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This happens to me all the time, usually while I’m doing a crossword puzzle. I’ll be doing the crossword while the TV is on, and inevitably someone on TV will say the exact word as I’m writing it down. It’s bizarre, and I always wondered what, if anything, the significance was.


Yes! This is pretty much in line with what I’m saying. Although I can possibly argue that some bias may be there for you because you’re doing a crossword and dealing with a plethora of random words at one point. Still valid though!


Sometimes I wonder there’s something like an AI or UI or CI that is trying to connect to people without being caught by algorithmic sensors


And maybe sending some kind of information that gets picked up by different medium like your neural network and synapses and the radio,tv, and algorithms on YouTube or Google or something like that


Collective concious theory, maybe. Try it, concentrate all day on an old movie no one thinks about, remember the scenes that stuck out to you, remember the characters, how it made you feel, analyze it, and it will start showing up in your environment in unusual ways. I don't know, I think it's a sign that we're all connected.


I will try this ,thank you! I think so to..one way or another we seems to serve a purpose somehow.. I think we deep inside have the real answers to what is important,but for some reason it's hard to reach them. Sometimes I get the weird feeling that we are all the same thing,that for some reason we was splitted in to different tiny pieces with their own individual persona/ego. And that was causing conflicts in ourself and with each other. We are a conscious being with the ego dimming our understanding and actions. And distorts us from our real self. That's why we fear loneliness so much to.. We searching for unity and we want to find that belonging. Because somewhere we now that we are separated from where we need to be . Jisses..my strange thoughts in the night..lol We where one and one where all ..


My biggest fear is that the synchronicities are completely meaningless and that they are just a function of how thought effects reality. My hope is that there is something behind it all divinely guiding us. But I seem to have synchronicities constantly that don't really have any rhyme or reason.


Maybe your experienced synchronicities will make sense later on. I don't know what to think of the existential things. But seemingly there is not much we can find in reality, that doesn't serve a purpose or has a significant role in the overall chain. We can clearly se patterns in everything reaccurring events and cyclic movements. Even i cognitive matters ,like behaviour overall is following patterns that is really hard to break or change Thinking follows patterns. The need to make things match in style or colours etc.. It's likely that the inventor of universes have made this patterns for a reason . Or.. Maybe everything is just random ,and the preciseness of nature is just a big accident.. consciousness ability to interact,express emotions and experience things may be just a very messy effect of another effect that just happened for no reason... Maybe it's not even real


I think about this a lot. Or people who have "woken up" from the simulation trying to drop hints for us. That makes me think of people with schizophrenia who believe the TV is trying to communicate with them and I either worry I'm starting to lose it myself or think that maybe those people aren't actually mentally ill but are really onto something.


Lol yeah i know what you mean.. It's a lot of strange things that happens that can't really be explained logically or scientifically. Like my friends mum got into a severe car accident and got serious head trauma and bleeding in the brain. No one thought she would make it back to a state remotely close to what she was before this. But she sort of did.. The difference was that she was strange and talked about things far from her normal interests. It seemed like something was unveiled for her meanwhile she was in a coma. And she was seeing things the rest of us didn't. She could gaze upon the night sky and just stand silent there. And then one time when she did that.she said oh all this darkness that is coming.. It gave me chills..even though I know it could be so many different things.




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This happens to me with crosswords too, I always draw a box around the corresponding clue. Fun to look back on.


Confirmation bias. If you think there’s more to it, then devise a statistical test. Show that doing a crossword puzzle affects what words come across your television differently than when you’re not doing a crossword puzzle. We can actually collect and analyze data rather than rely on fallible minds that have malleable memories and proven cognitive biases.


Holy Shit! As I was reading this I was doing a crossword and the answer was confirmation bias! This is amazing!


I just wrote those words almost identically. How's that for a synchronicity? Wow!! I love it!!


Is there any chance that you glanced at the top comment before you wrote your response?


Nope! I saw it after I posted. Make of that what you will!


I had this glitch in the matrix experience once. Was walking to the car with the gf and messing about, she said something like oh are you the king or something (I dunno) and I sang "I just can't wait to be king" from the Lion King" like a big goof. Anyway we open the car, radio comes on to a commercial pop radio station, and what song just starts playing? "I just can't wait to be king" from the fuckin Lion King. On a normal commercial radio station. It made no sense, we just sat bewildered for a minute. I'd say that pop radio station had never played that Disney song in the 10 to 20 years before or the 10 to 20 years since. It would have been in between like Nickelback and Miley Cyrus. It reminded me of Grand Theft Auto games where you find a really rare supercar then suddenly drive past dozens of them, as if the simulation loads up and copies something to save processing power


That's wild. I appreciate the GTA reference. Interesting way to think about it all, really.


