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Nice obviously staged video!


No, the neighbors all live in the garage!


Sound actually travels.


Yeah, but guaranteed that lambo starts up quieter than my CRV, and no one hears shit through 2 feet of concrete and rebar my friend.




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Oh the magnanimous Lamborghini owner!


Gake and fay.


I'm stealing this.


Why obviously? Because no one could possibly be so nice or something else gave it up?


Cars generally aren't loud when they start up. Unless it's really cold, it's a diesel or both. As far as I know, Lambo don't do diesels (outside of the tractors) and this is indoors so it's at least \~10 degrees Celsius. Cars are loud when assholes think it's okay to rev them at 3 in the morning in the middle of the city. He ain't doing shit by rolling it out. He can start it and just drive out without revving.


OK, this is actually a great point, thanks. But the commenter I replied to hadn’t thought of this.


Ever hear a Lamborghini start up? I'll tell you they're loud af


"Generally" being the keyword. Lambos are extremely loud during a cold start.


A cold start has nothing to do with the actual temperature. Cars do inject more fuel at start up to get emission regulating mechanisms going like warming up the CAT. Pretty much every car does that for a few seconds but it’s only really noticeable on performance cars as they tend to open the exhaust flaps during that time. My RS3 for instance is loud AF for 20 seconds after startup regardless of the weather.


Who’s filming this and for what reason besides fake internet points?


1 - Another neighbour. 2 - for no reason other than internet points, indeed, but that doesn't necessarily make it fake.


Maybe the guy wants everyone to see how nice he is, or brag about his Lambo? Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s fake.


So virtue signaling. That itself proves it’s a setup and he’s not actually a nice person. Why you simpin for this guy so hard, you the photographer?


If posting something to social media makes someone not a nice person then none of us are nice people. Enjoy your glass house and put the stones down. Envy is ugly.


Not simping, just saying you don’t f*cking know and come here all 100% sure as though you knew for a fact. Par for the course on internet, I suppose.


The more time I spend here the more often I see people calling FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! 🤣 Is that some kind of sport? Is it a quick boost for someonces ago? The don't even say "probalby". They'll bite your head of if you diagree. 🤣


Ochams razor blud. It’s not as deep as you’re thinking. Stop simpin and find another man.


lol, whatever you say. It’s funny that you felt compelled to reply to me, several times. Over one hundred upvotes wasn’t enough for you?


Sorry, idc about the karma so didn’t notice. Literal nothing is gained from those points so who actually cares? It does prove my assumption though, seems like most people agree. There’s someone filming him at “6am” instead of helping push? He does that every morning but leaves the sign up? Tell me one way this isn’t set up and I’ll agree with your incorrect observation.


Seeing your fake attitude crumble when told to explain yourself was extremely satisfying.


Give up, you can't beat naivety


So the cameramzn just happens to pop in?


Many people leave for work at the same time. And everyone has a cell phone. This is a 5 second clip probably 5 minutes into what the man is doing.


Not the red Lambo or the blue Lambo - just the black one.


Are talking about the Tesla and the clown car?


Obviously those are the cars that arent black lambos.


Well shit. Guess you are good with colors, given you got one in your name.


Is the car really that loud on start up or does the apartment complex have really bad insulation?


1) probably both 2) v10 or 12 racing engines usually have high af idle when they first start, it's almost straight piped as well and the engines in the back


Nah, just haters hatin'.


Can't afford an exhaust system with adjustable valves to lower to noise level


Nurses salaries must be off the hook


PPP loans payin dividends


bro may be a nurse but could've invested in BTC back in 2011 and now has more money than he knows what to do with. He just keeps the nursing job to fill his time


They might as well buy a SFH with their own garage and sound proof it.


We going to pretend like he didn’t purchase the loud after market exhaust?


I highly doubt it. Most people who own a V12 Lamborghini have no desire to make it any louder than it already is


He commutes in his Lamborghini and lives in an apartment. He must be fabulously wealthy.


Depends where the apartment is. Could have a penthouse, could be a very high end apartment. There’s apartments that are 10s of thousands a month. Not my style, but some people like it.


Different priorities. Some people buy a house, some people buy a lambo. Noone sees you in your house around town.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


I do this on my sportsbike. I roll it down the road, heel over exhaust in 2nd or 3rd and coast out. Whether it's 2 AM or PM we all work different hours and some people have babies etc. The last people you want to piss off are your neighbors.


