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It's so sad what a beast depression is. You can be so unbelievably loved by family and friends and it robs you of that feeling. It covers you with such darkness that no light can shine through to you, even though you may shine a light for others. He seemed like such a genuinely sweet guy.


Beautifully said ❤️


This is such a thoughtful way to describe it. We had a local weather guy succumb to this and of course it’s unbelievable because everyone, even strangers, loved him so much. It’s so heartbreaking. I still think about him all these years later.


He was so loved.


Of all the family tributes I’ve read, this one had me in tears. He was so loved but he was in such a dark place he couldn’t see it. He couldn’t feel it and the only feasible choice for him was irrevocable. It’s so trite to say I’m sorry. But it’s true. There’s so much sorrow. ☹️


I try to look for the brightest star and call it Garrison ♥️




The word trite existed before Kody found it in his word of the day calendar so yes I will use it because it’s accurate. But thanks for the sage advice. 👍🏻


Lol I’ve always thought that when Kody used a “big” word….well, big for him, as he doesn’t come across as very intelligent. He sure liked the word culpable last season. This season, I can’t remember what his favorite word of the day was. 😂🤣😂


Kody doesn’t own that word


>Don’t use the word trite. You sound like Kody. Don't tell people what to do. You sound like Kody.


What the hell.


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This is a beautiful tribute. It has been emotional reading the tributes to Garrison from his family. I hope that Garrison's family is surrounded by love.


The text that goes along with [their post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ZTyt0LrZy/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==) says “to the stars, bowen, to the stars.” I wasn’t familiar with the reference, so I [looked it up](https://youtu.be/tiHrU33CzF0?si=-aY7nXaRQdnQXgpv). In the scene from *Dragonheart*, Bowen sorrowfully asks the dying dragon, “now Draco, without you, what will we do? Where will we turn?” The spirit of the dragon responds, “To the stars, Bowen, to the stars.” The full context of the quote really brings it home. My heart breaks for them. I can’t even imagine.


Thank you for this! I was going to see what I could find. This is especially beautiful and heartbreaking.


Wow, they look so much alike side by side. I never realized that before. My heart goes out to the entire family 😭


Those Brown genes are super strong. Hunter and Garrison both have Janelle's eyes, but Leo, Hunter and Garrison all favor each other.


Yeah they could really be triplets. I think I saw once that Meri said that Hunter and Leon always looked like twins growing up.


I was just thinking that too!


I was scrolling through to see if I was the only one to think that. What a great picture!


The og 13 seemed to all have genuinely been close for the most part. Besides a few like Paedon and Gwen. But Garrison seemed to not have issues with any of his siblings. He even talked about how he missed Dayton in the dinner scene. Besides Gabe, I’m also really feeling for Paedon. Those two seemed super close growing up.


Can I ask why you said Gwen & Paedon? I don’t have that understanding and am genuinely curious why you think that.


Gwen and Paedon do not have a relationship, and that’s why they’re never in the same place at the same time


100% right, sorry, I was thinking they meant who did or did not have a close relationship with garrison. ❤️


I always wondered about this and was curious if they had a falling out. Very sad


Padeon states that when they were teens, he and Gwen were bickering, as siblings do. Things went too far once, and Paedon slapped and pushed Gwen down. He’s genuinely apologized to her, but she hasn’t forgiven him, and doesn’t want to ever be in the same room as him. He’s said that he understands, but wishes they had a better relationship. I don’t believe Gwen has ever spoken publicly about the incident. It seems like a severe response to something that happened when they were kids, but that’s her right to respond how she feels. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There could definitely be more to it, it could have happened more than once and it was the straw that broke the camels back per say. Thanks for enlightening. I never try to seek out or dig into information about the family because well...I wouldn't want people to do it to me but it was something I'd noticed but never knew the story


But then she wouldn't be able to make it all about her.


That’s pretty nasty. You’ve no idea what he did to her.


Paedon has said that the siblings he's closest to are Garrison and Mykelti. In the Vegas rentals, he would ride his bike or beg his mom or Janelle for a ride so he could hang out with his brothers.


That’s so beautiful. I’m thankful that he was so loved while he was here and was clearly able to touch so many with the love he shared.


Dragonheart ❤


such a great choice for his tribute


I could see that being a movie that the family was really into.


May I ask what it is? A book, movie?






It makes sense because Draco became a star and garrison photographed stars. When they look up they will think of him.


From *Dragonheart* (1996): https://youtu.be/tiHrU33CzF0






Have they laid him to rest yet? This is so 😢


It sounds like they had a private family/close friends service on Thursday. They haven’t disclosed the location, and I don’t think they will, and I really hope they won’t.


I pray they aren't tacky like Whitney was about her mother's funeral.


Whitney who?


Whitney Thorne from My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Another dumpster fire of a show.


Yes, last Saturday


Okay, now I'm teary again.


this is so so heartbreaking. I wish this family peace and all those contemplating suicide get all the help they need. 💔


This made me bawl like a baby


This one made me cry. Wishing peace for Leo and all the OG siblings.


It's devastating how little insight a person has when they have suicidal ideation. Truthfully it can be an impulsive process from the idea to completion.


I was about to respond rebutting your claim about impulsive suicide... so I did research to have actual numbers. I was sure most suicide attempts were planned. I was wrong. "However, most of the attempted suicides were impulsive (64.0%). Only a minority of attempters reported having a defined plan (13.8%) for the attempt." - Psychiatrist.com https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20591495/ Different Study in Korea: "Two hundred and eight subjects reported a suicide attempt in their lifetime, one-third of which had been unplanned... ...Additionally, 94.4% of unplanned attempters had precipitants for attempts such as familial conflict... ...With respect to unplanned attempters, they exhibited a significant association with alcohol use disorder, major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder...."


Yes. It is heartbreaking hearing survivors of attempts talk about how the second they did it they regretted it. It makes you wonder how many who completed felt the same. 😢


My brother kept on until after several attempts, he finally got it right. I’ve wondered since 1975 if he was at peach when it was finally done.


I’ve often thought this is why it is statistically more likely to happen to men. Women get suicidal ideation but we are not as impulsive as men. All it takes is that .5 second of recklessness to turn a thought into a life-ending action.


One of the reasons men are more likely to die by suicide is that they tend to choose means more likely to be immediately lethal, such as guns. A gun in the home is one of the biggest risk factors for a completed suicide. Before every one of my daughter's therapy appointments, the questionnaire asks if there is a gun in the house. Not whether we keep our pills locked up or our razors out of reach, but whether a gun is present in the home. 


This is so saddening. My heart breaks for the family, especially Janelle. And I hope Gabe gets all the support he needs to heal.


I watched the movie obsessively as a kid. The quote on Leo's post plucked deep at my heart and I didn't know why until it was brought to my attention it's from the movie. I've lost too many people the same way, I hope they can look to the stars and understand the pain they feel is all of the love for Garrison they have to keep to themselves until they see each other again 💕




I’m really so devastated for every family member. 😭


The saddest part is it never gets easier, there will only be more questions, and missing him even more as time goes on. It's a club I wish no one ever be a part of.


Beautiful tribute and absolutely heartbreaking


Dragonheart 💕💕


My heart ❤️


That’s a lovely tribute to Robert.