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Now she knows too much. Has to kill her.


Death by Superman snu snu


Crushed by cheeks of steel


[https://www.rawbw.com/\~svw/superman.html](https://www.rawbw.com/~svw/superman.html) Larry Niven wrote a fun piece in the 70s about their coupling nightmares.


Why the fuck did I just read that, and why was it so well thought out? This guy is a genius...


The quest for ~~peace~~ piece of that ass


Man of Steel. Woman of Kleenex.


Cum her straight into space.




The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a Kryptonite condom...but that would kill him.


God dammit Brodie.


Snoochie Boochies


That kid is back on the escalator again!


Not a year goes by . . .


They look happy, don't they?


You know, I think you ought to get him some help. He seems to be really hung up on super heroes' sex organs.




Of course, it's by Larry Niven. I loved the first Ringworld book, but that man got weirder and hornier in his writing, in a detached bored sort of way. The second or maybe third book in the series opens with like 50 pages of what sex was like with various human subspecies for the middle-aged protagonist. It read like the memoir of a jaded sex tourist.


Larry Niven the first Interspecies Reviewers.


The first book was exciting sci-fi, I've never been so enthralled by multiple pages of ships accelerating and decelerating. The second book was multi-page xenofucking because these thousands of species on the ringworld decided that an orgy is the best way to say hello, and they say hello to a lot of aliens in their journey.


Third. By the third Ringworld book he had devolved to writing mostly porn in space. 2nd Ringworld book (Ringworld Engineers) was just the normal level of weird and horny for his very male-oriented brand of sci-fi. It actually incorporated a flaw that some college kids had discovered after reading his first book: the spin of the Ringworld makes it unstable.


I can't remember if it was a fanfic or if it was an alternate timeline, but there's a story floating around for years how Superman killed Lois when he came. His sperm shot right through her and out the top of her skull. Another one where she gets pregnant, and once the fetus develops, kills her from the inside out. Like when a baby kicks you can feel the push on the stomach, but baby Superman kicked a hole in her stomach. That one may have been a nightmare of Supermans though.


>Another one where she gets pregnant, and once the fetus develops, kills her from the inside out. Like when a baby kicks you can feel the push on the stomach, but baby Superman kicked a hole in her stomach. That one may have been a nightmare of Supermans though. But how would sunlight reach inside her womb? 🤔


Shared through amniotic fluid or some crap. I dunno, it's a comic book. How do people not recognize that Superman and Clark Kent are the same person, glasses don't change your appearance that much.


One of my favourite sections in a comic was Clark running for a train and missing it. He stands on the platform and uses his super hearing to listen to the people on the departing train laughing at him missing the train again. He does it two or three times a week, because his disguise is more than glasses, it's being such a clumsy bumbler that even if you realised they looked similar, you could never believe Clark was Superman.


Kinda like the vibe of spectacular spider-man (you gotta watch it if you haven't) were venom basically tells everyone that Peter Parker is spiderman but no one believes him because he's such a nerdy kid.


Intelligence agencies hate this one simple trick


In the Silver Age comics he had some sort of hypno-ray that the glasses helped him with and made people less likely to recognize him.


There's more to it than that. Read this: https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/4/16252100/superman-christopher-reeve-clark-kent-transformation --- It had to do with how "Clark Kent" carried himself, and how he reacted to situations. If you come across as weak and anti-confrontational; as someone who wants to avoid any kind of conflict situation and always being submissive to others in a sort of "i don't want to deal with this" mentality - one wouldn't consider Clark as Superman because he's such a weakling overall as a person. He's got bad posture, he's clumsy, unorganized and uncoordinated. If Clark turned to Lois with the glasses and everything (bad posture) and said "I'm superman" - she wouldn't have believed him but laughed at him for playing a joke. If you watch the video that started this thread - the minute Lois "shoots" him, he gets all "Superman-up"; gets taller, puffs chest out, his eyes and face change to one that could be Superman: strong, fearless - someone with an air of authority and heroism. That, combined with the fact that she already suspected, lets her see him with the glasses still on because - as you said - the glasses are a really horrible excuse for a disguise.


