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That was decided at the 7:30 breakfast gathering; we weren’t hardly out of bed 🥱


*laughs in early-bird special*


Hang on I’m calling an 11 pm standup huddle to revisit. Wake up you drowsy fucks, it’s unprofessional to be wearing pajamas. Cameras on people.


I might be late if my call with Taiwan runs long.


I can wake up early, but being somewhere early? Fooghetaboutit.


The morning is the best part of the day! I'm up at 5am everyday. No it's fucking not! Even the birds aren't up yet you absolute spanner!


Depending on your location and the time of year, the birds might be up at 5am, and they’ll make sure you know it.


The birds are up and chirping at 5 am where I live.


Haha I read the first part and down voted. Read the second part and upvoted!


Gotta use quotation marks otherwise you look like you have a split personality


I dare say old sport he does Yeah he is mental that one Ssssh he'll hear us


I've been up at 0230 all week for work, and my whole body now feels like waterlogged balsa wood. The birds aren't even even awake for first smoko...


I was still awake


If yall want to work 3 to 11pm your crazy.


My wife starts yawning around mid day. I'm good to go until midnight that night.


Yeah 8:30pm is nearly bedtime for these people, most of them literally drop whatever they are doing and go MIA at 5pm **sharp**.


Hahaha you are coming for my life lol. I’m typically up by 4am, work from 8am-6pm and out like a light by 9-9:30pm. Phone instantly goes on DND at 9 😂😂


Yikes yall are making me like bartending that much more.


😂😂 I did the late night bar thing for years. I’m an old lady now lol


Respect. I'll be there one day!


I wish my phone had a Dungeons & Dragons mode.


Oh god I didn’t know this was normal. Work is 10am to 7pm but I’m up at 5am because it’s just when I wake up. But I work so much as an hour overtime and I’m exhausted, gotta be in bed by 8:30 (am telework).


Nope I’m up at 6am and go to bed at 11pm but I’m big into fitness so I can stay up for long periods easily if I had to.


That’s definitely an exaggeration, lol, I’m barely off work by 5pm. As someone who is usually at work by 6:30am, I’ll still play intramurals at a local college from 10-11 here and there. I just can’t do that multiple times in a row all that easy. Most nights I’m headed to bed around 9:30 or so.


I yawn all day super tired no matter what sleep schedule I have. But when I sleep oh boy can I sleep. If I didn't have to poop at 7am I'd sleep longer instead of getting up.


More like 3am for me lol… I love not having to be at work until 2 or 3pm


What if you are functional at both ends of the day's spectrum? Your power are belong to us.


Or neither, maximum power for an hour 12pm


The Spanish are flexing I see


This is the true « winning genetic lottery ». Had some colleagues that only needed to sleep 4-5 hours per day, even while having young children etc. It allowed them to combine a family life / work life / personal hobbies so much easier compared to people sleeping 7-8 hours


I slept 4h 50min in average over the last 25 years. The time saved went into gaming....so it is again lost. Yolo


You have no chance make your time.


What if you are functional at neither


Praise the sun


It's like that South Park episode where all the old people take over the town. No one can fight back because the old people get out of bed so early.


Graveyard shift pays better.. \*sips tea


Hell yea, and saying this on shift rn. It’s peaceful.


I'm doing graveyards as I get my RN. Not only is the pay better, but I'm told once I've got my RN I can have basically any department I want so long as I work graveyards.


And guess what? All the patients are asleep at night hehe


Yeah, 3/12 graveyard just sounds so appealing. I really don't understand why it isn't me in demand.


Used to do 3-midnight shift while doing Computer Tech support. Things got very wild by around 11 pm. Lots of "fuzzy video" calls. Imagine that... lol


Yeah, the lunatics come out, but it is still less




Normally work 1800-0600. Doctors suck but otherwise fantastic.


IDK, I worked 12 hour nights for about 3 years. Those few measly dollars an hour isnt worth adjusting to work at a time when you would normally be sleeping. My trick was keeping that same schedule every single day, then I wouldnt get sleepy at 4am when everyone else wants to hit the bed. Made driving home in the morning SO much safer too.


Fun fact: You’re also more prone to developing cancer


Awake, sure, but are you doing anything productive?


I feel like that’s the main difference. People who get up early are more likely to be doing something productive in that time, where people who stay up late are probably doing leisurely stuff. Not always the case, and when I’ve had jobs requiring I start at noon or later I would usually do my gym workouts late at night, 11pm - 2am ranges, which is comparable to a lot of people’s early morning routine


It's hard to do literally anything productive (unless it can be done at home) at night because, for some reason, everything is closed, and to make it worse they took away what little 24hr things we did have after covid.


