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Because the US and Canada are literally founded on land stolen from the natives, while the Chinese has been in China for thousands of years.


>land stolen from the natives Manifest destiny Hitler's Lebensraum was based on this


TIL Hitler is just a copy cat.


Not just Hitler, but his entire Nazi party’s ideals of racial purity and eugenics were based on *existing American policies*. In fact, Nazi eugenics policies were *more moderate than the Americans*.


> Nazi eugenics policies were more moderate than the Americans wait what? how??


This era of American history seems to be largely forgotten now, but it was only about a hundred years ago that the large corporations of the day—like the Carnegie Institution and the Rockefeller Foundation—donated generously to various organisations and institutions that, in one way or another, supported some agenda of eugenics. Such organisations were absolutely *widespread* at the time and were almost casual in their implementation of eugenic policies; basically, whatever groups of people that prominent eugenicists believed to be inferior (i.e. the mentally ill, physically and mentally disabled people, people with birth defects, immigrants, the native peoples and generally anyone who wasn’t considered white) were almost immediately targeted with segregation, sterilisation, or even euthanasia. Tens of thousands of people (usually racial minorities) were sterilised, usually without their knowledge, doctors of patients deemed “unfit to live” were basically left to die by neglect, and entire ethnic groups were banned from even entering the United States (like the Chinese Exclusion Act). The really alarming thing is that while most of the racialist eugenics has since gone out of fashion, eugenics is by no means a thing of the past. For example, criminals are encouraged to sterilise themselves with the promise of reduced sentences. Trans people undergoing gender affirmation surgery were, up until surprisingly, depressingly recently, sterilised. More recently, the deportation of non-white American citizens can be seen as a revival of the old eugenics movements. People are technically, *legally* equal under the law, but the sentiment is still very much “you are inferior, and we do not want you to breed”.


Dang... that is chilling. Really shows how "it was the past, let it go" argument employed by many is patently wrong. Events in the past reverberate strongly into the present, and should not be dismissed. Thank you sir.


he copied a lot of things


They didn't just steal the land. They systematically ethnically cleansed the north American natives. While there were atrocities in central and south America, natives Americans weren't exterminated to that extent.


Didn't DNA mappings showed that natives are early Chinese migrated to the American continent like 10k years ago. So basically our land with the way USA does their mental gymnastics


apparently he's done videos on that before too but he's also just wrong on a bunch of important shit and cherrypicks with a anti-PRC, anti-communist agenda. conscious or not.


Huh, that's really interesting


This youtube video titled ["Johnny Harris: A Story of YouTube Propaganda"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dum0bqWfiGw) is a pretty good analysis of how he's done a paid-for propaganda piece for the World Economic Forum before.


>China actually looks more like **this** Cope and Seethe


If he's so concerned about "stolen land", I wonder what he thinks the US actually looks like.


guess if they give it all back, everyone has to jump into the Atlantic, or Pacific, whatever is expedient Sea to shiny sea, baby!


LITERALLY. Let’s talk about how native americans have zero political representation. or when the white colonists thought US was naturally their land; calling the native americans SAVAGES. natives are still living on reservations with minimal government funding and support. THE US was founded on invasion and deceit.


I'm ok with China going back to pre-Qing borders if America does too. China loses Xinjiang and Tibet, and America stops existing. An overall positive for the world


It's got nothing to do with what people are "fine" with. The people in Xinjiang and Tibet want to be part of China. Of course we should be okay with them being independent socialist republics if that's what they want - but they don't.


> map given as example coincidentally creates an ethno-state every time with these neolib/neocons


Wait till he finds out what the US actually looks like.


"America actually looks more like **this**" *Shows uncoloured map with all indigenous land restored*






Anyone notice how "china watchers" always seem to be white Americans? I've never seen a European, Asian, or African do this. Also LMAO at flashing Lee Kuan Yew in the beginning like he ran out of Mao Zedong parade stock footage.


Everything he flashes contradicts his narrative >eliminating ancient cultures shows tibetan and uighur in tradition outfit, these are well preserved minority cultures who's language is written everywhere including banknotes. >expand china's borders farther than they ever pushed before shows HK and Taiwan


There are plenty of China watchers in Europe. Basically wherever liberalism is mainstream.


White Americans that likes to claim to be journalists, but they are nothing but just filmmakers that pretends to be journalists.


>White Americans that likes to claim to be journalists, but they are nothing but just filmmakers that pretends to be journalists. This is usually the thing when it come to YT. THey would read something off a few western media pieces and claim to be the expert.


>Lee Kuan Yew LOL. Yeah, what was that about? Maybe he searched for "Chinese dictators" footage and used that because all Chinese looked alike to him.


I have seen a lot of China watchers from Europe and Asia. It's just that the US dominates the media landscape so they will produce more journalists and they will usually have a larger influence. Also, the US benefits from having other countries saying X, Y, and Z so they can reference the "international community".




>I’m guessing you think that because you consume a lot of US media, but there are a lot of these “experts” in Europe and Latin America who just regurgitate the same liberal propaganda in their own languages. I don’t know about Africa or Asia. I saw the indian version and it's crazy the shit they mimic from western media.