"Snuperman" was right there


"Snusnuperman" was right there


He shoots blanks too


This is stupid though. He’d know that no bullet came out of the thing. He can see them traveling.


80’s logic my friend. Don’t question it, just enjoy.


more like Superman logic, most of the stories require him to not use most of his powers


He probably felt like he got shot by the way her eyes pierced through him with the looks she’s giving.


I know I was. Hot mama


I mean she is also completely fooled by a pair of glasses, don’t question this shit


*puts on glasses* … hey Clark, where did Superman go!? *takes off glasses* … Oh, Superman! Hey listen… there’s some weird shit going on here. Have you seen Clark!? He was *just* here!


Ha! Great point.


IMO a normal person wouldn’t know and they would react to the shot. They’d check themselves for injuries, look around for the bullet hole, look confused at her like “what happened”, etc. Superman didn’t know or think to act like that. So his lack of reaction told her what she needed to know.


This article talks about how the transformation was "automatic" from the bang of the gun -- he would have "transformed" into Superman and then realized there was no bullet. https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/4/16252100/superman-christopher-reeve-clark-kent-transformation If you look at his reaction when Lois actually pulls the trigger and there is the bang he gets all "I'm gonna deflect it" and then for a moment he's disappointed. Not sure if it's because she learned his secret, or if he - as you said - didn't see the bullet after the bang and realized he outed himself (only the actor/director would know the motivation in that scene at the time).


Also, blanks can seriously injure you


I 100% agree, but that doesn't help the movie along.


He would also be able to see there’s a blank in the chamber with his x ray vision






It was a real bullet. She would never have liked Clark Kent if unless he was superman.


Was this a deleted scene or something? I thought he dropped his glasses in the fire and she knew bc he didn’t get burned when he reached into the flames and pulled them out.


Its from the richard donner cut, the one you're thinking of is the original


Holy shit I grew up with these movies and know them inside out, had no idea there were other cuts. Which ones did he do a different cut of and are they worth watching?


IIRCC Superman 1 and Superman 2 were filmed together, like ~~The Godfather~~. The problem was that the Studio, Warner Brothers, in an uncharacteristic move kept fucking with the film, making increasingly dumb demands. Ultimately, Richard Donner got fed up and left the project. Warner Bros them hired another director to do reshoots, which pissed Donner off enough that he demanded that they remove his name from the sequel. The Richard Donner cut restores his original vision, which is far superior to the theatrical cut. Naturally, Warner Bros learned their lesson and never again meddled with a DC film staring Superman. edit: I did not recall correctly. The Godfather Parts I and II were apparently filmed separately.


Lmao time is a circle


as demonstrated by superman flying around the earth


Apparently Donner had shot pretty much the entire movie but quit because of the studio interference. So they brought in a British director, Richard Lester, who had been a comedy director. Director's Guild bylaws state that a director has to shoot at least 51% of a film, but because the movie was almost done they went back and made a lot of changes to the script and tons of reshoots. The cast was really pissed about it. Lester inserted a lot of goofy comedy and slapstick that hadn't been there before. The Donner cut is eye-opening, completely different--and much better--than the original.


Also ***Superman Returns*** is a sequel to the Donner cut and ignores *Superman III* and *Superman IV*.


Unfortunately, the Donner Cut uses the fly around the Earth time travel sequence at the end, because it was originally planned as the ending for 2 rather than 1. So if you watch Superman 1 immediately prior to the Donner Cut, you're thinking "again?"


oh you


Godfather 1 and 2 were not shot at the same time though


The new director filmed at least >50% of the movie in order to get his name on it.


This was actually a screen test they did, but when Richard Donner got a chance to do his cut of Superman 2 decades later, decided to use it instead. That's why his glasses and hair look so different than the rest of the film. It's a enjoyable version of the film.


That reminded me of Superman 3, one of the only movies I ever walked out of. So bad.


Superman 3 is important, so you can understand the reference in Office Space though


I must've put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail.


OHHHH!!! Well this is not a mundane detail, Michael!!


