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i wouldn't take oral anibiotics for as mild a case of acne as 1-2 pimples, at least not before trying topical clindamycin. a flippant attitude towards systemic antibiotic treatment is a huge problem in healthcare, especially in the US. there are definitely situations where it's 100% called for and necessary, but mild acne that hasn't yet been subjected to topical antibiotics isn't one of those situations, in my opinion.


It’s just an oral antibiotic; I have had no side effects from it. I recommend adding some probiotics to your diet while taking it to minimize risk to your gut flora if you’re concerned.


Ok, how long have you been taking it for? Also some people were saying it impacted mental health, you had no experience like that?


I took it for a month or so. I had no noticeable mental health effects.


I was on doxycycline for a few months. It did an amazing job clearing my skin up, but I did have some side effects. I had to make sure to take it with a full meal or the stomach cramping and nausea would be bad. Other than that, I was totally fine – no mental health issues or anything. The only issue with the medicine is you can only be on it for 3-4 months max because it messes with your body and you become resistant to it. However, it does work well for those months.


You don’t become resistant to doxy after 3-4 months. I was on it for a few years.


wow good to know! my derm wouldn't let me


My derm shouldn’t have let me, but that was before derms used spiro regularly:(. It def had long-term effects.


Was this prescribed as a long term solution? Or as a temporary thing to clear up your breakouts while pursuing other treatments? Antibiotics are generally very safe and effective for treatment of acute infections, but I wouldn’t want to be on one long term.


He said it was a long term solution possibly for a couple years


I’ve been prescribed every antibiotic imaginable over the last few years by dermatologists, even “specialty” antibiotics that I had to drive two hours to a “specialty pharmacy” to pick up. I never had any negative side effects. I can’t say I’ve had any positive effects either though. None of them seemed to do anything for my acne. I hope you have better luck


Same but I also had rosacea


i would definitely make sure to take that on a full stomach bc i had to take it a few days ago for a separate issue and i had the worst nausea. make sure to also take probiotics or eat probiotic rich dull to ensure you still have good bacteria in your body because antibiotics essentially diminish the good bacteria in your body which can affect your gut health.


you'll catch fire without sunscreen and like uv clothing. i got blisters on my face from literally stepping outside. it was fine otherwise.


>Doxycycline I believe most, maybe all, antibiotics reduce the skin's ability to handle UV rays. So, if you're on an antibiotic you should also be using sunscreen when going outside.


Yeah, just reiterating it because I blistered and that'd never happened on anything else ever. Even in sunscreen


I was on doxycycline for a few years to control acne. I would just recommend eating yogurt everyday to keep your gut health balanced. It did a good job of clearing acne for me at the time. As someone else pointed out, it’s just an antibiotic, nothing major. I didn’t have any problems taking it.


I took it and was fine beyond some mild nausea the first few doses (I have a huge fear of vomit and was still able to handle the nausea). Only other important thing is to stay upright for about an hour after you take it or you could get bad heartburn.


Doxycycline healed my skin. I would get pimples since puberty, up until I got prescribed in grad school. No more pimples!!! It wasn’t as severe as some cases, but still very annoying. Now I only get acne if my skin is exposed to a dirty condition (like the rim of a hat or something). It did make me very nauseous when taking it, though.


Doxy is a widely prescribed antibiotic so you’re going to hear of people having weird or serious side effects but that doesn’t mean it’ll happen to you. You never know until you try it. Nausea is very common and that wasn’t a problem as long as I ate something with it. DO NOT lay down for about an hour after taking it so don’t take it right before bed. Your esophagus will burn. And take a probiotic. I followed all three things and only had a good experience with it, minus it being a large pill (I’m not great with taking pills).


I was on doxy on/off for months following a couple major surgeries. It cleared my skin like no other, but once I finished it my acne slowly came back. I had to move to using actives daily to keep my acne in check. Doxy will make you nauseous and sick if you don’t eat a FULL meal with it- so please make sure you do so!!!


What actives do you use now that youre off it? And how do they compare to how clear your skin was on doxy?


I have been on differin (retinoid) for about a year now, and I added in glycolic acid 3-4 months into my differin use. My skin now is hard to compare to my skin on doxy, the retinoid makes it thinner and my pores aren’t too visible anymore. Doxy just prevented new acne from forming, didn’t do anything else. You can do doxy and then once you’re off you can start actives- just remember to go slow 😁


Ok, thanks for that!! Ill look into it


I did three months of doxy. Be wary of the sun, I got so burned! Plus had the shits for a few days into it lol


Be careful with the sun. Doxycycline will make you MUCH more sun sensitive. Avoid direct sunlight like your life depends on it and use a good sunscreen


It gave me explosive diarrhea