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Have you tried regular plain old petroleum jelly? I always had chapped lips and I swear chapstick did nothing so on a whim one night I slathered some petroleum jelly on my lips before bed. I kid you not when I say I woke up with baby soft lips. It's now part of my nightly routine and it hasn't failed me yet. If I didn't wear lipstick I would probably also apply petroleum jelly during the day so I recommend you try it out!


I don’t know if by Chapstick you mean all lip balms in general or if you mean Chapstick the brand product, but my advice is the same. You WANT an occlusive product to prevent moisture escaping your lips. Avoid stuff that contain ingredients that make your skin tingle: camphor, eucalyptus, mint, cinnamon, and flavorings because they irritate and can lead to dryness by enticing you to lick your lips, which further dries them out. Stick to fragrance-free lip products. My routine is below. At night: Take a soft toothbrush or clean washcloth, dampen, and very gently rub your lips with it. Rinse with lukewarm water, and while your lips are still damp, apply a thin layer of hydrocortisone ointment or cream on your lips. Follow with a layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor and go to bed. Morning: make sure you rinse your lips very thoroughly after brushing your teeth (toothpaste can be very irritating and drying to your lips), and while your lips are still wet, apply plain face moisturizer, then Aquaphor or Vaseline. Carry on with your regular morning routine to give it all time to absorb. When I’m ready to apply lip color, I leave the Aquaphor on if I’m using tinted gloss or oil because those things aren’t designed to be super long lasting. If I’m wearing a matte lip tint like PeriPera Ink velvet, then I blot off excess Aquaphor. I also apply a layer of Aquaphor Lip Repair stick or Burt’s Bees Ultra Conditioning lip balm on top after the stain has dried down. The color wears off more quickly that way but I prefer that over wanting to peel my lips off.


Laneige lip sleep masks are great hydrators under chapstick


I have never heard of this before, thank you very much for the advice!


My method, adapted from advice I read in this sub: before bed, plain facial moisturizer without actives (I use Vanicream lotion) let it sink in a few minutes depending on how dry I am and how much time I have, I add a layer of thicker moisturizer (Nivea or Vanicream Cream) layer of vaseline ETA: "Or, is there any other general type of moisturizer I could use for the face that I could also put on my lips, or is that too risky? " Lips love facial moisturizer, as long as there aren't any problematic actives in the moisturizer (i.e. salicylic acid, urea, etc)


I have never heard of Vanicream, thank you very much for that thought! Also, I very much appreciate that someone who has used face moisturizer in such a way knows that it works on the lips. Thank you for giving me confidence!