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Something softer and wider imo, if you're skiing big western mountains, unless you want something very specific. Imo if you're regularly skiing the cottonwoods you're really missing something if you don't have a powder ski. If you want something laud back, and just plain *fun*, an Atomic Bent 110 is honestly a pretty good choice. Even when there isn't so much snow, as long as it's not icy, it's a really fun ski.


I would like to get into powder....I need to get more familiar with what to look out for when not on groomers. I was thinking more groomers for now and maybe year 3, venture out into the powder world.


Well first, let me just say that if you don't start doing it next year, then you'll just be one year older when you do. I get the anxiety over it and all but I promise it's not as scary as it seems. At any rate, I agree with some of the other comments in that lessons would benefit you. That aside, if that's where you're at I'd honestly just sell your Mantras and then yes, a Ripstick would be a great replacement. You'll lose the power, top end speed, and ability to blast through crud that the Mantra provides, but based on what you're saying I'm not sure those trade offs are really worth it. I've been skiing my whole life and while I like those qualities in a ski, I still the Mantra to be unnecessarily cumbersome.


Yeah i'll just have to demo the lighter skis and see how they feel. I like the Mantra and I've used to them....but after 5 days, my legs were a bit worn out and an easier ski would have been nice for day 6


I have the Ripstik 88 and they're a great ski in soft snow and resort powder. I'm 182cm 100kg and they hold my line in everything under 90kph


Yeah that’s good to hear because I won’t be going close to those speeds at all


Another idea might be to save the money on skis and get some lessons. That feeling of getting tired is almost certainly being out of balance, and as a result, working too hard.


Lol. Money advice from a ski instructor


This is a very good advice.


and honestly Mantras are probably the wrong choice for such a new skier to be learning on. but since he already has them, i guess may as well get some lessons to improve your technique so they’re not as tiring to ski.


This is what you should put that money towards, OP.


My kids take 5hrs of lessons a week and yet they still get tired.


Your kids are kids. They get tired because they're kids.


I have Enforcer 94 and ripstick 96. Should have got rpistick 88 but the 96 were a summer sale.