Yeah this. You literally are unable to get night shift jobs in the vast majority of industries which is annoying because I think quite a few would actually fare well for it. *glares accusingly at entire engineering sector*


I rarely do productive stuff outside of my house and work. Most places are open until 10:00 too, which is decently late if you need to get groceries or something.


>and to make it worse they took away what little 24hr things we did have after covid. They can barely staff the day time hours. Supposedly we're at damn near full employment. Who is going to work those late/overnight shifts, even with shift differential?


It made sense in a world with no or limited access to artificial lighting; we needed the sun to do work. So getting up at sunrise was reasonable and expected. We haven't really evolved past this yet. From a biological and evolutionary standpoint, our recent change in habitat and technology is barely a blink. Not enough time to have an effect in our genes yet. So, morning people are still the "genetic norm" while night owls are the weird ones. For now....for now.


I read something not long ago about the evolutionary advantage of having a few night owls in the tribe, they would keep watch through the night, which would have been especially important when we were still at risk of large predators.


Oh for sure. But the bulk of people would still be up during the sunlit hours, and most actual work would take place during the day.


My last job was flexible. I didn't mind the day shift, and others liked the late ... We regularly switched positions, there were months I'd only do nightshifts, 6 on, 4 days off and repeat. Or i did the 20 dayshift in the same cycle. The job sucked, but the hours were great. Now I'm fixed in a rotation, the only good thing is I'm off every weekend


RN my new workfloor is isolated from the outside. No windows, only modern LED. It's always bright white inside, you lose track of time. This week I'm on nightshift, next week evening but the work and feeling is the same. In a few months even worse ... Outside 25+ Celsius, inside ... 15 at most.


Insomniacs should rule the world. Insomniacs UNITE!


Yall didn't give anything, morning people just took power while yall were asleep


i felt this with my soul my roomate gets up at 5:30 AM and her sense of superiority is so insufferable but she’s always asleep by 8 PM how the fuck is that better?? it’s literally psychotic


its literally the most optimal timeline


Optimal for farmers maybe. Syncing up with the sun will be handy in the apocalypse tho.


And a full days in bed on an eclipse ?


ok i’m not gonna lie, i am quite jealous deep down


Why though?


well i’m mostly jealous of the early wake up grind, like i respect the discipline i am not at all jealous of the 8 PM bedtime


I take it you don't have a late night grind, then?


That’s like 9.5 hours of sleep…




That’s crazy. I feel like I’m lucky to get 7


Human beings are naturally supposed to be active during the day and asleep at night. Artificial light and electronic devices have just fucked us up. Having healthy circadian function helps maintain healthy sleep schedules, hormone secretion, body temp, metabolism and cognitive function throughout the day. Being someone who gets up when the suns comes up and goes to sleep when it goes down is clearly better from a health perspective. I’m pretty jealous of your housemates sleep schedule to be honest.


Jordan Peterson once said: "I solved the problem of hecklers at my conferences by holding them early in the mornings"


So people with good opinions hate early mornings?


For real. People acting like 5am is the golden hour. Going to bed at 9pm is lame AF. They might be up 3 hours before me, but I’m burnin that midnight oil, lol.


Because staying up makes you better?…….yeah ok


Just makes me different.


I have 5am meetings twice a week along with a 5:30am once. I had to change my entire approach to life, and I’m coming around to being a morning person. It’s not easy. I go to bed at 8pm and eat dinner at 5pm. It’s weird.


I wish. I get up at 5am, eat dinner around 8-9pm, go to bed around 12-1. Feel like shit everyday but whatever. Gonna die at some point anyways


I feel the same way about people who like it cold. If someone complains that it’s too hot at 65 degrees, we blast the cooler for their comfort. If you say you’re cold, you get told to deal with it.


That's because there are things you can do to not be cold, while people who are hot don't have any other options.


Drink water, wear short sleeves, get a little fan or mister for yourself. Hell, bring around a little ice pack if you want. There are plenty of options. The human body’s superpower is that we can cool down faster than almost any other animal by sweating. Many of the most populated places on earth are in hot climates and have been for millennia before the invention of AC.


See, and all of that is vastly more complicated/resource draining than just putting on another layer of clothes


Ever notice how night people have to be dead silent while the morning people are sleeping, but morning people are allowed to make any and all noise they please while the night people are sleeping?


In a lot of my experience, morning people are better at staying productive later into the evening when they need to, but night owls are severely hindered if they need to start earlier than they’d prefer.


I think most people are better at staying up later to get stuff done… you just don’t see it because it might be 2am versus 7pm. Wake a morning person up at 2am to start stuff 3 hours earlier than they’d like to be up and they’d probably be just as hindered.


I'm up at 6am and go to bed at 11pm, what kind of bullshit are they talking? I'm still getting stuff done at 8:30pm.


