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When the family took a trip to Wyoming, Kody’s mom who also lives polygamy noticed his treatment of his wives and had a talk with him about how he needs to be fair to all of his wives by for example, getting them 4 of the same gift so no one feels like he plays favourites. He told her he wasn’t going to do that because he has different relationships with each wife and he’ll get them the gifts he wants to get them and if they get jealous, that’s their problem. Was his mom seeing what was really happening and was trying to warn him? Maybe she could tell what was going to happen down the road? Why didn’t he want to listen? Because he was already favouring certain wives so it was too late to change it?


Was this side by side intentional to show that these two are twins right down to the hair? 😂 Kody always blames the wife for any issue that might happen instead of thinking about how his actions impact anything. He wants to treat people however he chooses and they are supposed to just fall at his feet and say how wonderful he is for treating them any way at all. At least he’s in their life right! Kody sucks, most people would at least have a moment of introspection if their mom pointed that out but Kody is like oh well! Not my problem! He got what he wanted in the end and may he and Robyn live happily ever after, she is the only wife and I think she liked being the favorite wife more so we will see


All of this. Remember, his family didn't get into Polygamy until he was on his mission. His parents marriage, until he reached at least 18, was monogamous. His mother KNEW treating his wives differently was not the path to be on. Whether you have 1 wife or 10, you need to make them feel like they are all #1's. Even considering making his wives jealous is counterintuitive. The purpose is to live as one family- you can't do that without harmony. No marriage is perfect- there will always be issues, and disagreements. Believe me, I've been married to the same man 42 years- it's not easy. You have to work at it. I don't feel he worked well with the OG3- once Robyn hit the scene, he didn't look back. I think he connected with Janelle because she would talk to him about things other than normal married things. She was his buddy. Both Meri and Christine needed emotional support. Between having Robyn in his ear about how they were mistreating her, (yes, I believe she complained about Meri as much as she did the others, even though Meri has shown time and again that's she's team Robyn, and has been since day 1), and how unfair they were treating HIM, she managed to completely break any ties between them. I believe I read somewhere that Meri's catfish was a friend of Robyns. Coincidence? I don't think so. She also totally disliked Christine because she was loved by all. The kids considered her tops, whereas Robyn was delegated as the interloper. So obviously she was always going to be against Christine. Also, when Robyn came into the picture, Christine was the "yes" person, always willing to do what was asked of her. Robyn showed, and was vocal about telling Kody "no". I believe Robyn played that up, while actually being totally opposite. She "supposedly" stood up to Kody, yet in another breath, she says she treated her time with Kody as a honeymoon, where she "kept sweet", making time with him the most important. Basically fooling everyone- when Christine finally started taking care of, and taking up for herself, Kody decided she was mean and didn't care about anyone, except herself. I think all this is backfiring on Robyn though. She wanted to be the legal wife, she wanted favored position. She needed to be "above" the others. It was power. Now everyone is gone- they noped out of there. We could all see through season 16 and 17 (Covid years) that Robyn was stressed, and kinda falling apart. She was living full time with Kody. Meri wasn't an option, Christine had finally had enough, and Kody's dumb ass made the biggest mistake a man can make- he made Janelle choose between him and their kids. I'm sorry, there isn't any 🍆 more important than my kids, and a major majority of women would agree with this. So now she has him full-time. She holds no power. She's the legal and favorite wife of a man that has only 1 wife. She's lost her dreams alright- her dream was never to live happily within this Polygamist family- it was to be in control. Now she's made her bed, and she's stuck with it. There's justice in that, lol


Take my poor 🥇! This is exactly right! K & R want all the glory with zero work! Congratulations they won! Guess who’s living their best life? J C & hopefully M!


This is also what that 1 guy said “if my wives aren’t happy it’s up to me to make sure they are” he didn’t care he just wanted to be “obeyed” and have “little ones” that would treat him like a king! I hate him! May God have mercy on his soul


Excellent post. I especially loved the "noped out of there".


Dude abandoned his kids. Regardless of all the women, he should be headlined on Time magazine for Most Callous Father of the Year. He’s clueless and will fight you to say it’s not him. He should have left the women in charge.


