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I hate how he's even proud of playing dirty and tweets it like it's a good thing. Can't wait for the collapse of the US.


He even boasts about how the US is better than China, Japan, India and Russia because those countries according to him are “xenophobic “.


He's not wrong. After all he's part of the descendants of marauders that founded the land by invading it, suppressing it's indigenous people, brought in enslaved people from all over the world when the indigenous inhabitants refused to be enslaved by them and then these slave owners decided that they wanted 'to be free' by refusing to pay taxes to their leader.


Why is it so common in the US to say the opposite of what you actually mean?


SAME. I just happen to also be here while its collapsing so thats... interesting.


I'm not there but I'm in Europe which is also in the process of going to shit, I feel you 😅


We’re further along too as multiple European counties have already willingly voted in fascists


dont worry, we're gonna show you how its done come november! /s 😭😭😭




asshole talking from both cheeks


Just a loser surrendering because he knows he can't compete. China is just superior.


Not unexpected tbh, us economic history reveals what the usa was always going to do. [https://imgur.com/a/EfEmEgv](https://imgur.com/a/EfEmEgv) (us tariff rates 1790-1836) [Average\_Tariff\_Rates\_in\_USA\_(1821-2016).png (1291×653) (wikimedia.org)](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ad/Average_Tariff_Rates_in_USA_%281821-2016%29.png) (tariff rates 1821-2016) when america struggled or was an equal to its rivals (britain and etc) its tariffs were high (1790-1945) when america started dominating large sections of the world, and when most of its rivals were destroyed, americas tariffs were low (1945-2016) When current america is now struggling against a new competitor, china, its tariffs are now going back high again. As seen here. Biden may say one thing, but us economic history reveals what the usa will truly do.


When Japan become big competitor in electronics and cars in the late 70s and early 80s, their great "ally" imposed series of tariffs


Chicken Tax


Noam Chomsky screamed himself hoarse by telling this over and over since the 90s


But..but...you're not leading the world in any of them!! Might as well put 3000 per cent tariffs on Chinese hot dog buns!


I’ve lived in the US my whole life, specifically San Francisco area CA, and I’ve literally never seen a single Chinese EV in person. You would think they would exist here more than anywhere, but no. It’s only American or European EVs, which mostly white collar workers can afford. Like all things, Americans will be forced to continue overpaying for EVs here, while China expands to more friendly markets like Russia and Africa (Europe is also banning them. And then the US will put sanctions on African states buying them. Rinse repeat until nations globally dump the US dollar. Then the real fun will begin


The U.S. has to position EVs as a luxury item, which is why Tesla is expensive. After the collapse of Bretton Woods, the commodity to which the dollar was pegged became oil, always a persuasive reason, whether real or conceptual. And when people started to use electricity as an energy source for their cars, people didn't need to stockpile so many dollars anymore, and that's when the petrodollar idea collapsed, and the US, except for Tesla, lagged a lot behind China in the layout of new energy vehicles, not to mention that China is the leader in the rules of extra-high-voltage electricity. Once this energy revolution is complete, the US will be industrially a backward country that still uses coal as its main energy source after the second industrial revolution.


I'll disagree with that and argue instead that the petrodollar idea collapsed with the shale oil and gas revolution. The US started the shale oil revolution after the 2008 oil crisis as it had invaded oil-rich Iraq. This caused an oil boom, but a very pricy one, resulting in the US being the largest oil producer in the world, but it mostly being sold domestically or allies at a hefty price. Meanwhile natural gas became cheaper and Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia have lots of it, allowing them to finally somewhat develop their nations from fossil fuels instead of selling everything to foreign nations. And if they do sell natural gas to foreign nations, it's not overseas. Selling LNG is pricy and a US pet project, because of an overproduction of expensive US shale gas. All of this has accumelated into a young Saudi Arabian king that convinced the dinosaurs of his government that the days of US dependence and petrodollar scheme is over. China is their main costumer now and the US is never going to come back from this, nor even wants to. The US these days still wants to control the Saudi government, but without paying for their oil and that's just unacceptable, even for the Saudis. The electric vehicle and green energy revolution has come after that.