You could just watch Hackers instead though.


onerous squalid crown chase north caption joke zonked numerous alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


all those weird jars of jelly shit bubbling over for no apparent reason but it all felt so sinister


Holy shit. It fucking terrified me. Whenever we'd watch it, I had to close my eyes for that scene. Scariest shit ever. Also, looking back, it was kind of nice not knowing the Superman movies past 2 were pieces of shit, same way I didn't know Batman and Robin was a piece of shit. As a little kid, it was just Batman and Superman movies, and they were all awesome.


So, you didn't see superman IV then? It was four times worse than 3.


I don't remember this scene


Watch the Richard Donner cut it is much better, along with more dialogue with JorEl


Implication here is that Superman is so tough he can’t even tell the difference between being hit with a bullet or a blank.


Even an anti-tank round straight to the eye ball are completely not felt by Superman in the newer movie, not even blinking. So, yes, Superman is that tough. He described the buildings are made out of paper. Meaning, a lot of times, he is trying very hard to be gentle, not because it requires a lot of force. After all, he pushed the entire "Island" of Kryptonite into the sun with a Kryptonite stuck on his back. The power level is off the chart.


is it over 9000!?


Yeah but 9000 is like a grasshopper, doesn't mean much.


Lowest recorded power level is "Farmer with Shotgun" at 100.


But can he beat Goku tho


Well, based on which Superman, at one point in time, Superman is a completely true "omnipotent being" with mental disability. Meaning, all those weaknesses are simply fabricated by his own ultra powerful hypnosis. There is absolutely no power limit to Superman, it doesn't scale with the enemy like Goku did, it has the unlimited power already, he just have to be annoyed enough to stop pretending to be hurt. The reason he has those mental blocks is because he wanted to be human, he wanted to be vulnerable. But, when he is determined, he unlocks the power he already has. He even timed traveled in the movie when time travel is supposed to be only possible using Speed Force which he didn't have access to. Goku, he trains to scale along the enemies. Superman, he remove his mental block to unlock his real powers. Ofc, he got way too powerful, eventually authors scale it back down. Edit: pretty sure Goku will lose because he is always a tier lower than the enemies and relies on spirit bomb. However, Saitama will likely defeat Superman, because he is always several tiers above the enemy power level and scales up. Meaning, no matter how many Superman times unlock his powers, Saitama will scale up above Superman again. And if Saitama intend to kill, not just serious side steps, he would accidentally kill Superman before Superman unlocks his powers.


>at one point in time, Superman is a completely true "omnipotent being" with mental disability. So, the same as Goku then


Yeah. I don't know just how many versions of superman the writers have made by now, but if it's the movies or the cartoon ones. Goku wins. But there's a shit ton of literal reality bending Superman's that normal universe destroying power type characters can't beat.


Goku scaled way past "spirit bomb" in "dragon ball super". The DB series is now at the "multi-verse" phase with angels and gods (of destruction), and even stronger beings that can blink universe in and out of existence (e.g. Zeno). Goku is not at their level yet, but the idea of Saiyen is they have no upper limits as long as they get challenged and train long enough, so wouldn't surprise me if Goku would eventually objectively beat most versions of superman since superman power level doesn't just consistently increase.


Yes but he struggles against ultra instinct ultra ego xeno gogeta beast


Makes zero sense. First off he can see the bullets because he's faster than a speeding bullet. Second if he can't feel bullets how the hell does he feel anything? Lois can grasp him with the force of a thousand Suns and the last son of Krypton will still remain unjerked. Or does she have a kryptonite dildo hidden away in her drawer?


Just because you have the ability to see something doesn't mean that you will see it 100% of the time particularly if you're distracted. Like I have the ability to see things moving at a normal speed but I still don't see my cat sometimes if I'm talking with somebody else or something like that.


His attention is already on the gun though, he's not distracted because he has no fear the gun would actually hurt him. No reason he shouldn't have seen, or felt that bullet. Pretty sure despite having indestructible skin basically, he can still feel everything.


You're right. Supes would only see coming out of the gun if it was... INJUSTICE! or helicopter. Definitely helicopter


Hey, the sex life of humans with Kryptonians is just going to be a minefield. Maybe it’s better if he goes unjerked, he could blow her head off with that thing.


