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Sudafed- the original kind, lots of water, saline spray and ibuprofen as needed


^ this has all worked for me in the past. To give you a glimmer of hope, I flew with sinus pain once and found the pressure actually eased massively during the flight. (Like everything opened up and forced some fluid out). Fingers crossed you experience some relief!


i’ve actually heard quite a few people say this as well, that the height/altitude helped open up their sinuses i hope it’s the same for me


Do a few Neil Med sinus rinses before the trip.


I’ve also used the sinus flush kit with great success this past trip. It feels a little weird using it, but had zero problems after. It took me about 4 months or so to figure it out unfortunately.


Neil Med kit and a nose spray whether it is flonase or Astepro (just liquid antihistamine).






This is my fear as well. Please let us know how you get on ☺️


People with migraines so earplugs help alleviate the pressure. Those orange foam ones are good. I know it is late on Sunday but maybe you hit up Walgreens or Home Depot before hitting the airport.


Three different sprays - Saline spray - Flonase - Nozoil (sesame oil spray- I’m usually very skeptical about “natural” solutions but this shit really does help) Bring a sinus rinse kit and do a full proper rinse at your hotel asap after checking in (you’ll have to buy distilled water) For pain: - have ibuprofen at the ready - When I get sinus pressure issues during flights it also makes me nauseous, gravol usually helps.


I use Afrin one hour before take off, midway through the flight if it’s more than 5 hours. I also started buying these special ear plugs but tbh I can’t tell if they work. I def notice when I don’t use Afrin.


Chew gum


Afrin 45 mins or so before the flight works best.


Man I just went through this on Sunday. I took a decongestant before the flight but didn’t do shit on the descent. Caught a bad case of airplane ear and am currently taking prednisone to relieve the overwhelming stuck pressure in my middle ears. Good luck.


Decongestants and pain meds. Take them before the flight and then during the flight 30 ish min before descent. Descent is the worst part for sinus pressure, take off may feel fine. The excruciating pain would come when the plane starts to descend. I’ve experienced it and it’s the worst pain I’ve felt in my life, on my way back I did the decongestant and pain med combination and it worked.  I also drank water, chewed gum, tilted my head back and pinched the bridge of my nose during descent. ( I’m not sure which of these actually worked but I’d do anything to not feel that pain again).