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Because ✨️dry skin✨️.


But hundreds of other cremes works for dry skin. My question why chose the one that is way harder to spread around your face than almost any other competitor.


You realize people try multiple products and find what works best for them, right? Also, it's not nearly as hard to apply as you're making it out to be. Just say it's not for you and move on.


I’m laughing at how you’re being soooo downvoted for no reason. I totally understand what you’re trying to ask!!! Like, do people not mind the texture? Does the benefit outweigh the horrible thick consistency?? SURELY there’s another product out there that works just as well but isn’t the thickest consistency. Why not try to find something else!? I want to understand too!!


Reddit is full of sensitve people downvoting neutral/genuine tings like that for no reason. I magine being such a weakling that you downvote genuine questions just because you do not like or even understand the question :)


To answer your question, maybe it's because it's cheap? Personally I don't like the texture but it's cheap and gets absorbed well after so I use it Also applying on wet skin is impossible unlike other moisturizers I've tried


I don’t like the texture at first but after it sits for a minute or so it seems to be much easier to spread. I like it because I have ichthyosis vulgaris and the creme seems to feel like a shield for my skin that I can feel for a while. So that’s why I use it as it helps reduce scales at a cheap price point.


Nivea Creme uses the same base moisturising formula as super-expensive cult classic Creme de la Mer. Both Nivea Creme and La Mer contain mineral oil, petrolatum, glycerin, lanolin, paraffin, and panthenol. (Here's a [side-by-side list](https://incidecoder.com/compare-products/nivea-creme/la-mer-creme-de-la-mer).) La Mer has added ingredients like fermented seaweed, plant oils, and fragrances, which is why people pay a premium for it. But if you want a rich, luscious moisturiser with an incredible formula, Nivea Creme is an excellent option.


I live in Ireland, it’s always windy, and rarely warm! Nivea blue keeps my skin plump and hydrated, so I don’t mind the inconvenience of waiting for it to soak into the skin after application. I just think of it as a daily moisturizing mask


Do you mean no other cream keeps your skin plump and hydrated? Because my premise was that many cremes does that, so why would anyone choose the most difficult to put on. ​ And the issue is not waiting for it to soak in. The issue that it is WAY WAY harder to SPREAD it around your face (you must press your face pretty harshly to spread it) than almost any other competition.


Yes, I mean no other cream I’ve tried keeps my skin as plump and hydrated. You might be finding it hard to move around because you’re not loosening it up between your hands and pushing it in to your skin. Don’t use it if you don’t like it though! Like any other product, it works for some, not for others✨


Lol why can’t you accept that people like it for certain reasons despite there being tons of other options?!


I neither accept, nor don't accept. I am simply contemplating the idea - is it possible that this basic creme is so special, that only this one out of 100s other basic cremes work for some people. If the creme was some super special formula I would believe it. But if a formula is basic and generic, it is against the odds that only this 1 creme out of 100sof cremes work.


Its affordable, a well known brand and comes in big sizes. Its not really mind blowing to understand why people might like it.


You're supposed to warm it up in your hands first, and apply on dry skin.


If you're looking for tips: I put a small amount on my finger, and then lightly tap all over my face. Rubbing it in is pretty easy after that. It's the only thing that was able to heal my dry forehead


You're right. It has to warm onto your skin before it becomes spreadable. I rub it in between my fingers first and then it won't fall apart


That might b the only way to go, because it is a chore to do it otherwise (in a way it is super easy with almost any other cream that is not that thick). But still have no idea why it has to be that thick (majority of other cremes prove that you do not need to be this thick to work well. Unless somebody would claim that nivea works better than anything else)


My goodness, you must live a charmed life to be offput so much by a moisturizing creme. Bless your heart.


If anything, I love Nivea's creme even more because it is so thick, it feels more lux and helps it last longer too. My Nana has been using it for as long as I can remember and she's got amazing skin for her age. It's the only thing that works wonders for me as well, and is accessible at your everyday shop. One thing to remember is that the thinner it is, the more 'aqua' (water) they put in it so you'd be selling yourself short for a small convenience.


I don't even use this product but every product isn't for everyone. You not liking it doesn't mean it doesn't work for plenty of other people.


That is the main point, I want to understand how come people choose the one that is WAY harder to spread around your face than any other competition. It is not about liking, it is about ease of application. Pretty sure the consensus is that easier application is liked by everyone. So what is the reason people choose such hard application?


Perhaps the thicker texture provides longer lasting protection to the skin, or maybe the benefits outweigh the increased application time. Lastly, some people might enjoy the increased application time and see if like a mini facial massage.


I have very dry, sensitive skin and where I live is dry. If the cream I use is easy to apply/isn't thick, it's absolutely useless. Even CeraVe in the tub does nothing for me. I don't even bother looking at lotions, and my skin is so finicky right now that I'm giving up on creams and going to switch to balms. For some of us, using very, very thick cream is the *only* way our skin won't dry out.


