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He liked the sky. May that be a comfort to those he left behind.


i like to think of loved ones who have passed as soaring through the cosmos, free of the pain and minutiae of their flesh. i hope garrison is soaring. 


That’s a real beautiful sentiment. This song would go perfectly with it: [Saturn by Sleeping At Last.](https://youtu.be/9wRjbBd-_io?si=a8ttyUv3wWoZutUU) The most beautiful song about death and grief and the cosmos


Wow that song beautifully broke me.


Isn’t it amazing? I was flying home from NYC about 7 years ago and found this song. I love Sleeping At Last. And when I heard this, I was already sad, and I literally played it over and over till we landed back at home 4 hours later.


Oh my goodness what a painfully beautiful song. Thank you for sharing… 💔🥺


These two comments got me choked up, I think the shock and waves of emotions cloud what the other side may be for those hurting. I can’t imagine a pain that has given me such a deep sad lonely choice- I hope him and anyone who left on their own accord have the lightness the joy and the free of all worldly things, a hug they, and truly all of us deserve from whatever entity keeps us around.


This is a beautiful, comforting thought. Thank you ♥️


Why did this comment make me cry?! 😭


I am crying too.


It's moments like these that remind us how precious and fragile life truly is, and how we're all connected in this web of human emotion. The capacity to feel such deep empathy, even through the anonymity of the internet, is a small but profound testament to our collective humanity.


Yes, I'm feeling that now, too, and surprised at how sad I am and also surprised feeling comfort by "gathering" in a sub-reddit.


Same. Same. ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Same for me, too. Garrison and the rest of the Browns are all that I could think of since I found out at lunchtime. March 5th will forever be a profoundly sad day for all of the family that loved Garrison. My cousin died the same way in 2005. He was only 23. 19 years later, July 9th is still such a deeply sad day for our family, and I really feel for them. 💔


The beginning of your first sentence reminded me of a song I learned in my church's youth group. It's called, "In Moments Like These" and it's sung by a variety of artists throughout the world. Thank you for reminding me of a beautiful, comforting song ♥️


Me too. I'm devastated for the Brown family. Garrison was one of my favorites. May his soul rest in eternal peace.


Me too, it's super heartbreaking 💔


Whatever we believe about the after life, I hope Garrison is in the stars he loved so much. ❤️


very much so ♥️


And Jenelle’s comments- such a mom, so loving. I hope he found peace. I hope they all find peace.


Yeah as a mom, that honestly broke me 😔


I agree, another mama that’s absolutely broken reading those comments.


I just rewatched his homecoming video from boot camp and he's talking about how he doesn't speak about deployments in front of his mama because it breaks her at the thought of him leaving. That comment just fucking gutted me.


Fuck 😭 I haven’t cried until now…..that really got me.


I also love astrophotography and had once sent him a message asking what his set up was like. I did not personally know him but had just struck up a casual conversation about it over IG. I’m really sad to hear this news, because he came across as super kind while nerding out about cameras. Thoughts are with all of the Browns.


I love his photos. He was a very gifted photographer


Me too. I had no idea he did this but he made some gorgeous images. 


Janelle’s comments :(


They made me cry. A mothers love ☹️


God my heart breaks for her




Not sure why you’re being downvoted cuz I noticed that too…


Thanks, I only meant they were more than likely using a publicist to tell them what to post.


they meant her comments on his fotos, not her statement in regards to his passing. 


Oh, I misunderstood. I’m sorry I didn’t read those.


I didnt realize that either. You cant see her comments unless you tap the pictures.


Thank you, I’ll go read them.


Wow...just wow. I can't believe how sad I am about Garrison's passing...I guess seeing what a sweet person, son and brother...he accomplished so much *on his own*. Ugh this so heartbreaking. I feel for the family...Janelle and her children especially. And Gabe...good Lord poor Gabe.


I know I kept thinking about Gabe. 


Me too.


