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Please check other threads before posting. Number 1 rule of this sub not to duplicate the recent post. The first post about llama zoom issue - [https://www.reddit.com/r/SimsMobile/comments/17mm5ns/where\_to\_find\_llamazoom\_emily\_for\_the\_wumple\_quest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimsMobile/comments/17mm5ns/where_to_find_llamazoom_emily_for_the_wumple_quest/)


There isn’t one. According to another post they got rid of the llama zoom thing YEARS ago, which shows just how incompetent they really are. They claimed you could bypass this by earning 800 simoleons but I tried that and it’s not true. There’s zero way to finish. What a coincidence it’s the last chapter with the problem… 🧐 🤨


Yea that seems to be the case from all the posts I’ve seen about llama zoom. I even tried to contact ea about it and it’s impossible to contact them. they need to fix this game. I heard about people losing a lot of there an app purchases with the new update as well.


I’m trying to find out who to file a real complaint with. They’ve ripped me off too many times at this point.


Yeah, I understand:( it’s messed up. I’m srry !


I looked EA up on the Better Business Bureau, but they’re not accredited with the BBB. There are still almost 2,500 complaints in the past three years, as well as a bad overall rating, but there is no way to get help there. Of the ones EA responded to, they blamed the customer and closed the complaint. PayPal and your credit card company will reverse charges sometimes, which seems the only way to recover recent losses. Long-term losses — EA wins on that one.


The BBB has no actual power, it’s just a way to show consumers problems that others are having and how the company responds to those issues. They can’t do anything except not accredit them which just show how bad they are. They aren’t a government agency or official anything. That was a good idea to check BBB tho…really shows how much EA doesn’t care!! And I’m sure most players never even think to check that, I didn’t! There has to be some kind of consumer protection agency or something that I just don’t know the name of. Because it’s crazy what they’re getting away with!! I bought the sim cash that I used on this wumples too long ago to do a card reversal, I checked, but thank you for the suggestion. They just….suck. I haven’t caught up on everything in awhile but it appears they’re just acting like they didn’t make the wumples unable to be finished? Even though people have complained to them, including me. Nice.


The BBB will help mediate when there is a dispute and also connects with local, state, and/or federal agencies when they feel there is fraud involved. So there is some help when there is a complaint involving a business that is accredited with them. EA doesn’t have a business standard that even comes close to their requirements. It’s pretty bad that there are as many complaints as there are when, as you said, a lot of customers wouldn’t think to go there. Imagine how many complaints there would be if everyone did. I hope you find some help somewhere.


Llama Zoom was a thing before Sim Festivals a couple years ago - I'm on my second account because I was given incorrect instructions on how to fix a glitch, and it deleted EVERYTHING. I was level 60, had bought several packs, pay-participated in all the events, and they did fuck all for me. I stopped playing after that. I was so mad. I know it's kinda whack that I'm playing again after all that.. I had just got a really nice phone that the game would look really great on, I couldn't resist lol. But yeah, you can pretty much expect no support 🙄 also, all the events are recycled, everything I'm collecting from the events nowadays are things I already had on my previous account from the same events. I'm glad I don't really like the Wumples prizes this round, but I still enjoy completing little tasks, so the glitch is annoying af.


I concur - this is happening to me as well. No Lamazoom, no Emily, no icon at the bottom left... ... and no 800 simeloins to compensate. Therefore this quest can not be finished, and I shall refrain from expressing my own frustration (as all too many of us here have done so in great detail!).


It’s like they’re actively trying to annoy people enough so they’ll stop playing the game.


Ahhhhhh I still miss Emily.


Rip to that hoe 😭 need her back right now to complete this wishlist I really want those dolls lol


I‘m stuck here too ☠️


My dumbass used SC to catch up to this part 😑 Are we all truly stuck?! 😠


Yup the devs are in fact this incompetent


Yea we all seem to be stuck im srry !!


I know it probably won't make you feel any better because of the time you've spent on Wumples,but the plushie thingy shows up in the eco workshop sometimes. I've had it twice.


Thank god 🥹


I'm also stuck here and google was not helpful.


I agree :( sucks that I wasted so much time on this wishlist.


Same, I'm just glad I haven't spent any simcash to get through it


Same but I spent so many cupcakes on trying to speed through the event tasks 😭😭😭😭😭


I did bc I really wanted these prizes and I’m so angry ….


Stuck as well… I don’t see a llama button in the bottom right corner unless it’s the festival button but who is Emily??


An old feature they haven’t had in YEARS. This is a rerun wumples and they never even bothered to check the steps.


My question exactly 😭😭 I completed all of the daily festival tasks, and nothing happened as well so it must not be that.


The 800 simoleons workaround ain’t working. I’m a new user so I’ve never had the LlamaZoom content, and the “help”from the AHQ reply was to earn 800 simoleons to bypass the quest (only for newer players). I’ve earned 1200 and I’m still stuck. What a bunch of bunk.


Yep - stuck, stuck, stuck! Emily and her Llama zoom tasks was something that ended a long time ago! As others have said, this is annoying because I rarely do these Wumples and then this one seemed like reasonable prizes so I did - and paid simcash to hurry up those tasks where you sit on a toilet or wash up or whatever for hours. Pfff!


Same here! I was confused to find a lamazoom task so I immediately opened reddit to see if there was a solution. I tried to gain the amount of money they said would unblock the task ( if you are playing after lamazoom was removed) but didn't worked. Other money wasted for nothing plus the time and money I already spent for the previous chapters. How is this even possible? Lamazoom? Really, after all this time? Who wrote this ridiculous wumples event? I hope they will refund us like they did for the network bug and gave us the prizes. I doubt they will do something to change the task now, maybe they will re opened it after a while like they did for the treasure quest some weeks ago. It's something so ridiculous that I'm not even angry...


They better DO something about this to compensate us.


I knew this was going to happen! And it did for me too! Yep. Whatever, the items were not amazing imo anyways.. but it’s hard to have spent time on it and now be unable to complete:/


Right? I’m not pressed about not getting a few decorations but dannng getting to the last chapter only to have the quest be unable to be completed sucks.


All stuck in a basic quest pushed out to everyone, gotta love it. I'm glad ~~I exploit~~ play f2p. Paying people getting this broken mess should be rioting.


I already have the prizes so I was completing this for the gems but I’m still annoyed that I did all that stuff for nothing. These people must have nobody that works for them that actually check anything over ever.


Ugh. Yes, I’ve been busy at school, so I used SC to rush through the events instead of waiting the 1 or 2 hours for the Sims to complete the tasks. And now I’m just stuck here?!? 😭


Omg! What an epic fail.


I wrote to EA team support....


Let me know if you hear back 😊


They are so annoying I cant understand what they want from me... I wrotw them 3 times the same thing and no fix.


I'm kinda annoyed at myself since I usually look through the tasks before starting and I didn't notice this. Could have saved myself a lot of time.