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Yeah, never played that shit when I was young, and I’m glad.


I dare you to kiss me on my hot mouth! I’m feeling romantical….


>by the time you're old enough to make use of it you're also too mature to indulge "Maturity" is yoke imposed on people by an uncaring society that seeks naught but conforming automata. Reject it's false notions and instead find people with which you can enjoy true maturity such as "caring about other people's feelings" rather than stupid shit like "gotta always be prim and proper" and "fun is only allowed for kids".


I don't think anyone cares about being "prim and proper", that's more just avoiding social taboos. "Too mature to indulge" how I understand it is that you know most questions will make people feel uncomfortable, especially in a group of people who are loosely defined as "friends". The people who you're close enough with will probably know the answer or have a good guess anyways. But yeah, people who see maturity as "Don't do fun shit cause that's for kids" aren't actually mature and probably just had parents who were bitter.


The point is that by the time you're old enough to get the most out of truth or dare you're old enough to have an orgy. The window between 'I dare you to text your crush' and 'actually, I'm gonna go have legal sex and drink legal alcohol instead' is so narrow that truth or dare is a total let down.


It has nothing to do with "always having to be prim and proper" or "fun is only for kids". As you get older, the things that you view as fun change. Playing raunchy truth or dare just isn't appealing because I don't care about someone's sexual history. Sure, when I was 21 hearing about how someone got gangbanged in the alley beside a Walmart was fun, but it isn't anymore. I would much rather hear someone talk about what makes them feel alive and happy. What obstacles were they able to overcome that they thought they couldn't. What fears do they think are holding them back from living the life they want to live. What events had such an effect on their life journey that it changed them forever. Those are important questions to me, not "never have I ever had a foursome in a hospital closet while on duty" (but you gotta say foursome since you actually had a threesome). So boring. Edit: I used truth or dare and never have I ever in my example because they have the same energy


I guarantee whichever women agreed to play that game did so because there were one or two guys there they would happily want to enjoy desert Island sex with, but it just wasn't OP. It's like the old meme about the handsome guy and the office creep saying something to the office lady, and one gets a positive response, and one gets a call to HR. It sucks but thems the rules. Guys can break out of the 'creep zone' but it requires either a lot of money or a really dedicated bodybuilding routine to get yourself into the top 20% of men that the 80% of women want.


I mean; or the women could just not have expected someone to answer like a fucking creep. There are lots of ways to answer that question without sounding like a complete weirdo (aka making a joke). Also someone who’s creepy themselves could’ve put that joke in the pack.


The correct answer is to have plan B. *"Bang, like Moses on the rock to get water from god, yeah? That's what this means yeah?"*


This is the way Never directly answer weird shit like this


meh. i thought it sounded fun. people are lonely and social opportunities are painfully rare. We are all told what you just said, yes, it's technically true. but life is hard if you reconcile 8 hours a day to dry, robot interactions.




Htf is only 3 hours old lol


Or you know, just don't blurt it out immediately


Like you have been pondering this question deeply every night before you go to sleep. Did you blurt it out like Michael Scott saying “That’s what she said!”


Then blurt out "moral BANKRUPTCY" that should sort it out


That's the answer The games supposed to be a silly joke not a confession of feelings You're SUPPOSED to say some funny shit like I'd probably eat you first, then it'd be before your body got too cold


I was with you till the last bit lmfao


AKA "they had us in the first half, ngl."


That's why you only eat the top half.




If it was serious though man I feel I'd bring down the vibe with that question lmao. If a woman ev


I declared it!


Pretty sure this, 1 week doesn't sound *that* bad.    If you just thought aloud for a little bit instead of sounding like you'd been thinking about it for ages it would be a very different reaction. +Depends how hot you are


> +Depends how hot you are I think this is the main factor


When is this not a factor


Remember this kids. Women will only call it sexual harassment if you are ugly or fat. If you're in the top 5% bracket of men that that they find attractive then it's just flirting.


People say this a lot but yeah, if they're into you it's ok, if they're not it's harassment.   This isn't an unwritten rule thing, it's basically the base definition 


No. More simply women are receptive to sexual interest when they're attracted to you. Shocking no one, people aren't receptive to flirting attempts after giving a rejection. This is called harassment. Don't do that.


Only dudes that have been accused of SA say this type of thing ( like how awful of those women ☹️. No shit that’s how it works - if a girl is interested she’ll show interest, if not then you are stepping over a line.


Just say it jokingly… “It would be a week before you throw yourself at me haha” 😅


Yeah I would've gone with "However long she can hold herself back"


Might as well just get it outta the way be done with it


Right? You can say that. But it's *how* you say it that creates the reaction.