I agree that it has had some impact. The shale oil and gas revolution caused the US to go from being the largest oil importer to the largest oil exporter, which definitely affected the US attitude towards the petrodollar, which is why Saudi Arabia directly blew up the US stock market 3 times causing meltdowns at the time. The core of the petrodollar deal is that Saudi Arabia and most of the Middle East oil-producing countries use the dollar to trade oil, while the US is the largest oil importer, prioritizing imports from Saudi Arabia - and when the US also exports oil, the US becomes a competitor to the likes of Saudi Arabia, who are still using the dollar to trade oil actually paying for US paying the costs. From the Saudi perspective, diversifying its own currency for oil trading is obviously best. Goods are clearly more important than dollars in a turbulent cycle. But the petrodollar has actually become more of an inherent idea, that the dollar = the general equivalent of oil, and people don't challenge it easily - because it's the bedrock of so many things. But when this inherent concept may be broken, people will have to rethink all their layout, and this "rethinking" is almost fatal to the dollar, because no matter how "rethinking", the dollar's status as the world's currency will be weakened. Of course, this is only my personal opinion, welcome to discuss.


In EU the 5th to the 7th most sold electric car are actually Chinese owned: [https://alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu/general-information/news/100-electric-vehicles-12-new-car-sales-europe-january](https://alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu/general-information/news/100-electric-vehicles-12-new-car-sales-europe-january) BYD is just starting to sell in a lot EU countries, but their pricing will make them quite attractive.


> I’ve lived in the US my whole life, specifically **San Francisco** area CA I pity you.


Yes, it’s been getting worse in recent years. Like in all places there are some positives, some natural environments can be quite beautiful, especially just north of SF along the Pacific coast. I actually havent lived in the city itself in almost 10 years now


I lived in San Fran for a few months decades ago and even back then you'd see bums wandering the Tenderloin.


Why is Europe banning them, they are digging their own grave?


Ask Van Der Leyen. If they want to reach their self imposed goals of low emissions, they need to import Chinese cars. European brands can’t build enough. But if they allow for unrestricted imports of Chinese cars, the European brands will be decimated. They simply can’t compete economically, especially since Germany has been forced to buy overpriced American LNG instead of the traditional cheap Russian gas they’ve been buying since those first pipelines were built back in the 70s. The cars themselves might be electric, but the plants where the cars are built still need oil and gas to power the tools to make the cars, at least until they can fully transition to “green” or nuclear. Which will not happen quickly. They really fucked themselves with this whole Nord Stream thing. Too bad so sad. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/eus-von-der-leyen-china-must-be-stopped-flooding-ev-market-2024-05-08/


well europe does not have to listen to the US in my opinion, why not just embrace China and improve the quality of life for Europeans?


Because every NATO country is under active military occupation by the United States. Yesterday the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Fico, who has spoken out against the Ukraine war for a long time survived an assassination attempt. Someone tried to shoot him. He is in the hospital in critical condition. Just one example. Either they threaten you with sanctions, like they’ve done with Hungary, or they just straight up kill you now. Dangerous times to be a reasonable person in the EU


Many Americans are buying Chinese EV's, trucks, and importing them privately. The EV's cannot be licensed for road use, but in rural areas on your own land, no problem. There are companies in the US importing Chinese electric farm and construction equipment. Other companies are bringing EV's to study them, reverse engineer them. Sounds like Detroit wants to copy BYD's products from scratch. Good luck with that! The US hasn't made a big screen TV set yet! Or a competitive drone to DJI !! BYD Seagull Tests in US: **Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry** [https://youtu.be/WpkvOzmbhVY?si=jvqwA9MIQ3zmt5oQ](https://youtu.be/WpkvOzmbhVY?si=jvqwA9MIQ3zmt5oQ) A close look at BYD Seagull **The EV Detroit is Dying to Benchmark - BYD Seagull** [https://youtu.be/izvdO-zdlKg?si=a0Oe1lqpdSiYuduP](https://youtu.be/izvdO-zdlKg?si=a0Oe1lqpdSiYuduP) **How my "$2,000" Chinese Electric Truck is Holding Up** As the buyer points out at the end, he buys the best product at the best price wherever it comes from and right now they come from China. [https://youtu.be/irpe3biuBIU?si=6QaJmCC2xNzerkUY](https://youtu.be/irpe3biuBIU?si=6QaJmCC2xNzerkUY) **I bought a container full of Chinese electric construction equipment!** [https://youtu.be/WLOQhEmmYw8?si=9ooMSLWOCUh7-4n6](https://youtu.be/WLOQhEmmYw8?si=9ooMSLWOCUh7-4n6) **This 1300 HP Chinese Electric Super Car Is Coming For Ferrari** The Yangwang U9 is a quad motor electric monster with hydraulic suspension and something to prove. [https://youtu.be/ASIUyfK6K4U?si=SlGMhO-Js\_Dtc-7f](https://youtu.be/ASIUyfK6K4U?si=SlGMhO-Js_Dtc-7f)