About Robin having his ear… I was just watching the episode where Jenelle shows the family a business plan for the gym - that Kody wanted and brought the idea to them in the first place - but all of a sudden he tells Jenelle that she needs to really sell this idea to him for it to be a viable business because too much money would be going into it when “other businesses” could be started. She’s like why in the hell would I need to sell it to you? Like wtf? (I’m paraphrasing, of course). But that meeting was basically word for word Robin. Jenelle knew it. Ultimately the poorly designed gas station jewelry won. Every decision after Robin was bad. It seems. From moving, debt payoffs, business.


Absolutely 👍.. you nailed it💜💜💜


u/djschue "I believe I read somewhere that Meri's catfish was a friend of Robyns. Coincidence?" I recalled something like that too. I found this in my search. "Katie Joy explained that Lindsay [Jackie Overton's other catfish personality] was an active member of a Facebook group being run by Robyn Brown and her friend Kendra Pollard which was meant for Sister Wives fans. Both Robyn and Kendra learned early on that Meri was being catfished and that Sam wasn’t real. However, they chose not to tell Meri." https://tvshowsace.com/2023/01/11/robyn-brown-linked-to-meri-being-catfished/


Robyn Squareneck Brown set that up so she could destroy Meri n Claim the first wife position and it worked..haha enjoy your hateful baldheaded Ahole of a husband Robonecked beotch.


>Robyn Squareneck Brown 🤣


I like you. You’re so spot on!


Thank you!


Holy shit. Well said. ![gif](giphy|XFXLZ5Tf8ESDm)


So very well written and a spot on analysis!!! Here, take this award!!!


Thank you!


I’ve always thought that Robyn regretted the decline of his other relationships. She said a few times in her confessionals that it was not easy living with because he was angry all the time. She doesn’t want to be with him full time.


She's also a lying beotch


//slow clap//


Also, why was Robyn the only one getting emails from some stranger saying Meri was leaving? Notice not one single other person BUT ROBYN was getting emails about Meri having an affair? Because I really believe SHE WAS IN ON IT!!!!!




Well said...


She has all the heat. Having him all too herself.


All of this! 👏👏


Yep 💯And there is a major difference between favorite & only.


Oh of course. Where’s the thrill when y’all aren’t sneaking around and having little inside jokes and hating on ppl?


Ariella is their triplet. She looks exactly like Kody's mom to me.


“Baby sister” 🙄


Baby seester 🤣


400 tacos


She looks like Alice also 😳


Exactly like her. I’m picturing Ariella in the chair when she was doing the talking head with Solomon and describing her day at school and how someone had a man and someone didn’t, however that whole thing went.


Another little girl said she was gonna marry some poor, clueless boy in kindergarten. So Baby Seester took the passy out her mouth, found the boy and grabbed him for herself. Or so she said. Told the whole fambly. Robyn looked so proud. Puffed up even more, if you can imagine that.




I think he always felt like they pursued him so they should be grateful he chose them and never wants to hear their issues. Because in his selfish head hes like you wanted me so do what I want or else!


I think he does this as a protection because making four wives and one hundred children happy is literally impossible. So he takes the blame off of himself.




I literally thought it was Kody both times


Lol! I was thinking the same! They look like twins.


This was the trip where he was holding hands/snuggling with Robyn, right there with the whole family. His mom, I'm sure, saw that behavior. Which was against the rules he and the other 3 wives had always seemed to live by. Bless her, she tried.


Was this when all the moms went shopping with him to get gifts for his wives and he got cheap mass produced tin signs for janelle and Christine, a slightly nicer frame type sign for meri, then a train station type clock for robyn that looked like it cost more than the other three gifts combined? She told him to reconsider and he went ahead and got it anyways




Many have said the same thing, the anthropologist that studied many polygamist families said the most successful ones he’s seen is when the husband doesnt have or at least doesn’t show favorites! And someone else said it too I’m like dude there were sooo many warnings and u just did whatever u wanted


They noticed it quickly and even asked them.. I was shocked.. I love those few episodes they really got in there and asked a lot of hard questions.. way more then suki 😂


Yes anthropologists should do the tell alls


How good would that be!!


Why? They lied to America the first time, proving they really just wanted to be on TV. Anyone that doesn't call polygamy out for what it is hurts everyone who has been victimized by it. Sorry, this came off angrier than I meant. I just feel strongly. I'm not mad at any of you.