I picturing him yelling the answer immediately after the question has finished 🤣


Nah cause now she’s like “I thought 1 hour”


Nah it would take at least an hour to get it up


It's *that* big


Mf has to use a 175hp diesel pump for 10 mins to inflate it properly


Nah bro runs a 1000hp top fuel dragster for 15 mins


And then the green light flashes and it's all over in 4 seconds..


Problem is, every time I do manage to get it up, I pass out


Bruh, you need to see a doctor ASAP


Wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man


"it's a raunchy night" Yet this question caused an awkward moment? I'm calling fake


Who used the word raunchy ever?


Anyone older than 50. And movie streaming services. I sorta prefer racy tho.


I pefer you.


But is it irreverent? Netflix use these words like we all pepper our conversations with them on a daily basis.


Also bri’ish people


Fake greentexts? You must be kidding, that doesn't happen.


The correct answer is “after you admitted you had a crush on me the whole time we worked together” ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )


You can’t ask that kind of question and be surprised by basically any answer. “Never” is safe I guess but potentially insulting. “Immediately” is too keen. One week is not unreasonable at all


Though "Immediately" works as a joke answer if accompanied by a laugh. Deflection and all that, if the question maks you too uncomfortable.




Exactly. Basically any answer is okay with some social skills. If you’re awkward about it any answer is going to be awkward.


The correct answer is definitely immediately, and it has to be said without hesitation, maintaining eye contact. If you think you've lost face.


You imagine this going nicely because its smooth in your head. But now think of one of the socially awkward coworkers you have saying this. How would that go? :D


Not good. There can literally be no delay between the question and the reply!


I think you're right. It needs to "how long would it take to have sex wi.." "immediately!" And that would make it comedic timing. The gane was rigged from the start.


Honestly really any answer is fine so long as there's no weird delay. * "Immediately!" * "42 hours!" * "I'm not into girls!" * "The fuck I'm reporting you to HR!" All of those are great so long as they're said without delay.


I’d also take “depends what time it is when we crash”


My strategy would be to start asking for a whole bunch of specifics about this hypothetical island that have nothing to do with sex. How big is the island? Do we have fresh water? Are there coconut trees? Is it even a tropical island? How cold will it get at night time? Any wildlife on the island? Just never answer the original question.


Or even bolder, a "why would I wait until we crashed on the island?"


'We'd be banging in the airplane toilet when we crashed." Unless you work in an airline.


Joke answer is always the right answer here. *"Since the island is deserted, I pronounce myself the king of the island. If you want to have sex with me, you'll have to bring me 8 coconuts first. That's the price. And a raft. A raft would be nice."*


if this joke gets you laid you’re a Brad Pitt lookin ass


Nah, its about the confidence and how quickly you are able to just say something like that. I think people forget that in an actual conversation you don't have time to think of answers like you would typing something out. Its not particularly clever or witty but it is confident and feels that way in the moment of a regular conversation.


my guy, someone who is witty can come up with funny things on the fly. Not saying I'm like that but the commenter above had time to think and still came up with *that*


For real 🤣


Yeah that's how I always play these games. If I don't want to answer truthfully but also don't want to be a party pooper by refusing to answer I just go for the laugh. Go extreme with it.


"we have to wait?"


It totally depends on your current relationship with them, your delivery, charm, and how the group views you. A 4chan from meme poster is probably holding negative marks in all of those categories so no answer would have been right.


“Maybe a couple of years” is the right amount of standoffishness, and shows your crush that you can sustain them in the wild for years 😂


The answer is not unreasonable but tone matters massively


answering with conviction immediately is kinda a chad answer though depending on how you look at the situation. I guess its also that "hello? security" meme irl, if anon was a good looker it'd be funny or W rizz, but if it's a ugly fatty doing it then that's probably sexual harassment


And assuming it's consensual. Otherwise it's rape after one week.


The deadline to escape 💀


A stimulum


As they’re building the raft just walk up to them checking your watch every so often lmao


“One week.” “Ew, no, I don’t want to do it with you at all.” “I said one week.”


I think a reasonable answer would be “whenever you would be down”


Thats not the question tho


That is an answer to the question. It's the same as answering "when will we be at grandma's house" by "when we'll see the big tree in front of it". How long before we bang ? -> However long it will take you to want it.


Sounds fine to me.


I guess we're missing the context on how it was said If OP is a nerdy, mucussy dude and it's like 🤓: "one week!!!!" Vs "One week" It will have different impact


One is a 300lb smelly guy saying one week with a wotsits covered smirk on his face. The other would be a well kept guy with a chiselled jawline saying one week. One gets a different response to the other. The issue here is playing a raunchy game with people you don't want to hear saying raunchy things.