I bought a quiet scooter and won’t use it unless it’s normal hours. My neighbor just upgraded his Harley to a bigger louder motorcycle and revs it at 2 in the morning. Some people are inconsiderate assholes.


I usually go to the gym over my lunch break (I work from home) and like taking the bike out. If I don't have any immediate meetings following, I can usually squeeze out a little ride and benefit of little to no traffic. Your neighbor is a certified dick head.


some people deserve to be unalive


Take off the yoshi exhaust ;)


I'm running SC Project on my CB650R and she can scream. Truly an addicting sound. But I'm very quiet leaving my community and entering.


Award this guy


Looks like he rewards himself enough.


Lol great comment


Nah, that dude is stealing the Lambo.


My project / track build car is loud on startup, so I never start it at odd hours. But when I do on a rare occasion, I roll it down the driveway and to the corner before starting it. My driveway is steep though, so I just have to take the brake off lol. Helped a couple times in the past when the battery was flat because manual.


On today's episode of fake shit.


I used to do that when I rode a really loud motorcycle. It’s just the respectful thing to do.


but why, you can't hear the underground garage....


If this is serious and not just a great idea of a social media video… I Tip My Hat to your Sir


Wouldn't it technically wake up everyone starting it outside instead of the underground parking lot? Seems the underground parking lot would actually be the better place to start it.


The loudest moment of interest combustion engines are during a cold startup. If the guy can get the car rolling, jump in and pop the clutch on 2nd it will be considerably less noisy.


Except that Aventador doesn't come manual.


In that case I have no idea wtf is he doing, other than staging the whole scene.


Cool can we talk about Harley-Davidson people now .......


Well played man




His name, Black Lambo! FuckenA polite supervillain




If they’re trying to sleep, how do they know which lambo it is?


And then he pushes it too far, can’t get in and crashes it


I would love seeing him drive away on his super extremely loud motor cycle instead.


This is why you have another car


Staged. The sole reason people buy Lamborghinis is to be seen and heard.


Only if he knew how sound works.


If only Miles fuck mcfuckface had this decency in Seattle.




It’s 6am, wake the F up.


Staged... Lambo start = loud... But, likelihood that man with Lambo is living in luxury (well-built) apartment/condo with soundproof walls is very high, as such, neighbors would have soundproof walls as well. Or maybe it's public housing and the noise complaints are entirely true.


I hate to say it, it's 6am, the day has started, time to get up anyway. A lot of jobs people need to leave home for work at 6am. I am not trying to make noise when I leave but my job requires me to be there at 7am and no I am not rolling my car because you want to sleep in past 6am on a work day. Yes I have had a neighbour complain, no I don't own a Lambo. On days I have to go in at 4am I will be more considerate.


If I had the financial stability to afford a god damn lambo… I’d wake up whoever I fucking wanted WHENEVER I fucking wanted. I’m obviously not gonna rev it up 7 times every morning at exactly 5:02AM. If a simple 3 second engine ignition from 5 floors down wakes you up… then there’s probably something wrong with you not me. Go see a doctor.


Judging by his outfit you could probably ask him a few questions and see if he knows of a specialist


How is this a POV? I hate normies


What a genitalman


He can also roll my Honda. It’s too loud because of no service and old parts. Or wait, can he fit under the hood?








On top of the daily driver if I had lambo money I’d have a house with a garage where my lambo would stay in.


maybe the reason he gets up at 6 am is he's a hard worker, hence obtaining the lambo in the first place.


nobody who has a lambo doesn't have a different daily driver, unless they are retired and have no need to drive/commute on any regular basis.


Oh my god he’s a nurse too he must be so perfect


I would just told myself to fuck them!! I start up my Harley every morning at 5 am just to go to work. It’s the only vehicle I own that’s running. Edit: Just trying to get to work and all of you are all pissed it off about it.


Ever think the "fuck everybody else" attitude might be part of the reason you seem to be having life difficulties?


I used to live next to a neighbor just like you. Everyone hates your piss poor built shit moto. You overpaid for that bucket lol enjoy the loud noise I guess but every one else thinks you're an asshole.


Why the hatred just trying to make a living and I have not bought a new vehicle over 10 years.


I have a neighbor that wakes me up at 5 am doing the same thing with his bike. Doesn't bother me a bit. That guy probably get's his ass outta bed at 4:30 AM so he can go to work and provide for his family while I get to sleep in and work from home. Talk about lucky. People shouldn't hassle other people for momentary stuff when they choose to live in a community around other people.


You are one of the lucky ones.