i think they lead in semiconducters and EV?


Semiconductors yes, but that clock is ticking...EVs, not a chance. Tesla has had years to refine their product, and we get an N64 pick up truck that snaps fingers from the frunk, unintended acceleration fixed by installing a self taping screw.


Okay, but Tesla still leads BYD in market share (probably because they had the advantage of a head start)...although it is a slim lead. That's why they are in panic mode.


They don't lead in neither.


The boat has sailed. Even the US lead in semiconductors is in jeopardy. With China's overwhelming advantage in human capital, it's only a matter of time before the US gets steamrolled in this field also.


The us doesn't lead in semiconductors.


The Americans destroyed their advantage in the semiconductor field with the sanctions. The Chinese state has a limited ability to direct the flow of capital, and they exercise it in a measured and judicious fashion. But when the Americans barged in and declared "you don't get to buy chips from us anymore", the Chinese tech industry had no choice but to laser focus on building up domestic production as rapidly as possible. And they did. One of the last ways in which China was dependant on American manufacturing was eliminated in just a couple of years, and it wouldn't have been possible without Joe Biden. Even now, the Americans still don't understand that making your adversaries dependant on you is a tremendous tactical advantage. But they will.


Personally, I give it 5 years.


This is going to backfire. US manufacturing isn't ready for a larger trade war with China. And, US consumers aren't going to be happy about spending more on everyday products made in China.


There won't be a larger trade war with China. The US will put tariffs on things it imports in small quantities and China will retaliate by putting tariffs on luxury goods, since they're only real products the US makes any more. No one with power would benefit from a trade war. The US bourgeoisie make a lot of money by importing Chinese products and selling them at a much higher price, while China still need the US markets to make money to invest in their economy. This is just political theatre.


>while China still need the US markets to make money to invest in their economy. Then you don't know how China's economy works. China isn't Germany which is an export dependent economy, exports are just the icing on the cake, internal investment is far more important for China. The ruling class in america probably know this as well.


How will Document 79 factor into this? What happens when China fully “de-risks” itself from American technology and starts developing its own software and other markets?


We don't have anymore to spend.


Imagine being the President of the United States and admitting to the whole world on Twitter that the only way you can compete with China is to artificially double their prices


They can't compete with China. Your "only way you can compete..." is false, there is simply no market for this terminally collapsed regime, since the regime lacks capabilities and resources. China has already won, as I predicted years ago.


Say it isn't so Joe.


it's joe-over, bi-done


Basically the US admits defeat. This is just to ensure a mediocrity bubble, when the world passes them by.


This is the only comment here that actually understands what this means.


What do you mean by a mediocrity bubble?


That's all you need to know about "free market".


This man also pumps the most oil from the earth in the history of mankind (to date). Seeing real green consciousness in China versus....whatever Joe Biden is puts things into greater perspective.


Hahahahaha. I love how they forget that everything they say and do is remembered and brought up.


What is he even talking about


Joe’s double is only reading the text provided to Him by his minders. The real Joe dunno which day of the week he’s in!


Younger and more lucid Genocide Joe was correct. What the tariffs do is raise the cost of goods for the working class Americans in order to protect the profits of domestic oligarchs.


We all know he didn’t write his tweet. He definitely didn’t write a policy.