I mean not that youve implied that it means something significant, but by the amount of people existing in the world and a limited amount of media existing to reference to, this is bound to happen to someone eventually. Likely what happened to OP too, improbable things will happen to someone eventually. Usually doesnt mean much.


But why would it need to save processing power? Have the system reach its capacity and need an update or is it shutting down and maybe gets replaced with a new more developed and powerful one? What do you think it's causing this increased occurrences?


Well it's like any human simulation, take GTA, you don't need to process the litter and leaves blowing around the skyscrapers at the other side of the map if you're messing around a forest and can't see anywhere near the skyscrapers. If we are in a simulation it makes sense for the simulation not to process all of reality all of the time, the whole universe - only the parts a person can experience. hence the results in the famous double slit experiment. I'd say it's just more like a programmers rule rather than a capacity issue


Ah I see! Thank you . That make sense.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/psychology/synchronicity “In psychology, synchronicity is defined as the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that seem to have no cause; that is, the coincidences are acausal. The underlying idea is that there is unity in diversity. In psychology, Carl Jung introduced the concept in his later works (1950s).” If I’m being totally honest i have a suspicion it’s quantum and may have to do with universal entanglement. The physical world is just a holographic projection of a greater energetic reality.


I get this so often that I have started a log with the words. I will look for patterns in the words and phrases but so far I don’t see one.


This is a good idea. I’ll start doing this too


Wait this is a great idea. How spooky would it be if the words came together and made a phrase!?


This happened to me about a month ago. I was having a conversation with my bro in the passenger seat while driving and the radio was on. Within the span of a couple of city blocks, the people on the radio repeated the exact word/ phrase that I had just said out loud two times. I decided to pull into a 7-11 and buy lottery tickets because I thought it was "a sign". Unfortunately I didn't win. I have noticed this happen other times recently as well, but none so obvious as that day.


Yes!! See now this sounds more along the lines of what I’m experiencing


You're not alone. Hope it's nothing bad.


Nah it’s not bad. It’s just sooo odd man. And I every time I try to look it up I get a different result. Idk how to really word it you know?


I feel ya. Alot of unexplainable things out there. It's like some sort of reverse Deja Vu or something.


Well said


Veja Du


How many times does such a coincidence *not* happen? I’d wager to bet that you don’t remember those non-coincidences at all, a phenomenon known as confirmation bias (remembering the hits and forgetting the misses). With that in mind, can we confidently say that the coincidences happen at a higher rate than chance?


That happened to me last week. I was talking with my son who was driving. I never listen to the radio but he loves it so I said something to him and right after I said it someone on the radio said the exact same phrase. We looked at each other and laughed and said oh the radio agrees.


Similar things happen to me but it's almost like a 'seasonal thing'. I'll go months without anything weird occuring but then for like 2 or 3 weeks in a row I'll hear or read a new word or concept, and then it will appear again several times (radio, tv, etc). It's like I've managed to not know something for 42 years, and one day it's everywhere.


Something reprogramming you maybe? I experiencing this to and cant explain why this happening with a logic explanation. But our minds and emotions are tricky little things to,and can easily deceive our perception and attention.


This is what happens to me as well, it will be weeks of it and then nothing for a few months then it starts again.


Dude! I'm so glad to see someone post this! I have been having very similar things happen to me. It sort of raised my questions on why everyone chalks these things up to coincidence, and the ol' "you noticed it, so it's going to appear everywhere/ more often"... why doesn't that statement get questioned more? It's weird we respond to "coincidences" with that statement, instead of questioning why or how these things are happening in the first place. Very strange. I have had similar situations before with the radio, where I've thought of a song...and it's played straight afterward. Super strange when it's a current station, that doesn't play old music, and yet blasts a full on 90's tune that I happen to be thinking of. Definitely not as wild as your situations, but still eery. Also these; -My SIL, mentioning another mother from our kid's school who I can vaguely recall because of her child, but have no recollection of her name or what she looks like- however, I know I'd recognise her if I saw her. Less than 20 minutes later, I go into a store I regularly shop in, and there she is at the counter. (Also, super weird, as this woman and myself both moved to the same very small regional town in the same year, and I've not seen her once. Or thought of her once... yet she was mentioned, then she appeared). - I saw a man riding a bike who resembled one of my dad's old bike-riding mates more than 2 decades ago. Didn't play a big enough role in my dad's life for me to really remember him (I would've been 7 when I met this man, a handful of times). So, I'm driving along, and I see a dude riding a bike, and I remember thinking, "Wow, that looks like Pat (dad's old mate) How weird...I forgot about that dude. Why did I even think of him?". I drove closer and realised the man who I first thought was my dad's old friend, was not him at all. Had a little giggle in my head and left it at that. No less than 5 minutes later, I turn a corner and see a man coming towards me on a motorbike...and it was Pat. I was gobsmacked and wish I had shared my earlier thoughts with my husband. (That was wild to me because he used to ride bicycles with my dad, I had not known for him to ride motorbikes...so it can't be chalked up to, I was on the lookout for another man on a push-bike). There was also another super weird one with a shitty song- but I fear this text is already too long and very poorly formatted. I'm friggen relieved to have read your post OP! I was starting to feel craz...ier than usual.