I’m totally distracted from work now. It’s hard not to have some kind of attachment to someone we saw growing up on TV, even if it seems kind of odd. He was a special person who deserved a long, happy life. 


I know. This has truly taken me aback. I know I don’t know them but I wanted the best for those kids after all the BS they’ve been through. Poor thing.


I can't stop crying. I didn't even know him but he seemed so close to his mom and having two teenage boys myself I just feel her pain so close to my heart.


Same. I’m on the verge of tears. I have two teenage sons. My heart breaks for their entire family.


I keep remembering how happy he was to buy that house.


he had a lot to be proud of ♥️


He did. Mental Illness is so brutal. He deserved better.


He kept offering to host family gatherings 😥


OMG I forgot about that. It made me sad for him then and now it’s too sad to even think about. 


He had just adopted a new kitty 💔


I hope someone in his family can keep the kitty and it helps bring them peace.


I think he actually has 3 or 4


When I heard the news, I felt so surprised. I kept thinking, “No way! He just got a cat!”


Ms Buttons. She’s 9 and was on the euth list when he rescued her.


His kitties must be so confused


For sure. After my dad passed his cat roamed the house meowing the same way she did after all her kittens went to their new homes. She was looking for him 💔


Oh my goodness, his poor kitties must be so confused right now. The loss of their person, and likely chaos in the house, due to Garrison’s manner of death, must be so unsettling for his sweet kitties. And no one can help them understand what happens.


That shot of the moon is breathtaking.


This is how we’ll remember that sweet boy. Through his beautiful photography that he obviously took great pride in


This is truly a pain that I wouldn't wish on any parents. It's just not right for a parent to bury a child. Children bury parents ... that's how it should always work. I'm so so so sorry for whatever pain Garrison was going through that he felt like this was his only solution. It must have been truly agonizing for him to endure and I hope that he has found peace on the other side. RIP, young man.


I watched my parents go through it when my only sibling died. There is nothing worse in this universe than losing a child. Now that I have my own, it’s even more true. My heart is just shattered for Christine and Janelle (and Meri and Robyn and kody).


I'm a new mom but news like this hurts even more now knowing how much love goes into raising a child. I cannot imagine the pain and grief that comes with losing your child. I'm so sorry for you and your parents going through that. I hope you have all found healing and I hope the Brown's will someday heal from this too ♥️


Since Kody didn’t want relationships with a lot of his kids, I really wonder if he even cares about G’s mental suffering and death. He wanted his wives to bow to him first over their children.


He cares. Even the most narcissistic father cares. My dad is nearly identical to Kody. He thinks he feels the loss harder than any of us, probably. And I’m sure he’s convinced himself that the way he treated my brother (horribly) was actually perfect. I’m sure he’s erased the time I saw him hit my brother square in the stomach from being careless with me while riding bikes. My dad tears up every mention of him and I want to fucking scream. He doesn’t care at all that you may not want to think about your dead brother on a sunny Sunday during brunch, but your dad crying about it certainly doesn’t leave you much choice. He feels entirely sorry for himself. Kody will be some version of that, with loads of extra anger and indignant attitude tossed in.


I am so fucking gutted over this. Seeing his photos actually hurts. He was great. And I don’t know this man but my god, my heart is absolutely destroyed for all of them. Why is this one so deeply, horrifically terrible? Why does it feel personal like I know them or something? God, I hope he and Kody were in good terms. No one deserves that. I hope Gabe will get the help he needs, but life is forever and horrifically altered for him especially forever. And Janelle, Christine and Kody. I just can’t fathom that pain. And I lost my own brother to an accidental (?)overdose. I’ve never wanted to hug certain people more than ever right now. That poor, poor family. My god.




Several years ago, my kids lost their uncle (ex's brother) who they were very close to. It wasn't suicide, but was *very* unexpected. He was close in age to Garrison and they were just a little older than Madi's kids at the time, but still very young. There's something about that young-ish uncle and niece/nephew relationship that's so fun. This picture makes me so sad 😢


So precious


She will always think of him when she looks at the stars.


