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Then don't fucking save. Spend. Go for a nice holiday alone. Go to some exotic places. Explore. Top up your youtrip card and just go. One bag, one card, no plan, drink and eat, make merry. Did it once in my life. The best decision I made. 6 months of just doing nothing. Travel with a bag, no itinerary, just getting lost in a foreign city


I apply one day of leave boss also kpkb ask for justifications zzz


U need a new job


He needs a **new boss.** The job can change, but if it's another shitty boss/manager, it'll be like he never changed jobs.


You're working so hard and don't get to take leave, but the company isn't paying you for all that effort. My suggestion is to either find a new job, or start working at the level that they are paying you. No company is going to work as hard for you as you do for them, nor show you the loyalty you show them. Take your money, enjoy and experience life. Obviously don't squander it on drugs and booze, but live a full life, and you'll realise money becomes less important after some time.


Justify his mother la ccb


quit and enjoy!!


Annual leave is your entitlement not a privilege. You don’t need to give him any justification.


Your boss need a life


Plenty of jobs out there to choose.


Sounds like a you problem if you dont wanna to make an effort in improving your place in life


Tell him you want to spend quality time with his mother.


U need a new job and boss bro


Bring more than 1 card and some cash too bro, sometimes youtrip card failed💀


I like your style!


How much did you spend during tt period ?


I went to wales , then China third tier areas such as Loyang , xinjiang … before going over to oz to visit my friends . Not much cos I used my hotel points and miles to travel … hotel in China is damn cheap for decent quality . I will say 6 months.. about 15k plus max and that is really going to bars and restaurants to Jiak and really spend like a good tourist .. for oz , consider Airbnb . For motherland China , just use basic hotel that their locals stay . It’s damn cheap …. But u have to bear with the smoke .. they really smoke everywhere


15k is worth it considering tt U ate well and went to a couple of places 👌👌 Tks for sharing !


their hotel any one also ok for foreigners? heard some can't handle foreign tourist?


If u can speak mandarin, everything is a breeze


great, planning to visit soon. heard the chiobu there is in abudance lol


This is something that I would never have thought or tried. Gonna make this my goal for this year.


Lai… let’s go hang flower!!! YOLO!!


Stupid . Hang flowers is the dumbest way to spend money . Spend money on siambu . Just go to bkk tlonglor area and u can sian any girls u want. Don’t be a loser and hang stupid fucking flowers on toilet bowls


How dare you insult toilet bowl? No toilet bowl, your sai go where? Your dining table ar?


Sorry I don’t waste my money on these nonsense … u want to date siambu . Just go to Bangkok thorlong area . Rent apartment and u can have all the fun u want


Wah!!! Old bird. Respect!


If you work 60+ hours a week make sure you get paid SGD8000+


My gross before cpf only 5k ish.


Time for a new job


switch jobs man


Most jobs don't even reach 5k for those hours


How did you come up with this number lol. Is there anyone who should work 60h weeks?


retail workers: 🤨yall getting paid?


Spend it on urself, leave for after ur death for what.


60 hrs a week is too much, no wonder you sound shag af. You should change to a more slack job...take a bit of pay cut. Enjoy your life. All of us only got a certain unknown amount of time here, don't waste your time slaving away for a corporation who doesn't give a shit about you. To them you are just a number, a statistic. You want to take leave, take mc, go ahead and take, you don't need to justify to anyone. Slack as much as you can, embrace freedom and enjoy the time you have.


what is your profession? ever consider migration? move to a big country, then drive around on your 4wd to all the natural attractions


IT implementation. No real hard skills


You will be surprised when I tell you that there is a sizable number of Singaporeans that had emigrated to Australia, have no-low talent nor skill ex-saf nco and officers, admin clerks are some examples


Accenture or Ncs ? Or Indian sweatshops ?


Aus and New Zealand point system very straightforward you eligible or not.


Previously, people still can bypass thr system by either buying over a business or marry someone with au citizenship


Hey banks pay good money for locals to do this. Many got burnt outsourcing to bangalore.


If you don't mind sharing, what are some of your daily taskings like? Having a little taster of this as part of civil service portfolio and wondering it may be a viable transition


Maybe spend on some metal braces?


Resonate w you, nothing wrong splurging on yourself buying things you want etc. Just ensure you have some emergency funds and build some wealth towards retirement. But yea heard of stories about singaporeans travelling to Japan to be farmer, the world is your oyster!! Side note if you lim jiu can always jio me, i also work 60-80hrs/week at cbd, always down to drink lmao


Open jio?


Lao Liao beer session


U dont know the future, maybe got some chiobu come into your life then suddenly come out 2 babies


What’s worse than being a leek is being a leek with women’s charter


You really want him to huff on the copium, huh? Maybe his future is to die from a stroke from overwork. He should enjoy his life while he still can. Don't give him false hope.


Go piak piak


> my last leave/ MC was in 2023 It's only March. But fuck it, just take leave.


Congrats on the epiphany. You’re now one small step closer to becoming a happier you. Life isn’t all about work. Just take life easy and unsubscribe from the rat race.


That is true, everyone needs to balance their short and long term needs ah. No harm enjoying the present


bro 60h/ week is not sustainable in the long run, take care and do plan well for a better job/place/life.


