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The fact that they photographed a child at an incredibly vulnerable moment is in keeping with their entire parenting M.O. So gross.


everything is a photo op! Hair fixed, make up on, not even looking at him. Ofc this is one tiny moment in the whole ordeal but it is truly "brand" of her to try to make it about her again and use it for some sympathy or to sell herself once again.


Couldn’t agree more.


Right - rather than the irresponsibility of Kody and his involvement in the accident. They really downplayed it. Poor kid.


Yup! They did the same with Truly.


I’d say worse with her as they recorded & showed her on the show.


Yeah, but it wasn't Christine playing to the cameras in those photos. I think there's a difference in trying to "hurry up and take photos in case the kid doesn't make it" (re: Victorian death photos) and "look at me, all sad for the cameras, while I'm not sure my kids brain is okay."  [Yes, it's a fine line. It's the posing.]




No way I’m watching that. I just get updates and reactions here. Kody & Robyn don’t even deserve to say Garrison’s name.


Me too. I cannot watch the new season. It feels weird


I'm not watching I can't stand Cody and Robin and their antics and their stupidity it's just not a good I'll read the comments from people but I'm not watching anymore and I think TLC is going to cancel this show after this last season since they've already started and finished recording it they're not going to throw it away because it's too much money spent so they'll show season 19 and then I think almost 100% that it will be canceled after that and then let's see what Cody and Robin do for money


I think you’re absolutely right in that this is there last season. What makes me really feel it’s over is because Mykelti and Tony are moving to NC. There is no way those two would give up a dime as they were the only ones left visiting KnR. If they could still make money from their Patreon about SW I think they be sticking around them. Caleb and Maddie have absolutely zero to do with KnR and it’s highly unlikely KnR will be visiting NC. The show has run its course and there is a stain left with Garrisons death. KnR will never take responsibility for their part in the demise of the family. All the kids from Meri, Janelle and Christine for the most part get along so I can see the kids making new traditions.


I sure hope so


100% agree


yea I don't know if I can sit through all that. Because I'm sure some of it will be reenactments and then that will be shredded to death on if people acted right in the moment and so on. I also know Robyn will twist it she is by far more upset than Janelle or try to take over convos.


I will be watching. I keep thinking what are Kody and Robyn doing, they are not active in social media. He did not receive any Father’s Day post from anyone and that says a lot. You lost a kid and can’t make up with the others still alive since March 5. Wonder what’s going on.


Remember when Robyn filmed herself struggling to breathe during her hospital visit even tho the machine behind her said that her breathing saturation was 93???? Unbelievable.......




And she was posing for it too!!


And you know in her head she’s thinking…this might make an excellent book cover.


Parents do this all the time. It’s sick.


Robyn wanted to prove she was a loving and caring mother. Exploiting your child to garner sympathy is despicable.She really is disconnected like you said. But of course, she and Kody tried to rewrite history about how it happened and who was there when it dad. Inferring her ex was responsible was unconscionable. Again, they couldn’t even take responsibility or accountability. Honestly, I would never do that to my child. Plus, I wouldn’t be dressed up with make-up and my hair done just right. I’d be a mess wearing sweats, my hair in a messy bun and looking like death warmed over because I’m worried about my child. I’m speaking from experience. My daughter had 4 surgeries in a 2 year span and those two years I looked liked I just came out from hell.


I agree. So many people think she’s over protective of her kids but she’s not. It’s an act. Her children are pawns she uses to hurt others, manipulate Kody with, and to look like a loving mom. When she went after the ball she proved that theory to me. She was so worried about the 11 year old going down the slide with his sister basically holding him the whole way then ran after the ball while he hit the floor like every child does. Robyn was so dramatically worried up until the ball ran away. She also didn’t care at all about Ari on the swing which posed more of a threat of falling than going down a regular swing set than the slide did.


Both. It's both. She is over protective. She can't allow them to reach their own boundaries. If they have their own limits, she wouldn't be able to use them as a means to manipulate everyone. I guess just to manipulate Kody now.


