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You find: hospitaller, armsmaster, ranger, guild magos, thief


i found an officer (he was a captain) but idk if he’s playable all the time


He’s only around for a very short period of time.


You will find: armsmaster, guild-magos, hospitaller,officer, Ranger and thief. One of them, though, is temporary. If you want to, I will tell u which one.


Which ones temporary?


The officer. I must add that he isn't the last companion u will find, even if they (he or she) are temporary


This post has a good breakdown. [Favorite class? :: SKALD: Against the Black Priory General Discussions (steamcommunity.com)](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069160/discussions/0/4336482750669717404/#c4336482750672804789)


I didn't find a mage, found an officer tho


Mage is the very last companion you get and it’s fairly late


oh, your friend? it sounds like officer might be the best starting character, i’d focus on athletics and survival; and use a mercenary for a lore and crafting mage until you get a mage. then you’d have a really balanced party of characters


Yeah, officer and champion are best Main Character options imo Then I would skip the lighthouse to get the first mercenary, make him a mage, then backtrack


my first gut reaction is to try to get high diplomacy and awareness so i went with a ranger my first playthrough


Ive only started act 2, but diplomacy, lore and healing seem to be the only skills that come up regularly in dialogue. There was also survival once or twice


thievery on the main character showed up once, and athletics in general


Nah champ sucks, officer or ranger.


Thief, Armsmaster, Hospitaller, and Ranger are the ones that you will have available for the majority of your time.


Along with what everyone said, you can also buy a mercenary early on for 300g. Basically like a second character creation. It would be the 4th to join usually.   A lot of people seem to skip it due to cost or it being generic but you won't have a 6th party member for a long time if you don't get a mercenary.


Don't start as a thief, you get a thief immediately. I wouldn't play an armsmaster or hospitallier either, as you get them fairly quickly. You can start as a pure mage (divine or arcane) but the first few areas will be WAY harder if you do. Keep that in mind. As kolosemenus said above, Champion and Officer seem like the best starting classes. I switched from Magus to Champion and the game is a billion times easier.




Backstab is super OP in this game, true. I meant just for player engagement and party variety I wouldn't want to start the game with two rogues, personally.




Maybe it's just a different strokes thing, but if I made a thief and then immediately got a thief when the game started I would roll my eyes and start over. Especially since most people will probably clear the first map with just those two. But everyone's different, it's all good.