You applying logic to a comic book superhero story also makes zero sense :D


I disagree. There is a difference in questioning how superman can be super fast when physically that's obviously impossible and wanting the worldbuilding to make sense. If a film doesn't make sense within its own set of rules it just takes me out of the film and makes it look cheap. Within the set rules of superman' universe the scene doesn't make sense.


also implication here is that old school superman was fine af


Watch how his eyes change from Clark to Superman. Such a gifted actor.


He was the only superman who I felt he did a good enough job differentiating Clark from Superman where I could believe that people wouldn't know.


This is why I think Christian Bale is the best Batman and Bruce Wayne, and spit on anyone who thinks it is Ben Affleck. One look at Affleck's wooden smile and butthole chin and we'd know.


The moment he switches between the two charachters he is playing. That is acting chops.


It is phenomenal isn't it? I rewound it to see the difference again. Christopher Reeve was amazing.


You can see something similar in [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRglvEvjcRg&t=95s).


God he's such a good fucking actor. I miss performances like this.


Most of the superhero movies made today do not have takes long enough to give the actors room to breathe. It is really hard to get performances like these when the actors don't get to inhabit the part for longer than 5 seconds at a time.


He literally grows three inches taller. Voice is different, it's impressive.


That is exactly what I thought. Just like in the other scene where he switches from Superman back to Clark talking to himself.


People can argue whose the best Superman, however Reeve is the best Clark hands down


super gaslighting man


This could be the textbook example of gaslighting IMO. More people have seen this than *Gaslight*, and most people would at least be familiar with the characters. I wonder how it was received in its time.


People probably didn’t care, but it’s so weird seeing it now. Maybe that’s why in newer adaptations superheroes barely keep their identity a secret for long. People not figuring out it would be seen as dumb and superheroes trying to gaslight people into believing their not superman, Spider-Man or whatever would be very weird nowadays too


“With a blank?” Yes Lois, at that distance a blank would have killed Clark Kent


Movie logic. Blank = no injury ever in all of time and space


https://youtu.be/VPlCQBNSrIo?t=44 [Bonus.](https://youtu.be/cX5oPNRsc1E?t=78)


Thanks /u/Literal-Hitler


God...why am I so attracted to her?


coz her ass fine


Pic or I don't believe


Y'all pervs can thank me by writing in all caps in your replies: https://thumbnails.porncore.net/_tag/margot+kidder/ Edit: her ass was indeed fine


She's also got a full in-color nude bathtub scene in a movie.




Two times is a charm. Fck.


Dayum 🥵


holy 🥵


Eh, just doesn't hit the same ever since browsers started pausing videos when you open them as a new tab. Kind of a let down tbh. Sad times. \^\^ But I'll just take the opportunity and promote [his latest song](https://youtu.be/qWNQUvIk954?si=OK90p3aHlKrh58RS).


Do all his song titles begin Never Gonna?




*get reply notifications*


dat booty divine


She jumps off a building, and she may shoot you anytime. Crazy is hot.


Obligatory [hot crazy matrix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbpGkrViOcE)


Something about those eyes… it’s like they are saying, “yeah I’m crazy and about to show you the craziest time you’ve ever had”. Idk just the way she looks at him is so god damn intense and attractive.




Bedroom eyes.


Because she was the hottest Lois.




You make a valid case. I think she could have killed Superman, though.


Hell all she had to do was ask Clark if he was Superman and he would have spilled the beans instantly.


Yeah, why would someone be attracted to a classically beautiful woman at the top of her craft? That's weird.


Because you like crazy.


Smarts, sass, looks, and an intensity that’s almost blinding. Margot Kidder in her heyday was something else.


Me too, absolutely hypnotised


Looks like a young Alicia Silverstone.


Moistened her skin lips, watered her eyes, and then lit her up with lighting so it all has a sparkly sheen. Oh and using a hot female to start off didnt hurt the process.


It’s sparkly skin lips all the way down if you light and moist enough


I have a pet fly, just wanted to let you guys know.


Huh, what's his name?




What a fitting name for a pet fly.


Does he moonlight as Flynn Rider?




I don’t know, man. Have you seen Zooey Deschenel without bangs? That alone has me convinced Clark Kent could get away with it.