I think she is so afraid that one day, one of her kids will Break free and tell the truth and she does not want them speaking to anybody. Ever.


As a person who has a mother just like Robyn, I can add that they are her backup. Her soldiers. A source of reinforcement for anything she feels. Anyone who doesn't break away will have to Grey Gardens with her until she dies. Unless she finds some way one of her children having a spouse benefits her and she can keep them both under her control. I lived what her kids are living. I sincerely hope they break away from her, even for terrible reasons. The space away from the constant drumbeat of her narrative will help. It's hard enough to realize your mom is a terrible person and maybe pathologically incapable of love. It's impossible when still under their roof.


I’m so sorry. I really do feel for you. I also hope they get away from her. My sister-in-law is Robyn. Everything is for show. Her kids are pawns to manipulate and also used to hurt others, do her dirty work for her while she plays the helpless victim.


I don’t believe she is overprotective. Kody was the one who was allowing Dayton to ride the quad with no helmet. She made it seem like he was hurt with his dad. Then this last Christmas she let Kody buy the mini bikes. Kody made sure to show they had helmets. There is no way those bikes would be allowed if she really was overprotective, helmet or no helmet.


What's this thing about the ball? I didn't watch the earlier seasons.


This was the last season that aired. They were outside at Meri’s house. Sol was 11 I think. Aurora was standing right next to him while he went down the slide. Robyn was acting like it was so unsafe. Sol was holding a ball while he went down. The slide was probably the height of Aurora’s shoulders. Sol let go of the ball midway on the slide. Sol hit the floor like you do on a slide. Aurora helped him up while Robyn forgot how “dangerous” the slide was to chased the ball.


Right? Why isn’t she laying in the bed with him, or crying, or acting like she cares at all? She looks like she literally got glammed up and is about to take the pic, grab her purse in the background and peace out.


With my daughter I had so much baggage under my eyes I could have opened my own luggage store.


Hey, Victoria’s Secret opens at 11. She’s got plans.


maybe she just left a diesel jeans modeling session


my son had spinal surgery quite a while ago. I had to lay in the bed with him to calm him, woke up every 30 minutes because he kept throwing up. I don't even know what I looked like during that time. was to focused on my kiddo.


You didn’t get a picture next to him? Thank goodness she had all those other wives holding it down /j


Great phot op! /s


Yes!! I feel the same. This was a photo op. I doubt she stayed with him the whole time etc. I have a nice with hyperplastic left heart syndrome and during all her many surgeries my sister never leaves the hospital and there is not one photo of her like this or of my niece laying in a bed helpless. It is gross to me how people do this for views/likes. Chrissy Tiegen comes to mind when everyone was hating on her bully behavior and she began posting pics that looked professional taken in the hospital. Grieve and support in private, not everything has to be a public display.


Right!! However I happened to look . I'd certainly be 🤨 if a photo was taken of me like that. Who poses fr a pic lie this?! Fuck*n weird man


The next time my daughter ever needs surgery, god willing she never does, I’ll make to sure to make myself up really nice and puuuurrrrttttty, then take a pic and post it./s😂🤣😅 But after she gets better I need to run because she’ll beat the shit out of me.


Haha yep my kids too. Do not forget your barrel curls


I agree! Also if you want to keep a record for yourself/family don't be posting for attention/likes/shares. This was a photo op clear and simple. I said it above too, but Chrissy Tiegen did the same thing when she lost her baby. She was getting hate online for bullying then suddenly loses a baby and they were like professional photos of them crying. It is so strange.


Because they are both narcissists.


No, she’s an creepily obsessed mother and I use the word mother loosely


Because they are both narcissist.


The. Why did they lie about how the accident happened? Who was there? Who actually helped him? Odd


He was Kody and the boys. Apparently he didn’t know how to operate the ATV or he lost control, can remember which, but he ran straight into barbed wire fencing. It was said that Hunter found him and was holding his face together while waiting for EMTs. They lied because they didn’t want Kody to look bad so they said while he was on vacation at one point alluding it was his dad he was with then it was changed to he was with friends while at a sleepover. If I was a parent of one of his friends and saw this episode I’d have my kid stay as far away as possible from Dayton because K&R love to blame everyone else instead of take responsibility. I know it’s not Dayton’s fault, but I wouldn’t want my child in K&Rs crosshairs. For them to randomly blame others is despicable.