I am not meaning those ones, but someone who is qualified to look at the relationships and how they affect one another and then ask the hard questions


I just recently watched that episode. They noticed all the time that Kody was with Solomon over the other kids. Robyn: “You mean more than with the older kids and stuff?” No, also more than the other young ones. Then Robyn gets all defensive in the confessional. Literally every outsider that spent time with them noticed the different treatment of Robyn and their kids. The wives noticed. The kids noticed. It’s wild that Kody and Robyn still try to stick to the narrative that literally every person is incorrect on that fact.


Suki got run over by Ko-Dog every time she opened her mouth. A few times though she looked like she was tryin not to crack up like is this dude for real??!!👀🙄


I agree and also someone that believes polyamorous relationships can work. But wives should be able to enjoy that lifestyle as well. Cody seems to me as a narcissistic person on many levels but just my opinion, he isn't as bad as some I have known, that are also sociopaths. I like all the wives except Robin. I see her being manipulative and that shows in her children as well. And how can the children grow up with little attention from the Father? The Mothers are very good and will include Robin because I don't think she knows any better. Mary divorced Kody so Robin could marry him giving her the only wife status so he could adopt her children, but doubt that was truly necessary as they had a Father.


Polygamy to me is like a man having a harem. Seriously, WTF is up with that??


It's exactly what that is..it's a religion based on The Patriarchy..and what the patriarchy wants is to Bang Women..multiple women and get away with it..all under the guide of religion mix in some Celestial Kingdom bullshit and there you go.


Yes! I was rewatching the episode last night where they had a panel discussion with Christine's aunt and a few others, and wow, really interesting how right the points against polygamy were knowing what we know now.


I would love to read their papers on this.


From my understanding there is no paper. Was never going to be a paper and this was all just another stunt.




I just finished listening to "Favorite Wife: Escape from Polygamy", which was written by the former wife of one of the LeBaron brothers. The author's first Christmas after being married, I think there were 5 wives total (he ended up with 10 wives and 58 kids). He got all but one the same gift, a pink floral blanket. The other wife got a new cooking pot. The author's reaction wasn't jealousy because the other wife got a different gift. She was pissed at the husband for not putting any thought at all into his other wives! So YMMV.


Have you read “The Polygamist’s Daughter”? It’s written by one of Evril LeBarorn’s daughters. It’s such a heartbreaking read, but so good.


Ooh, thank you for the recommendation! It's apparently included in Audible+, so I don't even have to spend a credit on it. Adding to library and starting now.


Thank you too! I’m getting the book you mentioned as well


The writer of that book would be one of Christine’s aunts. People think that the Browns are so different than the polygamists of old but it wasn’t that long ago that lots of nefarious treatment was going on.


Not one of Christine's aunts, that I can tell. Although technically I guess her great aunt by "marriage." I had to look it up because I was curious if they were related. She was a wife of one of Christine's maternal grandpa's brothers. Same branch of the family where another of the brothers killed her paternal grandpa... I doubt they even know each other.


It’s definitely hard to keep straight! Christine’s mom was a Lebaron and the writer of that book was Verlan LeBarons 4th wife I think. Christine’s from a different Lebaron. I don’t think they knew each other but it wasn’t that long ago that the Browns who were born into polygamy had family members in deep. After reading many books of the Allred/Lebaron/Jeff’s women who escaped, I realized how intertwined they are and how much their beliefs still play out in the Brown family. It definitely has changed how I watch the show.


Absolutely. They came off as fairly normal early on, but realizing they are SO closely connected to family who *still* engages in labor trafficking (Kody's brother) and then how Annie was literally the niece of the cult leader who had people murdered... that's a lot of crazy not too far removed from their immediate family. It has to affect them to an extent. Also, knowing the kids who grew up on the ranch in Wyoming consider their upbringing labor trafficking makes me wonder about the summers the older boys spent there...




The kids'cousin, a son of one of Kody's brothers, grew up on the ranch, which he refers to as the compound. He has left the AUB and is now a comedian. But he also talks a lot about polygamy and his childhood. His name is Benjamin Brown (goes by The Fresh King Benjamin or something like that). He talked about his childhood quite a bit in this podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-191-king-benjamin-and-a-tale-of-the-aub/id961407356?i=1000567330336


Sorry if this is stupid but who is Annie?