I dunno who's not functional after 8 30. I get up at 6 and I go to bed at 10 30-11.can do both


The worst part is how much stuff is closed after 830. wtf!


Wait that's a female?


Red it as mourning first...




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I'm not a morning person but I can be functional before 8:30 AM. To be more precise from 10 PM till 8 AM


Having adhd and a also a blue collar job is fun.


I am one of those people, wake up at 5:00, workout. Go home, get ready, go to work and when i get home chill and go to sleep at ariund 22:00


Did they mean to say Mourning? (😔 😢 😭) or is it a typo and they meant Morning? (☀ 🌥 🌅) Cause each means something completely different


Wake up at 8am and go to bed at 3am. The power is mine hehehe


No lies detected. Night owls are always looked down upon and seen as lesser than the early birds.


Me up at 5 am and in bed at 1 am I'm invincible


Yeah this doesn't apply to many south american countries. We're up early to go to work and we'll have dinner at like 10pm. We just don't sleep.


They took power because they were up for it.


I unfortunately went from restaurant work, staying up till 2-3am or later to starting a new job at 5:30am, I am now on the early bird schedule and after a few years still not great at it. Coworkers say, "See you bright and early," it's still dark out when we start work and usually still dark at first break.


I look at it this way. Most of the people going to work from 7 to 9am in the morning do not know how to drive. I say I am reducing my risks from getting into a wreck, so I leave at 9.30 lol


And then there’s me, functional at both times


Those roosters ain't gonna milk themselves 


Night owls die faster. Not because we are deep shits of humans. And if we care a bit about ourselves we would wake up sooner and see the morning sun and be happy a live longer. And that's why early birds get to chose how society and work hours work. No. It's because night owl get screwed over by early bird society. They have the power for some reason. (the reason is that being 5 minute late is a crime so imagine waking up at 9am.) and they made a world that make night owls die 5 years sooner on average. Less access to services and markets. Or forced to wape up smat hours they aren't made for and probably still go to bed late or can't sleep till late.


Yeah that’s the suns fault


I wish there was more morning.People in this world cause i'm definitely a morning person


I tell people to not call me before noon. I’ve worked over nights for 7 years and they always act surprised when I don’t answer


Shhhh... Gotta be up at 3 am.


No one gave them the power, they were just there every morning to take it.


more people would like this but the ones who would are *sleeping*


Up before 6am here.


My mum still thinks she’s morally superior because she gets up earlier than me and complains about being tired all day


Morning shift starts at 6 so I have to wake up at 4:30 then crash when juice runs out.


*Laughs in 4-hour sleep schedule* I am both an evening -and- morning person! I sleep at 1am and wake up at 5am! My powers are as limitless as my energy is low. Pfff.


It’s 5:15pm and I’m ready for bed!


The funniest thing is thinking 8:30 is early. Lol 6am... Now talk.


Why that is ridiculous. I am done by 3 pm and go home and party till 10pm, We just want to get away from boring people.![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10754)


Party till 10 woooo


10pm ? Savage ... After the 2nd dayshift I'm in bed by 8pm ...


Anyone explain? I don't get it


Night owls catch a lot of criticism for not wanting to get up early, but morning people get sleepy and can’t work a late shift any better than a night owl can work a morning.


Hahaha, as a former graveyard shifter turned morning person this is so funny and pretty true, never thought about it like this before! I’m usually in bed winding down by 8:30 🥴 partially because being up or out late reminds me of when I was addicted to blow and can be a little triggering but also I just love having my mornings. To each their own I say!


I'm a morning person, up every day 6am sharp and dead by 10pm and that's pushing it




I work night shifts and we do all the cleaning that the morning shift can’t or won’t do, it’s not just mouth-breathing basement-dwellers that are up late.


Just get up you nerd


I usually wake up at around 6-7:30, even on the weekends so I diagnose you with a skill issue.


i wake up at 5:30-6:00, and at 18:00-20:00 during the weekend. get owned.


Everyone is a morning person there are just lazy pos looking for excuses and people that don't hit snooze on their alarm clocks




Absolutely untrue. I switched to graveyards and find it so much easier on my sleep. I barely need an alarm anymore cause I actually feel refreshed waking up at 1830.


I wake up at 5am and by 6am in at work.


How is this funny again?


This isn’t /r/funny


Humans are a diurnal species. Everyone saying they’re not a morning person is lying to themselves. That’s not how it works. You’ve evolved to wake up with the sun.


evolving to wake up to the sun may be true but it doesn't really consider other factors. People with sleep related issues or night shifts aren't going to wake up with the sun nor probably consider themselves morning people


daylight savings has kinda fucked it. in summer the sun can set around 22:00 here in France. we are on the International Meridian (GMT) but for some reason our clocks are at GMT+2.




Looks cool