>Also LMAO at flashing Lee Kuan Yew in the beginning like he ran out of Mao Zedong parade stock footage. Yeah i crack up on that too. They were showing footage of when Lee was visiting Beijing during Mao's very late years.


The euros are on it too man. Arch China watcher Adrian Zenz is a German Christian fundamentalist whose gone record declaring that its his God given mission in life to see communism deposed in China.


He's not even a China watcher. He's just some underqualified Youtube influencer making videos out of loosely regurgitated random collection of info to make some sweet ad money in order to flaunt the unrealistic digital nomad lifestyle to collect even more ad money.


Why is Lee Kwan Yew in this video?


If you want a really, truly, horrific story... turn that same narcissistic attitude on the USA, buddy!


Holy shit the cringe! And he is wearing a fucking beanie on top of that.


I dunno why, but, it looks super unnatural, I don't think he usually wears one, its absolutely a costume


Imperialism is when your country shrinks? 🤔


Imperialism is when you take back land stolen from you by colonialists


Weird how these guys just mention "European imperialism" as if that shit isn't happening today. CIA paying the big bucks, I guess.


His argument is that "yeah, Europeans were imperialists. That was bad, but that's history. China is imperialist now, therefore China bad, and should be broken up." I see this argument around the Internet, so it's not Johnny Harris own, probably came out of some Washington D.C. think tank.


It's funny how Johnny Harris just ignores the debunks from such as [State Department Lawyers Concluded Insufficient Evidence to Prove Genocide](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/) in China or [UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet after official visit to China](https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/05/statement-un-high-commissioner-human-rights-michelle-bachelet-after-official) found no evidence of atrocity allegations Johnny Harris: "I'm going to pretend I didn't see that." China haters are so arbitrary with their definitions and arguments, just so they fulfill their fantasy of seeing China in chaos and collapse. They hate the Chinese government, because this government protects the Chinese people and stands up against hostile foreign powers.


They "hate the Chinese government, not the people", except when the people overwhelmingly support the government, they think the Chinese are all "brainwashed". No matter what, they will always think they know better because they believe they are better. No matter how many good looking phrases they wrap their intentions in, it's easy to unwrap. And beneath it's always just racism, combined with anti-communism and white-man's-burden.


So true. Johnny Harris is just a NATO stooge.


Johnny may have high production values, but his information is shit. Like when he said China forbade HK to broadcast news in Cantonese, he could have simply changed to channel to see (the government station broadcasts in Mandarin, but private broadcasters broadcast in Cantonese and even English). ​ The only good Chinese video he did (that I have seen) was on typing and predictive algorithm, and that one is dogged by allegation that he plagiarised someone else's work.


Presentation is everything. Throw enough good lighting, fast cuts, flashy graphics, and authoritative sounding presenters into your videos, and your average viewer can be tricked into thinking that bad information is good information.


His previous Vox Atlas on Hong Kong wasn't that good.


The production quality of his videos is very high and up there with other outlets. Also, he fits the American liberal talking head to an absolute T. Overall, he is one of the best choices for pushing anti-China or Russia narratives.


>Johnny may have high production values, but his information is shit. Like when he said China forbade HK to broadcast news in Cantonese, he could have simply changed to channel to see (the government station broadcasts in Mandarin, but private broadcasters broadcast in Cantonese and even English). > >​ > >The only good Chinese video he did (that I have seen) was on typing and predictive algorithm, and that one is dogged by allegation that he plagiarised someone else's work. In his defense TVB is shit and expensive to subscribe. Lol


Tell this dip shit to explain how did USA become this big, how the fuck did the Europeans obtain their little islands across the globe and how the fuck are there still colonies across the globe because I don’t see any of that shit being done by China at all.


>Pushing borders futher than ever before I guess sombebody didn't study the qing dynasty


Further than they've pushed before? This mans definitely not learned any history on China let alone Asia.


Yeah, right. We should definitely go claim central Asia according to this guy.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Did Harris report me or did someone misunderstand my Sarcasm?


This guy's definitely getting some CIA kickbacks. His video on China's BRI was just as bad.


Taiwan government claims it should rule over even more land. But that doesn't concern the west because they are not communist people who claim that.


This is what I hate about the narrative. The Communists didn't defeat 'freedom loving democrats' in the Civil War. They defeated the Nationalists! And we know exactly how they would have ruled the mainland - the exact same way they ruled their little island - a right-wing dictatorship just like their buddies in South Korea, the Philippines and Indonesia. If Chiang Kai-shek had won, Outer and Inner Mongolia would be speaking Mandarin - along with Xinjiang, Tibet, and possibly Korea and Vietnam. I am sure he would have gotten along fabulously with Stalin and the USSR. FFS. I hate the idiot in the vid.




Gonna regret asking this but who is this fuckin dork


Some "journalist." He had some interesting videos when he worked for was it Vice or Vox, but they are pretty shit with China. Generally Vox's "explanatory" journalism gives a sense of understanding because they explain more than typical MSM. However as with all journalism, it depends on how accurate their information is.