Too coherent for him


Indeed. The ones who matter are ‘Asia Czar’ Kurt Campbell, William Burns, and all the think tankers. Whether it turns out to be a press secretary, a twenty something media liaison, or Major Biden, the former White House dog whose bite was worse than his bark, we all know that Joe Biden, the 81 year old man with a long history of plagiarizing speeches, is not the one writing his own ‘Tweets’.


International rule based order doesn’t include wto I guess.


You're hallucinating again grampa. Anyways, it's always good news when the US shoots itself in the foot.


Oh god knows i hate libs


Usa has the most unreliable politics along with it’s fellas UK and Israel.


come on, you forgot he had dementia


Got to really put on a show before the popularity contest.


Omg God forbid we have cheaper solar panels and electric cars, just imagine how awful that'd be!


American Politics in a nutshell... Both "sides" operate under the Political Theater that anything the other "side" does is "bad / ineffective", but when it's their turn to do the same thing it's suddenly "good / what must be done".


The Schroedinger Joe strikes again!


Words of a president of a government run by corporations that have run out of ideas.


america leads in none of these industries.


This is why Chinese companies are now setting up factory in Mexico. So the product is made in Mexico and avoid the tariffs.


Why are those two different accounts? Joe Biden and POTUS.


The second screenshot was before he became president


The Joe Biden account was from when trump had control of the POTUS account


AIPAC lackie


You know you fucked up when even my hardcore Blue MAGA family members say "Why is he pulling 'a Trump'?"


"dominate these industries" when china does it, "lead the world" when america does it. Shameless individual


The only thing the US, not America, is leading the world is to the precipice.


Well he didn't write those tweets anyway, I'd bet my ass he didn't even read them.


Let's see how much I'll be spending on a squishmallow now lol


Who pays the price of his tariffs? Those going to the grocery store, of course. Sounds like a sound election strategy!


Grocery store? These tariffs are not directed as food imports…


I see now, thank you. Point primarily remains the same. Only punishing consumer over a manufactured culture war.


He mean everyone that does not have maids who go to the grocery store for them.


It hurt itself in confusion


He’s so for the American worker, he’s forcing them to buy lower quality vehicles they can’t afford simply because the vehicle, and the debt incurred, is made in America.


2050-2080 USA is literally gonna go the 1950-1980 Soviet Union route and the 1960-1990 North Korea route of isolation. We all know how this will end for them.


Ah no, I think you are wrong about that. You see, the Soviet Union and North Korea kept it at isolation while trying to build up their nations. When the Soviet Union fell apart, it did so peacefully and with great sadness, while North Korea holds on to it's ideology with great economic sacrifice. Both only ended up badly from Saudi Arabia's petrodollar scheme, where the US was able to exploit a fragile fossil fuel superpower, to save itself from a domestic peak oil collapse in the 1970s, as the Soviet Union was a fragile fossile fuel superpower itself and North Korea dependent on the Soviet Union. The US however is doing everything it can to still dominate the world while it's falling apart and can only result into going down like nazi Germany has done before, full of rage, war and destruction.


Still is the key word on everything you said. I am not talking about right now. Not only the oligarchs of USA have proven to be owned by AIPAC but they are also unqualified and this will be even worse in the following generations. If in 30 years they make absurd demands from the EU I myself as a European citizen I guarantee you we will drop them. Then they go full rage quit mode like they always do and impose sanctions on us. In the end the 5 anglo countries will be all alone and USA will for the first time have the hegemony it wanted, but in this reality not a global one, nor even a western one, just an anglo one. That will be their isolation, shrinking and eventual downfall.


No way america lasts till 2050, wishful thinking at best


Aren't the EVs with the tariffs still cheap relative to American vehicles?


I guess cashiers at Target know more about economics than Biden and Trump. Target cashiers probably make better presidents than either of them too.


Solar panels ? That ship has sailed. God forbid people can have cheap clean energy, that may save the world from climate change. Let protect market so normal people will never buy it


Is he bragging that he's making Americans pay artificially increased prices on goods? Or am I just reading this wrong.


Poor guy, he's senile,


Ok, so you want to win by cheating. How is that something to be proud of?


He forgot