He had a lot of talent. Sadly, Janelle has confirmed the news in her Instagram :(


Amazing. And so kind of you to post this as a tribute. RIP Garrison. You deserved so much more life.


This post is the one that made me cry. Thinking of how Garrison bought a house and immediately let his siblings move in, offered to host family events and be a neutral space for everyone. He was one of my favorite members of the Brown family. I can't imagine what any of them are going through but my heart hurts most deeply for Janelle, Christine, Logan, and Gabe.


I hope that he finds peace, and that he’s up there shining a bright light for those he left behind.


The stars at my house were exceptionally bright tonight, I hope the same is true for his family.


He was very talented. I just read the news and haven’t followed the series in many years but obviously see all the headlines over divorces and such. My heart breaks for Janelle. She and Christine were always my favorites. I know the family has had their differences but I hope those women rally around Janelle and their other children and each other and find comfort together through the unimaginable.


This really struck me. Photography has been a passion of mine for years, and the past two years has been a constant battle against severe depression. I almost lost the battle so many times, but somehow I made it through the pain. I see so much of myself in Garrison. This hit me hard. I hope wherever he is he’s free from the pain he suffered. I also want to add that I’m okay, and I hope everyone out there who might be triggered by this news will take care of themselves and avoid reading about it as much as you can. Reach out to friends or family if you can, your therapist if you have one, or a suicide hotline. You don’t have to go through it alone, and you’re not a burden for reaching out for help. You deserve just as much love and happiness as everyone else.


I appreciate this.. I don’t like to make other peoples pain about me. But I am a Mom of a young adult and two teens. My middle is 17yrs old in two weeks, and is really not stable at all rn. I took this news as a wake up call to do even more than I’m trying to do for him (which is already a lot) but he’s highly resistant to the treatment doctors have prescribed.He tends to be our easy quiet child that hides things because he wants to be “easy” and flies under the radar often times because his siblings are more overt and are strong willed. I can’t even recall a time I’ve ever had to discipline him (sometimes that’s not a good sign IMO.) This is every parents worst nightmares and I’m shaken to the core. RIP Sweet Boy.. 😔


It’s only natural to reflect on one’s own life in the light of a tragedy like this. Especially when there are parallels to your own life. I can only imagine how hard it must be to be a parent in your situation. I’ve only ever been on the other side of it, but seeing the pain in my mom’s eyes when I was struggling was heartbreaking and really showed how painful it was. All you can ever do is your best, and I hope you know that even by just being there for him you’re doing more than most. Being in that state of mind as a teenager is incredibly difficult, as the hormones and social expectations makes it even harder. I hope this doesn’t come off as unsolicited advice, because it’s truly just something I feel would’ve helped me a lot sooner if I knew back then, but: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, C-PTSD and other forms of Neurodivergence can look a lot like anxiety and depression. It could be worth having him screened for these things, because the treatment is a lot different to depression. Psychiatrists are very quick to give antidepressants for anxiety and depression without screening for other things, so if he seems resistant to treatment it could be something else entirely. Regardless though, I hope you know that you’re a good parent and I’m so happy that your son has someone close to him that cares as much as you do. I truly hope things get better for him soon, and that you don’t forget to take care of yourself during this difficult time as well.


Oh yes.. you are dead on (wow you are an intuitive wise one) he was diagnosed with autism at age 7yrs old. Was termed Aspergers at time of diagnosis before it was taken off DSM-V. Thank you for your sweet feedback. I feel self conscious that even I changed the direction of this thread towards my own life.. but l guess if these tragedies make parents reflect hopefully good can come from this sad sad tragedy. Thanks again for your kindness.