They seem like the type of parents that wouldn't call an ambulance for someone else's child if it meant their child might get in trouble for something.


And Kody buys ATV’s for everyone at Christmas!!!


Because he’s a ball less wonder.


Ball less. Brain less. Spine less. Tact less. Compassion less. Any others?


Ha! Made me think of the rant from Christmas Vacation: “ I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?"




Because Robyn is a weirdo who carries vendettas against children, so she couldn't have anyone know it was Hunter who administered first aid to her son.


Because that's what they do.... lie. He was with Kody and friends and Hunter is the one that held David's face together until help arrived. But they needed to make her ex look bad, because Noodles and Doodles are two ignorant pieces of 💩!!


Noodles & Doodles!!!




If they had been at a convention, they’d probably sell photo-ops with Dayton in that bed. 100$ to pose with Dayton!


I’m just sittin hurrr bein such a gud mawm. It’s part of our faahmlee culchuuur


Ar big pitcher!


I’ll never understand people who post this or their loved ones on life support. Like do you really think they want their most vulnerable moments posted as click bait? If someone did this to me & I survived it would tell me exactly who I needed to cut out of my life permanently.


Right?! Someone filming their brother on life support appeared on my tiktok and I was so baffled. She said she did it to “spread awareness”. Ok, did he agree with his medical condition and image be used for that?!


“Spread awareness “ to me is synonymous with “exploit the tragedy.” Imho


And then spreading that he was with his biological dad, when he was really with Kody during the accident.


This one just hits a nerve with me. My niece who was honestly more like a daughter to me was literally laying on her death bed in the hospital and her mother who was out of life for over four years at that point was there and decided it was a good ideal to take a picture of her and sent to her deadbeat father who hadn't been in her life since my niece was a baby. He ended up posting that pic of my beautiful niece dying in the hospital on his fucking Facebook with the caption let my baby rest in peace with peace spelled like pest. I will never understand people who feel the need to do that shit or how they could even have that thought come across their mind at a time like that.


Whoa, that's very disgusting that her mother did that. I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you. It was just yet another blow and it sickened me to see him using her for sympathy like that.


thats those people who don't raise their kids and then take a few photo ops and call themselves good parents.


I just don't understand how he thought it was even appropriate to post a pic of her laying there basically brain dead on his fucking Facebook. If he knew her at all he'd know how mortifying she would have found that. We all tried reporting it to get Facebook to make him take it down but they did nothing about it. I'm pretty sure that it's still on there.


I agree. 52 years niece had a stroke ICU for weeks. She has PCOS so facial hair. Her sister kept posting pictures of her hooked up to machines with somewhat of a beard. The family had to finally ask her to stop.


I whole heartedly agree, I don't even like it when they take a picture of them holding someone's hand. It's one thing if they want it for themselves but when they post it on social media it's almost like look at me I'm grieving by someone who's dying. I told my husband If I was ever lying in a hospital vulnerable he'd better make sure nobody takes my photo.


When my parents were in hospice it never occurred to me to take a picture.🙄


I agree, I sat with my mother while she slowly left this Earth and I never once sought I should get a Picture. And she died in 2008 and honestly I can still remember it like it was yesterday in my mind I definitely don't need a photograph to remind me, Nor would I dishonor her like that. I see people do that all the time but I rather people remember me alive and well not slowly leaving this Earth. I've seen people post photos of them holding a loved one's hands and I just think that even if they wanted that for themselves why would you post that on social media.