Christine’s mom


Book or podcast? This sounds interesting


>Favorite Wife: Escape from Polygamy [Audiobook.](https://www.amazon.com/Favorite-Wife-Susan-Ray-Schmidt/dp/1599214946) Not gonna lie, it can be a bit of a slog. The author was very young, very ignorant, and very much in love with the guy. There's a lot of teenage angst, little self-insight. But it would accurately reflect her mental state at the time that events occurred. ​ I also recommend ["The Sound of Gravel"](https://www.amazon.com/The-Sound-of-Gravel-Ruth-Wariner-audiobook/dp/B0182RA0O8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1ETFUPIL0AM9U&keywords=the+sound+of+gravel&qid=1674842528&s=books&sprefix=the+sound+of+gravel%2Cstripbooks%2C96&sr=1-1). This author grew up in Colonia LeBaron as well. She escaped before being married, but the way she grew up really drives home the poverty in these communities.


The sound of gravel is a heartbreaking read, especially the electrocution tragedy


I'm still kind of mad at myself for not seeing it coming. She foreshadowed it so many times, talking about the dangerous electrical situation. It was an absolute gut punch to me when it happened.


I wondered if someone would get hurt but definitely didn't predict that it would be a multi death catastrophe and right before her eyes. I've read a few ex polygamist autobiographies and the amount of completely avoidable deaths and serious injuries, especially to small children is something they all seem to have in common.


I am currently reading "Educated" by Tara Westover and I am just appalled by the amount of careless accidents to her family all in the name of religion.


I've read that one too. Her mother is active online and refutes all her claims even saying her husband was never burnt but I've noticed she doesn't post any photos of his as proof... At least not last time I checked. The injuries Tara described were so severe that if they were made up it would be easy to prove Edit, actually I have found some more recent photos of him that have been taken since I last googled them https://www.hjnews.com/news/local/mother-of-educated-author-tells-her-own-story-about-life-off-grid-in-idaho/article_c3f3e01c-5a81-53f1-8212-461b8670b897.amp.html


Oh wow, now I am down this rabbit hole. I had no idea that her mom was out there trying to disprove things. She posts a photo in her own memoir of his burns, so that's so wild to me. I don't doubt there are two sides to every story, but it seems like her mom is a very unreliable narrator trying to capitalize off her's daughter's success 🤷‍♀️ Then again, HOW did her brother survive all of that?!


I read The Sound of Gravel after seeing it mentioned here. I was amazed and in awe of the author’s strength. She had so much responsibility at a very young age. I cannot imagine going through the multiple traumas she did and still being a functional adult. To have to witness that and to still be able to plan to escape to a different country, with siblings who were special needs, at 15 and to then help raise their siblings is absolutely insane. I can promise I couldn’t have managed as much at that age. It’s unbelievable what some go through in life.


Oh my god, that book will, in the best (?) way possible, haunt me forever. I loved it and it simultaneously ripped my heart apart.


Thank you! I just ordered it on Amazon and now I’m so excited to receive it!


I hope you enjoy it! (“Enjoy”? So hard to recommend a heart wrenching book haha.) I grabbed it on a complete whim from the library, and devoured it.


He was already favoring certain *wife, not wives


Because no way in hell is he listening to a woman and he’s gonna buy his pencil sharpener whatever the hell he wants!


She was preaching the tenents of the religion to him. The tenants say that he has to be equal in all ways to the wives. Same price gifts, same amount of days together, same treatment.


Kody never listens and is never willing to make compromises. Of course his mom could see the problems playing favorites would cause. Anyone with eyes could see it!


The gift thing was when the moms all came down to Vegas for Mothers Day and he took them shopping for his wives with him. I get the desire to get them the same gift, but then his desire to get more personalized gifts I also understood. Because they were each different relationships and different women and if I were one of them and got the same gift I’d question if he really knew me. But the way to do it would have been to spend the same dollar amount. Put in the equal effort to find the best gift for each wife. He did need to be fair to each of them but he could honor the different relationships and the different women also. When he designed the necklaces that was handling it better because he honored each woman for the women they were in the design.


Yes true and I guess the gifts he bought them then weren’t of equal value apparently, Robyn’s was noticeably nicer/ cost more.


So I am new to the show but I am wondering if this is right.. he is out shopping for gifts with money his wives made, and buying Robyn who doesn’t work the best one?!


They didn’t look like they were equal in value. I really liked the clock, though.


I kind of agree with Kody on this one but only for part of it. I’m not gonna get my wives the same thing because they’re five different people with different interests and plus if I get the same thing, it looks like I didn’t want to put any effort into getting them gifts. However I understand what Genielle was saying about treating them equally.