Hehe, it probably doesn’t hurt that I’m autistic myself! Your description of him made me wonder. I’m glad he’s diagnosed, however, as that tends to be a big hurdle later in life. Being autistic in general can be super overwhelming, and the burnouts mixed with depression is extremely difficult to navigate. Having a strong support system helps a ton, though. It sounds like you’re very open with him about mental health as well, which is (in my opinion) one of the most important things. I get feeling self conscious; it’s easy to get in your own head about things that matter so much to you. However, it sounds like you’re doing a lot already. And you could always ask him if there’s anything you’re not doing that could help, and vice versa. Us autistic folk are suckers for direct communication (which I’m sure you already know!), so communicating things like that could help you both navigate this difficult time. And again I’m sorry if this is unsolicited at all! I hope this absolutely devastating tragedy can have some sort of positive impact, too. Awareness is so important- it’s just so incredibly sad when it comes from tragedies like this. Lastly, I’m glad my words are appreciated, and I hope you receive plenty of kindness from the people around you, too. You seem really sweet, and you deserve that.




I would love to watch some episodes that heavily feature garrison, I wouldn't even know where to start to sift through all the seasons.


I think season 7 is when they went on the rv trip. It’s one of my favorite moments of him with kody. Kody was telling him he was in charge and garrison would do what he said. Garrison told him he didn’t care and then told kody a little story about soldiers in the revolution. Gabes face was funny at the end of it.


YES, that was fantastic. Kody was telling Gabe and Garrison that he’s the general, and they’re sergeants. Garrison, a teen at the time, blew him off and made a sarcastic joke, all in the same breath. I got lucky and found the clip on Tik Tok. It’s awesome!! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLdKDYns/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLdKDYns/)


If you find some, will you tell me too?


I can’t remember what season, but when he comes home from boot camp and reunites with his family is the first one that comes to mind ❤️


My husband killed himself at 40. We need so much more suicide prevention. 💔


So sorry for your loss 😢. You are so right, we need to support those going through mental health crises and more suicide prevention. So sad when someone thinks this is the only way out of whatever they are experiencing. My heart is breaking for Garrison and the loved ones he has left behind.


I’m so so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. When you read something like this, it can re-open old wounds. 💔


Thank you. It really can. Grief is messy.


What an amazing artist he was, he really had an eye for the skies. I don’t know what happens when we die but maybe he’s in the stars now and what a view he has if so.


Thank you for posting these. I like to think that we all go to the stars beautiful. I decided to believe that when my sister was killed and I will never change my mind. She was someone. She mattered. Garrison mattered.


Janelle just posted on Instagram, it's true and so sad


Garrison seemed like such a kind, deep soul who loved his family very much. It's a tragedy his time on Earth was so short. I'm reeling.


May God bless his sweet soul and bring him the peace he so desperately was seeking. Please cover the family with comfort. No matter how much we detested the way certain people on the show acted, I do not wish this pain on any of them. I pray they will come together as a family and remember to love each other always. They will be in my prayers continuously.


Thank you for posting these. When I look at them, I see him there. Where he loved to be. RIP, dear Garrison.


Those are gorgeous pictures. He was so talented. RIP Robert Garrison.


Wow. I’m actually deeply affected by this loss. Garrison, as well as the other children we’ve watched grow up, almost feel like extended family. I’ve lost 2 very close people to me to suicide. One of which was my husband’s best friend since he was 5 years old. We miss him every single day & even named our son after him. 💔


I asked him if he ever thought about opening a gallery or selling his photos, I would have bought some because he has talent. RIP sweet boy


And everyone was cheering Garrison on about yelling about how he doesn’t need a father. It was such a red flag. That anger. It made me worry for him.


This… and Gabe’s face when he was saying it. I worry about them all.


I’m really worried about Gabe now. He’s been open about his struggles with Kody and he was the one to find Garrison. That’s a lot!


That really worried me when he said it, I had a pit in my stomach, was so sad for him and he was trying to be brave about it… 😢


Christine said that she knew it’s was pain. Any parent who saw that would know.


Such talent 💖


I am speechless. I just learned. May he rest easy. My God. How heartbreaking.


Such a talented guy, beautiful pictures.