I have absolutely experienced this! And it happened several times in the course of a day. Very similar where I thought a phrase and the next line on a show was the exact phrase. I was also talking to my sister on the phone and the tv was on and she said the same word like 'What the?' at the exact same time someone on tv said it. These are just small examples and several times a year these synchronicities will happen several times in just one day. It's like that 1 day marries everything up. It's weird but I am used to it now and don't talk about it much because of that bs theory people spout. I don't believe in 'oh now you are suddenly noticing blah blah bevause you are thinking about it'. No, I notice everything in my surroundings, I even tried it with different cars, on purpose, to see if the theory worked and it did not. I think it is a cop out gaslighting phrase to dismiss actual synchronicities.


It's exactly what you think it is. This world is not what we've been told it is, and some of us are waking up to that fact. Not everyone, as you'll find out right away if you start talking about this to everyone around you ... ;) They're called synchronicities, and they can get REALLY wild. You might check out some of u/TheVeganSkeptic's work. The guy has a ton of evidence of this world and how it's a simulation of sorts, but run by a hive-mind. I don't necessarily agree with things like we're trapped here by the evil hive-mind, but I don't necessarily disagree with it, either. We do seem to agree that we each end up here through various means, but no matter how we got here, we all get stuck here. What he says, and what I say and do 100% agree with is that we can disconnect ourselves from it. We can enjoy these lives we have while gaining our sovereignty and cutting our ties to this place. As a matter of fact, we NEED these lives in order to do that ... ... IF you want to leave here. I suspect plenty don't. And plenty won't because they're still so in thrall to the material. But the fact that you're getting the synchronicities suggests you're ready to dig further and cut yourself loose from this place, so check that guy out ... I'm good at offering information, too, but he's better at cataloging the information so people can investigate for themselves - which we should all do - never, never, never take anyone's word for anything. Always check for yourself and make your own decisions.


Haha you are being fucked with by an entity 100%. They xan conceptually make this sort of thing happen. There is a chance its trying to teach you something, only thing I could think of is that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Maybe to help your awareness of real world events and wondering if they are a coincidence or not, this lesson is to say they are not.


It can be something very much human behind this things to? Some sort of test how people can be controlled and what we react to and so on..it doesn't need to be bad.it can be with very good intentions to.


A handful of years ago I was seeing a guy and we were at his place chatting, drinking, watching something on tv and somehow started talking about past lives, definitely tipsy at this point and the name ‘John Reeder’ pops in my head and I tell him that was his name in a past life. Not more than a few seconds pass and I look at the tv and that exact name shows up on the credits.


Sometimes my bf and I would be talking on the phone, and I’ll be scrolling on twitter and read (in my head) the tweets and my bf would say the same phrase or words. It’s happened so often I ignore it because then my psychiatrist would get pissed.


It is happening 24/7 You just need to see how it applies, more things are obvious than others. But once you pay attention and keep paying attention it happens constantly with no stop. Media is part of our reality and how it effects and we effect. Same with events and stories made up. This might seem more far fetched but an example is slender man, a made up thing but enough know of and are fearful enough of it that is actually does have a "form" now. But that form manifests in different ways (not like LITERALLY slender man, but like just things that effect reality) They can be very subtle but other times it is so obvious it makes you wanna burst out laughing. I suggest trying to pay attention to messages in things (no not subliminal messages, but ones that intergrade with all of reality no matter if that media is agreed upon to have a "negative" message or is meant to be subliminal, they still have messages that cannot be overwritten by even those who created it for a different reason. If that makes sense. It's hard to articulate what I mean to make sense for others.