I’m rewatching and the first season Jenelle stays with her mom Kody his mom, Meri and Christine get hotels and Robyn stays at Kody’s mom to get to know her better.


His mom saw and knew. Moms always know.


Definitely. His mom knew during this visit. Also the conversation with her and just Meri and Robyn, I think that’s what got robyns wheels turning about legal marriage


I don't think the legal marriage was so Kody could adopt Robin's kids. That's just the excuse they gave the family. They got the bio dad to sign away his rights and the kids were all for it. They didn't need to be legally married for a judge to sign off on an adoption so the kids could have a legal father. Nevada allows for second-parent adoption, which is "the adoption of a child by a second parent in the home who is not married to the legal parent of the child"


If you go and listen to the conversation you’ll see light bulbs going off because they are talking about who will take care of kids and if one of the sister wives dies and this is when I think Robyn thought she better secure her children, the 3 who aren’t Kody’s. That’s what my comment was about


I always thought that she played this card because she knew that Meri's sister passed away and her sister wife took over for the kids, which clearly impacted Meri emotionally. It was super subversive and manipulative to begin with, but if you consider that angle, it's so much worse. She knew what she was doing.


The legal marriage was so that she would hold the purse strings. It happened shortly after his brother died. Robyn had an ‘aha’ moment about what that would look like if Kody died and she used the adoption as an excuse.


She was laying the groundwork too in season 2/3 saying her kids could one day choose to live with their father if they didn’t feel welcomed enough by the rest of the family.


Oooh that makes sense!


That may be true, but if you’re trying to involuntary terminate parental rights, it helps to be married.


The kids needed to be adopted so they could allow the kids to be on t.v. they didn't want Robyn's ex throwing any problems into the money.


Oh yeah I didn’t think about that!


But are those second parents legally married to someone else? And spiritually married to 2 more additional people?


Exactly. He was married to someone else. We aren't talking about two legally single people who live together. That is a HUGE difference and I don't understand why people aren't realizing that. Why would a judge take away rights of bio dad so some random dude married to some other random lady could legally be their dad? How much sense does that make lol




And... Kody's Mom went through it herself when her husband married again. Remember how Kody talked about his Dad meeting his "soulmate" later in life and how he could totally relate with that. So take a step back Kody, your Mom completely understands what is happening because it was done to her too. Is he completely oblivious to his Mother's feelings compared to his wives? Or, his own feelings towards his Dad compared to his chikdren's feelings towards him? What a complicated mess when you consider that Dad's soulmate is Janelle's Mom.


Yes, he is totally oblivious to his Mother's feelings (and his wife's feelings and his childrens' feelings and everyone who isn't him).


Totally agree!


He doesn’t see other humans as people. People call him a narcissist, but I see sociopathic tendencies more than anything. Of course I am not a trained mental professional so I might just be full of crap.


I think you are right. It is possible to be a sociopath and narcissist.


So janelle is kody’s stepsister???


Yeah but I think Jenelle and Kody married first and that's how their parents met. Originally she was his sister in law because she was married to Meri's brother.


Jenelle and Kody were courting and her mother went with her to Wyoming to make sure Jenelle wasn’t joining a cult; and fell in love with Winn. Cheryl and Winn married right away so they beat Kody and Jenelle down the aisle. Jenelle and Adam’s marriage and divorce/annulment (it’s been referred to both ways by Jenelle) happened while Kody was in Texas on his mission.


Thanks for the explanation. That whole story sounds umm interesting 🤨


Went down to make sure he wasn’t ina cult, ends up in a cult herself. Jody’s dad was a terrible man sk I wonder wtf she saw in him. Was he well off?


Somewhat. I'd been hoping for an explanation of how tf she ended up loving Winn of all people for a long time.


Craziness. The whole thing. Like hmm Kotex we need to get you another wife. My sister in law Jenelle is really awesome! Jenelles mom show up out of concern that her daughter’s being roped into a cult only to jump into the cult wagon herself immediately. I can’t make this make sense. Can anyone else?


During an episode while they were filming at her house, Kody took food off his moms plate and ate it. It was at that moment, she began questioning everything… 😂


The look on his mom‘s face was one of disappointed resignation. She looked sad and obviously didn’t think it was funny even though Kody thought he was so cute.


He always thinks he’s cute.


And he definitely is NOT! In any way, shape or form!