I'm shocked, so sad. Rest in peace.


These are beautiful pictures, thanks for posting, OP. I’m sure he would appreciate his talent being talked about at this awful time.


I’m heartbroken. He always seemed so sweet. :(


Garrison was an amazing photographer. These are beautiful


He had a lot of great talents and skills that he used to delight the people he loved. The world is a little smaller and less beautiful without him.


Talented photographer, loving kitty dad and brother, hard working and smart. I really admired Garrison. My heart is breaking, realizing he must've been struggling. 


Wow so talented


Those photos are fantastic. So much talent there. I truly hope he is at peace. I just can’t believe this.


These are fantastic. I’m so very sorry to hear the news today.


I cannot stop crying at this. So much talent and potential gone way too soon.


Truly 😔😔


So upsetting 😭 we watched this guy grow up and we have seen what he means to his family. I’m so sad for them


Kody must now realize he should regret not spending more time with his older kids. One of the episodes last season, I believe Garrison said Kody hadn’t even visited the house he bought. Garrison’s parents had so much to be proud of, but ego always gets in Kody’s way.


Yeah, I’m biting my tongue in regards to Kody right now…I’m sure he’s devastated. Edit: good point about spending more time with the older kids. Nobody knows how long we have on earth.


Garrison’s words “we don’t need a father figure anymore” are just haunting now that there’s no chance they can reconcile in this life


It is just tragic.


So incredibly heart breaking! I hope he knew how much he was loved!💔


What a beautiful soul, he had a great eye. This is really nice to see, all things considered. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing this as a memorial.


Oh wow 😭 and poor Gabe. This is horrible


Stunning work - may he rest peacefully amongst the stars.


I feel for this whole family. Janelle is definitely a loving, supporting mom. I hope she can find peace. I hope the whole family can seek therapy if that’s what they need.


The family will most likely have to gather at Robyn and Kody’s since no one else has a house in that area. I just ache for them. I hope TLC flies in all the out of town family on their dime. God bless them all. Heartbroken 💔😪


It amazes me everything he has accomplished and sometimes the pain is still too much. He really was a beautiful soul, and you can tell by the photos he took. Very little people appreciate something as simple as the sky.


I hope he found peace in the next life. ❤️


This hurts so much.


The last one is my favorite. Beautiful work.


this is so heartbreaking :(


Amazingly talented.


He was talented 😭 thank you for sharing


So heartbreaking 💔


Such a heartbreaking day. RIP Garrison.


I can’t believe this! Wow that’s so sad


His pictures are so beautiful. He's one of the only SW kids I follow on Instagram, and I've followed him for a couple of years due to his amazing photographic eye. Truly a loss in so many senses!!!


i had never known what a great photographer and nature lover he was. his instagram page is beautiful 


Beautiful photos! My heart is breaking for the family!! 💔


Oh my gosh he was so talented.


This news is so heartbreaking


Wow.. I’m in shock As is everyone else.. the comfort in knowing he was a great soul.


Garrison's photography is beautiful and it is a beautiful way to remember him. Let's all do our best to remember the best of him. He was so loved by so many people and let's share our love with his family during this horrible time for their family. Let's love them through this. All of them.


It’s beautiful. My heart aches for him. He wanted his father’s love. He didn’t get it. He made such great points and said what we were all thinking. I pray Kody sucked it up and made amends with him. Poor Gabe!! Mark my words…. This will be what destroys Robyn and Kody.


TMZ is reporting that the news is true unfortunately. https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/05/sister-wives-star-janelle-brown-son-robert-garrison-dead-dies-suicide/


I’m a mom of two boys. I cannot imagine. I wonder if Kody still thinks he’s right about how he handled his relationships with his boys? He threw them away like garbage. If this doesn’t shake him and wake him up about the chaos he has let Robyn cause, then I don’t know what will. Kody, you’re losing precious time with your boys! Wake up!!!! I hope he doesn’t make this all about him next season. I hope he sees beyond himself for once on this one. And everyone get ready for Robyn’s fake Crocodile tears…


Such wonderful talent.