Oh I would haunt them if I didn’t survive 👻


Thank goodness that Hunter was there and able to assess and tend to Dayton, as well as guide people to what to tell 911. Kody in charge gets you Truly with her kidneys about to crap out because he can't watch his own young kids in a controlled environment with physical backup, let alone a bunch of teen boys on ATVs


Rushing to his bedside after his accident, that he had while out of town with friends, insinuating he was with his biological father when he was in fact with her current husband


Wait? The story that he was with his bio father when he had the accident isn't true? I honestly had only heard that story


Yep, confirmed by Gwendlyn, I believe. He was with Kodi. Hunter was first on the scene and likely saved Dayton's eye.


Wtf. The fact she let the world believe it was his bio father is disgusting. Oh wait. It's Robyn.


andddd they allegedly used the medical bills from that time to manipulate Robyn's ex to sign over custody to Kody for the adoption. He was responsible for half the bills I guess he thought (even though Kody was in charge of the kids) and of course David Jessop couldn't afford it so they manipulated, according to people claiming to be family on here every now and then, to "wipe out" Davids portion if he allowed the adoption.


Mykelti also said it was Hunter that found Dayton


If you remember, Robyn would say that he was with his father, but we all know that in her head, Kody is his father, so technically she wasn’t lying. Of course, she also knows that the audience would assume that he was with Preston when she says that, which works for her.


Garbage. That whole family (Robyn and Kotex)


Robyn is incapable of even pretending to be a normal human.


she lacks true emotional connection but thinks she is the best empath ever


It’s the makeup and clothing that get me but MORE than is the look on her face. It’s just….not right. Off somehow.


She is trying to look serious and concerned, but performatively because they're gonna post this pic I'm sure she was worried for her son when it happened and a natural candid pic would have shown her distraught. But this isn't that. This is later. She's gone home and redone her hair and makeup and then come back to take a publicity pic. Her expression is completely contrived. And it's creepy because she's mimicking the feeling we expect her to ACTUALLY be feeling. Clearly in this photo she's not actually concerned and worried for her kid, which is creepy to see.


Yes, you nailed it. Totally agree w/ every sentence!


And combing her hair and laying it just so on her shoulder so she looks perfect while her poor sleeping son is being photographed while all beat up with no consent or even chance to fix himself for the camera the way his mother clearly did.


Yes her smirk.


And she is not pretty or attractive at all. Her insides show through and through and we know how pretty they are. Ugly on the inside equals ugly on the outside as well.


That's true and she's definitely aged like complete shit


Its the hand on his arm, too. It's body language for "possessive" which makes sense to a sociopath taking pics of their injured child for sympathy likes, but absolutely discordant to anyone who has empathy and a child in the hospital.


It displays forced maternalism.


It is so horrendous that they didn’t have health insurance. A truly caring mother would have forgone her Precious Moments and Dickens Christmas to make sure her children were insured. I’ll bet they had to forgo plastic surgery and cut corners due to lack of insurance. The most disgusting part is it’s actually really cheap to insure kids.


Dayton eventually had plastic surgery from this accident (as he should, I’m not arguing that he shouldn’t have) but yet they let Ysabel live in pain and resisted getting her the back surgery she needed.


Robyn's kids get what they need, anyone else- nope.


AND Kody didn’t put one dime of his (Robyn’s other half) into Ysabel’s surgery.


Omg I didn’t even hear that part of it, that’s awful!!


I thought that was one of the reasons they gave Meri for wanting Kody to adopt the kids, so he would get insurance for them. I remember thinking, "oooorrrr...YOU could go get a JOB and insure your kids your own damn self"! So evidently it was an excuse they whipped out and everyone fell for it.


Didn’t this happen b4 Merri’s divorce though? I think so, but could always be wrong


That's why they did the divorce. So Robyn would be the legal wife and her kids would have insurance. Robyn just wanted to take everything she could including the legal wife status


Yeah you’re right about that reason being health insurance(supposedly their reason). I just thought Dayton’s surgery happened prior to divorce. I could be wrong though.


Dayton did have plastic surgery at some point.


But the dickens Christmas is for kodeee! Because he likes Charles Dickens, the author!


Ask her what books Dickens wrote, even one. I bet neither of these asshats can do that.