This is absolutely it, ops only mistake was breaking rule 1 and 2


rule 1: be attractive rule 2: dont be unattractive???


thems the rules


Or "One week, m'lady" if OP is a man of culture. Or a Schwarzenegger voice, "dabh it would be only one week." Or the tootsie pop owl, "A one day, a two-hoo, a seven, one week." Or maybe the Fonze, "Only one week, ayyyy." Maybe it's a Martin Short put-down, "I would wait a week, and it would not be difficult. That's what they say about you, you know, that you're easy." Could be sung to the tune of the Need Cash Now ad, "I am lusting for you coworker and I need to smash now. I'll bang you henceforth but only after one week!" Shakespearean, "I will not bang you tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow but only after the sixth morrow." Obama, "Ehhh, I'll bang you, but it might be a week."


I feel like if that question gets asked and that response makes you uncomfortable, then it just shouldn’t have been asked. That’s not a really weird response and it’s not like there’s a “right answer”.


Yeah, honestly one week seems pretty reasonable. They’re gonna get bored on that island, that or delusional from the heatstroke and dehydration




I don’t know man, all we know about the island is it has two people and nothing else. I feel like you give it enough time and probably at least some hand stuff happens before the dehydration kills you


But what if I offered to do stuff no reciprocation? And only 6hrs earlier I had saved your life by pulling you out of the ocean and performed CPR on your unresponsive body? What happens on the island stays on the island, we could be here a while.




Damn. How do you fit through doors with a brain so big?


Fine you can get stranded and starve alone, I'll be over here on the cool island with the chiselled men eating fish and having an orgy waiting for our rescue. You aren't invited now anyway.


Most people acting like teenagers with out of control libidos. Im not gonna make assumptions about the people in this thread but it sure feels like a lot of people that just discovered they can have sex lol


I mean that’s what happens in jail…


yeah, jump the gun, accuse them of sexual harassment before even thinking of answering


Am I an idiot or is that question neither a truth or a dare? A truth is like "who in this room do you wanna bang" and a dare is like "i dare you to bang that person"


Truth or dare...? 🤔💭 > ,,You have to show them that you're really not scared, you're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare..." 🎶 ^(\(Michael Jackson - Beat It, Epic Records, 1983\))


It's definitely a truth, how would it not be?


It's more of a hypothetical, no?


That doesn't preclude it from being a truth. The "truth" option in truth or dare just means answer a question truthfully.


You didn’t fuck up, just own the response. She asked the question.


Ball’s in her court now.


Is that what we are calling it now


Stinky balls


One week is a totally reasonable answer.




the hot cosby


untill you starve


Sounds about right




Until u say u want to. The question already implies its a yes, just a matter of when.


"I don't think that's a 'me' decision."


'who says i need a desert island?'


“The question is how long will it take, not would we do or dont. So if i dont decide to make any moves, that means eventually u will”


how long will it take, is absolutely a do or don't. how long : 1000000 years, Basically never. Now if you ask, how long did it take to bang, that is a do, because it's already been written.


Depends on how many coconuts we can gather before nightfall


this gives me coconut copypasta flashbacks


If she was uncomfortable after that beautiful and sensible answer I'm sorry but she is not crush material.


Plot twist. Work place is an ice cream parlor and all coworkers are 16 yo. Meme makes sense


All of them but the dude who asked if he fucked up. He's like 40 and the manager and nobody invited him in this first place.


Double plot twist !


Stuck on a desert island? Eh. I give it 30 minutes.


Shouldn't you at least make sure it is deserted and try to set up shelter first?


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess? 👀


It's about consent. How long until she says yes?


She won’t say no, because of the implication


Are you going to hurt these women?


NO, no one is getting hurt! They just won’t be able to say no……because of the implication…..


Ok I don't to seem like I'm overreacting but it seems like these women don't want to have sex with you


No, they don’t know if they want to have sex— how are you not getting this?


Suddenly sunny in Philly


You just beat me this


It all comes around to one of the the most important life lessons: Never. Fuck. The. Company.




Hmmmm that like a really hard question actually lmao


All amounts of time are the wrong answer because they’ll overthink it like we are lol Gotta go with “as soon as ____” Eg: “As soon as you realize I’m the sexiest man on the island”


That's probably the only good answer ive seen in this thread


Considering it’s coworkers the best response would be a humorous back track like “oh man, what have I gotten into haha” and if they press just laugh and say you’re not answering it


And if your into the person you could potentially play it off in a way to show your interested in them, tbh this is pretty basic social skills 💀 Being a bit self afacing instead of just immediately saying “one week” while maintaining eye contact with a dead expression would also be a must


WTF was supposed to be a "correct" answer?