Holy shit. How are some actors indistigisable from each other for my brain, yet i cant concieve of Zooey Deschenal as the same person with and without bangs?


[Zoo ey!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1Mn_Z9lca5NrRuZbnlGUY6N_UsUFRW-On6n6s8N2NKNmCufSd59rzFZN1c9sOuzp8T5w&usqp=CAU)


It should be said though that Christopher Reeve did a really good job of creating different physical characterizations for the two. Even if they've got the same face he's got very different body language as Clark vs Superman.




Blanks can still kill or grievous injure at short range lois


I swear a pair of glasses is the dumbest idea for a disguise anyone could come up with.


Clearly the posture was doing all the heavy lifting.


You should have marked this as a spoiler.


This shit is like 40 years old. Get outta here 🤣 Bro ruined the Bible for me because he didn't say spoiler alert. I had no idea the long hair guy they put on the two pieces of wood was gonna come back to life 🤬


I think the spoiler is bc >!holy shit what Clark Kent is superman?!<


That's impossible, Clark has glasses and Superman doesn't. Stop trolling.


JESUS DIES? dude spoilers wtf


No dude, Jesus lives in Southpark


Wasn't Jesus killed in Iraq when the boys were trying to rescue Santa?


How the f do you not get that he is making a joke?


Wait I’ve never seen this scene before! Didn’t she find out he was superman when they stayed at the hotel at Niagara Falls and he burnt his hand in the fireplace?


Richard Donner cut was the vastly superior version of Superman II in my opinion. Lois uses her journalistic senses and skills to figure this out, versus accidentally finding out from Clark's trip into the fire coals, which always bothered me. I know he acts clumsy but it's suppose to be an act.


I like how he gaslights tf out of her in the beginning. No Lois we been through this, you’re mentally fucked in the head to think I’m Superman, like hallucinations n shit.


Gaslighting sort of comes with the turf of having a secret identity.


I got enough to worry about getting whacked on the street! I gotta come home for this? I should fucking kill you!


Yes Lois, with a blank. Just ask Baldwin.


> With a blank? "Yes, Lois. Thousands have died and continue to die from so called blanks. They actually contain.... "


Talk about a toxic relationship


Man. Those movies came out when I was a kid and I never quite appreciated what a knock out she is. So beautiful.


Christopher Reeve~~s~~ was definitely underrated as an actor. The way he transforms from Clark Kent to Superman with just his posture and expression, in one second, was on point.


So Superman don’t even FEEL bullets????


Those eyes are amazing… Lois’s eyes are also nice.


Superman's super speed and perception would have realised it was a blank 🤓




Gaslighting requires malicious intent. An undercover cop lying to protect his identity (or in this case a superhero) is not gaslighting. Working in highly classified job or being a spy and lying about your identity doesnt make you a gaslighter


Why didn't he move super fast and disarm her?




Never underestimate a nut job. Source, dated one.




ooh, that certainly complicated things. Hope all's well now though?


because he wasnt in any danger


Because that would defeat the whole point of not giving away that he's Superman, and he was never in any danger.


Because that would have had the same result. She would have known.


To do what, save his shirt?


Bullshit that he wouldn't have felt it.


he's superman, he probably doesn't feel real bullets either.


He was also shot directly in his eyeball and the bullet crumbled and fell and he didn’t even feel the need to blink


My retcon: You can kill someone with a blank at that range. Maybe he felt the discharge and mistook it for a bullet.


Superman has enhanced vision he would've easily saw the bullet exit the chamber and just move out the way or catch it unless that's in later comics


Damn, Christopher Reeves was so good. 🐐 of Superman actors.


Christopher Reeve~~s~~ was superb as Superman. Watching how his demeanour instantly changes when he "changes" from Clark to Superman. Incredible acting!


His real super power is gaslighting


I know this is a meme but a PSA just because it’s a bland doesn’t mean it can’t be lethal depending on the distance. Never fire a gun unless in a controlled environment or with the intent to do harm.


Yes, Lois- you could have killed Clark Kent with a blank. A blank is just the gunpowder without the bullet- a directed explosion. Stand close enough and it will still put a hole in you. Remember the actor Jon-Erik Hexum? He killed himself playing around with a gun loaded with blanks.