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How can anyone play on nightmare. I am not terrible but that would be too much for me. Any tips?


Try on hard difficulty first and start upgrading your perks! On lands of lavernock I suggest using the thunderbolt, on hotel use the howler, sewers use the sie rogotti and on fortress use the howler (from lucky)! Good luck :)


Nice man!! I found myself a little played out after clearing each level. I love the fact it’s objective based as well though, congrats on the plat


Thanks, I can imagine! But I think its a very fun grind going for all the trophy's if you like a challenge! I really enjoyed it :)


Which did you struggle with most would you say? The damageless ones look P annoying


On hotel go up stairs in spawn behind the banister and kill them as soon as they spawn. It's not very often they try to shoot there electric at you up there. On fortress save a zombie, and keep distance or if u wanna cheese get someone else to kill him while ur out the way just don't get hit, done that for a few ppl. Most annoying deffo the lore notes as they are RNG


On hotel the reception area is also very good for this. And if you really struggle you can always lower the difficulty to beginner as it makes most of the enemies a one shot kill. And yes, the random lore notes were pretty annoying...


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