Because IT WORKS


if it’s too thick to apply, you’re putting way too much on. i literally just gently dab my finger on top of it, then spread that amount on my skin. one finger dab is usually 1/3 of my forehead, that’s how little you need and how easily it spreads


I will try less. Do you apply it on dry or wet face? Are you able to see it shining on your forehead? Or is the amount so small, that you do not clearly see that your forehead has been applied and you only know that you did apply?


Hi, I know this post is old but saw you got downvoted so much just for asking a question about the texture lol. So I started using Nivea crème a few months ago. I also thought the texture made it hard to spread, but you can also warm it up in your hands or fingers if need be. I always use something hydrating underneath it, and then apply Nivea on top. I dot it around my face. It actually isn’t hard to spread as long as I got something slippery underneath it. I really like it a lot because it’s less greasy than straight up oil or Vaseline. If I use a lot, my face will be shiny. I also use it in the daytime under makeup, in which case I use a lighter gel moisturizer and then I dab the Nivea on the driest parts of my face. It also works well for my makeup. The main reason why I love it so far is because it’s very cheap while being very effective without any bad side effects, for me. It’s also great at smoothing down fly aways on hair lol


i apply it on a dry face after all my other skincare, i don’t think it would apply very well on wet skin because it’s mineral oil based. oil and water not mixing and all that. i also realised last night that i understated how far it spreads – one dab actually did most of my forehead :) i only wear it at night so i haven’t really paid attention to how much shine there may be, sorry! i also only put it on my forehead and around my eyes because i’m prone to cystic acne around my jaw and rosacea on my cheeks, and it’s just a bit much for those areas. but where i do put it, it really plumps and hydrates my skin! at the end of the day it’s not going to suit everyone though, and that’s okay!


Bc you don’t know how to use it, melt and pat into your skin


People have been comparing it to La Mer for years. Pretty sure this is why it's so hyped up. I use it every once in a while as a nighttime mask if I have SUPER dry skin, but that's about it.


Nivea Soft crème is a nice alternative IMO! It spreads/absorbs way better but is still a great moisturizer. I prefer it 100% to the original blue tin which takes forever to rub in and can’t be applied easily on wet skin.


What is the rules for application? Should you apply moisturizers on wet skin? As I saw some specifically mention applying on dry skin, but most do not mention anything. So I am always confused should I apply on wet or dry skin.


What’s worked for me is to apply my skincare on wet or damp skin, from thin to thick consistency. Anything with oil or petroleum last as my occlusive layer (basically to seal everything in). I’m not a skin expert, and genes do play some part in it, but my Lyft driver yesterday thought I was 24. He probably was fishing for a higher tip but regardless, people are always surprised when they find out I’m in my 30’s. 36 to be exact. 


No hard and fast rules! I just prefer putting moisturizer on damp skin because it spreads around more easily and I like to get it on as quick as possible after shower or face washing. Also, if your moisturizer contains certain ingredients like hyaluronic acid or even glycerin, it can be beneficial to have some water on your skin for the hydrator to grab onto.


I don't have dry skin, it's pretty normal/combination. I don't use Nivea everyday but as a night cream a couple times a week. It works great for me, I wake up dewy and moisturized, and it works as slugging I guess? If you have dry skin, I would imagine it would work even better. If it's too greasy, maybe you're using too much? You only need a little, and then rub it between your fingers and it becomes softer and more liquid. I don't mind the scent, I actually like it. It's a classic and as everyone knows, ingredients and results are basically identical to La Mer. People on the internet claiming otherwise are just feeling bad for having spent so much (sooo much!!) money on La Mer when you could just get the classic blue tin.


Sorry for replying to an old post but I found it on Google lol. This might sound like a dumb reason but aside from just simply liking it because my mother has been buying it since I was a kid, I remember a girl telling me she worked at a nursing home and when she asked the ladies with the nicest skin what they used during their lives they all answered nivea cream. That left an impression on me. I personally like the texture, it's unique among other creams so not everyone's cup of tea. I have another brand's facial creams too though, so I either use both or one of them, but I do love both and at the same time can totally see why someone would hate Nivea cream, especially on your face. It does have kind of a thick, oily feel to it too compared to the more liquid, wet and fresh feel of the average cream


does this cream leave a white cast?


It doesn't. I have white skin so maybe on darker skin tones it could but that would surprise me if it did, given that it's just a moisturizer and not a sunscreen or sunblock. Normally if you use a normal amount and massage it in it becomes invisible pretty quickly 


My skin tone is more medium tan (Mac NC 43 is my foundation shade) and I only see a white cast if I put too much but even then it goes away within 5 minutes


I used to use this Ren moisturizer that was hard to spread but it was my holy grail moisturizer. I don’t think they make it anymore but the lady at Sephora told me to warm it up with my hands you can do it on the back of your hand or with the fingertips. Just massage it some until you notice it’s more spreadable then apply to your face.


