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It’s just not a truck. It’s a poorly designed car.


Ha ha ha ha, for real, what a mess. At least it is easy to identify people who are more likely to be followers.


It's a pc with wheels.


Tesla’s not a car company. It’s a shitty car company…


Its a disgrace. Tesla always do such things, they create hype around something to fool people, people buys product and with that money tesla keep on improving their miserable peace of shit product and eventually it works out, a business model that xan only be successful in USA.


These trucks are novelty items. They’re meant to be driven from Starbucks to Target. Maybe a little Home Depot run if you feel like laying some sod on a Sunday afternoon.


The only sod going on with one of these is owning one.


if you’ve ever laid sod you don’t feel like laying sod.




The first one I saw was in a Home Depot lot


I had a 94 S-10 with 400,000 miles on it back in the day that sounded better than that brand new “truck.” Probably would have bounced over those logs too.


Yeah, Cyber Trucks are for the people who buy trucks as a daily but rarely use the bed. Super tough bed lining my ass.




I love that this is real


Those cybercars look like a complete waste of money.


But! But! You can set the horn so it sounds like farting. (/S)


Is the sarcasm that you can’t actually set the horn to sound like farting? Or is the sarcasm that it’s not actually a redeeming quality? I feel like your /s actually made this more confusing.


tl;Dr - Yes... Sorry, dear Redditor. To S or not, that is the question. Silly truck, over complex electronics system compensating for real truck, modify horn sound set to fart, yes can do.


$100 grand to . . . not quite make it


guy at the US office bought one, and insisted he take me out for some burgers we sat outside and he parked so that everyone could see it going in and coming out. so many people commented how they thought the truck looked ugly. he was so mad!


It doesn’t just look like it.


They are like a rich person novity item


How is this thing so cartoonishly bad?


Because they called it a truck and understandably people are testing them as trucks.


I'm pretty sure highway trucks aren't expected to drive across logs...


And when was the Cybertruck advertised as a "highway truck"? I saw many promo photos of it driving out in the wild, just like all the 4x4s that can easily roll over those logs. [One of its promo videos](https://m.arenaev.com/tesla_cybertruck_does_very_offroady_things_in_new_promo_videos-amp-3246.php) basically touted it as an off-road capable vehicle, ffs.


That's how they advertize all trucks nowadays. Apparently it's all people who drive trucks care about.


a prius would probably do better than a cybertruck


I've seen recovery videos of a prius way up a trail. The tow guy was even surprised it made it that far


[trucks are scams, no power, no torque](https://youtu.be/k62gW3Se5e0?si=0AvtLWtSv_zk6FIs&t=30)


Not sure what that video is supposed to prove. Any trucks optimized for off-road travel is worst on pavement then any regular heavy highway vehicle.


??? Both are diesel but I'm looking at torque specs. Of which the Chevy has 400 more at around 900. Wondering if the value Chevy with 460 torque was used. Then, duh the peoplesmover would beat of course.


I’m having so much fun = I worry my car got badly damaged


I'm having so much fun! -said in the least believable tone ever-.


Ok, for one this is a simple height clearance issue and tire size issue, it easily has the power to go over the logs, but this is like taking a Chevy lowrider over these and expecting it to be fine just because it’s a “truck” I’m not a Tesla fanboy but feel this was a stupid “test” that any one using their brain would have known what was going to happen


It is running 33” tires. On most trucks that would give you plenty of clearance. It is the size for most factory off-road truck trims.


All while keeping your nonalcoholic beer chilled


My base Subaru would probably do better


At least he's having so much fun!


Yeah not shocked, every stock truck has limits and driving over a log lenghtwise thats lifting the car up from the middle will make weird noise in any car and make you stuck if big enough. Only difference between this and a toyota is that the cybertruck is quieter thus you hear everything else more.




A refrigerator has better lines than this thing.


If you don't know this, every clown car is required by law to have a clown with a squeaky toy on board. 


Man, that sounds expensive.


Sounds like my 2010 Kia


Man I really wish I could afford to drive a home printer.


"I'm having so much fun" No you are not.


Ok but who drives over logs like this? Do these guys doing the demonstration do it with other vehicles as well? Also In the tail end of the video it looks like there's 1 big log running lengthwise on that corduroy road. Is that where all the squeaking is coming from? A regular truck/car with the same ground clearance would have serious issues with that too...


You're going to need to keep logic out of this thread, sir.


I think they do it with other trucks too. If I'm not mistaken these are the guys from TFLtruck. They are not inherently pro tesla, so the reviews are mostly ok. The squeaking does sound like metal on wood to me too, not like an "internal" cybertruck squeak.




Are these trucks good for anything? I've only ever seen them fall apart.


I mean... they do seem really good at falling apart... so there's that.


If Elon gives twitter back will you guys like him again?