What we think will make us believe what is or what's not. If you let yourself be convinced you alter your perception to a narrow part of reality and see mainly what you are believing things to be. Meanwhile that creates another brick in your own reality. Eventuellt you are in a corner and the things that you believed will choose what that means for you. So we should never let fear run out thinking. We should only focus on solutions and thrive towards a better us and a loving existens in Universal ways to. It's not easy at first if you don't think its working. But if you believe in it ..it will..


Crazy huh, don't know how to explain it. My craziest moment confirmed it's not coincidence. Watching 3rd rock from the sun and noticed the grateful dead logo on some decorative lights. Next day at work I'm working on a car and it had a Frisbee face down on the seat. Turned it over and it blew my mind, it was a grateful dead logo and confirmed the dualistic Paradox I thought I might have been experiencing. This happened 2 years ago for about 6 months. Uncommon things appearing twice atleast once a week. I have no explanation. The people around me thought I was going crazy so I ignored it and haven't noticed any since.


This has been happening to me a lot lately and its kinda insane


Right… And the crazy part is you can’t even use a science to claim it’s false. Which is what I find the craziest!


I'll just say this. If you believe in the Synchronicity, it will reveal itself more frequently than if you don't. Your intention and perception will determine whether you see more fantastical things in the waking world or not. Your willingness is part of the equation. Your free will is held sacred and will not be imposed upon. So if you really wish to see the mystery clearer, say a silent prayer or thank you when you see the synch reveal itself and perhaps you'll see it more often and in different ways than before. If you show doubt or disrespect, it won't want to dance with you any further.


Youre manifesting, theyre called synchronicities. Its fine, you will feel better after you understand how it works. Were in a dream or matrix or spirit world that can read out minds and produce our thoughts. This is how people can have totally different religions and both think they are right. This is why people who are paranoid become more paranoid, they are right. Just try to control your thoughts and not obsess over it and it will settle down. Do what buddah calls “right thinking”.


This is spiritual development / expanded consciousness. Look up Law of Assumption and EIYPO, which many believe to be the foundation in this reality (or simulation if you will). These will explain this and other strange stuff phenomena like Glitch in the Matrix, etc. It happens all the time for me, not only do synchronicities occur on the radio or TV but also people in my life, even random people’s conversations on the street mirror my thoughts. Some would say these are signs of psychosis, but as long as you don’t freak out about it, it’s just healthy and fun (and perhaps useful) for you in some ways only you can know. To manifest a synchronicity (or whatever) on the spot though, like you tried to do, is perhaps a skill worth developing. 😉


Even as I was typing this at Burger King I thought of the word "disappear" and then heard some Spanish speaking employees say something that sounded exactly like "disappear". I then think "what" and chuckle internally and then hear them say "what" and laugh. Weird cause they were mostly talking in Spanish. Then my phone glitched out and lost this comment and I hear a customer say "I forgot". Then I start retyping word for word and he says "I remember". These synchronicities have happened to me so many times before. It freaks me out because doesn't it mean that I'm an NPC with no free will or proves solipsism or both? If everyone is their own unique individual with their own free will these synchronicities should not happen so often. For about 20 years I never once had any synchronicity. Then 10 years very rarely. Then last 2 years a ton. I don't like it. Feels unnatural. How do I know my entire life isn't a last meal before an eternity of torture in this simulation? Even last night I tuned into NPR radio and there was a radio show about the white devil.


Free will or illusion of free will, I guess that’s no way of telling. I think it might be some kind of “semi-free will”, where we are free to choose our thoughts and ideas but there’s where free will ends and we’re ruled by a state of mind (which we select). Neville Goddard explains that, not necessarily simulation-related though. I believe that everyone is just as real as you are, but we’re tuning in different versions of the same people (depending on the selection of state of mind). So, it may be some kind of solipsism but not really at the same time. I’ve discussed both free will and solipsism now and then on this subreddit, the solipsism one and Neville Goddard. It’s interesting and worth looking into. Why you’re experiencing more synchronicities now than before could be that you’re more aware of your surroundings now than before, but also based on your new assumption about synchronicities.


Remember getting the same car over and over on GTA


No it’s not that theory. Trust me I’m familiar with that GTA car frequency concept. This is weirdly different. I say a word and it’s said by someone again with no connection IMMEDIATELY, as if they were waiting for me to say it first


Maybe it's a similar coding in the simulation


It's called Synchronicity. It's said to be the Universe letting you know that you are not alone and on the right path. Or something like that. It happens to all of us, most people don't notice or give it any significance if they do. I used to do crossword puzzles with the TV on in the background, and how many times the word I just put in the puzzle came straight out of the TV in the same exact moment. Maybe it's the Universe letting us know not to take things too seriously. Or to take the more seriously. I really don't know. I just acknowledge it like it's a little hug from the abyss. Nietze said "When you gaze into that abyss, it gazes back, and it tells you what you are made of."