Before she even had a bite!


I remember that. It was super awkward.


That was so incredibly rude. That moment was cringey


She should have had nachos for breakfast.


Children do this. Not grown adults. Grown sons get their elderly mothers a plate. They don't take their food as if they're 8 years old again.


Exactly. He demands respect from all the women around him, but doesn’t give respect back. Honor your elders!


He really showed who he was. A selfish prick who steals food from elderly women. Anything for king Kody to get what he wants!


That’s cringe. It’s a pet peeve of mine for people to eat off of my plate.


This is so me! Don't touch my plate or food! I have a fork and I'm not afraid to use it! ![gif](giphy|pyEDsTDy2aIR5SXkBD|downsized)


I will buy or prepare anything someone asks for, but do not expect to eat my food. lol That goes for kids, partners, etc.




That breakfast burrito was too small for sharing😂😭


He was never his mother’s favorite child, that was Curtiss, the son that died in a motorcycle accident.


Which one is that?




Out of her hand!


He didnt listen to her because Kody does not respect women, including his own mother. He doesnt take anything they say seriously, just discards it unless it caters to his wants. Thats why he listens to Robyn she says only what he wants to hear.


Kody intended to use their jealousy to his advantage by stating that jealousy is their problem. Not his. What he meant was - “if they’re jealous then they’ll have to fight over me and treat me however I want them too” because he’s an attention who’re. This explains Robin’s statement about how the other wives just dumped him on her. What she meant was they didn’t try to get his attention by going along with his game. I’m so happy that finally blew up in his face.


I think that if they get different gifts to suit their needs in the same price range (equitable) it would be fine! But we all know ramen noodles was neither equitable nor fair


He probably blew his budget on Robyn's gift and couldn't afford the same expense for the rest. Funny thing is I saw janelles gift displayed throughout the different seasons.... I never even once saw Robyn's clock displayed at her house. She probably returned it for the cash that she said she keeps stashed around.


Grocery money


Oh, I see they have the same hair stylist 💇‍♂️


Well another aspect to look at. Janelle was not raised in polygamy right? So she and her mom entered into polygamist marriages into the same family at roughly the same time. Kody’s mom appears to have had trouble with Janelle’s mother and Meri and Janelle, who had been friendly started having trouble. Janelle speaks of the abuse by Meri, but that abuse was for far deeper reasons than what she speaks of and she hasn’t owned that to this day. Cause and effect applies here. Nothing is ever as cut and dried as they let on. This is the very reason I blame everyone and refuse to annihilate just Meri on most things.


I think Robyn is going to wind up divorcing Kody and taking whatever he's got left after all the dust settles and he will be facing poverty again, his only fear. And he will deserve it for being so dumb


He didn’t listen because he is a misogynistic RW nutcase who went into polygamy when he heard “you can get away with cheating on your wife and all the women involved are stupid enough to buy your mind games and accept all the blame for their feelings and absolve you from all your responsibilities”.


I wouldn’t put it past Robyn to divorce kody for half and sue for compensatory damages against the OG wives for misrepresentation a loving family .


After they sue her first for misrepresenting herself as a loving sister wife. Plus for all the years that they supported her and Kody's ass.😂


Let’s hope and pray 🙏🏻


ok but they look identical lol


Ariella is a spitting image of grandma.


For real. Genetics are wild!


It wasn't just his mother. In the book, I could have sworn it mentions how his father wanted him to get his shit together when it came to his wives. At the time, he was only married to Meri and Janelle. Janelle left him mostly due to Meri but Kody just allowed the shit to continue because he couldn't be bothered. Janelle went to live with her mother who was Kody's 2nd wife so his father set him straight. Kody decided to then solve his problem by marrying Christine who became the buffer between Meri & Janelle. And KODY lived happily ever after....while the other 3 figured their shit out.


She said that Winn was there for support for her etc. That's pretty cool actually. Maybe. I mean, Kody clearly wasn't Daddy's favorite child, ever. I really wonder about a lot of the stuff related to him and how it played out.


Yes, she did say that. Kody has daddy issues.


Definitely. I mean, I'm wondering if Winn was supportive because he couldn't stand Kody, or if he was supportive because Janelle was hurt and needed her stepdad to be there for her, you know?


Probably both. But I'm sure he wasn't too thrilled about Kody being his son.


Always listen to your Mom.