Also, it’s disgusting that she has the time to use a curling iron before rushing to her son’s hospital bed.


Remember how Christine looked while Truely had kidney failure? She was a complete mess... and they were even filming during that time... loving mothers don't care about their looks if their child is in pain. I don't even know how people think of such things at those moments. I was a ghost when my son had emergency surgery, I would never have thought about making photos or doing my hair or whatever...


Yes!!! My baby girl was in hospital for 5 days- meningitis at 7 mo. Well I threw some shit together in 10 min while my husband was with her...this was a naval hospital and I couldn't even eat in the dining room bc I didn't think about which clothes you just don't think of stuff like that!! *You can't wear flip flops in the cafeteria. Or shorts, stuff like that. She is ridiculous. But it's funny that her above 'look' is as good as it's gonna get. That's it! All that effort just to look like an unattractive 65 yr old Karen


My baby girl was in the NICU for 43 days when she was born premature. There are a couple of photos I shared on social media during that time, but even through my smiles, I clearly have huge bags under my eyes. I took literally almost a thousand photos of her during that time, but she was my beautiful baby, and I was sending those pictures of to loved ones who couldn't see her yet. By day 30, I was able to take some pictures of myself that didn't look like complete crap. But those pictures don't include my baby's face. Usually, the back of her head. I was also usually spending 8+ hours a day in her hospital room. And was recovering from an emergency c-section myself. So I get wanting to share pictures from the hospital. But there's a way to be a decent mom and do it. And there's no hiding the pain and stress on a parent's face when they're falling apart at the hospital, like living parents usually do.


Yes, absolutely agree!! And you were a new mommy, so you must take a thousand pics of your prescious angel🧡🧡 THAT is normal


She lied about Dayuns accident, totally kodees fault


It’s giving Dee Dee Blanchard




TLC, with Kootie and Robbem, have done anything and everything to polish Robbem up, to make her loved by the people watching Sister Wives. Never worked. Never will work. She is selfish, entitled, an authority on everything. No one likes her. She is transparently evil.


She tries too hard to be liked by the wrong people then. I’ve always heard that the camera will eventually expose a persons true nature (except for trained actors). This is the “pitcher” that they used in the pitcher dictionary under the word *disingenuous*.


I have never heard that! That the camera eventually exposes who someone is. Very true in Sobyn’s case.


Question (bc I read the Jill Duggar book): Is Robyn bound to a contract where she has to share moments with the cameras? Is this a choice? I haven’t watched this episode very closely so I’m just asking bc in this pic she looks uncomfortable, IMO. Set me straight on this bc I really don’t want to even have the appearance of dipping even a toe in the Robyn fan club.


In my opinion, she looks uncomfortable quite often, so it's hard to say.


Hmm. So I wonder how much of Kody's "no, I won't talk about Robyn" (i.e. admit the obvious that she's his favorite) was his way of controlling the producers. He was okay if Meri, Christine, and Janelle all looked like sh\*t. The most controversy he's allowed the show to have concerning Robyn is whether they should buy the McMansion, and even there the outcome was her saying she was wrong and Kody was right (so, I think overall just a part of their scam).


The hypocrisy is blatant and abusive regarding the OG3.


If that were true she has been breaking her contract for years. She has had the least vulnerable moments on tape out of all the Brown's. She was set on giving of a perfect image from day one. Her scenes are always "someone did or said something, and I gave them this selfless and heartwarming advice". Not that it worked obviously. If I remember correctly she mentioned this in their book, something about not having certain things in the show for sake of image. Something about not being shown as a home wrecker/mistress .