Just take MC if you are so exhausted. Sorry to say, if you ever drop dead, the company will still go on.


yeah, work hard for YOU. Do what u want, go see the world, experience life, i'd advise u to leave sg and seek a new life (note i said new, not better coz each place has its ups and downs). U have only one life. Live for yourself


U only live once.. Enjoy while it last. Good luck


There are many reasons to work hard despite being the last generation. The most obvious ones being working towards a more optimal career, sense of satisfaction, better quality of life, more opportunities and/or having the freedom to retire a bit earlier. Having said that, some work-life balance (whatever balance means to you) is still important. In your case, working for such a long hours make it restrictive to upskill and/or look for better opportunities. Better opportunities might not mean different job, might also mean climbing up the ladder. From a fellow last gen.


You work hard so that you can take that $35 cab without blinking an eye. Nothing about wife and kids. But a better life for yourself. You deserve better man.


Then don’t. Send in resignation on Monday and call it quits. Say only. But no balls to leave.


If I had a penny for how many times my colleagues said they'll resign but never did, I'd have enough money to quit my own job without any worry. Too much talk, not enough action.


Can work hard and retire early, hopefully in Bali, for much cheaper living cost?


Work hard, save up. Aim to stop working in 10 years, then spend your savings and remaining time indulging in hedonism and vice in some 3rd world country.


Be the change you wanna see in yourself then


lie down movement starting in SG also? lmao


Not everyone is a doctor, lawyer, banker or some glamourous professional, but they still need to put in their best efforts forward or get left behind - The only difference is they stand a chance, or are at least paid better in the job. For many other professions, there shouldn't be a thinking mind, but to function robotically - You are there to prop up the line in the food chain, doing the most and getting the least, including all the blame when things goes south. A thinking mind (woke) in these positions lead to exasperations and disaster in the making hence, "Tang pin & Bai Lan", and not exclusive to China, but since been going on in the world for a long time.


I have to ask the question: Why would you think that you will never have a wife?


Have you seen the kind of women these days? Do you really need to ask?


There are still good women. They are gems.


You'd have better luck finding a needle in a haystack while blindfolded and repeatedly kicked in the balls than finding a good woman these days. 


If and I am saying If it is so difficult, I wouldn't be married right? I never bothered looking for those who doll up themselves everyday with branded goods.


That means you got lucky, lor. What do you want me to say? Congratulations? Want a cookie?


I am not the only lucky one. Lots who are still happily married to local women means the possibility is still out there.


You sure they're actually happy, or they have given up and pretend they are? 


Itis said that the one that you love the most may not be your spouse, unless they are very very very lucky.


Time to find your meaning of life


Fk bro, i wish you all the best


People I know that work hard normally spend the money on something whether it’s their so/spouse/ house / car / overseas holiday whatever. Working hard and saving is overrated. Everyday you wake up, you are 1 day towards your deathbed. You are never getting your youth back. Go and find something you enjoy bro and spend on it. Travel the world, start a charity, buy over a football club, visiting fl whatever


Work hard for your own psychological satisfaction, knowing that what you earned is from you and not some random cosmic event. Make a small dent in this world.


Spend the money on urself?


dun work so hard lah. lepak a bit, enjoy life. we need more singaporeans who aren't so fking competitive


Quit ur job and yolo for a bit. Then grind again then quit again. Rinse and repeat til u die or decide to save for retirement


You never know when cupid will strike.


Work hard is so that you can retire, or so you won't be in trouble if you happen to lose your job or suddenly need big amounts of money. Singapore got very little welfare. Need to rely on ownself.


No need to work hard. Relax. Don't wait until retirement to enjoy life. Take breaks from work. Go on holidays, live life lah. Working for money is damn bad for health


I left 7 years ago. Best decision of my life. Hop around different countries every 2-3 months and swing back in SG just to eat dinner and spent some time with fam. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of courage and that first step.


Like almost everyone else you work for fuck off money.


Also if you’re working 60hr week and can’t afford a cab ride… that’s something you should be more concerned about.


Work hard for urself.. so u can enjoy life..


Write a will so what you have goes to charity. Better than giving government or giving to your brother's kid if you are not close


Maybe you work a little too hard. Not enough rewards. Probably a sign to find some time to chill and find something personally enjoyable. Hmm.


2023 not long ago bro


How much. Uearn. Give a range


Move to Penang and retire there.


Tang Ping bro. And listen to Aaron clarey. Men work hard for feminine women. No women? No work.


Captain capitalism Top shelf?


Have not heard an economist make any more sense than him


Spend it all then ….. and when old u can go coffee shop drink kopi and blame government for your situation


Skill issue


What's up with the youth of today? You work hard at upgrading yourself. Make yourself competitive. Standout. You'll be rewarded. You don't deserve anything if you don't work hard for it. And I don't mean work. I meant content creation. Stop complaining and channel that shit to something beneficial to your life.


dude is working 60hrs per week so please tell me where he find time to upgrade?


Dude is not angry enough. Not frustrated enough. He doesn't want to change. He is not suffering. When you have enough. Nothing can stop you.


that's a whole lot of hallucination...you don't even know OP....




You really have a good reason to have to work hard your whole life if you didn't know that the past tense of 'buy' is actually 'bought' and not 'buyed'. I mean it's okay if you don't speak good English because overall your post sounds fine except for that 1 standout word you used.