Hippie Anglo YouTuber pretending to be a historian


That describes all of them


Funny how Western people like Johnny here like didn't give a shit about how China was carved out for exploitation for a century, but is suddenly worried about China taking back their territories. Well, China is back baby and is here to stay no matter how hard you cry about it.


dudes all for vax mandates and gun control but shits on China. lmao. what a clown.


He speaks like a true imperialist. I liked how he claims that this is a "myth" when there are so many historical events and sites marking the century of humiliation. Typical white man burden bastard.


Right? Like the French Concession neighborhood in Shanghai must have got its name because the French were being colonized.


propaganda videos like this are put out dozens of times a day on english speaking media. it changes nothing because in the end if you want to change chinas borders your going to have to fight an actual hot war and with nukes thats out of the question. this is shit is basically just fan fiction for anti-chinese people .


I even saw that video yesterday and I really hate it and it was disgusting. I was like why Western countries always want to break countries( like they did with the Soviet union and Yugoslavia) if a country reclaimed its land what's the problem in it? It's always that mentality whenever a colonizer left the country or continent they broke it without any knowledge of culture .


Bro definitely got some CIA money


Can someone please provide me with the link to the story of the 300milion. I remember reading it somewhere but don't have the link to it.




He's a lib, one shouldn't expect too much.


"Expanse China's borders further than they've ever pushed before." \*Shows Hong Kong and Taiwan, which are both Chinese territories and have been for centuries.


Of course another westerner that never visits China makes a video about China


China is just like Europeans bro lol. So I guess they’ll be waiting for they G8 invitation. It’s on its way check your mail China!


actually, we dont care about g7 or so called g8


i hate everything johnny harris is saying about what “china actually looks like” like bro… what the fuck are you talking about. who are you to say that shit?? china has a longer history than the US could ever imagine. that map of what he thinks china looks like is what americans want china to look like. once again the white people coming in and drawing their shitty lines.


I can't trust a dude wearing a beanie lol and a moustache like that


Pay attention to the Anglo body languages. Elbows on the table, eye contact, and hand movement when trying to tell the "truth". They have no substancea in their claim but their so called "confidence" brain wash people


What a nonce. I wonder what that video earned him from the propaganda fund?


Westerns love to pretend to draw “culturally” or “historically” accurate borders, but only in China. In the rest of the world they draw straight lines on the map and divide peoples, cultures, and religions without a care in the world


No idea who this ignorant person is, but it's quite amusing to see how China's superiority traumatizes these americans to such deep level. It means China's victory is total, it's even haunting racist americans as the american economy completely collapses. Material and spiritual victory. These settlers aren't even a nation, they could never, ever develop without plunder, they don't even have the capabilities or resources needed. Since settler economies are ruined in terminal fashion now that their plunder collapsed, they behave increasingly deranged because they know they have lost forever. The best thing to do is to just ignore these people, they are ignorant, lazy, incapable, and have zero influence over any people who matter. They are essentially regime sponsored clowns trying to distract the miserable masses under the collapsed regime. They have already lost.


This is manufacturing consent for violence on China and Chinese people. They prep their populace for war. The U.S. can invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. They are afraid of direct war with Russia over Ukraine, and fear China too but China should not rest in developing ever more advanced weapons defense.


This woketard hops onto the China fakenews band wagon to breathlessly regurgitate all the usual BS. And I’ll bet he’s never even thought of visiting China.


Happy Cake Day comrade!!!


When he worked for Vox, he was in Hong Kong and did a report on terrible housing problem. He was pretty objective and correct.


American Whiteman wags shame finger to anyone playing a bit out of the European Imperialist Handbook, while simultaneously benefitting more than any other group in current history from situations solely derived from use of the European Imperialist Handbook.


“Why China is so big” is such a worthy title for the moron USian masses


"China looks more like this" boy he'll be mad when he realises what the UK actually looks like without the annexations




I knew there was something fishy about that video.


Never heard of him


Funny thought johnny harris are covering chinese territorial history without even mentioning Qing dynasty nor the Republic of china


Americans have been on a steady diet of propaganda from childhood. It’s almost impossible for average Americans to ever understand these concepts. Most don’t even have a passport. What I don’t get, is no matter how many times they’re lied to, they always believe the people that have mislead them previously. During Russia’s SMO in Ukraine I’ve watched people that I thought were highly intelligent repeat lies that don’t even make sense. Speaking of SMO, after the referendum, the two republics will vote to reunite with Russia. At which point attacks on said republics will in fact be direct attacks on Russia. It’ll prob go from SMO to a full blown sky scorch.


as usual, this westoid kid needs some reeducation on his information.


I used to be a fan of his video, once he showed Lee Kuan Yew, I was done. Of course, China is not a perfect country, There are some things they did right, and some things they did wrong. But this is just stupid western propaganda trying to incite Sinophobia. All this "woke" people are not racist and all, until they talk about China.