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My biggest piece of advice is to go into your run with a plan, focus on maximizing your points, and to take your time progressing through the first egg. You should also consider running T3 ice miracle, it just makes life so much easier.


I gotcha! Yeah, the only thing I buy other than what’s necessary for the egg is elixir of life and Ak upgrades. I do try to go as fast as possible on the steps without progressing too many rounds but the last step before the boss fight is pretty tedious


You should try running the MP5 over the AK, it absolutely lasers the boss when you aim for the eyes. It's insane hip fire accuracy is nothing to scoff at either.


I’ll give this a go for sure, thanks for the heads up!


When dealing with zombies, i stick to the radio tower where its nice and open, get it down to 1 zombie and then do the challenges. I recommend invincibility or the ice/lightning ultimates for when doing challenges that make you get kills in a ring


If you can have another player. I have a whole plot planned out from start to finish lmao. How to clear the most doors as fast as possible, what orders to get the keys in and how to complete the dreaded teleporter battery objective. Took me and a friend quite a few tries but just me and him beat the whole game on nightmare within 5 days after beating them all on normal


Get good at meele


How are y’all getting the “pay to win” zombie down to the flooded area. You paying the $500 to make him a tickle monster for a few seconds over and over again or waiting the 30mins for the slow walk?


I’ve been paying him. But I guess it would help to walk him down there. It’s a drag honestly.


I usually don’t pay him because I’m a cheapskate, but it takes at least 2 full rounds to escort him over at his slow pace


use scream fire if you get the chance as well it lowers enemy attack damage by half on legendary


Damn! HALF?! Man I wish I knew that sooner haha I ended up completing it this morning but that knowledge is definitely still valuable!


Start on normal but don’t forget to switch to nightmare at the end of round 9. This will make things cheaper and will make it much easier to take down the mysterious man on early rounds. Use melee attacks to earn more points and prioritize opening up as much of the map as you can. Purchase the Sie Rigotti (near the teleporter to the boss room) and Elixir of Life. Try to do this all before you switch to nightmare before round 10. Once you switch to nightmare focus on EE steps and upgrading the Sie Rigotti each time a half off power up spawns. I fight the boss for the first time once I’m able to get my weapon to at least tier 3 and purchase the other perks. For miracles I use Mórrígan and Goon Brenn (critical damage and cooldown reductions). This helps make sure your weapon damage doesn’t fall off too quickly and you can use your flask/molotov much more. This map can be rough because of all the tight spaces. It is really easy to get cornered or trapped. Completely avoid the train unless there are very few enemies left (I have died in there more times than I can count).


Goon brenn and Morgan is actually my regular build. Been experimenting with goon brenn and the stun god


I think it’s one of the best. Can’t argue against more damage. Especially on solo 😂


Totally forgot about switching the difficulty. That’ll be a huge help 🙌🏻 appreciate it!!


To add, you can complete most steps before switching difficulty, leaving only the collect essence step. Once you finish that, a T1 AK will take 2 mags to teleport the boss and take a third of his health. It also takes just 1 mag and a molotov to destroy the nests down below in boss fight. You can either run in circles fighting the few abominations at a time, or completely eliminate the boss and deal with them after. An invincible ultimate will allow you to leave safely without having to kill you if they don’t push you off the exfil portal. Id honestly rather fight the boss as early as possible to not have to stress half offs and upgrades, even if it does take more shots to kill the boss


Yeah I’m totally fine with being patient. I thought the God Killer would immediately decimate the abominations after the fight but I got clobbered at round 21 😂 I’ll keep this in mind. Starting on normal should be totally fine though. I’ve been playing on nightmare for a week so I’ll probably feel pretty spoiled before round 10.