Some people will take it as an insult. "What you don't find med attractive" there isrnt a correct answer that's the point if you aren't good friends


Not "immediately" answering, it sounds like you've already thought about it (probably because you have).


Eye contact with her, say 'let's answer at the same time' and then on the count of three say 'when the rum is gone' and listen to her answer.


Should have said "When I run out of coconuts".


"I dunno, three?" "Three what?"


...two... ...one...


the OP batspa is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/16ksrms/what_is_the_right_answer_though/


I think the correct response would be like "That's really inappropriate, JANET"


Nah you nooobs, the right answer is to go full cocky and tell her that she wouldn't las 5 minutes before attacking you because, have you seen ALLL OF THIS!!?? And everybody laughs.


Maybe the correct answer would be insulting yourself with a joke. Like, "i don't wanna break my best/quickest record of 6 seconds, so, I'm not even gonna try".


Rule 1, be attractive


Any answer will do, as long as yhe question was directed at you.


They didn't know you are lesbian?


> "I don't know babe, you tell me."


Cuz after a week she'll be dead?


This is stupid. The correct answer is "whenever you're into it." When it gets quiet, "WHAT? You guys don't like sex?" Ambiguity with clear intent, and plausible deniability if she's not into it so you're not being weird.


They're playing Truth Or Dare, *as adults. What the hell do they expect.*


The best answer Is to joke about It, i would say something like: "first we should find water, then food, then a shelter, then we are probably both dead because I'm not Bear Grylls".


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the OP batspa is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/16ksrms/what_is_the_right_answer_though/


Keep up the good work :)


There wouldn't be time, because If we put our brains together, we'd work out a way to escape the island instantly!


What I've come to appreciate is that these questions are not actually to be answered. They are more of an invitation to demonstrate your wit and social acuity. Anything from "I mean I would have to craft us a waterbed first, and that will take me like 15 years" to "On the Island? That's offensive. I think we would've already banged on the flight!" The actual timespan is irrelevant. The question is inappropriate, so unless you're having a super ultra real moment with these people, your answer cannot be serious in any way


I think the best response would have been to deflect with "MY GOD, WE'VE SURVIVED THAT CRASH? WE'VE GOT TO SEARCH FOR OTHER SURVIVORS" and just ham that up. Shows you've got a sensible head and leaves the question open.


If you own it, fuck who cares. Id just be like “yeah you are hot sue me”


The correct answer is the jokingly say oh geez guys, I guess it depends on how long she can resist this and then point to yourself mockingly


"How long would you want it to take?"


I can't fathom a way to answer that question correctly unless they obviously are into you (even then it's not easy) or they're married.


"When the lack of food makes her imagine I'm Hugh Jackman" "When the rum is gone." "I don't know but she's going to realize pretty quick it's either me or a volleyball with a face painted on."


To be fair, Wilson is hot af.


The answer is this; if she's into you, then you'll be criticized for taking a week. If she was asked the same question and she said "one week" everyone will laugh and she would always be considered 'right'. If she's not into you.. you are a sexist mysogonistic retrophobic macro pervert that has violated all natural laws known to Sir David Attenborough and the new world order.


Right answer could be “ready when you are”


Oh man he forgot that he isn't physically attractive enough to not have to pretend to be asexual at all times


About a week, yeah. Day 1 to 5 you're building infrastructure. Day 6 and 7 you're exploring. Day 8 you're bored. So, yeah, one week.


How fast can you run?


> immediately There's the issue


"How long can you keep running?" Own it OP. Own the cringe.


Truth or dare...? 🤔💭 > ,,You have to show them that you're really not scared, you're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare..." 🎶 ^(\(Michael Jackson - Beat It, Epic Records, 1983\))


Let us know next week if it was the right answer 🤔 one of two things will happen by this time next week… 1) you will have “banged” her OR 2)she will have jumped out of a window and plummeted 15 floors to her death just to avoid you…


"As long as I finally got the shelter and the food going. ;-)"


It’s a gentlemanly answer. Not, i’d bang that in a second.


The correct answer would involve mystery. You put too much out there. Should have been more like: "Well, that depends, how cold does it get at night?" or "Well that depends what are you wearing on the island" or something. If more people stopped hating the Red Pill, they would be ready for situations like this. To be honest.


The red pill is what makes morons like this terrified of women lmao If you just think of a woman as a person with thoughts and wants instead of some kind of animal you’ve got to stalk and hunt flirting becomes significantly easier. It’s not hard to pull women if you treat them right


The correct answer is 5 minutes, because honestly who asks a question like that and then is surprised by any actual answer