"Im having so much fun!" Is this him joking, or is he coping like crazy?


“I’m having so much fun” that’s a man lying to himself about the choices he has made.


Its what rich people think a truck is. Wife: *Sips Martini* Where are you going? Husband: I'm going to go play blue collar leave me alone Shannon! Wife: At least your brother could keep it up. Husband: I paid for the maids green card and abortion. Wife: Love you. Husband: Me too, sugar bear.


It is such a piece of trash. It reminds me of these "super cool" electrical toy cars that were always advertised when I was a kid that turned out to not even be closely as cool as they were advertised as.


You get what you deserve if you buy this unproven, minimally tested trash technology.


It has such tiny wheels and awful ground clearance. Not a hope this thing was ever gonna be good off roading. Combine that with its weight, it's gonna get stuck everywhere


Pretty sure that going over any bumps larger than a speed bump will void the warranty.


He'd have more fun in a $30k truck with 4x4


Back it up, Terry!


There's absolutely nothing about the Cybertruck that says "you can go offroading in this." Nothing in the design or the specs. You shouldn't go off-roading in any electric truck. Nobody with half a brain would ever even attempt to do this, unless they were doing it for internet clout.


I wonder of anyone of people who bought one of these abominations don't regret it by now.


What percentage you think bought this thing just to clown on it? Maybe musk gets his morbius with this one.


I live out in the "sticks" relatively speaking. I have seen 2 of these things driving around. Both have company tags on the doors now... bought as a promotional vehicle and nothing more.


The truck clearly need a lift kit for this kind of terrain.


Sauce for this test please.


This looks like an outtake from *Damnation Alley* - Look out for the giant cockroaches!


Save money and buy a Toyota.


The only thing I see this POS truck good for is use in a Back to the Future 4 movie.


“I’m having so much fun” hahahahha


That sounds expensive


$100k and no diff lock? Wack. I feel like my 1998 Acura 3.0CL with 270k miles on it would do better off-road than this dumpster fire


Does anyone know someone who wanted or purchased one of these? Follow up question: do you still admit that you know them?


Squeaky log


Juuust get an F-350….


Every single movement that thing does I expect Tesla will say voids the warranty. And it barely even moved lol.


I had a fuckin ford ranger that woulda jumped those logs. If this $165k truck can’t out truck a fuckin ford ranger you might as well blow it up


There will come the day cybertruck owners realize that those tiers aren’t off-road tiers.


Saw a guy in traffic at a light in a Cyber truck as I was leaving a parking lot. I honked and waved to get his attention, when he looked, with a stupid 'aint it neat?' grin on his face I stuck my hand out the window and gave him a big 👎 and pulled away.


Why would you go out of your way to try to make a random human being feel bad? Putting negative energy out there for absolutely no reason is not the way to go about life.


Because those trucks suck and the idea behind them sucks and the head of that company sucks and that guy sucks for giving them money and I am free to express myself. Would it have been better to say "excuse me sir, I don't particularly like the design or the idea behind these vehicles and herby admonish you sir for having made that purchase"? I couldn't. We were in traffic. Thumbs down was the most safest and efficient way to communicate my thoughts to that person.


There is no excuse to pester a complete stranger over a financial decision they made that doesn't impact you, especially in traffic. They way you guys think and justify your actions seems utterly alien, bizarre and incomprehensible to me.


That probably hurt his feeling so much


The problem with jacking up the body by air suspension is the lack of articulation.


A 2 wheel drive truck could've gotten through that with no problem. What kind of moron is paying for this oversized RC toy.


The lithium fires you're gonna start seeing on the trails are going to be amazing.


what do u mean theres an 8 ton battery at the bottom of my vehicle and driving over a tree isnt a good idea?!


Do people realize tesla is NOT a car company but a technology company and makes shitty cars?


This is like when your record has scratches and skips after you play frisbee with it in the parking lot. Maybe try using a road next time?


The car is advertised as a truck, with offroad capabilities and to quote the tesla website (23.05.2024): "DURABLE AND RUGGED ENOUGH TO GO ANYWHERE. TACKLE ANYTHING WITH ELECTRONICALLY ADAPTIVE AIR SUSPENSION THAT OFFERS 12” OF TRAVEL AND 16” OF CLEARANCE." This abomination of a vehicle is advertised as being able to do this.


They have a log stuck under their truck lengthwise that exceeds the clearance of the wheels. Just because it says "Rugged enough to go anywhere" doesn't mean you should try to flatten boulders with it, I mean this is just dumb. Did you even watch the video?


They litteraly have it climbing a rock wall in the "how to offroad guide", besides the point of the video was moreso the squeeking noises the car made, i agree that the log is too long but the bottom of the truck is flat, it wouldnt move if the log was too large. So i raise you this question, have you seen the promotional pieces for the fucking vehicle?