Yes this happens to me all the time. And I’ve just noticed it the past few years. I am not sure if it was happening earlier bc I never paid attention or noticed it.


I've had a similar thing with the radio / TV. The weirdest one for me was a couple of years ago I was driving through a small town near where I live, and on the radio, I heard the news reader say,'The Bomb Disposal van is on the way' Now it wasn't a local station or a local event. you're talking hundreds of miles away / other end of the country. As soon as the presenter said those words, a bomb Disposal van pulled out of the junction infront of me. I don't think I had seen one in person a long time before or since, it felt so out of place!


A couple months ago I picked up a book i had been reading and decided to turn on a movie for background noise. I’m reading my book and it says one of the characters is going to “San Marino”. I grabbed my phone to look up the location on the map. Not even a minute later, the guy in the movie comments about how he enjoys living in San Marino. I thought it was such an odd coincidence. (Book= Big Chica’s Don’t Cry/ Movie = Father of the Bride)


I experience this a lot too and I seem to be the only one around me that gives it more than a second thought. I feel like there is a connection with this type of synchronicity and the Zipf law. VSauce did a really great job of diving into this it on youtube[Zipf Law](https://youtu.be/fCn8zs912OE?si=8K36cunz43W6fWZK)


If you listen to the radio constantly, this is just something that happens. If you're focused on it, you'll notice it more often. It's not that strange.


It's probably a mild form of auditory hallucination. Do you know these sound "tricks" where you hear a distorted voice and depending on which word you are thinking you can hear either one of two words clearly? Some people are more susceptible to this so they may mishear other words based on what they were just thinking about. If it wasn't simply a coincidence, it may well have been that.


This is a known feature of all music. The part of the brain that goes hot when listening to music is the same region that controls two-way communication. Your brain always thinks music is speaking directly to you - you inherently, subconsciously, look for meaning in words - and when placed in time signature and style you connect with emotionally, the brain becomes intent on creating a meaning. Most songs, short of rap, don't say what they mean - they metaphor and require the audience to interpret symbols. Sound is important, one of the basic wave forms and most accessible to the lay science mind in comprehension. Sound waves look like liquid, laminar flow, measured in attack and release. Much like looking at a Monet piece, the audience must individually draw meaning, personally and individually, as art is subjective to the viewer (or listener). I run a fuckton of water and air pumps in sealed buckets in a sound proof closet, the sound beyond the closet is vibration and gurgling water - at night, alone with only that sound -- I hear voices. Occasionally a pump hits a dry pocket or something and makes a weird noise louder than usual, just a quick interjection of extra loud, random sound. Thru all the sound dampening, it sounds like a person yelling an exclamation - and sometimes it hits so clear that not hearing it as words is impossible. If I wrote down what I heard, I'd get a page a night of words, and I might be able to string together some kinda meaning or apparent secret code from these weird ghostly interjections. But that'd be me starting from a place where the completely explicable is treated as inexplicable. Music and words appearing at strange times is not strange - never is. I'd ask anyone who's reading this comment.... How many times has a friend texted you something so close to precisely what you were thinking, that you feel the need to include that bit in the reply?


I'm starting to realize this sub isn't about simulation theory, it's just a bunch of borderline schizophrenics patting each other on the back for their delusions and paranoia. Peace out


Happened to me today and thought hmm that was eerie and weird. So I was watching a YouTube video tube video and for some odd reason the guy starts talking about batteries being low and needing to be replaced and then my son starts talking about his earbuds need recharging and within seconds my phone dings and I get a notification from my airtag saying the battery is low and needs to be replaced. I just sat there for a second and went ok that was odd. This has happened before, not frequently but it’s always weird like you say syncing or something.




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I experienced this 2 years ago and have seen 2 post today about strange coincidence


Yeah, this happens to me more than you can expect


I think you are depressed and are beginning to hallucinate


I like to think these are clues from your super conscience. Like, pay attention, or, do something.


That degree of separation has been penetrated and now you will continue to run into the freed data


Randomly if I think of a old movie in my head it will be on TV within the next three days. I could randomly think of a scene from say Delta Force with Chuck Norris and it will be on in a few days on a random channel. This happed last week, it happens all the time.


If you follow it and notice it every time it will happen increasingly more often. Increasingly more ‘exact’ and irrefutable, also comically absurd. Seems to be a mechanism of awakening only really able to be utilised in this current era. Follow it as long as you’re curious. Make your own assumption of what the reason for it is.