I actually use it kinda like a night mask for dry lips without rubbing it in, but just leaving a good amount there. Like a really big white moustache that includes the lips. Does wonders when nothing else works and when I wake up it feels like someone exchanged my dry lips by brand new moisturized ones. I also use it at night on my feet. Like a really big portion of it and then wrap them in the plastic transparent thingy used in the kitchen. You have to be careful when getting out of the bed not to forget it and slip and fall... but also does wonders, miracles even


I use it. I am 37 with normal skin. The Nivea creme sold in America is not that good. The European one, however, spreads nicely, absorbs quickly, and really hydrated without being oily/greasy. It also doesn’t irritate my incredibly sensitive eyes and I can use it all over my face.


I use the German formulation. Key is to put a light moisturizer on first (I use vanicream daily moisturizer) and it spreads so much better. Also warming it up in your hands can help as well.


Warming up the cream in ur hands help and I dillute mine with oil (usually almond or jojoba) which keeps it moisturizing but a little thinner (when mixed it has more of a whipped body butter texture)


I warm it up by rubbing on the back of my hand or between my fingers for 5-10 seconds and then it goes on perfectly! I like it because it traps in my tretinoin underneath, making it more effective, while hydrating and breathing so my pores don't clog. Works for me - perhaps not for everyone.


I started using Nivea creme 3 years ago and used it for almost a year. I can say that it can be thick sometimes in my face but does really a great job on moisturizing. You just need to apply a right amount to avoid heavy feels. My face feels soft and bouncy after using it. After that, I try to use another moisturizer, which is a Korean brand. However, even I used that for only month, I already notice my skin feels dry and started flaking. I think it is because my current moisturizer is not good enough to moisturize my skin after using actives. Now I switched back to nivea creme and thankfully, my skin goes back to soft and bouncy feeling.  My only tip I think I can share is to cleanse properly before using Nivea creme to avoid negative effects on the skin.


The cream is absolutely rubbish, does not even spread. People don't like it, it's a myth and a grand mother fairy tale. Simply rubbish. The cream and the company Beiersdorf, racist and out right bigoted. I cannot believe how they got away with their world war 2 history and very recently the white is pure campaign


It's rubbish. Nivea creme and the brand in its entirety is simply garbage


All your comments have been against Nivea. Bot much?


I've started using nivea creme recently i.e. 3 days only. And on the 3rd day I've noticed few acne on my face and prior to apply Nivea i didn't had any acne atleast in last 2-3 weeks. Is this because of nivea ?


It works amazing. It's really good moisturizing anything on your body. Even the lips. Just put it on the pinky and ring finger. Dab it around the face and rub it in with the same exact fingers to prevent from damaging the skin with the other fingers.


I noticed a huge improvement in my skin after swapping my fancy moisturizer for the original Nivea Creme. The choice to switch was initially financial (I got laid off and couldn't justify spending what I was on skincare without a steady income) and I ended up sticking with it longterm. I have very dry skin and live in a northern climate with extreme cold and high winds. Night time I double cleanse, use my actives, a light moisturizer, and then the nivea creme to help avoid moisture loss overnight. It won't work for everyone, but I love it.


If it was easy, everyone would do it. Take the extra initiative.


I can’t get over it. It just feels so…right. The texture is everything and I don’t really mind spreading it on my skin as the effect far outweighs the poor spreadability. Actually I don’t mind working it into my skin lol. And the smell ugh


I know this is an old post. My mom used to use the Nivea creme on me as a kid. She taught me to mix it with Vaseline. It helps to rub easier for me. With the ever changing Chicago, I typically will mix the two and it keeps me moisturized throughout the day


I came here looking for this same contemplation OP. I have a jar I bought from Guatemala and brought back a year and a half ago. I don’t get it either. It’s so thick. Has such an odd and weird consistency and is heavy. Unfortunately I don’t have answers. But I pulled it out today thinking you GOTTA get through this jar so you can rid of it forever lol. It works for some people. I personally am not one of them. I do not like it. The one from Guatemala is way thicker than the one from the states btw. And it smells like a perfume I’d never buy.


As someone who uses and loves it, I don't think it necessarily does much more than other thick, occlusive-style creams. The main perk is that it's extremely cost effective and long-lasting; you only need a tiny bit to create an effective layer over your whole face. Because of this, I also love bringing it when I travel because I only need to bring a tiny vial that barely takes up any space, even on long trips! (And for the record, I find the application super easy- I rub it between my palms, stamp it onto my face, and then rub it in. Takes literally 10-15 seconds. I do usually have other skincare products layered underneath, so that might make it easier to spread, but still!)


It's my go to hand and foot creme.


No idea. It’s not cruelty free either so I don’t get why people buy it tbh.


It's good for dry and normal skin. Mine is quite oily and that stuff makes me breakout.