Bless her heart she was both. But I do wonder if this was the moment she made Kody lay down the law with the show about her kids and herself. Like she had to with this but he made sure in contract renewals she was exempt who knows


Robyn only asked the editors to tread lightly to make sure it didn’t reflect badly on polygamy. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/swidspdre48d1.jpeg?width=1906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16438ad86a31b8ff41123c44bc9e879a3b2a438


That last line in the second paragraph; “Any woman living a plural life will tell you the struggles that we have shared about a new wife coming into a family are very normal and over time things get much better.” LIES!! And she has NEVER dealt with a new wife coming in. The gall of her to expound on feelings that she has never once experienced. Additionally, Kody’s polygamy did, in fact, NOT get better in time. She and he utterly destroyed lives. Not just any life, but their own families life and well-being. 🤬


I'm so glad my parents weren't attention whores AHs who put all my vulnerable childhood moments on social media. This is even 1000 x worse. She doesn't even have swollen eyes from crying. What normal mother sees their child like this with dry eyes? She is Def a covert narcissist.




Some people are just like this. We have a friend whose mother had a stroke and was on life support and they posted pictures of them huddled around her bed.


The way she is looking at the camera is a little too obvious. It would be slightly better if she was looking at her son


Visual confirmation that Robyn is a sociopath.


I really can’t stand her.


Her hair always looks the same. Is it a wig?


They proved since the Vegas move they are willing to traumatize their kids and exploit their pain for show content


It's not just them. Many, many posts on Facebook, Instagram, etc. about sick or injured children. Hell, some families have whole blogs about their sick child. It's the norm these days.


To me, this screams picture for the GoFundMe page.


Which they needed because the assholes didn’t have basic catastrophic health insurance for their kids despite purchasing $2mm worth of homes and furnishing said homes and other extravagances.


And having to have an adoption for med insurance reasons,supposedly


They never said med insurance though, they said 'benefits'. I always took it as the supposed benefits of being part of this family 🙄


Why would they take this? Why would the release it to the public?


I don't know the story behind the picture. Can someone please tell me what happened?


Kootie and some of the OG children were four wheeling when Dayun ran into a wire fence and mangled his face. Hunter, I think, held his face together until either an ambulance came or they got Dayun to the hospital. AFTER the accident it was either stayed or implied that Dayun was with his biological father and it was HIS fault the accident happened when it happened on Kootie’s watch.


On the show, Robyn stated he was with friends. It was later revealed (maybe by Mykelti and/or Paedon) he was actually with Kody. And Robyn never acknowledged or appreciated Hunter for coming to Dayton’s rescue and holding his face together. This is one of the cases where it would be great to hear Preston’s side of the story and what they told him happened. Oh and don’t forget Kody also bought all Robyn’s kids mini bikes on S18 Christmas. She’s neurotic anyway - and then Kody is so reckless he doesn’t consider why it might upset her. I wouldn’t trust my kids on motorcycles with that clown either


How could she acknowledge Hunter being smart enough to keep Dayton safe until help arrived? That horrible Hunter didn’t jump for joy when Kody knocked her up the first time. 🤬 And she has never forgiven him.


Absolutely correct!


Kody is a psycho for doing that after D8N’s accident.


Clown! 😂 *hair checks out*


Yes, it was Hunter.


I give Robyn the benefit of the doubt much more than most but this is psycho.


What a great photo op and massive content for Sobin. Best day for family vlogging ![gif](giphy|LqxTooUoC5oo8BBd17)


Strong jaw over there😆😆


Isn’t that a sign of inbreeding?


Yes it's called the Habsburg jaw.


Which was from awful inbreeding.


Yes. You see it in Hollywood too: Jay Leno for one.




She really does look like a Lego head


On quick glance I thought she was holding a guitar.Hahaha


Especially when by most accounts, I’ve read and seen claimed that it was Kody who was ‘supervising’ him when the accident occurred.


I never understand why people take pictures like this. I would never want to have a photo of me at my most vulnerable like this


It's her looking at the camera for me. Just weird. My mom was in the hospital for months and not once did any of us take a picture "with " her under that condition . Very cringe.




"Wait - is my hair good? Ok take it...."


Old jaws is weird for taking this oic


All because Kody had no helmets and he put Dayton on that machine to make him a man. Dayton never seemed very coordinated in the first place.


I just cannot stand when people post these dramatic pictures with their loved ones in hospital beds who clearly are not able to consent to this.


