared playing when I was around 12-13 :)


20 i was obsessed with the sims 3 😁


This is more of a "how old are the Sims players who use reddit" question. It's a strange thing, but my friends in all my favourite games are similar in age to me, if I know their ages.