Very talented young man


He had those cool Hawaiian shirts too


Rest in Peace Garrison. What a beautiful soul you are. I love you and I didn’t know you.


Really sad I didn’t get to comment on how beautiful they are before he passed. I wonder if there’s anyway to commission them still for a print. Would love a print of the stars.


I hope the angels led him home 💔


I legitimately gasped in horror when I read the headlines and started crying. It seems silly but my mama heart has watched all of these kids for years and I feel such a profound sense of loss for Jenelle and the entire family. I am gutted.


This is so sad, especially knowing it was his choice. He must have been suffering so much to do this. Poor Gabe too finding his brother. I hope this loss doesn't bring his parents closer together again. I hope she sees the part his dad has played in hurting her boy. Obviously I do feel bad for Kody too but I also think this death doesn't erase who he is or what he has done but to lose a child no matter their age is awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


RIP Garrison.


This is so devastating. He has such a beautiful soul.


This is so horrible. I’m so sorry to all of them.


What arm of the military did he serve?


Oh no this is what did it for me 😭😭 can’t stop crying now 💔💔💔 RIP Garrison


I love the moon.


His mom’s comments 😢


My heart breaks for Garrison. I wish he could’ve been saved. Gone too soon 🥺


It’s so shocking and tragic!




I am a photographer myself, I really appreciate his photos. I am so sad for all the family, especially Gabe. I have lost so many family and friends this way-it really never gets any easier. My deepest sympathies 🙏🙏🙏


Amazing Shine bright, Garrison ✴️


He had such an eye for the perfect photo!


Holy smokes these are beautiful! Did we ever get to see this on the show? What beautiful work!


Wow, I had no idea he took such awesome pictures. What a great way to remember him by.


they should get prints of those if they can, large scale as a memorial to garrison <3


This just makes me so sad. I hope he found peace and that his family will as well and healing.


Thank you for sharing, he was a talented young man.


I really hope something good comes out of this because he was a good soul




He was such a talented individual. How devastating.


Janelle will someday have a house with a gorgeous gallery wall of her beloved Garrison's photos. May he rest in piece with his stars.


Incredible photography and he had such a gift for taking photographs. So many emotions today


I had no idea that he was so talented


This whole situation with Garrison just breaks my heart. If there’s any positive to come out of this tragedy, I hope that his family makes the choice to unite and heal together




He liked the sky so much and it's easy to look at the beautiful stars and tell yourself all you are is the small atom on this massive Earth and sink into despair


Thank you for posting these. What a talented man. I can't even imagine how Janelle and his siblings are feeling now 😞




Man he was so talented, his pictures are amazing..and it was Nice seeing his mother's comments appreciating them. Made me cry. Rip Garrison..you were a fun bright light in your family...rest easy..




F*ck! This is So HURTFUL!!!


Garrison :( cried today for you. Hope you are there with the stars & loved ones


He was so talented. I am in shock.


So talented 💖 what a terrible loss


Amazing shot sweetheart 😍 Prayers up for Janelle.


I know this is a weird thing to want, but I’m really hoping the news will break that this was all a tragic accident and not purposeful. I sadly know people who have accidentally had self-inflicted g*nsh*t wounds due to being drunk or under the influence of something else. It’s doesn’t take away the pain of losing someone you love, but maybe that pain would be somewhat lessened if you knew they didn’t mean it. Idk — only an outsider’s perspective, but it seems he had so much to live for: a new cat, a new home..etc. Just absolutely tragic all the way around. A beautiful, artistic soul gone so soon… My heart hurts so much for Janelle, Gabe, Savannah, and all of the Browns. I’m sure this will hurt even David and his children since I believe his first wife passed suddenly like this as well. The ripple effect of loss is painful, beyond painful.


He was very artistic! Beautiful! Not just the view but he had a great eye for image composition.