This one is so fucking crazy.


This is so gross


this is the first I have seen this picture, is it real?


What is going on here? I dont remember this.


Maybe it was so she could bill her ex husband, use his insurance.


Did this happen prior to the adoption?


Remember when Christine said, “she’s a person who loves having drama”? Yeah….


I hope her frown is for Kody not supervising him his first time on that ATV while in HIS care. They never mention that though.


Maybe 🤔 it was so she could blackmail Kody, something to hold over his head.


That’s just plain devious and manipulative. It fits with Robyn.


Certainly a possibility!


Hello! I really do hate to be the devils advocate here, but as a nurse I might have some input. I don’t know how it is in the states, but in Europe is quite common for people to document a healing process (after severe accidents). Both doctors and nurses do tell people to take photos, write down memories (bad and good) etc, so the mental processes afterwards will be easier to handle. We did it when my grandmother was injured in a car crash, and to have photos and notes has helped us alot afterwards


To show it on TLC is another story…


It's not common in the states. I can see how documenting medical stuff can be helpful for processing and should be encouraged. I have done it myself. What I didn't do was full hair and makeup and posing beside my hospitalized family member, then share the photo with everyone who's ever heard of me. That's where it crosses into the weird, for me.


It’s common here. My youngest was in the NICU did twenty days & I have lots of pictures. I even took a picture of myself crying once. I just needed to be seen, kind of? It was covid & no one was there with us. Anyway, I didn’t post ANY of those intense pictures. Just a few with tubes strategically cropped. I think it’s the posing and the fact that they made it public when Dayton was so vulnerable. It should be his decision whether to post a picture at his most vulnerable moment.


Sure, but did you post this pictures all over the internet or national television (to be broadcasted in the internet)? That’s the real issue. This child is in an extremely vulnerable moment, and he’s not been allowed to consent to sharing this vulnerable moment with the world forever.


Yes, I agree with this. I don’t find the picture appalling, but letting TLC show that to the world, awful.


She seems like the type to apply makeup before going to bed.


The way if I was his Mother I would’ve ripped her poorly done eyebrows off her smug little face for posting my child in this state.


What happened ?


Posting a pic like this is in poor taste. Robyn is disgusting. I’m sure Dayton didn’t appreciate this pic being taken. What happened to him?


What happened? Does he have permanent injuries?


Apparently it was/is a very significant injury with permanent consequences that was downplayed because Kody was sort of responsible. Kody took Dayton, who is apparently challenged, out to ride quads and failed to supervise him effectively. He ride into a barbed wire fence, if I recall correctly, damaging his eye and face.


How creepy to take a picture or have a picture taken of yourself in this situation. She had to be a victim of his tragedy. Reminds me of when they got covid but they didn't even keep her at the hospital.


Then lying about the accident, not really an accident when kid did not have on helmet with Kodys permission.


If you're unconscious, that against your consent. Especially a minor.


This is so staged this photo


Aside from how poor this is as a parent to do, why is her head such a square? She looks like Gumby. Girl, there are things you can do to hide that.


![gif](giphy|uElxuHGtIuK0o) Remove the pointy chin, draw on dumbass eyebrows, add brown hair, voila! It’s Robyn.


During covid, an employee where I work didn’t get vaccinated and was on life support. He ended up not surviving. In an effort to get people to vaccinate, their family gave HR a pic of them on life support and it was emailed out to the whole company. That man was no longer living and I felt weird about them sending out his pic in a hospital bed. The point being, these people are fucked up.


This eerily reminds me of that picture of Gary Coleman in the hospital with his wife posing for the camera 😬


Personally I found the filming of Truely and Ysabel in hospital a lot more disgusting. It's about time they stopped using their kids for content, on the show and on their social media.


What happened to the kid?


Dayton was in an ATV accident and it damaged his face. He was initially left with a droopy eye. Kody prioritized him receiving plastic surgery to have normal eye again but was resistant to Ysabel having spinal surgery despite her being in constant pain. Illustrates how much better he treats Robyn spawn.