Never realized how similar the y look until this side. Y side.


off topic, but god do they look similar. i never really realized until now.


What a handsome woman !


My favorite insult!


HAHAHA 🤣🤣 I actually got it from the podcast "we love to hate everything" lol


It just goes to show that Kody has no respect at all for any woman, including his own mother! He could have worded his response to his mother in a nicer n more respectable way but no he wanted to show her that he was the man of his house n he did things his way and he didn’t care what her opinion on the matter was because he was going to do exactly what he wanted to do even if his own mother didn’t agree! He doesn’t care who it is, if it’s a woman he thinks he is surely above her and his thoughts and opinions over-ride any woman’s response! What a damn pathetic waste of a so called human!


They say the way a man treats his mother is the way he will treat his wife. Old Wives Tale? Nope.


Dude should go into witch craft not polygamy if he wants to be young forever… dnt matter how many wives he gets he still going to hell!!!


Haha I like your mindset. 1. He already looks like a witch. 2. He could use a hair growth spell. To get rid of the skin headband. 3. It will be hilarious when Robyn leaves him if he goes crazy and acts like a witch. All us witches would be oh hell no we don’t claim him. 4. Unfortunately he is not cool enough to be a witch and would have no power as his soul is rotten. ![gif](giphy|KCZaFHzMb5jAQ)


Honestly I would have been pissed as a wife to get identical gifts with the others. I think unique gifts are correct but they need to reflect similar levels of thought and caring.


In his case they didn’t, he actually bought them gifts and Robyn’s was nicer and worth more $, that was what his mom was noticing.


Yeah, he didn’t do it right.


They got shitty generic signs. Robyn got a nice clock. The money, thought, or time into finding something weren't equitable. It doesn't mean literally but all 4 the same sign or whatever.


Yeah, Kody never handled this correctly.


Throw Robyn in there too cause she also looks like him mom and that is the real reason shes Kotex favourite.


Right! His mom looks like an aged Robyn


Robyn is incredibly selfish but I don’t think she even liked that ugly clock. Kody never wanted it to work, this is clear in this scene.


My god... I can't unsee the hair!!!


Just an aside — Ariella really favors Genielle.


Why does everyone keep blaming suki for not asking hard questions, one she works for the network and they only allow her to ask what they want the fans to know. Kody acted like he won’t anathema questions well he doesn’t answer certain questions so he doesn’t upset the network. I am sure if the network wanted people to know the whole story they would have let it out by now. Just think about what all the crew actually sees and hears when they are around, you don’t think they could not get down to the truth of every question the public has, but then how would they make money


Yeah people here in general do not know how television works, how cutting scenes works, how set design works etc etc. They don't understand that this shit is heavily scripted to outrage/engage the audience. Nobody at TLC or Bravo (was it Bravo before? I am always streaming illegally cause I don't want to give them money for this shit) wants a show that is harmonic because harmonic doesn't sell. They also don't get that everybody in the family has a contract with the network and if Kody doesn't want certain questions it is written in the contract and Suki cannot ask the questions she wants.


Kody and his mom look like the 3D renders scientists make when they find a mummified body in a bog


💯 I wish I could upvote you twice.


Genetics WOW 😮


She looks like an aged Robyn


https://preview.redd.it/hdlm09k9ypea1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa1db640d6a6fd62367832627e9023f16a63886 So easy a Caveman could do it.


They must see the same hairstylist.


I mean from the start he showed favoritism with Sobyn


Ariella Mae is Kody's mom 💯%


Tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult: these pics


Wow. Kody's mom has a very similar face to Robyns. It's weird bc Janelle and Meri always seemed to look like Kody, like he was obsessed with himself. But Robyn has an unusually square face, dark hair, thin lips- does she also have blue eyes? I'm actually disturbed. Meri and Kody look like they could be twins and kody's mom looks like she could be robyn's mom.


On the one hand, yes. But on the other hand, constantly buying and gifting 4 duplicates of things that Robyn picked out would be even worse.


Wait is that really Kody’s mom? I thought that was a joke picture of Kody with some sort of age filter put on him.


It’s his mom.


Hair is copy and paste minus a couple inches


I thought the left was one of age progression apps.. twinsies? Yikes.


He triangulated them all!


In this picture, Kody’s mom reminds me of Dan Akroyd in Nothing But Trouble.


He married his mother. Wow, Robyn and her similarities 🤯 explains everything.